Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 209: Unexpectedly, it came down

Seeing that his cavalry team was following the retreating Ming army and rushed to the gate of the city, Li Xuan was not happy at all, but full of anger!

This is not only because Li Xuan never planned to actually attack Zhengtai County from the beginning to the end, but also because the actions of the cavalry squad were completely self-initiated, and he never ordered the cavalry to follow the retreating Ming army into the city.

It is very obvious that Cao Mingda, the captain of the cavalry, saw the opportunity to follow the Ming army into the city during the pursuit, so he decided to continue the pursuit without asking Li Xuan, and wanted to follow the Ming army into the city.

This is clear disobedience!

Damn, Cao Mingda, this bastard, should not have let this person be the captain of the cavalry team in the first place, even if Fang Dongquan strongly recommended that he should not have agreed to it in the first place.

This Cao Mingda is a veteran bandit in Huangzhu Mountain. Because he knows a little about horsemanship, he became a cavalryman when he established a cavalry squad at the beginning of the year. Recommended, so Cao Mingda became the first captain of the cavalry squad.

Because of his outstanding martial arts skills and daring to fight, this man personally led a cavalry squad to fight against Ming army scout cavalry many times, and beheaded several Ming army scout cavalry.

But this person is different from Butcher Chen, and even Li Xuan was a little reluctant to appoint him as the captain of the cavalry team. This person is not very obedient.

This disobedience does not mean that he just doesn't listen to Li Xuan's words. He doesn't listen to Fang Dongquan very much either.

But for the sake of this person's daring to fight, and his good military exploits, Li Xuan has always turned a blind eye to his self-assertion.

But what Li Xuan did not expect was that on such an important occasion today, this Cao Mingda even disregarded the overall situation and pursued the Ming army without authorization.

And more importantly, because of the sudden incident and the short distance, when Li Xuan found out that he was chasing after him with a cavalry team, it was too late to stop him.

At this time, the cavalry squad was already following the Ming cavalry and rushed to the suspension bridge!

The Ming army also found that the situation was in critical condition, and Xu Xiancheng ordered the city gate to be closed immediately. For this reason, the Ming army cavalry who were still outside the city did not hesitate to give up, in order to avoid letting those fake The cavalry of the Tang bandit army followed into the city.

Once the cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army is allowed to enter, it is unlikely that the city gate will be closed again, because the pseudo-Tang bandit army that is dozens of steps behind will come forward to respond in a very short time.

The Ming army soldiers behind the city gate tried their best to close the city gate under the loud scolding of Xu Xiancheng, but it was too late to close the city gate at this time.

It was not Cao Mingda's cavalry that blocked them, but the Ming army's own cavalry that blocked them!

Those Ming cavalrymen didn't want to be locked out. After rushing to the suspension bridge, they rushed towards the half-opened city gate without any loss of speed. The head of the armored Baihu shouted, "Stop for Lao Tzu. open!"

After a while, the horse jumped in from the half-open city gate, and even bumped into two soldiers who were trying to close the city gate. After the hundred households entered the city, the cavalry behind them entered one after another.

After the Ming army cavalry, it was the Tang army cavalry squad led by Cao Mingda!

When several Ming army officers at the city gate saw that they could no longer close the city gate, they shouted: "Quick, rush up and block the city gate!"

Since the city gate can no longer be closed, it can only be blocked by people!

What happened at the gate of the city made Li Xuan, who was behind him, look both angry and worried.

Cao Mingda's death was not a pity, but the cavalry squad of ten or so people could not be damaged at the city gate, and they had to be brought back.

Immediately, he said to the messenger: "Let the cavalry team retreat immediately, and let General Chen attack and prepare to meet the cavalry team!"

"Let the musket team and archers keep suppressing the city, and never let one enemy archer emerge!"

Although the cavalry team attacked the city too quickly, it completely destroyed Li Xuan's original plan, but at this time he was too late to punish Cao Mingda or regret something. The most important thing now is to withdraw the cavalry team. .

After the order was passed, several messengers on the front line began to shout gold, which was a signal for the cavalry to retreat!

After hearing the signal of Ming Jin, Cao Mingda in front seemed to wake up, and immediately shouted: "Retreat... Retreat..."

But he soon discovered that even if he wanted to take people to retreat, he couldn't retreat.

Because at this time, his cavalry squad had already crossed the suspension bridge and was rushing towards the Chengmen Cave. A few of the fast runners had even rushed into the Chengmen Cave. The high-speed galloping horses had knocked over several Ming soldiers in a row.

Others are also riding horses charging at high speed. It is possible to stop when they stop. Even if they want to turn halfway and cross under the city wall, it is impossible, because there are high resistance horses on both sides of the city gate.

As for turning and retreating in place, it is even more nonsense. I have never seen a cavalry charge who can turn around in place and then turn to retreat. Generally, most of them make sharp turns to retreat, just like the previous Ming cavalry, but because of Cao Mingda and the others were unable to turn the horses on both sides.

Under the current circumstances, he either forcibly stopped, gave up the brothers who had already rushed up, and fled back with the remaining people under the enemy's bow and arrow counterattack. As for how much he could escape back, it was unknown, or he had to bite the bullet. Continue to rush up and fight with the Ming army, wait for the support of the main force, and then look for an opportunity to retreat.

After the impulse just now disappeared, Cao Mingda also became afraid. He was afraid that his cavalry team would be damaged here, and he was even more afraid that his life would be lost here.

At this moment, he turned his head and looked back, and saw that Butcher Chen was already running with dozens of sword and shield soldiers and spearmen, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Brothers, hold on, General Chen, they have already Bring someone here to support us!"

While talking, he himself and the rest of the cavalry rushed into the city gate hole, and then the expected fierce battle did not appear. He originally thought that there should be a large number of Ming troops behind the city gate with a dense queue trying to stop them. But this situation did not occur. When he crossed the half-opened city gate, what he saw was an open space, and the Ming army was fleeing in all directions!

Can we not escape? Originally, there were forty or fifty people at the gate of the city, and they were all guards of the Ming army. The combat effectiveness was not bad, but the front was attacked by more than 20 cavalry of their own, and the queue was scattered. Several people were killed and wounded.

After being attacked by more than a dozen cavalrymen from Cao Mingda, it would be difficult for them not to collapse!

Looking at the fleeing Ming army and the fully open city gate, Cao Mingda was a little confused: Inexplicably, this came down?

At this time, a cavalryman beside him also hesitated and said to Cao Mingda: "Captain, are we still withdrawing?"

Cao Mingda hesitated, but this time he really hesitated. As the captain of the cavalry team, he is also qualified to participate in the military conference. He also knows the strategic intentions of the emperor Li Xuan, Fang Dongquan and Wang Danxu. If they don't attack, Zhengtai County is going to attack, but mainly to kill and wound enemy personnel and put pressure on the Ming army. There is no plan to really attack the city, so as not to cause the Ming court to shake and attract the army to encircle and suppress it.

Therefore, for his own strategic intentions, he needs to lead people to retreat.

But he has already captured the city gate, and the enemy army has already collapsed. It can be said that more than half of Zhengtai County has been taken down. As long as Butcher Chen and the others follow, this Zhengtai County can be hung with the flag of the Tang Dynasty. .

Retreat like this, he is not reconciled!

He hesitated for three seconds, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Withdraw!"

He didn't know it yet. Li Xuan in the back was angry and frightened when he saw Cao Mingda and the others had completely captured the city gate. He could already imagine that after Zhengtai County was attacked by himself, the Ming court was shaken, and then countless Ming troops came from all directions. They swarmed towards the small place of Zhengtai County.

In the end, he completely drowned his own Datang Dynasty, and he would also be caught by the Ming army and sent to the capital, where he would be punished by that lingering punishment.

Cao Mingda, this bastard, I will punish him for nine clans!

But then, he was relieved when he saw Cao Mingda leading the cavalry out from the Chengmen Cave. Fortunately, this Cao Mingda was not confused at last, otherwise, Li Xuan would have dared to take this man on the spot. to kill.

Even he was prepared to let the musket team aim at the cavalry squad, and if they didn't retreat, they would shoot directly and kill them all.

Compared with causing the Ming army to shake and lead to the collapse of the Tang Dynasty, it is completely acceptable to directly shoot a cavalry squad of more than ten people.

However, Li Xuan has already made up his mind. Even if Cao Mingda is taking someone back now, and he doesn't disobey the order in a strict sense, he can't stand the act of arbitrariness just now, and he must be dismissed immediately.

The cavalry of the new army of the Tang Dynasty came and went quickly. They just rushed into the city gate, and they filed out from the city gate in less than half a minute, leaving a city gate that has been completely opened!

Xu Xiancheng looked at the pseudo-Tang thieves army that came in like a and receded like a tide, and his mouth was half-open for a long time, unable to speak for a long time.

He couldn't understand the behavior of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, but he knew that if these pseudo-Tang bandit troops could break through the city gate once, they would be able to break through the second time, facing the soldiers and young men under the pseudo-Tang bandit army themselves. Can't stop it at all.

There were more than 50 people defending the city gate just now, but in the face of the cavalry attack of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, they collapsed without even holding up for a few breaths, which made him unable to raise his confidence in defending Zhengtai County.

The retreat of the pseudo-Tang bandit army did not make Xu Xiancheng much happy, but made him even more worried!

This time, the pseudo-Tang thieves retreated inexplicably, but what about the next time?

Mr. Su and the others are there now. If they don't lead the army back, the town of Zhengtai can't be defended!

Xu Xiancheng didn't know, and Li Xuan didn't know either. Now Su Jiakang was leading the Ming army of more than 1,000 people and rushed towards the back of the new Tang army. The front was only five miles away from the new Tang army!

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