Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 280: expand the army

After getting rid of the trouble of Butcher Chen, Li Xuan became much cleaner in the next few days, so he had the mood and time to do other more and more important things.

For example, the expansion of the army!

After successfully blocking the Ming army in Fucheng from crossing the river, the new army of the Tang Dynasty will expand its army. This is something that Li Xuan has decided a long time ago, and there are many people below, regardless of whether it is the military generals or Liu Bagou in the rear. are all working on it.

According to Li Xuan's order, Qian Mengjiu of the rear military department has already set up Xikou Village as the center. It is believed that several recruiting points have been established. Xikou Village, Liushazhuang and other places have recruiting points for the new army of the Tang Dynasty. After expanding the scale of recruiting , a large number of recruits can be recruited every day.

However, the large increase in the number of recruits in a short period of time will also make the existing units of the Datang New Army insufficient.

There are three infantry battalions and one mixed battalion. These four battalions are the core of the Datang New Army. The total strength of the above-mentioned establishment is 1,500 people. Before the war, the strength of these four battalions was almost 1,200 people. Now, it is already full with an additional 300 people.

Then there are the directly under the baggage battalion, the garrison battalion, and the various teams, which do not need to add too many recruits.

For example, the baggage battalion, this unit is a bit special. Its soldiers are mainly the original bandits and the surrendered Ming army guards, and before the war, there were already four fully-staffed teams, so there was no need to add new recruits.

With the current scale of the cargo battalion, it can already fully meet the logistical needs of the Datang New Army. Any further expansion would be a waste of manpower and material resources.

The garrison battalion was also adapted from the surrendered Ming army. Its soldiers were recruited from the surrendered Ming army. This also does not require recruiting. If the garrison battalion is to be expanded in the future, it will also be because more Ming soldiers have been captured. Army prisoners.

The Sword and Shield Soldiers and the Archer Team, the soldiers of these two teams are incompetent based on their particularity. Most of the soldiers in these two teams are now from bandits and surrendered to the Ming army. If you want to expand and supplement , and it is impossible to replenish from those recruits.

The cavalry team was originally small. If the cavalry team were to be expanded, the problem of horses was far greater than that of personnel. The horses of the new army of the Tang Dynasty have always been very rare. In the last few years, including the previous battle of Lanjiang Ferry, there was no problem. Too many horses were captured, so the expansion of the cavalry can only stay in words!

The same goes for the artillery, whose number limits its expansion.

In the end, if he wanted to expand the size of the army, Li Xuan had no other choice besides expanding the infantry battalion.

After the troops sent from the rear filled the existing troops, Li Xuan simply established the fourth infantry battalion and the second mixed battalion.

The organization of the fourth infantry battalion was the same as that of the previous three infantry battalions, with two musket teams and two spear teams.

The composition of the second mixed battalion is naturally the same as that of the first mixed battalion, with a musket team, a spear team, and a small number of sword and shield soldiers and archers.

In this way, the main force of the Datang New Army can reach four infantry battalions and two mixed battalions. If you add the baggage battalion, the garrison battalion, and other directly affiliated teams and miscellaneous people, the number of full personnel will reach 3,000. Five hundred people.

But this is only paper strength, at least in half a year or even a year can not complete this plan, why?

Because Li Xuan can't come up with so many muskets, artillery, and horses!

Let's not talk about the horses first. This thing can't be solved at all. All the horses in Zhengtai County are not enough for the new army of the Tang Dynasty.

Artillery is also a hassle. It takes a long time to build artillery, and it requires a lot of copper materials, which greatly limits the expansion of the artillery of the new Tang Dynasty. Two small cannons weighing 500 jin came out.

As for the 800-pound Italian gun that is currently equipped, I'm sorry, this is an experimental product, it is the only one, there is no semicolon, and the Ministry of Industry has no plan to continue to build such a big thing, it takes time and effort not to mention , and the weight is too large, it is difficult to use in the mountainous terrain of Zhengtai County and its surrounding areas.

Otherwise, Li Xuan would not have insisted on letting the craftsmen behind him limit the weight of the artillery to less than 500 catties.

Therefore, Xie Ziwei does not need to expect to get a second heavy artillery with a weight of more than 800 catties in the near future. In the later stage, the Ministry of Industry will provide artillery with a weight of 500 catties or even lighter.

The number of artillery pieces is small, but there is no problem in waiting.

But muskets are a big problem!

According to the predetermined plan, the new army of the Tang Dynasty needs more than 1,000 muskets, and this number is still the minimum requirement. If Li Xuan wants to convert the baggage battalion from a cold weapon unit to a hot weapon unit in the later stage, this number will have to be increased. Add two hundred.

Moreover, this number is still the number of establishments, and the wear and tear caused by training, combat, etc., and spare muskets have not been calculated.

If all counts, 1,500 pieces are not enough!

However, how many muskets are there in today's Datang New Army?

There are less than 250 muskets, and what is the output of muskets on both sides of Xikou Village and Huangzhu Mountain? Before, the monthly output of Huangzhu Mountain was about 50, which was the only musket supply available to the new army of the Tang Dynasty.

As for Xikou Village, although it is said that with the increase of craftsmen and ordinary labor, the Ministry of Industry has continuously increased the expected output, and even stated in the memorial that once completed, the monthly output will reach more than 200 pieces, and This number is still rising.

But there is a word, it is called 'general', that is to say, the weapons workshop in Xikou Village is actually still in the construction stage. Although those craftsmen have also begun to build muskets, God knows when they will be able to achieve monthly output. Two hundred or more.

Next month, if they can send dozens of muskets, Li Xuan will burn high incense!

This also caused a rather embarrassing problem. Among the several infantry battalions and mixed battalions in the Datang New Army, only the 1st Infantry Battalion and the 1st Mixed Battalion were equipped with the required muskets, while the musketeers of the other battalions were all To fight with a cold weapon such as a spear or a sword, when training, you can only use the muskets of the 1st Infantry Battalion and the 1st Mixed Battalion.

The scarcity of muskets and artillery is the biggest problem faced by the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and it is also a difficult problem to solve.

But what Li Xuan was thinking was, now that there are no guns, these soldiers have been trained to wait for guns!

After all, the training of soldiers also takes more than three months. When these soldiers can take up guns to fight, it will be three months later, and in these three months, the Ministry of Industry should be able to at least Come on, build three or four hundred muskets. Four hundred muskets are enough for two infantry battalions.

Then wait for a few more months, or try to find a way to squeeze the craftsmen in the press department, expand production, and get a thousand muskets. Once there are a thousand muskets, it is not impossible Is the 1,500 needed still far?

Well, Li Xuan who thinks this way is overly optimistic. To solve the musket problem, at least there is no hope within this year, and there may not be hope even next year.

But it's impossible not to expand the army without guns. Li Xuan's current practice is to set the establishment first, and recruit soldiers to training for a few months.

And no one stipulates that musketeers must fight with muskets. It is also possible to use spears. The big deal is to treat them as musketeers who have run out of bullets, and directly use bayonets in battle!

Li Xuan found various reasons for himself and others to expand the army, which made the generals below happy and painful.

The happy thing is that the establishment of the new establishment also represents the emergence of a group of high-level positions out of thin air. The battalion officer of the 4th Infantry Battalion and the battalion officer of the 2nd Mixed Battalion are both serious major positions. It is currently the top military commander in the new army of the Tang Dynasty.

The team officers of the large team below are all staring at it.

And Li Xuan was not pretentious, and soon decided the battalion officers of these two battalions. Hao Bainian, the former battalion officer of the first mixed battalion, was transferred to the 4th Infantry Battalion as a battalion officer. This transfer made him the only one in the new army of the Tang Dynasty. One of the four infantry battalion battalion officers, and this is enough to be on an equal footing with Fang Dongquan, Huang Xueren, and Wang Danxu.

The new team officer of the first mixed battalion was promoted by Xitong, the official of the original Musket Team in the mixed battalion. This person has the same surname as Fang Dongquan, but it has nothing to do with Fang Dongquan. Fang Dongquan himself has a nephew. From the army as a deputy officer, but according to Li Xuan Fang Dongquan's state of preparedness, it is impossible for Fang Dongquan's nephew to be promoted as quickly as Hao Bainian and Fang Xi.

The battalion officer of the newly established 2nd Mixed Battalion was Li Chunjing, the deputy battalion officer of the 2nd Infantry Battalion and also the officer of the 3rd Musket Team. His promotion path was almost the same as that of Hao Bainian. It can be expected that this Li Chunjing will also be transferred to the regular infantry battalion as a battalion officer like Hao Bainian.

The officers of the two musket squads will also be succeeded by young soldiers from the guards.

The senior officers who were transferred were all Li Xuan's students. As a result, Li Xuan's thoughts on cultivating his direct-line student generals were almost made public.

However, Fang Dongquan, Huang Xueren and Wang Danxu shut their mouths consciously. They know better than outsiders about Li Xuan's defenses and suspicions about them. If they jump out stupidly and object at this time, this is courting death, I guess they have just jumped. When he came out to oppose turning back, he let Li Xuan kill him.

Today's Datang is no longer the Datang of a year ago, nor is Li Xuan the Li Xuan of a year ago.

Today's Datang Dynasty has taken control of a hundred miles of Zhengtai County, with a population of 100,000 people and 3,000 troops. The emperor Li Xuan, relying on a series of military, has spread his personal prestige all over the world. Everyone in Tang Xinjun.

In addition, Li Xuan's students are still increasing continuously. The scale of his training class has expanded from more than ten people in the past to more than 60 people, and the more than 60 student officers who claim to be disciples of the emperor are all the new army of the Tang Dynasty. Among the more than 60 people, they controlled the positions of the musketeers and spears of all infantry battalions and mixed battalions, as well as the positions of deputy battalion officers of each battalion, and one infantry battalion officer and two battalion officers. A mixed battalion officer.

Relying on these student officers, Li Xuan can say that he has firmly controlled the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and he can even take up Huang Xueren, Wang Danxu, and Fang Dongquan in the 1st to the 3rd infantry battalion.

Today's new army of the Tang Dynasty is Li Xuan's new army of the Tang Dynasty, and Fang Dongquan and the others are not stupid, they naturally see it clearly.

Moreover, they also saw it. It is not reliable to compete with these student officers for military power, or it is more reliable to fight for a higher title. They fight to death and play rebellion, aren't they just for glory and wealth?

That's right, in order to appease the elders and also to inspire the new generals in the army, Li Xuan has already released his words, and it will not be long before he will be officially named a marquis.

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