Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: global nation

What was the source of the coal wars in England?

It was Datang people who announced last year that they expected that the amount of coal purchased would be reduced by about 20% compared with last year. The reason is that the coal production capacity of Datang in the Americas and other overseas territories has risen sharply, and the European coal market has begun to decrease. These mining companies have successively lowered their coal purchases across Europe.

However, the coal traders in England had predicted that the coal demand of the Tang Dynasty would continue to increase, so they increased production one by one, and the lords of each territory were also vigorously developing coal.

As a result, Datang people came, not only to increase the purchase volume, but to reduce the purchase volume.

What does this mean, it means overcapacity!

In this world, except for the people of Datang, there are really not many people who buy hundreds of tons or even millions of tons of coal at every turn.

What if so much coal cannot be sold?

The English royal family chose the simplest solution. They blocked the main coal export base, which is London, and did not allow coal from hostile lords to be transported. Only the royal family and the lords who were inclined to the royal family were allowed to transport coal for sale.

Anyway, the Datang people stayed in London to buy coal. As long as the quantity was sufficient, the quality was acceptable, and the price did not go up, the Datang people would not care who the coal belonged to.

But the other lords are not to be provoked. As soon as the transportation channels were blocked, they rebelled directly. Many great nobles have already joined forces to fight against London.

This war, which started last fall and is still going on, is also known as the coal war on the European side.

Of course, although this war was caused by coal, there are many deeper reasons. The coal embargo is just a spark, which directly ignited the huge contradictions accumulated in England in recent decades.

From the situation of the Moroccan royal family and the English royal family, it can be seen that although the Datang people do not interfere in the internal affairs of the indigenous people, and they are really too lazy to interfere, the huge Tang Dynasty is still affecting the world in all aspects.

Even a small change in the Tang Empire is enough to cause violent turmoil in a certain area.

From this, you can feel more intuitively why these indigenous countries want the Tang people to go to them to build cities.

With the example of Ceuta, many European countries hope that Datang will establish a city there, even the Golden Kingdom of Tatar revealed this meaning through the Dutch.

It is said that since you have all occupied the Danish Islands, but don’t just garrison the army, let’s do some industry and commerce, then it’s not good for us to do business happily!

As for security issues, you Datang people still have to worry about security issues?

We are not stupid, and we will definitely not start a war with you on the sea. Don't you think that those sailboats of ours can only beat your ironclad ships? We are also afraid of death!

However, the Tang people did not agree!

The Danish Archipelago is just a purely military base. Although there are some immigrants in the area, the number of immigrants is very small, and Datang has no idea of ​​doing business here.

Land, for the current Datang Empire, is not lacking.

What is lacking is homeland and overseas territories that are fertile and easy to develop agriculture.

As for ordinary places, Datang is still very much in shortage.

Ceuta is actually not a very good agricultural base, and there are no minerals or the like. For the people of Datang, this place is just a shipping transfer station.

The real development focus is actually in the east of Egypt.

The Egyptian state, which is under the Red Sea Affairs Yamen, is very fertile. According to the government's estimate, this Egyptian state is properly developed and can accommodate at least three million immigrants. Today, there are about two hundred thousand immigrants from the local area.

Don't think this number is small, you have to know that when the Tang people go overseas, they have to divide a lot of land. In the same place, in the hands of the indigenous people, tens of millions or even more people can survive, but in the hands of the Tang Dynasty , at most it maintains a population of several million.

North America is a large area with a population of just over 10 million today.

Maybe the population of these places will increase in the future, but the current overseas territories of Datang are definitely sparsely populated.

The same is true of Ceuta. The place is quite large, but the population is only tens of thousands. Except for the high value of arable land, the rest of the wasteland is basically worthless.

The land is cheap, which means that the price of the house cannot be too high. The main price is reflected in the building itself, and the added value of the land is relatively small.

The house that George bought only cost more than 800 Tang Yuan.

However, to maintain the normal operation of this courtyard, the follow-up costs are quite large. At least the servants have to hire at least two more people, at least one coachman, groom and gardener, and one maid to help.

In addition to Catherine's words, the cost of hiring servants alone would cost nearly one hundred Tang Yuan. Although the salary of ordinary temporary resident servants was low, each person would have to pay at least twenty or thirty Tang Yuan.

But this is within George's tolerance.

In fact, it is in a place like Ceuta that George can afford to buy a large manor and hire a few more servants. If it is exchanged for the land, he can't count on his income.

Even in South Africa, it is not feasible. South Africa relies on shipping routes, and more importantly, relying on the South African plains and the South African gold mines in the north, attracting a large number of immigrants from the mainland. Today, the permanent population of South Africa is nearly 400,000. The port of South Africa It is also quite prosperous. Some courtyards in good locations are relatively expensive, and even the salaries of temporary resident servants are relatively high.

Ceuta is still relatively backward, mainly because the population of Datang people is relatively small.

After all, for Datang people Ceuta is still too far away and close to Europe.

Except for businessmen, very few people from the Tang Dynasty would come to this place. Europe these days is not attractive to the people of the Tang Dynasty at all, and there are actually relatively few ordinary immigrants.

In the past two years, the Datang officials have stopped allocating immigrants to these overseas territories. Now, the Datang official immigration and reclamation department is mainly focused on the development of Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and other regions. For immigration work in overseas territories, in addition to A very small number of strategically important places, such as the former Danish Islands, Spaka Bay and other places with military strategic value will send official immigrants, and immigration work in other overseas territories is basically left to their own devices.

If the people of the Tang Dynasty wanted to immigrate to these places, the immigration settlement department would not stop them, but the immigration settlement department would not encourage immigrants to go to these places.

But even so, a large number of people go overseas to emigrate every year.

Through a large number of immigrants, it is inevitable for the Tang people to form a global nation!

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