Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 564: The cavalry is charging

"Get on the horse!" At the same time as Captain Wu Bei gave the order, he also got on the horse himself.

And this was the fourth time he rode on the back of his warhorse after he accompanied the army north into Jingzhou, in addition to his daily training. In daily life, he was absolutely reluctant to ride on the warhorse, and the first three times were all due to combat missions. , and this time too.

"Draw the sword!" After Qi Qi mounted his horse, Captain Wu Bei gave the order again, but in fact, without him, the cavalry below knew what to do.

"Go slowly!"

This small cavalry unit began to advance slowly, crossing the trees in the woods, and when they were about to leave the woods, Captain Wu Bei ordered the troops to start speeding up: "trot forward!"

At this time, they had already rushed out of the woods on the horses that started to trot, and the sound of hooves began to sound in the sky.

The Ming army cavalry hundreds of meters away also discovered them one by one at this time, and the leading Ming army officer shouted something, obviously to gather his cavalry to prepare for the battle!

But it's too late!

For the cavalry unit, which has already started to speed up and is getting faster and faster, a few hundred meters is just a short moment. As Captain Wu Bei pointed his saber in front of him, he shouted: "Come on! "At that time, this cavalry force of only ten people was already less than 100 meters away from the Ming cavalry.

Even if these Ming army cavalry moves quickly, most of them have already turned on their horses, and even started to assemble in formation to fight, but there is not enough time left for them. In fact, for them, the best way to deal with them is to jump on their horses and escape .

It's a pity that they didn't, they chose to fight, and someone even urged the war horse to launch a counter-charge!

In the next instant, Captain Wu Bei took fifteen cavalry under his command and collided with the Ming army cavalry in front of him. Although the scattered Ming army cavalry also rose up to resist, their scattered formation made them even though the total strength of the army was high. There were nearly ten more people, but in fact the cavalry who fought against the cavalry under Captain Wu Bei, especially only two or three people fought with them at the same time.

And that's where the real advantage of the Wall Charge tactic comes in!

In fact, this tactic is not special at all, and its core point is only one, that is, to concentrate as many troops as possible to attack a small number of the enemy's troops, so as to achieve a local military advantage on the same front.

In other words, try to use two cavalry or even three or four cavalry to attack one of the enemy's cavalry. This kind of advantage can play a role even when the total strength of the enemy's army is obviously larger than your own!

This battle between cavalrymen was unfair from the very beginning. Captain Wu Bei's cavalry unit discovered the Ming cavalry first, and launched a surprise attack immediately.

And this kind of unfairness also made the result of this small-scale battle doomed from the beginning: the Ming army was defeated!

And the defeat was extremely tragic. Except for a few cavalrymen who saw that the momentum was not right, they turned their horses and ran for their lives. Most of the other Ming cavalry were beheaded by Captain Wu Bei's cavalry. .

After the battle, Captain Wu Bei was content to gather up the war horses that originally belonged to the Ming army cavalry. Now these war horses have been captured by them. In addition, the Ming army's swords and other weapons are also confiscated.

As for the prisoners, not a single one was caught, because in this fierce cavalry confrontation, regardless of the enemy or me, as long as they were injured, most of them were seriously injured, and there was no difference between serious injuries and casualties in this era.

One of the cavalry under his command was killed, and there was another seriously wounded man. Although the wounded man's injuries looked a little serious, he was his own robe after all. After a simple disinfection with the alcohol carried by the army, he was bandaged, and then he was put on a horse and prepared to be brought back. As for whether he could survive, it could only be up to the will of God.

As for the Ming army, seven or eight people were beheaded on the spot, and about ten others were seriously injured. When dealing with this kind of Ming army seriously wounded, they also directly made up the knife. Die slowly in pain. This process may take a few minutes or a few hours, but it is basically impossible to survive.

On the contrary, there were quite a few horses seized, more than ten in total, and he found that these horses were much better than the southwestern horses used by his own people. As a cavalryman, he could recognize them at a glance. Most of the Mongolian horses in the north have a shoulder height of one meter three, which is almost ten centimeters higher than the southwest horses they carefully selected.

The shoulder height of most southwest horses is generally only about one meter and one meter. Only a few outstanding people can reach one meter two. The horses used by the cavalry of the King of the Tang Dynasty are naturally selected southwest horses, and the shoulder height is the minimum standard. It is 1.15 meters, and some can reach 1.2 meters.

These Mongolian horses used by the Ming army as war horses can reach a shoulder height of one meter three. Although this height is still very short for mounted war horses, it is also relatively rare in East Asia.

But Captain Wu Bei didn't know that when he took his cavalry platoon and defeated a Ming army cavalry, and even captured more than ten horses, in fact, more Ming army reconnaissance cavalry entered one after another, while the Tang army's cavalry It is impossible for the peripheral cavalry to completely intercept these Ming reconnaissance cavalry.

In the same way, just as the cavalry units of the Ming army could not completely intercept the investigation of the King of the Tang Dynasty, the existence of these reconnaissance cavalry made both sides more aware of each other.

When the Ming army from Xingquan Mansion returned to Jingzhou and began to detour to the north, Chen Keqiao did not act at first, but soon when he learned that the Ming army in Jingzhou city was also out of the city, and also heading towards the north when.

He made a decisive decision and ordered the troops to pull out and go directly to the north!

He has already seen that these Ming troops want to avoid him and then converge. As a result, the plan of waiting for work that he planned will naturally be impossible to achieve.

Now he wants to compete with these Ming troops to defeat the Ming troops coming out of Jingzhou City before they converge!

And in this regard, he is full of confidence!

He brought most of the main force of the 3rd Infantry Brigade, and also a large number of auxiliary troops, with a total force of more than 7,000. If the Ming army was hiding in the fortified city, then he might have tried to avoid it. He avoided fighting without casualties, but now that the Ming army in Jingzhou City ran out on his own, he would be rude.

In the field battle, he had great confidence to defeat the Ming army, which was only ten thousand people, and it didn't take long to find them and then defeat them.

But if you want to defeat them in the field, it's not whether you can't beat them in the early stage, but whether you can find them first, and find and defeat them before their two teams meet.

Therefore, in the follow-up operations, the role of cavalry is still irreplaceable. Chen Keqiao sent almost all the reconnaissance cavalry in the infantry unit. Later, he still felt that the reconnaissance cavalry was not enough, and even used the original mission as a peripheral realm. The second cavalry battalion also dispatched some cavalry to serve as scout cavalry.

In the King Division of the Tang Dynasty, although the reconnaissance cavalry belonged to the cavalry, the reconnaissance cavalry directly under each infantry regiment and the cavalry in the military cavalry battalion were actually completely different types of arms. Clever, able to break through the enemy's blockade for reconnaissance missions, but it would be too reluctant to let them fight immediately.

The essence of the cavalry in the cavalry battalion is not actually reconnaissance, but for regular engagement. The focus of the two sides is different, and the subjects of daily training are also different.

Of course, when necessary, the reconnaissance cavalry can also be pulled up and used as a regular cavalry, and the regular cavalry can also be pulled out and used as a scouting cavalry, but the effect is not so good.

After all, the time when the Tang Dynasty formed an army was relatively short, and the training of the cavalry took too long. , to form combat power as soon as possible.

In this general situation, the cavalry of the two sides are still fighting continuously. This kind of cavalry battle is mainly a small-scale battle. Generally speaking, one party wants to break through the blockade and interception to investigate, and the other party just wants to stop them.

Overall, the casualties on both sides were not large, and the results were relatively flat.

Because in small-scale battles, the competition is about who has better horses, better equipment, and better riding skills. In fact, the Ming army has an obvious advantage, and the advantage of the Tang cavalry is that Large-scale cavalry battles, so although their small-scale cavalry losses are relatively, but through the blockade and sweep of the second cavalry battalion, the Ming cavalry troops were annihilated several times in a row.

This evens the outcome of the two sides!

Chen Keqiao was a little dissatisfied with this, because the number of cavalry in Datang was small. The Fourth Army had only 200 regular cavalry and about 70 reconnaissance cavalry.

The cavalry unit with less than 300 people actually lost more than 30 people in the cavalry confrontation in the past few days, which made Chen Keqiao a little worried.

So later, we simply changed the reconnaissance mode. Instead of one or two cavalrymen, they went out to investigate. If they were caught by the enemy, they would send food. It is better to go out to investigate on a platoon scale. A large-scale interceptor cavalry can also have the power to fight.

This is also the reason why Chen Keqiao sent the second cavalry battalion to serve as a reconnaissance force.

In this way, the loss of the cavalry is much smaller, but the relative victory is greatly expanded, and this change in the situation also makes the opposite Ming army generals heartache and worry.

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