Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 387: Weird Ming Army

Many ancient armies, unless they were elite troops that were extremely rare in history, actually did not reject surrender.

Not to mention the ancient army, even some modern armies, surrendering is not psychologically stressful for them!

From ancient times to the present, regardless of Chinese and foreign countries, there have been many troops fighting against the wind and against the wind!

These Ming armies in the Bronze Drum Fortress are naturally impossible to be an elite army that can fight to the death, they are just a group of ordinary guards!

Fighting against the wind, then it's just an evenly matched battle. Naturally, they will not surrender, and they may even show extraordinary courage and fighting will.

However, if they encounter a tough enemy, or the situation is not good, when they know that they cannot do anything, their morale will inevitably be lost, and finally the troops will have a rebellious psychology of resisting the battle and even wanting to surrender.

Now many Ming soldiers in the city think like this. Qiu Yu wants to take them out to fight. In their opinion, going out of the city is going to die.

And why do you want to die? They don't understand!

Why do you want to go out of the city to die? Watching a play in the city, sitting with melon seeds and watching the friendly army and the pseudo-Tang bandit army beat to death, isn't it good!

The friendly army won, and they were also meritorious soldiers, because they restrained and attracted tens of thousands of counterfeit Tang thieves to the Bronze Drum Fortress, and finally gave the main friendly army a chance to annihilate them.

If friendly forces are defeated, then they surrender!

Anyway, I heard that there are thousands of officers and soldiers who defected to the puppet Tang bandit army, and there are not many more of them!

They are all soldiers to eat, and the Zhu family's army can eat it, but why can't the Li family's army?

And I heard that if you are a soldier in the Tang army, you can also divide the land for free.

This is not much better than being tenants and serfs for thousands and hundreds of adults.

In fact, there are not a few defenders in the city who hold such an idea, and not only the lowest serf soldiers, but even some middle and low-level officers have this idea!

Why do they think so?

Don't you see Zeng Ziwen, he used to be a thousand households in the imperial court, and now he is not in the puppet army of Tang thieves, oh, no, it should be said that he was doing well with the Tang army, and I heard that he was still a marquis.

Zeng Ziwen can throw thieves, why can't they?

No one is inferior to anyone. If I voted for this, I might be able to win a Duke and Earl title. Even if there is no Duke and Earl, Viscount, Baron and so on are not bad, anyway, that is also a nobleman.

Of course, for some middle and low-level officers, they just think about it occasionally, and it is quite difficult to really make them surrender to the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

Because these officers of the Ming army, even if they are only middle and low-level officers, have more knowledge than ordinary soldiers, and can contact and understand some things that ordinary soldiers do not know, such as the nature of the pseudo-Tang thief army, and The huge crisis that the pseudo-Tang thief army will face in the future.

Ordinary villagers and soldiers might think that the world is as big as Liping Prefecture and Guizhou Province, but for the knowledgeable people, they know that the world is far bigger than they imagined, and this world, All belong to the Zhu family.

Nowadays, the pirate army of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty has only occupied two palaces. For the Ming Dynasty, which has a land of thousands of miles, the rebellion of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty is only a bit itchy after being bitten by a mosquito, but it will be fine if you scratch it. It will also slap the mosquito to death.

Therefore, surrendering to the pseudo-Tang thief army, although it seems that it will gain glory and wealth, but behind it represents the abyss. If it falls, it will be finished, and it will be completely dead and even affect the family.

But then again, if the puppet army of Tang thieves was cornered, for example, if the puppet army of Tang thieves had breached the Bronze Drum Fortress a few days ago, it would not seem unacceptable to surrender to the puppet army of Tang thieves.

Whether they surrender or not depends on whether there are other options, not whether they are willing or not!

Of course, this is only the choice of those middle and low-level officers and soldiers. For the senior generals and officials in the Ming Dynasty, even if they were desperate, they would not easily choose to surrender, even if they were captured. are unacceptable.

The more high-ranking people are, the more they look down on or even despise the pseudo-Tang thieves army. Would you let a jinshi official or a Ming army general with more than a thousand households willingly go to the thieves? That's almost impossible.

Even if they are captured, few people will give in, at least not for now.

If the Tang Dynasty really wanted to gain the approval of the high-level society, especially those officials who were scholars and hereditary high-level generals, it could only continue to develop, and someday it would really occupy the territory of several provinces and have tens of thousands or even thousands of troops. When it is 100,000, these high-level people with high self-esteem will seriously consider taking the initiative to surrender to the pseudo-Tang bandit army, oh, no, at that time they should be called the Tang Dynasty!

Because at that time, the Tang Dynasty had already shown that it could swept the world, and even truly overthrew the Ming Dynasty to dominate the world. At that time, considering the future of themselves and their families, they would all think of surrendering to the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

Even if it is not the whole family to surrender, it will send the descendants of the direct line or the collateral line to secretly defect, in order to put more eggs in more baskets. In the end, whether the Tang Dynasty overthrew the Ming Dynasty, or it means that the Dynasty successfully overthrew the Tang Dynasty. If the repression goes on, the family will remain prosperous.

Qiu Yu rushed out with the defenders in the city. The soldiers of the Ming army, including Qiu Yu, had their own ideas, and such ideas would be directly manifested in their battles.

After the soldiers and the middle and low-level officers left the city, they dragged their feet and refused to advance, while Qiu Yu and other senior generals kept shouting and trying to get the soldiers to speed up and organize a formation to attack.

As a result, the formation of the Ming army out of the city became more scattered, and it was impossible to form a perfect breakout formation according to Qiu Yu's tactical intentions.

In the end, only Qiu Yu and other senior generals and their personal soldiers rushed in front of more than 300 people. As for the ordinary soldiers, they fell behind, and the speed of advance was always slow. In the end, Qiu Yu and others The more than 300 personal soldiers led by people were out of touch.

But in this case, Qiu Yu and the others still did not stop, but continued to charge forward with the other senior generals with their personal soldiers.

Qiu Yu knew very well that most of the 3,000 people he led were already frightened by the pseudo-Tang bandit army. It was possible to mutiny and surrender on the spot, not to mention that these ordinary soldiers did not. What kind of combat power is there, and the ones who can really fight are these more than 300 personal soldiers. If the three hundred personal soldiers led by him can't pose a real threat to the pseudo-Tang bandit army, then the following three thousand people are also useless.

And he couldn't stop, because he had already received an order from the main commander, Lord Long, last night. Lord Long asked him to lead the army to attack when the war started, and cooperate with the main force to attack the pseudo-Tang bandit army. A battle.

If it can be successful, then this is a huge feat, and if it fails, it will not be better than staying in the city. Because staying in the city means disobeying orders and disobeying, and the Ming army is weak and winning, Lord Long will put a hat on him for disobedience and disobedience, and then shout: Pull out and chop!

If the Ming army is defeated, then the end will be even more tragic. At that time, should he surrender or commit suicide when he is trapped in the lonely city?

The military order, coupled with the consideration of the future of the entire family and the individual, forced him to lead the army to rush out to cooperate with the main force.

The best result is naturally to cooperate with the main force to annihilate the micro-bomb thief army. If this goal cannot be achieved, he must die on the battlefield, and he must not survive, let alone be captured.

In that case, his entire family will be affected, and it is possible to seize the family and destroy the family.

A general with a status like him often does things based on his own preferences, and even the safety of his own life.

He has so many things to take care of!

The hereditary is in charge of everything, and the Qiu family, which has a history of more than a hundred years of prosperity, cannot be defeated by him!

Absolutely not!

He is dead, and he still has two sons who can inherit the family business. His eldest son will be the successor to his military post and become the new commander of the Qiu family.

Even because of his death, the family will be rewarded by the court, perhaps because of this, his son's future career can go more smoothly, and then the family will continue to enjoy glory and wealth.

Qiu Yu had this idea, and most of the other senior generals who followed him in the charge also had the same idea, but they didn't have the courage to see death as Qiu Yu did.

Although they charged with Qiu Yu with a determined look, they were still afraid!

On the opposite side is the Puppet Tang Bandit Army, the Puppet Tang Bandit Army that once frightened them to collapse on their own at a distance of 100 meters!

Now, these pseudo-Tang thieves have listed the tightest formation in front of them!

In this case, it makes them feel like they are a wave, and the formation of the new army of the Tang Dynasty is a dyke, and it is also an indestructible steel dyke.

After they rushed over, there might be some waves, but in the end, they would still dissipate invisibly, and not even a single trace would be left.

After the wind and waves calmed down, the dam was still there, but the waves hitting the dam disappeared without a This kind of thinking makes them inevitably have a feeling called despair!

But even in despair, they had to bite the bullet and rush forward, because they had no other choice. Lord Long gave orders to Qiu Yu, and Qiu Yu also gave orders to his subordinates. Who dares to say a word? Qiu Yu dared to kill this person on the spot.

As a result, there was a rather strange scene on the battlefield. The Ming army in the city rushed out, but it was gradually divided into one after the other. There were only more than 300 people in the front group, but they were well equipped. Half of them fought in armor, and many were on horses.

The 3,000 people in the back were far less equipped. Most of their equipment was rusted iron knives and spears. There were very few people in armor, and the formation was messy. People think of them as an army.

Seeing this scene, Li Chunjing, who did not know the inside information, could not help frowning, and then said: "Send a letter to the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 4th Infantry Regiment, asking for tactical cover from the friendly forces!"

After giving the order, he murmured: "I am afraid that these Ming soldiers are strange, it is better to be cautious!"

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