Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 290: Just ask if you accept

When Li Xuan, who was still training troops at Lanjiang Ferry, learned that the first tax law promulgated by the Tang Dynasty caused great controversy, his face was not very good.

So much so that Yang Xiucai, who went to the Lanjiang ferry to report tax affairs, looked at Li Xuan's expression and was a little scared.

Unlike other people, Fang Dongquan, who started with Li Xuan from the very beginning, Fang Dongquan and the others had seen what Li Xuan was like at the earliest time, so even if Li Xuan has greatly increased his power now, he really has the right to life and death for them. Powerful, but from the heart, Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren did not have the kind of fear from their hearts towards Li Xuan.

But Yang Xiucai is different. At the beginning, Yang Xiucai was forcibly dragged by Li Xuan, and even threatened with the life of Yang Xiucai's family. This made Yang Xiucai a scholar. Tang Dynasty played.

At that time, Li Xuan already controlled most of the military power of the Tang Dynasty and became the first person to be worthy of the name. Therefore, when Yang Xiucai met Li Xuan for the first time, Li Xuan had already left a deep impression on him. impression.

Seeing that Li Xuan's face is not very good-looking now, he is also quite worried that Li Xuan will move his anger on his own (body shēn), and opened his mouth to defend: "Report to Your Majesty, the tax system this time is based on the discussion at the last imperial meeting. As a result, the minister and others did not change the results of the discussion, but after the promulgation, it caused a polarized debate, the minister did not do things well, and please forgive me!"

At this time, Li Xuan was still looking at the tax regulations in his hand, and then frowned and said, 爱ài)(情qíng) to act according to orders, what's the crime!"

Then he continued: Aiài) Qing just said that small and medium landlords, rich peasants and poor peasants' families are more welcome to this tax system, but those big landlords who own a lot of land are against it, so are those businessmen who are against it?"

Yang Xiucai said: "That's true. In our tax system, the field tax and various miscellaneous taxes have been unified, and according to His Majesty's proposal, the small silver is abolished, and the small silver is integrated into the field tax. This The policy has been welcomed by the vast number of farmers and small and medium-sized landlords."

"After all kinds of miscellaneous taxes were cancelled, many taxes were merged into the field tax. Although it seems that the field tax has increased, the actual burden on people has not increased much, and we have adopted a flexible collection policy. The farmer’s land and mu tax is mainly collected from the grain produced, and the grain can also be directly mortgaged with silver!”

Li Xuan nodded slightly after listening, and abolished all the miscellaneous tax donations and Ding Yin in the Ming Dynasty, and unified them into the field tax and became a single tax. This is Li Xuan's firm request.

The core of implementing a unified land tax is not to reduce the burden on farmers, although they do reduce the burden in the process.

But the main reason for Li Xuan to do this is to increase taxes. Why? Because of the many miscellaneous taxes designated by the Ming Dynasty, in fact, most of them are messy, and they are all pocketed by local governments, and they cannot be included in the financial system at all.

At the same time, since all taxes are collected by the Ministry of Taxation, the administrative agencies of local towns and villages have no power to collect taxes. If they want to use money, they can only keep a part of these taxes for local finance, and the rest can be used for local finance. All are turned over to the state treasury.

This is done in order to completely eliminate the random arrangement of local officials and to evade their financial power.

Avoid the need for local governments to have independent financial power, thus producing unnecessary years of confrontation with the central government.

If a central government wants to control the locality, it must consolidate the two powers of finance and military, so as to avoid the situation where the local government is strong and the central government is weak.

The unified land and mu tax is a policy that many people are happy to see!

But the next few systems have aroused opposition from many people. The first is the system of taxation for the gentry. What is the core of this system? The tax system of the Ming Dynasty is very strange. As long as you have a reputation, you can be exempted from corvée and other taxes. When it comes to juren and even jinshi, the amount of those tax exemptions is astonishingly large.

So much so that there may be hundreds of acres or even thousands of acres of land under the name of a Juren!

Naturally, Li Xuan would not allow such a thing to happen. It was already unbearable for Li Xuan to have a large landowner with several thousand acres of land, but these lands did not have to pay taxes? This kind of thing is absolutely intolerable.

"Nowadays, many big families in the towns are taking the lead in resisting our tax system, and many people also say that we treat the gentry harshly!" Yang Xiucai continued.

After listening, Li Xuan nodded slightly: "These big landlords, I will handle them!"

How to deal with it? What else can be done? In short, Li Xuan is not interested in talking to these big landowners. He will directly dispatch the new army of the Tang Dynasty to deal with it with knives and guns.

He wanted to see if it was the swords and guns of the new army of the Tang Dynasty or their bones!

Now because of the large-scale expansion of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, the military still sees that there is not enough land to distribute to these soldiers. Killing a few big landlords just took the land to distribute!

Yang Xiucai continued: "Those businessmen are also against it because we want to levy business tax!"

After listening, Li Xuan said, "Do they think it's too much business tax? Is it possible to do business without paying tax?"

The commercial tax of the Tang Dynasty was also newly formulated. The commercial tax is more complicated than the land tax, but it is limited to the fact that they only occupy Zhengtai County. There are very limited ones, and some only revolve around daily consumer goods, such as grain, salt, iron, cloth, etc., which are mainly composed of two parts, one is the business tax, and the other is the customs tax.

Business tax is mainly levied on specific business locations such as shop merchants, and different amounts of business tax are levied according to the difference in all walks of life and the size of the shop.

The customs tax is also levied on the traveling caravans. For this reason, the tax department of the Datang Dynasty has set up eight tax cards in and out of Zhengtai County.

The proportion of these two major commercial taxes is not high. If added together, the sales price of goods occupied by taxes is about one-tenth, which is often referred to as ten taxes.

If you want to say that the ten taxes are higher, it must be higher than the business tax of the Ming Dynasty, because the tax of the Ming Dynasty is only thirty taxes.

However, apart from these two taxes, the Tang Dynasty did not levy other taxes, and there was no power to levy taxes at the local level, which basically eliminated harsh and miscellaneous taxes. However, the Ming Dynasty only had thirty taxes and one tax on the surface. But the actual burden is definitely not small, but the extra expenditures do not reach the central government, but go to the pockets of local officials.

The commercial tax is three million taels a year, and the merchants are still shouting that the burden is too heavy. This is not because the commercial tax in the Ming Dynasty is too high, but the extra expenditure is too large.

Judging from the operation of an ordinary businessman, the total business tax of the Tang Dynasty is definitely lower than that of them doing business on the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

But why are these businessmen still dissatisfied?

The reason is very simple, no matter what era, no matter where the businessmen are, they are always full of greedy people. Most of them will use various methods to save costs and increase profits, such as bribing officials, smuggling, etc. Way.

The best example is Sun Laotou, a close partner of the Tang Dynasty!

Now these methods of theirs are useless, but they have to pay one-tenth of the tax honestly, which they are definitely not willing.

Li Xuan didn't even care about it!

For a farming-oriented regime, businessmen, especially those who only know how to sell but not to produce, are dead or alive. In Li Xuan's heart, these businessmen who only know how to sell speculatively Not as good as those big landlords.

He still has some scruples about dealing with those big landlords. As long as those big landlords are not excessive, he will not even target these big landlords. , but they honestly paid the land tax, and Li Xuan didn't bother to care about them.

But these businessmen dare to resist the implementation of the commercial tax system, they are simply impatient!

Immediately, he said, "Exclude the few merchants who have cooperated with um, and also exclude some merchants who traffic in food, salt, iron and other materials needed by Chint from the outside world. Others Draw up a list and present it!"

What do you do after you get the list? Of course, you will arrest people one by one and raid their homes!

Li Xuan had to let them know that Lao Tzu was not only a bandit, but also a bandit now. To dare to resist is simply courting death!

Li Xuan dared and wanted to do it!

The foundation of the Tang Dynasty does not depend on the big landlords or businessmen, but on the 100,000 ordinary people in Zhengtai County, and 99% of these people are peasants, and most of these peasants are still poor. .

As long as the support of these poor people is obtained, the Tang Dynasty will be able to obtain soldiers and materials to support the war!

As for the others, (love ài) what are you doing, support the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuan welcomes it, if you don't support the Tang Dynasty, as long as they stay honest, Li Xuan doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

But if you want to rebel against the Tang Dynasty, then I'm sorry, Li Xuan will give you the treatment of looting your family and exterminating your family!

When Yang Xiucai heard Li Xuan's words, he couldn't help but worry about those big landowners and businessmen, who didn't know the ruthlessness of the Tang Dynasty.

It is estimated that those people think that since Li Xuan has taken the Tang Dynasty out of the mountains, and has occupied the countryside of Zhengtai County, setting up a two-level system of town and village, this must be formalized, and they also need their support.

But they will think that the essence of the Tang Dynasty is still a group of bandits!

And the bandits won't tell you any reason, and they won't take any benevolence and kingship in their hearts.

When they encounter people who oppose, they will use the simplest and most effective way to solve it: point a gun at you, ask if you accept it, and kill if you don't accept it!

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