Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 510: It's hard to rebel!

After Zhang Yue went south, he did not go directly along the sea and land to the Guangdong and Guangxi areas, which are currently the most fierce against the Tang thieves, but went directly to Huguang.

This is not to say that Zhang Yue does not know that the heavy troops of the pseudo-Tang thieves have entered Guangxi, Wuzhou is facing great pressure, and even Guangdong may not be able to hold it.

It is precisely because of this knowledge that Zhang Yue did not choose to go to the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, but came to Huguang!


Because even if Zhang Yue went to the Guangdong and Guangxi areas, it would not be possible to bring much help to the Ming army in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas. A Ming army in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas only had so much, and when Zhang Yue went, he could not conjure tens of thousands of people out of thin air. come!

What's more, in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, the military strength of Guangxi is stronger, and the Guangdong side is relatively much weaker. Now Guangxi has almost fallen except for the bare Wuzhou, and Guangdong behind it is also safe. Gather too many troops, otherwise, without Zhang Yue going, Wang Yue would directly draw a large number of troops from Guangdong.

But what's the reality? Wang Yue spent a lot of energy, and it was only the deployment of 10,000 troops from Guangdong.

And this situation will not be changed just because Zhang Yue went to Guangdong.

In order to resist the eastward advance of the pseudo-Tang thief army, it is impossible to rely on the strength of Guangdong and Guangxi, and it is necessary to help other provinces.

And what province is this province?

Of course it is Huguang!

As long as Zhang Yue went to Huguang, he would be able to mobilize the Ming army in Huguang, and then part of it would march into Guizhou, and one would besiege Wei to save Zhao. On the other hand, he could directly send troops south to Guangxi and Guangdong to reinforce Wang Yue.

Therefore, Zhang Yue did not go to Guangdong and Guangxi, where the situation was the most dangerous, but went to Huguang, which had not yet been invaded by the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

After Zhang Yue went to Huguang, he quickly integrated the Ming army in Huguang Province, and quickly sent 30,000 people to enter Guizhou, targeting Xingquanfu, the place where the puppet thieves of the Tang Dynasty lived.

And Li Xuan, who was far away in Wuzhou, naturally did not know this news.

Today's communication methods are so backward, how could he know about things hundreds of kilometers away, and now he is only thinking about how to conquer Wuzhou City!

After building a camp outside Wuzhou City and encircling Wuzhou City, a group of middle and high-ranking generals and combat staff of the Datang King Division were pondering how to capture Wuzhou City every day.

All kinds of messy plans were put forward, and then they were rejected. What kind of night raids, what swindle capitulations, what kind of pretending to be a false army of thieves to enter the city, listening to the various plans put forward by these generals, Li Xuan was also the first. Once I found out that the people under my hands still have such a high sense of humor!

Night raid? Fraud? Pretending to be the Ming Army? Luckily, you can also figure it out, are you treating Ming Jun as a fool or I as a fool?

This kind of battle involving tens of thousands of people and enough to affect the situation in the two provinces, how could it be possible to play such a trail, and the Ming army is not a fool, how could it be unprepared.

All kinds of messy plans were proposed, and most of them were rejected by Li Xuan himself. What kind of **** is this?

But in the end, a plan proposed by Zeng Ziwen was to make him change!

Zeng Ziwen said: "Since Wuzhou cannot be taken down in the short term, and the rainy season is approaching, the longer the delay is, the worse it will be for us. We might as well leave a part of our troops to continue besieging the enemy, and send some partial divisions to continue eastward to Zhaoqing!"

When he said this, he pointed to Zhaoqing on the big map on the wall and said: "According to the information we have collected recently, most of the troops from Guangdong have been transferred to Wuzhou. There are a few thousand people left to defend, and in Zhaoqing, there are at most 3,000 people stationed there. Our army only needs to send 10,000 people, no, only 5,000 people are needed to go south to Zhaoqing, and then all the way along the east of the Xijiang River. Advance, conquer Guangzhou and Foshan and other places!"

Zeng Ziwen's words immediately opened a door for Li Xuan, who was worried about how to conquer Wuzhou. Although the door was only half-opened, and he didn't know whether there would be any danger behind the door, it was indeed for himself. Another feasible strategy is proposed.

Wuzhou is such a hard bone that it is hard to chew. If it is to be chewed down, either it will take a lot of time to besiege it slowly, or it will be a strong attack regardless of casualties, and either of these two methods is unacceptable to Li Xuan. of.

However, if you want to bypass Wuzhou and continue eastward, although you can continue to implement the eastward strategy, there is also a great risk. Not to mention that the existence of Wuzhou will lead to the interruption of the Xijiang River transportation. It is only five or six in Wuzhou. The Wan Ming Army is like a steel thorn stuck in the throat of the Tang Dynasty.

No, just after Zeng Ziwen's words fell, Hao Bainian said: "If we bypass Wuzhou and continue to advance eastward, if the Wuzhou Ming army leaves the city to attack our army's logistics line, the materials needed by the front-line army may be difficult to guarantee. Our army continues to advance eastward, and if there is a need to leave troops behind to continue besieging Wuzhou, this is equivalent to dividing the troops, and if the troops are divided, the troops besieging Wuzhou will be relatively weak, and it is difficult to guarantee that the enemy in the city will not take the initiative to attack. Can you resist?"

Hao Bainian's words also caused everyone to nod for a while!

Dividing troops has always been a taboo in military families, and the Great Tang Emperor has always avoided doing so!

Don't look at the fact that the Datang Wangshi has now been divided into three armies, fighting in Guizhou, Guixi, and Guidong respectively, but in fact, the main force of the Datang Wangshi has always been in the first army, in Guidong!

The Second Army in Guizhou and the Third Army in Western Guizhou were not actually the main force of the King Division of the Tang Dynasty.

This can be seen from the fact that the two artillery battalions, two cavalry battalions, and even the two baggage regiments of the Datang King Division are all on the front line in Wuzhou. The main force of the Datang King Division has always been together. .

But if you want to bypass Wuzhou, it is definitely impossible to bypass Wuzhou directly. This will cut off the supply line or even pierce the chrysanthemum by the defenders in Wuzhou City.

Therefore, we still need to leave some troops in Wuzhou, and we must continue to besiege the main force to monitor the Ming army in the city to prevent them from changing.

This part of the army must not be less than 20,000, and even this number is not enough.

After all, the king of the Tang Dynasty wanted to besiege Wuzhou, not just the city. If the city is to be besieged, at least the east and west sides should be blocked. This is to be surrounded by less, and the troops are not enough. If you continue to deploy troops to the east, This siege of Wuzhou is even more difficult.

But if you don't deploy enough troops, then it will become a joke to continue eastward to Guangdong. Zhaoqing, Guangzhou and the whole of Guangdong, even if they have few defensive troops in such a big place, they are not enough for two or three thousand people. To win, just to fight one Zhaoqing, at least 4,000 to 5,000 people, and then to fight Guangzhou, and even control the entire Guangdong, at least tens of thousands of troops!

This time, because of Zeng Ziwen's strategy of splitting troops eastward, the strategy meeting was spent in quarrels, which made Li Xuan feel helpless and tired!

The scale of the Tang Dynasty is getting bigger and bigger, and the army is getting bigger and bigger, but he feels the more difficult it is to rebel!

If nothing else, just being a Wuzhou now makes oneself unable to advance or retreat!

After everyone left, Li Xuan stayed alone in the tent of the Central Army, thinking hard about the map, carefully considering how to go next.

When you look up, you can see Wuzhou City in the distance!

After thinking about it for a long time, he sighed and said to himself: There are still fewer guns. If he has hundreds of heavy guns, what is a Wuzhou city in this district, it will collapse in minutes! "

Come on, cannons must be built, more, bigger cannons!

There are also too few muskets, only a few thousand, which are not enough to stick between the teeth. If there are tens of thousands of guns, I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of Ming troops in this mere tens of thousands of Ming troops.

And this arquebus is not easy to use, if there was a flintlock gun, it would have swept across the country long ago!

The next day, Li Xuan spent another pointless quarrel among a group of middle and senior generals. Some wanted to storm Wuzhou immediately, some wanted to besiege Wuzhou, and some wanted to divide their troops eastward. I can't convince anyone. In the end, the big guys who had been arguing all day went back to their respective houses, ready to raise their spirits and continue arguing tomorrow!

But that night, Li Xuan got the expedited military newspaper sent by the military newspaper messenger!

"More than 30,000 thieves have invaded Xingquan Prefecture from The forward 3,000 people have already arrived in Xingquan Prefecture, and the 3rd Infantry Regiment garrisoned in Xingquan Prefecture and some units of the 2nd Guard Brigade have been struggling to resist! "

The military newspaper envoy in front of him was almost exhausted because he ran for a day on horseback. After he delivered the military report, he was helped out.

And Li Xuan looked at this military report, although the Ming army in Huguang would advance westward was long in his expectation, and he also prepared for this, the whole Guizhou has the second infantry brigade under the second army, the second infantry brigade, The first garrison brigade, the second garrison brigade, the three troops, in addition to the central and western Guizhou also established a temporary third regiment, with a total strength of no less than 20,000 people.

But when the Ming army really moved westward, Li Xuan was still a little worried, especially when he heard that the Ming army had reached 30,000 people, he was even more worried.

Although the three units of the Second Army in Guizhou are not weak, they are not units like the 1st Infantry Brigade. In addition, many units of the Second Army are still besieging Guiyang, the provincial capital of Guizhou. In the eastern part of Guizhou, there is only one 3rd Infantry Regiment and 2nd Garrison Brigade, as well as the 4th Artillery Battalion, which has just been established and has few artillery pieces, the 4th Cavalry Battalion with only dozens of cavalrymen, and the 4th Cavalry Battalion, which is still a group of recruits. Four carriages.

And these troops are not only stationed in Xingquan Prefecture, but also have to control several prefectures in northeastern Guizhou!

Now that the Ming army is marching westward, the Second Army will probably have a hard time fighting!

The current situation of the Tang Dynasty is not optimistic!

The main force of the first army led by him was blocked in Wuzhou City and could not enter. The second army on the Guizhou side had not even won Guiyang, and tens of thousands of Ming troops from Huguang were killed in Xingquan Mansion.

Heck, it's really **** hard to make a rebellion!

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