Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Telescope debuts

After Wei Yan spoke for a long time, no one spoke, which made Wei Yan frown even tighter!

"A few days ago, everyone said that the bandit army was nothing more than that. If they dared to come, they would dare to kill them. Now that the bandit army is here, why don't all of them say anything!" Wei Yan's expression became more and more Seriously: "Have you forgotten what you said to this officer back then?"

The more you say, the more serious Wei Yan's expression is, which means that he is more angry!

The people who came from Wuzhou at the beginning were full of confidence, and even when they came to Xiangzhou, they never lost their confidence.

But since a group of 500 forwards who were sent two days ago to monitor the movements of the pseudo-Tang thief army was defeated by the pseudo-Tang thief army, these confident generals have become timid one by one. stand up.

Isn't it just that more than 300 people were killed and injured, what is this to their army of 8,000!

However, these **** generals are all frowning!

At this moment, the generals of the Ming army below are also very helpless!

Are they timid? Do not!

Are they stupid? Not even!

If more than 300 ordinary people were annihilated by the pseudo-Tang bandit army, they would not think too much, but the key point is that the 500 partial divisions sent out before are not ordinary guards, but Soldier!

Among their 8,000-strong army, more than half of them are soldiers recruited from various chieftains, and the combat effectiveness of these soldiers is not comparable to that of ordinary guard soldiers. With 4,000 soldiers, they are confident Quite enough, I think it is enough to compete with the pseudo-Tang army going south.

However, the five hundred soldiers dispatched the day before yesterday faced the same 500-strong Pseudo-Tang thief army forward, and they were still fighting defensively. As a result, they all collapsed after only half a quarter of an hour with the support of the 500-strong pseudo-Tang thief army!

And what is even more terrifying is that because the soldiers highly respect the attack, they are disdainful of retreat, and their tactics are the option of retreat. Therefore, these soldiers have suffered heavy casualties, with 500 people killed and injured more than 300 people. In the end, only two hundred people escaped.

This battle happened the day before yesterday, outside the Ming army camp!

It happened under the eyes of many Ming army generals!

However, it was such a tentative confrontation that made these Ming army generals see the terror of the pseudo-Tang bandit army!

Its field ability is really incomparable!

They thought they were already extremely elite soldiers and they were in a head-to-head confrontation in the field, and they were not opponents at all. The battle at that time was a one-sided slaughter!

They didn't know that the 500 soldiers who fought with these five hundred soldiers were the elites in the entire Datang Army. The Second Infantry Battalion of the Datang Army belonged to the First Infantry Brigade of the First Infantry Brigade!

Its equipment level is similar to that of the 1st Infantry Battalion, and the quality of its officers and soldiers is only slightly worse than that of the 1st Infantry Battalion!

If the opponent was an ordinary Ming army, Hao Bainian would dare to use such an infantry battalion to fight an enemy several times over!

But the second infantry battalion is the elite of the Datang Army. There are only two or three such infantry battalions in the entire Datang Army. However, the Ming army generals on the opposite side don't know it.

In their view, this is just an ordinary pseudo-Tang bandit army!

And when they think that there are nearly ten thousand people in such a pseudo-Tang thief army, they feel that their scalps are numb!

Under such circumstances, how can you let them come up with an effective strategy to retreat from the enemy!

After being silent for a long time, someone finally spoke up: "According to the past encounters between my official army and the bandit army, the pseudo-Tang bandit army is quite capable in the field. If I wait for the camp to fight, I'm afraid it will be in the hands of the bandit army. Although the bandit army is strong in the field, its ability to attack fortifications is insufficient, they have been besieging Liuzhou City for more than half a month and have not taken it down, it can be seen that their ability to attack fortifications is very average!"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged general said: "Xiaguan believes that in this battle, sticking to the camp is the top priority. If the bandit army cannot attack for a long time, it will inevitably run out of food and grass. At that time, it will inevitably retreat without fighting. , it will definitely hit the thief army!"

After this person said it, many of the other Ming army generals nodded in unison!

At this time, it is definitely not possible to take the initiative to fight against the camp. The tentative attack of the 3,000 soldiers from Rong County and the 500 soldiers from two days ago is a lesson from the past.

After so many times, if there are people who say that they want to go out to the camp to take the initiative to fight and come to a decisive battle, it must be a show of brains, knowing that the pseudo-Tang thief army is strong in the field, you still go out to fight, It's not stupid what it is.

When it comes to fighting, you must make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses!

They still don't know what their own strengths are, but they have seen the strengths of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army, which is the ability to fight in the frontal field.

Whether it is strong or not in other aspects will only be known after playing!

I heard that a group of generals thought that they could not take the initiative to go out to fight, but to stick to the camp, while waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from the rear, while waiting for the food and forage of the pseudo-Tang thief army to retreat on their own, and then pursue and kill.

Wei Yan actually despised these warriors a little bit, he didn't have the blood of warriors at all, and he was scared by the fake Tang bandit army!

However, contempt is contempt, but he still respects the opinions of these generals. He is very clear about his ability, studying the imperial examination? Then he is definitely a genius!

Official struggle, this is also his strength!

Even some local governance, people's livelihood affairs, etc., he can do it!

But the only thing about leading troops to fight is really not his strong point. Although he has been an official for many years and has led soldiers to fight, he has never commanded it himself, because he knows that he is not that material.

Therefore, in the end, Wei Yan still listened to the opinions of the generals: stick to the camp!

The Ming army hid in the camp and could not come out, so the king of the Tang Dynasty from the north came slowly and slowly!

Naturally, the army should not be in a hurry, even if they were only four miles away from the enemy, but Hao Bainian and the others were still not in a hurry, but led the army forward without any rush!

The army of nearly 10,000 people has been walking for a long time, and then it stopped a mile away from the Ming army camp.

At this time, it is already the final preparation distance for the battle with each other, and if they get closer, it will be a formal duel, and after a long march, the Datang Army also needs to take a certain rest.

Naturally, this rest is not a rest, but rearranging the formation and arranging the order of attack.

In fact, they camped five miles away last night, and only walked three miles in one morning. The physical energy consumption of the soldiers was not large.

When the subordinate officers at all levels were busy rectifying the troops, senior officers such as Hao Bainian and Li Chunjing, as well as six or seven combat staff members, boarded a small dirt **** and overlooked the Ming army camp directly ahead.

At this moment, Hao Bainian said, "Bring the telescope?"

Immediately, the personal soldier beside him took off a small wooden box he was carrying, then opened the wooden box, lifted off the brocade covered inside, and then carefully took out a metal pipe stake. He took a small wooden lid, and then carefully handed it to Hao Bainian.

After Hao Bainian took it over, he first glanced at the object in his hand carefully, then rotated it a little or two, and finally pulled it. The metal tube became several sections of extension, one large and the other small, with lenses at each end.

Hao Bainian pulled it carefully. After he pulled it apart completely, he held it with both hands. He put the small one in front of his left and looked at the distant Ming army camp.

At this time, Hao Bainian only felt as if he was very close to the Ming army camp. The scene he saw was so clean. He could even clearly see the Ming army on the wooden fence of the Ming army camp. One move.

After looking at it for a while, he just put down what was in his hand, and then sighed: "This telescope sent by Your Majesty is really a weapon in the military array. Sharp weapon, the enemy in the distance is invisible!"

At this time, the other people also showed a hint of curiosity. Hao Bainian smiled, and then handed the telescope to Li Chunjing: "You also have a look, and then mark it!"

At this time, Li Chunjing couldn't wait to take the telescope and look at it. He had already wanted to try the telescope that was just delivered the day before It's a pity that these objects are rumored to be worth thousands of dollars. They all treat this telescope as a treasure and let the personal soldiers carry it specially.

Now, he has a chance to try it himself!

When I took it over, I saw that it was as rumored to see things in the distance as if they were close up!

After reading it, he couldn't help but say loudly: "If there are more treasures like this, and distribute more to the officers in the army, then it will be more convenient to fight in the future!"

Hao Bainian laughed and said: "How can such treasures be easily obtained, the people who sent them to the front have said, just this one, Your Majesty has already kept those craftsmen busy for half a year, even if they can still be in the future. If you make it, I’m afraid there won’t be many!”

Hao Bainian is right. Li Xuan spent a lot of time in order to come up with this telescope. No, it should be said that it took a lot of work from the craftsmen.

In fact, Li Xuan didn't think about building a telescope at first. At first, he wanted to make transparent glass like many of his predecessors.

That thing is a great tool for making money. Once it comes out, the money will not flow into his pocket, so he specially found a few craftsmen who originally fired glazed glass to start making transparent glass, and used his limited amount of money. knowledge to guide.

However, it is not easy to make this transparent glass, and it took more than half a year to make it, which made Li Xuan regret why he didn't study in the Department of Chemistry, and why he didn't remember the firing after reading a lot of ancient time travel novels. Glass recipe.

The transparent glass could not come out for a while, and later Li Xuan diverted his direction from the fired glass because he accidentally saw someone wearing crystal glasses.

This made him think of telescopes all of a sudden! ()

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