Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Datang City Management!

Before Li Xuan led the tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians south to Liuzhou City, the 10,000-strong army led by Hao Bainian could not wait for nothing in Liuzhou City.

Although they also need time to rest and replenish, it may take a month or two!

In the first battle of the attack on Liuzhou Fucheng, the loss of the southward army was certainly there, but it took so long to rest and replenish.

In the Battle of Liuzhou City, the 3rd garrison brigade and the Tusi soldiers suffered the most casualties among the troops heading south.

Among them, about 500 people were killed and wounded in the 3rd garrison brigade, more than 300 people were killed and wounded by the chieftains, and about 300 people were killed and wounded by the 1st infantry brigade, artillery, baggage and other units.

The total number of casualties is about a thousand people!

But compared to a siege force of more than 10,000 people, especially for such a tough battle, such casualties are actually acceptable.

You must know that they not only captured Liuzhou Fucheng, but also wiped out all the tens of thousands of Ming Army defenders in the city.

Benefiting from the fact that Liuzhou Fucheng faces the Liujiang River, and the north side without Linjiang is the main attack direction of the King of the Tang Dynasty, so that after the city was broken, the Ming army in the city could not escape at all, and more than 3,000 people died in battle. Or they died after being seriously injured. More than 4,000 people surrendered 6 times, and some of them were scattered throughout the city. They took off their military uniforms, threw away their weapons and returned home.

At present, the Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty is continuing to clear the city.

After the end of the battle of Liuzhou City, the army going southward, on the one hand, carried out a cleanup on Liuzhou City, and on the other hand, began to rest and replenish on the spot.

Among them, the replenishment of the 3rd garrison brigade is the simplest. More than 500 people were directly selected from the surrendered Ming army to replenish on the spot. In two days, the 3rd garrison brigade, which had suffered heavy losses, became the first unit to be fully restored. .

The 1st Infantry Brigade and other units also had simple personnel replenishment. The training department directly added more than 200 newly trained personnel, and also selected some personnel from the surrendered Ming army for replenishment.

On the contrary, it is more troublesome to supplement the Tusi soldiers. Strictly speaking, these Tusi soldiers are not part of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, but the local chieftains sent different numbers of soldiers to express their sincerity to the Tang Dynasty. Of course, the addition of the follow-up soldiers, the Great Tang Wang Shi, is naturally irrelevant, and each chieftain needs to supplement it by himself.

Moreover, in this tough battle in Liuzhou City, the fighting power of the Tusi soldiers was quite good. Although the casualties were not small, they effectively relieved the pressure on the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, after the war, Hao Bainian asked the chieftains in Liuzhou to continue to replenish their troops, restore the force to the previous 1,500, and gave the chieftains the official designation: Liuzhou Independence Regiment, which will be deployed Set up three infantry battalions.

Although it is said that the officers of the Liuzhou Independent Regiment are still not officers of the King Division of the Tang Dynasty, but the chieftains of the chieftains, the Tang Dynasty dispatched some of the troops to this unit for the reason of better cooperating with the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty. The so-called liaisons, and these liaisons will serve as the deputy of the regiment, battalion, and team.

Datang Wang Shi did this. Naturally, he planned to completely incorporate these Tusi soldiers into the Datang 6th Army in the future. However, at present, the Datang Dynasty still needs to win over these local Tusi, and it is not easy to do too much. Just take it slow.

Although the troops of the southward army have not been replenished, they have not continued to stay in Liuzhou. The second infantry regiment, the third garrison brigade and the second cavalry battalion in the first infantry brigade have already headed south to Xiangzhou.

And Hao Bainian took the rest to stay in Liuzhou City, waiting for Li Xuan's arrival!

And Li Xuan also took the 5th Infantry Regiment, the Guard Battalion, the 1st Cavalry Battalion and the main civil and military senior officials to the south first. When the military and civilians in the rear just entered the territory of Guangxi, the troops led by Li Xuan himself had already arrived. Huaiyuan.

Then I took the boats prepared by the Navy and the Logistics Department and went down the river. It is expected that I will be able to reach Liuzhou Fucheng in three days!

The holy car is about to arrive in Liuzhou Fucheng, and Hao Bainian and other civil and military officials in Liuzhou are also preparing to welcome the arrival of the holy car.

For example, a large number of civilians were recruited to repair the destroyed city walls, clean up the bodies of the war, and then cleaned up the main streets in the city and covered them with loess, and ordered each household not to dump garbage directly on the streets in front of their homes. If you are caught, you will be fined, and the fine will be severe!

Except for a very small number of streets these days, not many are bluestone roads, and most of them are dirt roads, even in big cities like Nanjing and Beijing. When it rains, the streets are full of mud.

Moreover, no one pays attention to hygiene these days. The feces of horses and other animals are pulled casually, and no one cleans them up, so walking on the bustling and bustling streets and stepping on a piece of feces, if you smell the feces and urine, don’t forget Surprised, that's normal.

If you don't step on such a piece of shit, you are embarrassed to say that this is a lively and bustling street!

When Li Xuan settled in Xingquan Mansion City before, he was surprised and deeply disgusted by the urban sanitary environment of this era.

In the city of Xingquan Mansion, extremely strict hygiene management measures have been implemented. People are strictly prohibited to defecate and throw household garbage at random, and people's animals are not allowed to **** and urinate on the streets.

Catch one and punish one!

To this end, Li Xuan also set up a pilot city management office in Xingquan Prefecture, which directly belongs to the Xingquan Prefecture Patrol Bureau, and their responsibility is to manage the sanitation, buildings and other messy things in the city, which are generally similar to the urban management of later generations. !

Since the day it was established, the Xingquan Prefecture City Management Office has displayed an incomparably powerful combat effectiveness. Its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the Datang Tax Inspection Team. Countless city management office personnel wearing 'urban management' armbands are here. Walking on the streets, closely monitoring the entire city, so that many criminal traffickers who defecate and take out garbage everywhere have nowhere to hide, and pay fines obediently!

Through the strict management of the city management office, especially the heavy punishment, the appearance of the city in Xingquan Mansion has undergone great changes.

The following officials also know that Li Xuan is very disgusted by the messiness of the city. In order to let His Majesty arrive at Liuzhou City and see a clean and tidy Liuzhou City, Ma Wei, the prefect of Liuzhou Prefecture, personally led the team to sort out Liuzhou Prefecture. In just a few days, more than 1,000 people were fined and more than 1,000 taels were fined, which not only refreshed Liuzhou City, but also contributed more than 1,000 taels to the newly established police station. expenses.

In addition to these, it is also necessary to prepare the palace and the offices of various ministries and yamen, as well as the residences of senior officials.

Li Xuan did not come alone with the army, but with the entire royal family and all the officials of the Tang Dynasty such as the cabinet and the Privy Council, as well as their families.

After these people come, they must have an office and a place to live!

Li Xuan's palace was originally planned to be set up in the Liuzhou prefecture, but the prefects of the Liuzhou prefecture are estimated to be unwilling to carry a name for extravagance and waste. It is estimated that they have not repaired the prefecture for decades. , As a result, this mansion is in tatters. If it needs to be repaired, it is estimated that the amount of construction is similar to that of reconstruction, but if it is not repaired, do you dare to let the emperor, the empress dowager and the queen live here? What if the house collapses one day?

At this time, everyone looked around the city of Liuzhou, and they found that a former residence of a large salt merchant that they had seized was quite good. No matter the size of the land or the level of luxury, it left hundreds of streets behind the mansion. In addition, this The salt merchant's house is just near the yamen, and there are also many yamen institutions of the original Ming army and the residences of some large families.

It is just right to build a political center around the salt merchant's house.

First, they arrived in Liuzhou City with the army to start work, and after discussing with the civil officials who welcomed the holy car, they agreed that this sealed-up salt merchant house was more suitable as a palace than the government office.

So they sent people back north and reported it to Li Xuan. After all, this was a place to find a place for Li Xuan, and they couldn't decide on their own.

Li Xuan doesn't really care about He prides himself on being a man with great ideals!

He could even sleep in a tent when he led the army on an expedition, and he had lived in that broken mansion in Xingquan Mansion City for so long. The temporary palace that everyone found for him was definitely more expensive than a tent, so he flicked his pen. directly recognized.

After Li Xuanren, who was still far away in Huaiyuan, approved it, many officials who arrived first started to prepare, and then the female officials of the inner courtyard who arrived a day earlier also arrived in Liuzhou City with some very strong and healthy women. , and then start to clean up in detail.

After returning to Xingquan Mansion from Liping Mansion, Li Xuan felt that there were so many people in the palace that it became more troublesome to manage.

So he officially established the institution of the inner palace, but unlike the institutions outside, the staff in this institution are all women.

Its organization is similar to that of the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty, but the accusation of this inner court is very pure, that is, it is to take care of the daily life of the members of the royal family, and it is limited to this.

At present, more than 100 female officials and maids in the palace are directly under the management of the inner palace.

Li Xuan set up the inner court and the female official system to replace the eunuchs in previous dynasties!

Eunuchs, a product that goes against human nature, are obviously not in line with the greatest and most advanced industrial country of our time, the Tang Dynasty that represents the new direction of human development!

Although the Tang Dynasty followed the traditions in etiquette, it even strictly followed the rituals of Zhou. For example, the 'division and brigade' of the troops were actually derived from the rituals of Zhou. This is not to imitate the modern military of the West, but China since ancient times. Some names!

But while abiding by traditions, it is deepening reforms. Otherwise, how could the Tang Dynasty lead mankind to conquer the stars?

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