Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 294: Poor dragon body

Li Xuan couldn't guess that Song Zhiwen would do this, and naturally he couldn't guess what the Ming army would do in the future. He could only prepare for the battle based on his own guesses.

He expanded the army recklessly, even regardless of whether Zhengtai County could bear the burden of nearly 4,000 troops.

He set up town and village administrative points, issued tax systems, and improved various cabinet institutions. Although these seem to be ordinary internal affairs, the biggest purpose of Li Xuan and Liu Bagou is to prepare for war!

In war, it is not enough to have an army. They also need food, weapons and ammunition. When the army is fighting on the front line, they need Liu Bagou and other officials in the rear to raise food, weapons and ammunition.

He expanded the army and perfected various internal affairs, and everything he did was to prepare for war!

Today's Tang Dynasty is completely a war machine, and all aspects of work are directly or indirectly serving the war.

Even education is like that.

Today, the Department of Education under the Ministry of Rites has opened two schools, one of which is the 'Literature School', which specializes in cultivating civil servants. It mainly trains a large number of middle and low-level civil servants quickly. It does not require students to be familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, but only for students. It is enough to be able to recognize common words, to write basic official documents, and to be able to understand arithmetic and basic common sense of science.

The second school is the 'Engineering School'. For the time being, this school is dedicated to cultivating technical talents for many workshops under the Ministry of Industry. The workshops of the Ministry of Industry are mainly engaged in the production of various weapons and ammunition, and the technical requirements are not Not too low.

In the past, he relied on the method of apprentices from experienced masters to train more technicians, but Li Xuan felt that this method was too slow. An old master with apprentices could only bring a few people, and these veterans Most of the masters do not know the words themselves, and it is impossible to bring any more scientific knowledge to these apprentices, mainly through the transmission of experience.

To this end, Li Xuan ordered to send people to follow the old masters at all times, record their every move with pen and paper, and record all the data, trying to convert the experience of these old masters into words, and then teach them to more people.

Finally, based on the experience of these masters, a relatively complete production process of guns, artillery, knives, spears, bullets, shells and other weapons and ammunition has been sorted out.

Then start a targeted accelerated education from some smart and smart teenagers. The person who learns to make a gun will never let him spend a second to learn how to make a gun. One person only learns one type to shorten the learning time. Li Xuan does not need it. These teenagers understand the principles, as long as they remember how to make weapons.

Because what Li Xuan needs now is not a scientist, or even an engineer expert, what he needs is a group of skilled workers who can read a few words and understand basic mathematics.

And the accelerated students from the two schools of the Ministry of Rites, after entering the workplace, will also contribute to the war of the Tang Dynasty.

This is the case for all the schools of the Ministry of Rites, not to mention the "Martial Arts School" directly under the Privy Council. Li Xuan has long set up a school for training officers. This martial arts school has trained many officers for the new army of the Tang Dynasty from last year to now.

Those who excel in military school will be given the opportunity to educate Li Xuan in person, and will be able to enter the 'Royal Academy'.

Royal Academy, also known as Imperial Academy, its biggest feature is Li Xuan's personal teaching, and the content of the professor is not only the military knowledge sorted out by Li Xuan, but also more important science knowledge, mainly mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography , Naturally a total of five doors.

The Imperial Academy is divided into four subjects: walking, riding, artillery, and transportation. Students study one of them according to their personal wishes and Li Xuan's arrangement.

However, no matter which subject students are, they must study the other five science subjects.

In other words, military subjects are elective subjects, while science subjects are compulsory!

If these officers had studied with Li Xuan for a year and a half, they would not dare to say how powerful they were, but they would have no problem hanging and beating most of the people in this era.

The Literature School and Engineering School actually started these five science subjects, but they only had textbooks, and the teachers who taught them were also students of the Wu School.

Even the students in the martial arts school, not everyone can get the opportunity to teach Li Xuan in person.

Because Li Xuan is getting busier and busier, he can't squeeze too much time to teach in person. At present, he only teaches the first phase of the senior martial arts school in person, and in the second and third phases, the teaching of these students The work was actually handled by their seniors, namely the first-year students, Hao Bainian and Fang Xi.

To put it simply, Li Xuan first taught Hao Bainian and Fang Xitong to them, then Hao Bainian and Fang Xitong taught the students of the lower grades of the martial arts school, and then the lower grade students of these martial arts schools taught the students of the literature and engineering schools, thus forming a teaching chain. .

Although the effect of teaching may be a little worse in this way, there is no way to do it. After all, Li Xuan already does not have enough time to teach one by one in person.

Today, Li Xuan is very busy. When he was at Lanjiang Ferry, he was busy with all kinds of messes every day. When he went back to Xikou Village occasionally, he still had a lot of things to deal with. He was finally busy. , There is still a mother, a sister, and two wives waiting for him in this harem.

His sister, Princess Huichen, is the easiest to coax. When she comes back, bring her a fat and oily pig's trotter, or chicken or duck legs. As long as there is meat to eat, Princess Huichen is very sensible. Yes, she will never bother her royal brother.

As for the two wives, Mrs. Ye has always been a submissive character and never dared to ask for anything. She would only look at Li Xuan with a pair of big eyes, making Li Xuan feel that she would not be able to sleep all night in her room. guilt.

Dong Yunyun is not too troublesome to deal with. Dong Yunyun, who was born as a lady, is very good at being a hostess.

What really gave Li Xuan a headache was the Queen Mother Bai!

The longer he lived in this era, the more he felt that his cheap mother was not easy.

Not only is he shrewd, but he also often digs holes for Li Xuan. If he has something to do, he will say something to Li Xuan: Why don't you give birth to a grandson for the old lady?

She even brought the doctor several times in a row to see him 'disease'.

However, after seeing several doctors, they all said that there was nothing wrong with Li Xuan's body, but he didn't give up after the day. Li Xuan returned to Xikou Village this day. After dealing with many backlogs outside, he just listened The guard beside him said: "Your Majesty, after the Queen Mother asks you to return to the palace, go to her place!"

Li Xuan immediately said: "Did she let the doctor come over again?"

The guard beside him nodded and said, "I heard from the people in the palace that the Queen Mother indeed summoned a doctor this afternoon!"

Li Xuan was speechless after hearing it. Forget it, since the Queen Mother Bai brought the doctor with her, she should go there by herself. If she doesn't go, the Queen Mother Bai will probably bring the doctor directly to the door.

The Tang Dynasty claims to respect filial piety, but Li Xuan needs to show the attitude of a filial son to outsiders, even if he thinks this, but who is the Empress Dowager Bai? She was a shrew who dared to spray all the courtiers with blood, and naturally she would not be very polite to Li Xuan's son.

Li Xuan, the emperor, really couldn't put on the air of an emperor in front of Empress Dowager Bai.

After arriving at Empress Dowager Bai's side, as expected, Empress Dowager Bai saw Li Xuan coming and said, "Emperor, come here and let Doctor Wan show you!"

Li Xuan looked up and saw a white-haired old man standing in front of Empress Dowager Bai who didn't dare to breathe.

At this time, Queen Mother Bai said again: "This doctor Bai is one of the most famous doctors in our Zhengtai County, but the Ai family took a lot of effort to invite him!"

Li Xuan is a little puzzled, is it still troublesome to hire a doctor?

But he didn't know that the white-haired old man in front of him strongly agreed with the Queen Mother Bai's words. She really spent a lot of effort in order to please herself.

That was a few nights ago. Several people secretly entered Zhengtai County and kidnapped the most famous doctor in Zhengtai County. Even in order to make him try his best to see a doctor for Li Xuan, Empress Dowager Bai threatened and lured them all together. , as long as Li Xuan's illness can be cured, so that their old Li family will not break the incense, then reward one hundred taels of silver.

But if it couldn't be cured or something went wrong, the Queen Mother Bai didn't say anything, just snorted and scared the poor old man half to death.

No doubt, it will be fine if it can't be cured. If there is something wrong with Li Xuan in the process of treatment, the Queen Mother Bai will definitely turn into a Yaksha in an instant, and it is possible to slaughter the entire family of Old Man Wan~www. What Empress Dowager Bai cared about most was not the Tang Dynasty, not even Princess Huichen, but her precious son.

The doctor Wan, who was obviously intimidated, started to check Li Xuan's pulse with trembling, and then he took a closer look at Li Xuan. During the process of seeing a doctor, this old doctor can be regarded as recovering the look of a famous doctor, and his body is no longer. Trembling, but a calm and calm look.

But he didn't speak for a long time. Not only did the Empress Dowager Bai look anxious, but even Li Xuan felt that there was something wrong with it. He didn't speak for so long, and he looked hesitant. Could it be that his body Is there really something wrong?

Impossible, since he started the cloud and rain life with Dong Yunyun, he has been quite vigorous every time, both in terms of hardness and stamina, and the two previous doctors have also said that he has no problem after seeing it. There is no need to doubt whether it is a woman's problem. If Dong Yunyun is the only one who is not pregnant, you can still be so suspicious, but Dong Yunyun, Ye Shi and Zhu'er are not pregnant, so this is obviously not the woman's problem.

Thinking this way, Li Xuan became more and more suspicious that there might be something wrong with his body!

At this time, the Queen Mother Bai spoke up: "Doctor Wan, if you have something to say, just say it!"

Li Xuan also said: "Doctor, but it doesn't matter!"

This is, Doctor Wan said with hesitation: "Your Majesty's pulse is stable, and there is nothing suspicious from the look on his face!"

When I heard this, it was no different from the two doctors in front of me, but since this was the case, why did this doctor Wan hesitate and hesitate.

There must be something wrong here!

Could it be that Lao Tzu is really sick? ()

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