Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 625: Dissatisfied? exterminate family

According to Hao Bainian's order, the route of Sun Shuangxi's detachment going north was not from the direction of Chenzhou, but would bypass Chenzhou north as the main force of the previous 1st Infantry Division.

Because he wants to lead his troops to return to the combat sequence of the 1st Infantry Division as soon as possible to prepare for the follow-up decisive battle!

He has already obtained the information of the military department. According to the information, the Ming army in the direction of Changsha and Hengzhou is gathering, and it will continue to move south, and then besiege the main force of the 1st Infantry Division. Through this information, combined with Hao Bainian's order, It is not difficult for him to guess that a super war is about to break out.

As for the specific location, it depends on the final action results of the troops on both sides, but according to the current actions of the two sides, a war is almost inevitable.

Because of the subsequent actions of the Ming army, the First Army's military headquarters can't judge, so Hao Bainian can only recruit troops to concentrate as soon as possible, and make full preparations to fight.

This is also the reason why they gave up attacking Chenzhou first. Now there are at least 10,000 Ming troops in the city of Chenzhou. If you add the young men they temporarily recruited, there are probably 14,000 to 5,000 soldiers.

If the Datang Army wants to storm Chenzhou City, it will either pay heavy casualties to conquer it quickly, or waste a lot of time to grind it slowly.

Both of these are unacceptable to Hao Bainian. Otherwise, he would not have come up with such a complicated plan, just to attract the Ming army from the city.

Therefore, in Hao Bainian's strategic plan, Chenzhou City was kept as it was, and the temporary fourth regiment continued to watch. As long as the Ming army in the city did not take the initiative to rush out, then the temporary fourth regiment would not take the initiative to attack.

The main force of the 1st Infantry Division, including Sun Shuangxi's troops, began to assemble. Of course, before the assembly, Hao Bainian was leading the troops to attack the Ming army in the direction of Guiyang Prefecture.

At the end, Hao Bainian's goal is to concentrate the strength of the two infantry divisions to face the Ming army heading south from Hengzhou and Changsha!

When Hao Bainian led the First Army and the Ming Army in Huguang to fight continuously, the First Supplementary Brigade also took on the responsibility of the robbery battalion and the garrison brigade in the past. These new recruits were training and executing some tasks at the same time. Important tasks include garrisoning Shaozhou Prefecture and Yizhang City, as well as maintaining supply lines in the rear security areas.

As for the crisis supply line close to the front line, this has nothing to do with them. If it is not absolutely necessary, they will not be allowed to participate in the battle.

After all, the supplementary brigade said that it was stricter, it was just a training unit, and its core purpose was to provide supplementary troops for the front-line troops and be responsible for specific combat tasks, which was not their task.

In the previous series of battles between the 1st Infantry Division and the Temporary Fourth Regiment, although the losses were relatively small, some of the soldiers were also lost, but the 1st Infantry Division has always maintained its full strength of troops. These Where do the additional soldiers come from?

Naturally, they were all drawn from the first supplementary brigade!

The 1st Supplementary Brigade has also continued to receive recruits who have completed basic training from several recruit camps in Guangdong, so that the 1st Supplementary Brigade has always maintained a full training establishment.

It is precisely because of the continuous supply of new recruits from the supplementary brigade that the 1st Infantry Division and the 4th Provisional Regiment can always maintain their full staff and continue to fight.

In particular, the soldiers from the supplementary brigade have not only heard the complete basic training of the boot camp, but also received training close to actual combat in the supplementary brigade.

In view of the good effect of the supplementary brigade, Li Xuan wants to set up a fourth supplementary brigade. Unfortunately, the financial capacity of the Datang Dynasty is already unable to form another supplementary brigade under the condition of supporting the existing army size. .

You must know that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, whether they are the regular army or the supplementary brigade, are full-time active duty professional troops. With the current population base and financial capacity of the Tang Dynasty, they support the current nearly 100,000 people. The army is almost at its limit.

This is no longer a limitation on ordnance production, but a financial limitation.

Of course, if you don’t pursue quality, but only pursue quantity, and greatly reduce the treatment of soldiers and the quality of equipment, then you can expand the army by a lot of people, but such an army’s combat effectiveness is completely useless, otherwise the previous Tang Dynasty would also The garrison and the robbery camp will not be eliminated.

At present, the core of the Datang Army's army building is relatively clear, that is, to maintain a certain scale, and then improve the combat effectiveness of the existing troops as much as possible!

The 100,000 army, if used well, is barely enough. Next, the main task of the Datang Army is to continuously improve their equipment level!

One of the most important points is to continue to increase the proportion of guns and guns. Currently, only one infantry division is assigned to one artillery battalion, with a total of 24 artillery pieces, and the artillery in the artillery battalion of many infantry divisions is only three pounds of shotguns. The situation is unable to meet the artillery needs of the Datang Army.

According to Li Xuan's own plan, within the next year, the artillery battalions directly under the existing infantry divisions of the Datang Army will be expanded into artillery regiments, and the number of artillery pieces in each regiment needs to be expanded to more than fifty. Bian even has a detailed artillery regiment plan. In the future, the artillery regiment will have three artillery battalions, one field artillery battalion equipped with seven-jin artillery, and three teams, each equipped with six seven-jin field artillery and two. A field artillery battalion equipped with five-jin artillery, also consists of three teams, each with six five-jin artillery pieces.

In this case, an artillery battalion would be reduced to eighteen guns, but an infantry division would have three such artillery battalions with fifty-four guns.

This will greatly increase the artillery power of the infantry division!

At the same time, the spear regiment under the infantry division also needs to be gradually adapted to the musket regiment. At the same time, more importantly, the number of musketeers should be greatly increased. The optimal ratio is the ratio of musketeers to spearmen.

In this way, even the infantry unit will still have the configuration of heavy armored swordsmen, shield soldiers and archers, but the musketeers of an infantry division need to be raised to the level of at least about 3,000 people, plus the baggage units, throwers Bullets, cavalry, then an entire infantry division will have nearly 6,000 troops equipped with muskets!

And this standard will be three times higher than the existing level of less than 2,000 people!

To put it simply, the core goal of the Datang Army is to double the number of artillery pieces and triple the level of muskets, which is not so easy to achieve.

Why would Li Xuan prefer to increase the number of guns rather than the number of troops, because the money to recruit, train and support an ordinary soldier is definitely much more expensive than a musket.

It takes at least three taels of silver to raise a soldier a month, and the price of a musket is only about three taels of silver!

The cost of raising a soldier for one year is enough for the Datang Army to purchase twelve muskets, and this does not include the cost of settling down and training.

When the cost of manpower exceeds the cost of firearms, Li Xuan will naturally tend to increase the number of firearms and equipment, and suspend the expansion of the force!

So even though he wanted to expand the military in his heart, after seeing the financial report from the Ministry of Taxation, especially after seeing the three-year financial budget of Xuanping submitted by the Ministry of Taxation, Li Xuan decisively gave up and continued to build a new Troops, even if it's just the idea of ​​a supplementary brigade!

While the war in Huguang continued to break out, the various departments of the Datang Dynasty in Zhaoqing were already preparing for various tasks next year.

Especially the budget work, it is the top priority!

Because how much money can do as many things!

On December 30, when the second year of Xuanping was about to end, the Ministry of Taxation officially submitted the budget for the third year of Xuanping!

The fiscal budget of the Ministry of Taxation includes the revenue budget and the expenditure budget, but the gap between them is quite large, that is to say, the fiscal expenditure of Xuanping three years will far exceed the fiscal revenue.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Taxation, in the third year of Xuanping, the Datang Dynasty will be based on the current main control area, namely Guizhou (excluding the northeastern part of Guizhou occupied by the Ming army), Guangxi and Guangdong provinces. The Tang Dynasty provided a central fiscal revenue of about nine million taels of silver.

Among them, Guangdong is the largest, and Guangzhou alone will contribute nearly one million taels of tax revenue. This is because Guangzhou is an important sea trade town and an important agricultural town in the Pearl River Delta. There are many agricultural taxes, commercial taxes and even customs duties.

In terms of taxes, the bulk is still the land tax in the feudal, which is the agricultural tax in the Datang Dynasty, accounting for about 40% of all the financial revenue of the Datang Dynasty.

However, even if the agricultural tax occupies a relatively large proportion, it can still be seen that the taxation of the Tang Dynasty did not rely entirely on the agricultural tax, because the second largest tax under the agricultural tax, that is, the commercial tax, accounted for % Twenty-six, only fourteen percentage points less than the agricultural tax. The Ministry of Taxation estimates that in the three years of Xuanping, the tax that the Tang Dynasty can collect will reach more than two million taels.

In addition, there is another major tax revenue, that is, the salt tax, among which the salt tax is the key. Like all feudal dynasties, the Datang Dynasty also implemented an extremely strict salt monopoly system, and in order to protect the income of the salt industry, The Datang Dynasty set up a Datang Salt Industry Company under the Ministry of Commerce, and set up branches in various provinces and prefectures to be responsible for the production, transportation and even sales of salt.

Except for the salt industry companies, all private salt production, transportation and sales of salt are criminal acts that have been severely cracked down!

In other words, the Tang Dynasty was competing with the people for profit, well, more precisely, it was competing for profit with salt merchants!

As for the salt merchants who refused to accept it, they directly copied the family and wiped out the family!

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