Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 437: No promotion, what do you want?

The navy of the Tang Dynasty is just an empty shelf, not to mention it, but the Tang army is real!

According to Li Xuan, it was the imperial decree for the establishment of the "Datang Army".

The highest and only commander of the Tang army is the emperor himself!

The emperor has all the rights over the Tang Army, including personnel mobilization, troop mobilization, combat command, etc., all known and unknown.

At the same time, many units under the original Datang New Army will be renamed Datang Army, and the corresponding numbers will also be changed. All units will be prefixed with a Datang Army prefix!

For example, the First Brigade of the Datang New Army was renamed the First Infantry Brigade of the Datang Army!

At the same time, the numbers of several garrison regiments will also be changed. For example, the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Datang New Army will be renamed the 1st Garrison Regiment of the Datang Army!

Judging from the number, it can be seen that the army system of the Tang Dynasty will form two systems: the regular army and the garrison army.

After the designation is changed, the Datang Army will have several regular army units under its jurisdiction, including the 1st Infantry Brigade of the Datang Army, which has the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment; the 2nd Infantry Brigade of the Datang Army, which has the 3rd Infantry Brigade. Corps, 4th Infantry; 5th Infantry, 1st Artillery Battalion, 1st Cavalry Battalion and other regular army units under the direct jurisdiction of the Privy Council.

In addition, the subordinates of the Datang Army will also have a large number of garrison troops!

The previous 6th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Regiment, and 8th Infantry Regiment were reorganized into the First Guard Regiment, the Second Guard Regiment, and the Third Guard Regiment respectively.

At the same time, four new garrison regiments, the fourth garrison regiment, the fifth garrison regiment, the sixth garrison regiment, and the seventh garrison regiment, were established!

Naturally, these seven garrison regiments cannot be commanded directly by the Privy Council, so they cannot be commanded at all!

These seven garrison regiments will follow the example of the regular army and set up three garrison brigades and a temporarily independent garrison regiment. The main task of these three garrison brigades and one garrison regiment is to cooperate with the regular army to fight!

Secondly, in some less important places, you can also undertake some secondary combat missions!

Of course, it would be unreliable for them to have a large-scale decisive battle with the Ming army alone!

In this way, from the point of view of the number, the Datang Army will have a total of five brigades, two independent infantry regiments, a baggage regiment and other directly affiliated battalions, teams and other troops. If it is calculated according to the full establishment, the total number of troops is A very terrifying number, it will reach nearly 40,000 people.

According to the standard, an infantry battalion has five teams, with a total strength of about 550 people, and each infantry regiment has five battalions. If auxiliary troops are added, the total strength of an infantry regiment is nearly 3,000. people.

Among them, the five infantry regiments of the regular army alone will have 15,000. In addition, the regular army also has the 1st baggage regiment, the 1st artillery battalion, the 1st cavalry battalion, the 1st military police battalion and other troops, so according to the full staffing To calculate, the total strength of the regular army will reach 17,000.

But in fact, the current regular army of the Datang Army is only about 12,000 people, and it is far from reaching full strength.

On the contrary, the staffing of the garrison is quite full!

Because the garrison troops are based on the existing prisoners, and if there are 3,000 people, a regiment will be expanded. Therefore, the current seven garrison regiments are mostly full, and only the seventh garrison regiment is insufficient.

Even if it is dissatisfied, the current Datang Army has a regular army of 12,000 people, a garrison army of 20,000 people, and a total army of more than 30,000 people.

With such a huge army, the food consumed every day is not a small amount!

And the key point is that among these 30,000 people, there are not many people who can fight. Needless to say, those garrison troops, except for the first garrison battalion and the second garrison battalion, which have been in formation for a long time, are not bad. Most of the others are scumbags, and they are no stronger than ordinary Ming army guards!

In the regular army, because of the large number of recruits added and the descended soldiers of the Ming army, among the 12,000 people, there are only a few thousand veterans who can really fight, and most of these soldiers are concentrated in the 1st Infantry Regiment, The 2nd Infantry Regiment, the 3rd Infantry Regiment, and the 4th Infantry Regiment are the main battalions of the four main units.

Including three main battalions of the 1st Infantry, three main battalions of the 2nd Infantry, three main battalions of the 3rd Infantry, and one main battalion of the 4th Infantry.

If you do this calculation, then you will find that the main troops that can be fought in the Datang Army are actually still those, and there are only ten main battalions in total!

The rest are either the recruit troops or the descending troops, and the combat power is worrying!

But in any case, the size of the Datang Army has expanded again, and the expansion speed is extremely fast. After only two battles were fought, the strength of the army has doubled, which is much faster than recruiting soldiers to expand the army!

Li Xuan promulgated the formation of the Datang Army, which established the two systems of the regular army and the garrison army. At the same time, after the establishment of four new garrison regiments and the establishment of three garrison brigades based on the garrison regiments, the Datang Army The various departments of the government are busy again, especially the Privy Council, which is extremely busy!

The Privy Council, as the command organization of the Datang Navy and Army, subordinate departments such as the Department of Operations, the Department of Training, and the Department of Ordnance are responsible for the entire army. Whenever such a major event occurs, it is extremely busy.

Li Xuan casually said that he wanted to build four new garrison regiments and three garrison brigades.

But even if the soldiers in these units already have descended soldiers from the Ming army, and the weapons and equipment also have captured weapons and equipment, but these units still need officers, and even the garrison units need to have 200 regular soldiers in each infantry regiment. Squeeze!

Where did these officers and regular soldiers come from?

This is a big problem!

In order to meet the large demand for officers from the expansion of the Datang Army, the Privy Council's Quanxu Division has rapidly promoted a large number of officers!

Some illiterate ordinary soldiers who were rarely promoted and used in the past are now promoted and used!

Especially for some senior non-commissioned officers, most of them were not promoted before. Even if they were promoted, they were allowed to enter the martial arts school to study. After the study, they were awarded the official rank of second lieutenant and served as an officer.

But now it is naturally too late. Many senior non-commissioned officers who have merited have been promoted to officers directly by the line of fire. However, most of these officers promoted by the line of fire were awarded the rank of warrant officer and served as platoon leaders.

At the same time, in order to alleviate the problem of the shortage of officers, the Datang Army no longer requires officers to hold the positions of platoon leader and deputy platoon leader, and began to let non-commissioned officers serve as deputy platoon leaders. Serving as platoon leader.

As for the shortage of officers in the garrison, senior non-commissioned officers have been used to serve as platoon leaders before, and now there are a few special cases where senior non-commissioned officers serve as deputy captains, but this is only a special case. Even if they were killed, they would not admit it. These senior non-commissioned officers who served as deputy captains in the garrison were often candidates who were about to be promoted to full-time officers, and they would become warrant officers soon.

In order to allow these non-commissioned officers who originally belonged to officer positions, the Datang Army also specially established a new non-commissioned officer rank of "sergeant major", which is higher than sergeant, sergeant and corporal.

This has also caused a phenomenon, that is, in a team, only the captain and deputy platoon leader is a hard-hitting officer. If there are six platoon leaders, some are officers, but some are senior sergeant majors. As for the deputy platoon leaders, they have all changed. Become a sergeant major or sergeant to serve.

In fact, such a ratio of officers to soldiers is more suitable. In the past, the Datang Army had 13 officers of various sizes in a team, which was too many. Now a team is equipped with two lieutenants, and occasionally one is assigned. Two platoon commander officers, then it is more suitable.

In the modern army, the proportion of grass-roots officers in the army needs to be controlled within 10%, or even at an extreme point, it is more suitable to control it at about 5%.

Reduce the number of officers in the grassroots units and replace them with senior non-commissioned officers. This measure has also greatly eased the shortage of officers in the Datang Army, because the officers who used to be deputy platoon leaders and platoon leaders can be promoted to deputy platoon leaders. Captain, Captain.

At the same time, it can also give senior non-commissioned officers who have meritorious service in combat, but cannot be promoted to officers for various reasons, a rising channel!

After all, even soldiers need to be promoted to get rich!

From the lowest second class to the first class, then to corporal, sergeant, sergeant, and then sergeant major, this formed a relatively stable and usual promotion channel, allowing those ordinary big-headed soldiers to have a head start.

If they work hard enough and study hard enough in the literacy classes in the army, after they have a certain level of education, they can go to the martial arts school to study, and then become the officers of the Datang Army.

After the problems of the grassroots officers were solved by tricky those middle and senior officers in the newly added garrison were not so easy to solve.

The commanders, deputy commanders, and regimental chiefs of the four newly added garrison regiments; the brigade commanders, deputy commanders, and brigade chiefs of the three newly added garrison brigades are all senior officers.

Even because the nature of these garrison troops is different from that of the main force, the military rank will be assigned one level lower. The commander of the garrison regiment is generally assigned the rank of lieutenant colonel, the deputy commander is the rank of major, and the chief of staff of the regiment is the rank of captain.

The brigade commander of the garrison brigade is assigned the rank of colonel, the deputy brigade commander is of the rank of lieutenant colonel, and the chief of staff of the brigade is of the rank of major.

However, even so, these officers are senior officers in the Datang Army. There are not many officers in the Datang Army, and they belong to the scarce resources.

In addition, many people who were originally school officials were simply unwilling to serve in the garrison. Even the major battalion commander of the main battalion was unwilling to serve as a lieutenant colonel in the garrison!

The officials at the Quanxu Division were annoyed: Come on, I don't even want to give you a promotion, what do you want?

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