Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 497: Datang Turtle Navy

When Li Xuan saw the battleship design draft that the navy people took out, he was a little dissatisfied. Although these people in the navy said they were going to deploy artillery in the battleship, they obviously did not understand the spirit of his previous instructions!

More artillery, high mobility, and strong defense!

However, the ships built by these people in the navy are at best an enhanced version of civilian ships. The ships are too small, and they put more emphasis on the number of people they carry, because they believe that in naval battles, although artillery is also very important, it is very important to engage in side battles. Even more important, there must be a large number of people on board.

They don't even think about it. Their navy is only a few hundred people. If they are engaged in a battle, where do they come from?

Besides, in the war between the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, did they rely on many talents to win?

No, they are relying on more advanced and numerous firearms, and relying on these firearms to display corresponding tactics, such a combination is the key to defeating the Ming army many times.

Compared with the Ming army? Does it match the Tang Dynasty?

Therefore, even the navy must have strong firepower, use naval guns as the main means to eliminate opponents, and have high mobility.

The defense must be strong and can withstand the situation of playing more with less!

And these seem to be little guys at first glance, and they say that such warships are cheap, and their navy can build hundreds of them in one breath, which is not in line with Li Xuan's warships, even if only The price of inland warships can't be so cheap, and it will lose the face of the Tang Dynasty if you say it.

Moreover, these warships reserved most of the space for personnel to live in, and in the end, they could only carry a few warships with one or two small-caliber artillery pieces. If they were warships, they might as well be troop transports loaded with limited self-defense forces.

Even more tragic than the battleships of the Ming Dynasty navy!

The battleships of the Ming Dynasty also had a lot of firearms, especially those large ships of their coastal navy, such as the Fuchuan, which were typical gunboats!

After seeing the design of the navy, Li Xuan made a comment to these people in the navy: a group of bumpkins in the ravines!

However, Li Xuan can't blame the people in the navy. Most of the people in the navy are from the 6th Army. There are not many professional naval officers. The understanding of naval warfare is only based on group fights. Go up, and then start the battle.

Compared with the Datang 6th Army, whose equipment and tactics are already at the forefront of the world, the Datang Navy is still too naive.

Li Xuan felt that Biya had personally intervened in the naval exhibition. Otherwise, the navy of the Tang Dynasty would become a Navy 6 team with hundreds or even thousands of small wooden boats.

So he did not hesitate to put these design plans with a dozen x, and then put forward his detailed requirements for naval warships in detail.

If it wasn't for him who didn't know how to design battleships, he would have drawn a design drawing himself. Unfortunately, he knew nothing about battleship design, nor did he know anything about the shipbuilding technology these days, so he could only make requests. How to meet these requirements is the Navy's. something happened.

Otherwise, what do you want them to do!

In order to avoid embarrassing things they couldn't comprehend here, Li Xuan wrote the requirements for naval battleships in great detail!

First, he emphasized that the naval warships must have strong firepower and be able to carry a large number of heavy artillery with a huge caliber. As for the specific amount? How big should the caliber be? Naturally, you can install as many as you have. It is best that the firepower of a warship can match the firepower of the entire fleet of the Ming Navy Navy.

On the premise of ensuring firepower, keep the maneuverability and defensive performance as much as possible.

As for the ability to pick up side battles, you can properly reserve the living space for some personnel. Besides, you don't necessarily have to have professional 6 teams to play the side fights. Ordinary sailors and gunners can do it. Why do you have to leave it out? So much cabin space for the 6 team!

After receiving Li Xuan's feedback, the naval officers made up of bunnies were a little incomprehensible. A group of people looked at Lieutenant Colonel Bao Yifen, the chief of the Navy of the Tang Dynasty, who was sitting on the seat.

Bao Yifen looked at the expressions of everyone, and he was quite helpless himself!

Like most of the naval officers present, Bao Yifen was born in the 6th Army. After he studied at the Wuxuetang, he first went to work in the 1st Infantry Regiment, and then studied at the Imperial Academy. While serving as a staff officer at the Department of Operations, at that time the staff officer he served was mainly responsible for river transportation, at most a logistics professional, but it was definitely not related to the navy.

But when the Tang Dynasty wanted to set up the Tang Navy, Li Xuan scoured the talent pool of the Tang Dynasty, especially the military, but he couldn't find a professional naval officer.

No way. When the Datang Navy was established, the Datang Dynasty was still limited to Liping House and Xingquan House. Although there were rivers such as the Lanjiang River in the territory, the Ming Dynasty did not set up professional sailors here, so the Tang Dynasty It is also impossible for the dynasty to obtain the surrender of the naval generals of the Ming Dynasty.

In the end, the selection came and went, and I had to choose Bao Yifen, the staff officer of the Operations Department who was in charge of the inland river logistics transportation task at that time. At that time, he was only a captain!

Bao Yifen was found and appointed as the director of the Navy Department under the Privy Council of the Tang Dynasty, and was promoted to the rank of major. Of course, in order to express the difference between the 6th Army and the Navy, Li Xuan added a navy prefix directly in front of his rank, In this way, the major of him became a major of the Navy, and at the same time, he was different from the major of the 6th Army on the side of the 6th Army.

When Bao Yifen took office, he also had great ambitions. He found a group of officers and soldiers who knew ships in the Tang Dynasty, and then collected some ship bosses and sailors from the people.

Finally, when the army went south to Liuzhou, it successfully put up the shelf of the Datang Navy, and established the Datang Navy in the Liujiang River Basin, with several large and small ships under its jurisdiction and hundreds of personnel. During the month and in the logistics of supplying the army, their navy contributed a lot, and it was considered a big and small contribution, so Jigong was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the navy, and he was also the highest rank of naval officer in the Tang Dynasty. Chief of the Navy.

But although it is said that he has climbed all the way to the rank of lieutenant colonel of the navy and has hundreds of people under his command, when it comes to designing a brand-new warship, to be honest, he understands the design of warships, not only him, but a group of naval officers under his command. They don't even understand these things.

After thinking about it for a long time, I feel that it is not enough for them to build their own cars behind closed doors, and it is better to consult with professionals, so Lieutenant Colonel Bao Yifen said: "As for the new battleship, we don't know how to design it ourselves, so, Please cooperate with the Ministry of Industry one or two, didn't they say that they want to build a shipbuilding workshop in Liuzhou City, it is said that they have recruited a lot of craftsmen, they know better than us about shipbuilding!"

He was right, because Xu Bingfu came to sell ships, and because the Datang Dynasty had no shipbuilding workshops, he could only watch the excitement of needing a lot of silver to buy ships. Li Xuan had already personally ordered the Ministry of Industry to form its own In the Tang Dynasty's own shipyard, it doesn't matter if it can't build a big ship at first, you can always build a small boat, right?

In the future, if you study slowly and expand the scale, you will be able to build a big ship in the future!

The shipyard on the Ministry of Industry’s side has not yet begun to be established, and the shipbuilders gathered are idle and idle, and they were immediately sent to the navy to help the navy design ships.

Anyway, the Ministry of Industry thinks that the Navy needs to build a lot of ships. Their workshops under the Ministry of Industry will definitely not be able to build large-scale warships for a while, but some small ordinary transport ships should be fine, and most of them will have to undertake a lot in the future. of construction tasks.

Anyway, it will be designed in the future. It is naturally better to design together with the Navy now, and it will be simpler when the construction is officially started later.

As a result, in the Navy Department of the Tang Dynasty, there were very strange scenes for several days in a row. A group of naval officers in navy blue uniforms and a group of shipbuilders in ordinary clothes were arguing and arguing every day. Colleagues of the 6th Army all feel that there must be something wrong with these naval Our 6th Army elites are ashamed to be in the company of the navy!

It is not unreasonable for the 6th Army to think that these navies are local turtles. The 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty is so tall and tall, the firearms are the best in the world, and the artillery is not to mention the world's number one, but it is definitely the number one in East Asia.

But the navy is full of petty people everywhere. They only play a few small sampans every day, and I heard that when His Majesty asked them to design a new battleship, the designed battleship could not even fit a few guns. For this reason, His Majesty was severely punished approved a meal.

This made many people in the 6th Army laughed secretly when they heard it!

Deserved to be scolded by His Majesty!

Who asked you navy **** to change the color of the uniforms of our 6th Army and regard them as navy uniforms!

Paralyzed, it’s okay to change it, but you can’t die, just changed from dark blue to navy blue, and said that the colors of the military uniforms of the two services are different!

Can you tell me what is the difference between these two colors? You can't tell the difference with the naked eye. In daily life, people regard these two colors as the same color. In this year's Ming Dynasty, there is no programmer, but no one cares about the codes of these two colors. One is o and the other is b.

Of course, if you look closely, look carefully, and observe repeatedly with the attitude of engaging in scientific research, you will still find that the dark blue is darker and the navy blue is lighter?

But except for a very few specific groups, who would pay attention to this!

Therefore, people will see that the colors of the military uniforms of the 6 navies of the Tang Dynasty, especially the military uniforms of the officers, are the same.

Many officers of the 6th Army want to perform and ask the navy to change the style and color of their uniforms. They are the elites of the 6th Army, the core pillar of the Tang Dynasty. The officers of the 6th Army can't dress like these navy natives, and they can't afford to lose this person. ()

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