Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 215: This boss is so cool

When Su Jiakang just arrived at the city, he ordered the Ming army to prepare to attack the city.

Soon, the Ming army went out to cut down trees and even demolished some houses outside the city to build simple siege equipment.

Small-scale siege, coupled with the tight time, naturally it is impossible to have any large-scale siege equipment. Like the previous Datang new army, they built mainly long ladders.

What's interesting is that after the new army of the Tang Dynasty retreated into the city in a hurry, many things were directly thrown out of the city, and some food and luggage were nothing. The key is that many long ladders prepared by the new army of the Tang Dynasty were all It was left outside the city, and now it was acquired by the Ming army.

In order to speed up the battle, Su Jiakang didn't stop for a long time. After only two quarters of an hour, he officially ordered the striker to approach the city gate, ready to launch a formal siege of the city.

Standing on the top of the city gate, Li Xuan carefully looked at the Ming army slowly approaching outside the city. He couldn't help but have some concerns in his heart. There were more than 1,000 Ming troops outside the city, which was three times more than his own. , and more than 300 Ming troops are coming not far away.

Not only are we at a disadvantage in military strength, but we have just entered the city, and we do not know much about the city defense of Zhengtai County, so the hastily arranged defense work is quite imperfect.

So there is a very key point is that their Datang New Army has never trained how to defend the city.

Because the Tang Dynasty itself did not have any city, the Huangzhu Mountain side is said to be a village, but in fact, due to the expansion of the scope, the periphery is only some fences to prevent the invasion of wild animals. They have faced the Ming army several times before. At times, they are all used to defend the enemy outside the country, and take the initiative to attack indirectly for defense.

And even in the field of defensive operations, to be honest, they have never fought.

Based on the characteristics of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, they prefer it, and they are also better at mobile combat, always picking soft persimmons and taking the initiative to attack.

So far, they have not fought evenly-matched defensive battles with the Ming army, let alone a defensive battle in which their own side is now several times inferior in strength.

The only thing that makes Li Xuan feel at ease is that he now has a city wall to rely on!

In today's era, the role of a city wall in defensive operations is still quite obvious. Even in the era of muskets, it is not so easy for an attacker to conquer a city.

Li Xuan was worried about the upcoming battle in his heart, but this worry was not expressed.

It has been more than a year since the emperor of the valley, even if the emperor of the valley is nondescript, but in any case, this is the supreme leader of more than 4,000 people. After being the emperor of the valley for a long time, Li Xuan has gradually figured out how to be one. The boss's opinion.

One of the most important points is that you don't make a fuss if you don't have anything to do with it, and being surprised at first glance can easily cause panic and even distrust among your subordinates.

To be the eldest should have the appearance of being the eldest, to make Mount Tai collapse in front of you and not change its color, it is best to pretend to be calm and say: "I have long said that this Mount Tai will collapse, Look, it's going to collapse now!", or to say: "It's a fart that Mount Tai collapsed, thinking that the earth exploded back then, and I still don't blink!"

When others see it, they think: wow, this boss is so awesome!

You have to give your subordinates the confidence to make them feel that they can succeed with you. All kinds of dangers encountered along the way are just trivial matters, and they can be solved with a wave of your hand.

When you are the boss, you have to be able to pretend and brag. Don’t tell your subordinates that starting a business is difficult. If you are not careful, you will die. You have to tell them that if you do it with Lao Tzu, you will be an official in the future. Just spend any time, and women can play at will.

After conquering the country, Lao Tzu will be the boss of the Milky Way, and you will be the head of the Earth!

Well, the above is Li Xuan's own understanding, so he has never been stingy with the official position of the Tang Dynasty. Some time ago, military generals were given to generals, and civil officials were given to prime ministers. Although they are a little more controlled now, official hats are still given casually. The blacksmiths all give the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and a scholar who has just robbed him with a second heart will directly give it to a boss. Li Xuan even prepares the official hat of the minister of the Ministry of Rites for Yang Xiucai, as long as Yang Xiucai does not make any obvious rebellion. , then after returning to the mountain, Li Xuan gave him the title of Minister of Rites.

Well, all of the above can be said, and some cannot Do it, throw some bones as a reward when you do it well, and hit the board when you do it, and you can shirk the responsibility yourself.

In this way, these subordinates are also grateful that you gave them the opportunity to realize their ambitions, making them feel the illusion of being valued, and thus generating the silly idea of ​​dying for their confidants.

As for what you should enjoy, enjoy, don't be fooled, and strive to be a good boss who eats and waits to die.

Li Xuan has been the emperor of Shangou for more than a year, and he claims to have found the feeling of being an emperor, so even if he is worried in his heart, he still doesn't change his face, and the Ming army in the city is a scumbag. .

But Li Xuan can do this, but the officials around him can't do it, Zeng Ziwen frowned and said: "Their forwards are not simple, they should not be the guards, but the recruits we encountered last time. !"

Among the Ming army outside the city, the most conspicuous thing is that they are walking at the front. Many people are still carrying a long ladder of more than 300 people. These 300 people are obviously different from the Ming army behind them, even if it is only far away. You can feel that their training level and mental outlook are far superior to those of the serf guards.

"It should have come from the Fucheng. Didn't the spies report back a while ago that another group of troops came from the Fucheng recently, it should be them!" Qian Mengjiu said: "But what about recruiting troops? It’s not that they haven’t been beaten before, the last time they entered the mountain, we didn’t eat more than 50 people!”

When the Ming army entered the mountain last time, Wu Nuanzhi also led more than 200 recruits to enter the mountain together, and divided into several teams to go out to investigate and find Huangzhu Mountain. One of the dozens of teams was ambushed by the new army of the Tang Dynasty. .

At that time, under the musket team of the Datang New Army, the performance of these recruits was not much better than that of ordinary guard soldiers.

In the face of the muskets and bullets of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, the recruits in the Ming army were not much different from the army of the guards. After several rounds of platoons of guns hit them, they still suffered casualties and then completely collapsed.

When the Ming army's siege troops were gradually approaching, the main generals of the new Tang army who were in charge of the various troops on the city head also urged the soldiers to fight.

The first to react was the main force in this defense of the city: the musketeers!

This is not only because they need to shoot first to intercept the enemy, but also because the musket team is the most strictly trained and the best quality of soldiers in the new army of the Tang Dynasty.

Under the orders of the officers, while the archers and spearmen were still dawdling, they had already begun to load and light the match.

The Ming army is getting closer and closer, from the previous safe distance of 300 meters to gradually approaching, two hundred meters, one hundred meters.

But after reaching this distance, Wang Danxu didn't hesitate at all, and directly ordered: "Aim!"

A few seconds later, he saw him slamming down the command knife: "Shoot!"

Suddenly, the musketeers pulled the trigger in unison, and this time, unlike the usual round shots, they used a salvo.

The wide city wall gave them enough space to arrange formation, and at the same time, it was impossible for the Ming army to rush to the city head in just a few dozen seconds.

The musket team has enough time to reload and shoot repeatedly, so there is no need to keep firing rounds, and directly kill the enemy with round after round of salvos, while giving the enemy the greatest deterrent effect.

After all, there are eighty muskets firing at one time, and the sound caused by firing less than thirty muskets is completely different.

However, even if it was a salvo, but because the distance is really far, the casualties to the Ming army are also very limited, and only a few people were hit in total. The casualties were not enough to impress them.

The reason is that the number of casualties was only three or four. On the one hand, the hit rate was relatively low. On the other hand, it was also related to the fact that even if the opponent was hit, it was difficult to cause effective damage to the Ming army.

In order to siege the, most of the soldiers in the front row of the Ming army put on iron armor or cotton armor. Although the power of the musket is not small, it is much larger than the bow and crossbow, but I think It is still difficult to penetrate heavy armor or cotton armor that has a good defensive effect against bullets at a distance of 100 meters.

However, if the Ming army continued to advance, when they entered a distance of 80 meters or even 60 meters, even if the opponent's front-line troops had heavy armor on their bodies, they would definitely not be able to withstand the musket strikes of the Tang Dynasty's new army.

Therefore, although the killing effect of the first round of shooting was not obvious, Wang Danxu, who commanded the musket team, did not care at all, but continued to let the soldiers reload and prepare for the second round of shooting.

Beside these musketeers, dozens of archers are also ready, and they will start shooting arrows when the Ming army enters a distance of 78 meters.

Although it is said that archery at this distance has limited lethality to the armored personnel in the front row of the Ming army, their target is not the armored soldiers in the front row of the Ming army, but the light infantry at the back.

As the Ming army approached a distance of more than 70 meters, the archers began to bend their bows to shoot arrows, and they continued to shoot arrows. The dense rain of arrows formed suddenly rushed towards the Ming army outside the city!

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