Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 3037: Silly Earl Acton

Even if Li Xuan has approved it now, it is estimated that it will take a year for these two bridges to start construction, and considering the huge difficulty of construction, it is estimated that it will take several years to see the two Yangtze River bridges open to traffic.

Before this, Li Xuan specially instructed Jinling Ferry to do a good job of ferrying the ferry. The scale of the ferry is still a little small. With the current size of the empire, dozens of ferries per year are not enough for the ferry in Jinling. At least it is not enough. It takes one or two hundred trips to meet basic needs.

The two Yangtze River Bridges have entered the preparatory stage, which also means that the Datang Empire has started a series of super projects.

In March of the 42nd year, Li Xuan successively approved a number of water conservancy project construction projects. These required Li Xuan's personal approval, but they were all large-scale water conservancy projects. However, compared with the Yellow River diversion project, these large-scale water conservancy projects were The little witch is the big witch.

Taking the initiative to divert the Yellow River to alleviate the floods in the Huaihe River Basin and at the same time alleviate the water shortage in Shandong and other regions has long been an idea of ​​the Datang Empire, and has even begun to do so long ago.

The preliminary investigation and survey work has been done since the fifteenth year of Xuanping.

The preparatory work in the early stage includes surveying the new channel, determining the new channel plan, and conducting various demonstrations.

The preliminary preparations lasted for more than ten years and were initially completed in the 33rd year of Xuanping, thus determining the preliminary plan.

The follow-up is to start a long mid-term preparation, formulate a specific construction plan, and most importantly, relocate the people in the predetermined river area.

Now, 42 years later, all the residents who are scheduled to move to the new river channel have been relocated, and the specific construction plan has been finalized.

At this time, the Yellow River diversion project can be regarded as entering the actual construction stage.

In other words, the reason why we have waited until now for construction is to a certain extent because the previous technology is still immature, especially the mechanical equipment used for construction is immature.

But now, with the advent of the internal combustion engine, heavy construction equipment powered by the internal combustion engine has already appeared on the construction site of the Yellow River diversion project. At this time, it has the technical foundation for such a super project.

With the approval of Li Xuan, the Yellow River diversion project has officially entered the final construction stage, but this construction stage will be very long.

Even if the new channel is scheduled to use the channel of the ancient Yellow River and the channel of some existing rivers, the specific construction is actually just repairing and repairing, not directly digging out a channel.

But even so, the amount of engineering in the entire diversion project is also very huge.

According to the Ministry of Industry, even with the most optimistic estimates, it would be good to complete the project within ten years.

However, once it is completed, it will cooperate with the water conservancy projects in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River that are already under construction or planned to be constructed, and then the problem of flooding in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River will be completely solved in the follow-up.

At the same time, without the influx of water from the Yellow River, relying on the current Huai River flood control project facilities on the Huai River side, it can also effectively control the annual floods in the Huai River Basin.

In other words, once the Yellow River is successfully diverted, it will completely end the current flooding problems in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and Huai River.

At the same time, the Yellow River water diverted from the north can also bring abundant water resources to the new river channel, which can be used to irrigate the local farmland, meet the domestic water supply, and greatly alleviate the current shortage of water resources in North China.

If it weren't for such great benefits, the Datang Empire would not have spent a lot of money on this diversion of the Yellow River for decades.

With its advanced scientific and technological capabilities, strong national strength, and wealthy fiscal revenue, the Datang Empire continued to carry out these super projects, which made the people of the country stunned when they saw it!

Some young people are okay. They were born in the Tang Dynasty. When they were first born, they were already in a very powerful era, so they were accustomed to many things, and even felt that the world should be like this.

But many middle-aged and elderly people, especially those who have grown up in the pre-Ming era, often compare the present with the pre-Ming era decades ago. Then there is the emotion!

Even many of the heroes who founded the empire from the dragon in the early days, to be honest, they never thought that the country they had conquered with the Son of Heaven would one day become what it is now.

Look at the huge steel ship with tens of thousands of tons, look at the train running on the field day and night, look at the densely packed machinery and equipment in the huge factory, look at the skyscrapers that are hundreds of meters high at every turn, look at the horizontal Across the Huangpu River, the Huangpu River Bridge is suspended by tens of thousands of steel cables.

These are all miracles!

Thirty or forty years ago, who would have thought that this would be the case today.

Even the most imaginative people, they could not have imagined that today's Datang Empire would develop like this thirty or forty years ago.

The people of the Tang Dynasty were all dumbfounded, let alone outsiders.

The special envoy of the King of the Kingdom of Spain, and also the new Deputy Minister of the Kingdom of Spain to the Tang Dynasty, the Count of Acton, he served in the Spanish consulate in Ceuta for three years, and also visited the South African port several times.

This time I came to Datang as a special envoy. Along the way, I saw many cities of Datang people. I even saw the trains of Datang people from a distance in South Africa and Ceylon.

He prides himself on being well-informed, and no matter how novel Datang is, he probably only has a few glances at most, but that's it.

However, after he came to Shanghai, all this has been completely changed!

Just before he saw Shanghai, he claimed to be well-informed, but after arriving in Shanghai, he suddenly realized that he had become a frog in a well.


The 5,000-ton ocean liner he is currently on is already very large. At the same time, he has also seen the 10,000-ton passenger ship from Datang to Europe many times. There are often conclusions of more than 10,000 tons in Ceuta or freighters docking. .

But what kind of monster is this one in front of us?


What a joke, he, Earl Acton, has read the books of the Tang Dynasty, but he knows the displacement, and he has seen the 10,000-ton freighter or passenger ship of the Tang Dynasty.

Compared with the 10,000-ton ships he had seen before, compared to the Nova in front of him, it was a contrast between children and adults. ,

Moored at the waiting for passengers to board the ship for the next voyage, the nova with a capacity of more than 30,000 tons allowed Count Acton to refresh his understanding of the size of the ship once again.

And further forward, what kind of monster is that across the entire river?


God, there is such a big bridge, looking at the pier, it seems to be in the sky.

The tall buildings on the shore were even more inconceivable to Earl Acton. He had not seen tall buildings before. Many churches in Europe were also quite tall, and the main building of the European Hotel in Datang Ceuta was also dozens of meters high. Many European dignitaries have seen it with their own eyes.

However, are there more high-rise buildings here in Shanghai, a little taller, a little bigger!

At first glance, all of them are hundreds of meters high, which makes Acton almost unimaginable, how many construction workers are needed to build such a huge complex!

This sluggish expression just happened to be seen by a Datang crew member next to him, only to see the crew member showing disdain: "Look at another stupid one!"

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