Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 672: The fierce Wang Wenhua

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In order to promote land reform, Li Xuan successively released two big moves, namely land reclamation and tax exemption, and renting instead of purchasing. In an instant, it caused a lot of discussion in almost the whole world, and even the Ming Dynasty ruled areas received rumors, and caused widespread discussion.

If it is good to say that land reclamation and tax exemption are all good, this is after all to encourage agriculture and mulberry, and for the Tang government, there is no need to spend extra costs, on the contrary, it can benefit a lot from it.

Those wastelands were originally unproductive wastelands. Now that they have been reclaimed, even if they do not collect taxes, it will not matter. However, in the near future, they can increase the food supply under Datang’s rule. Dynasties charged more agricultural taxes.

However, it is not trivial to use rent instead of purchase. In fact, many people do not believe that the Tang government will really spend so much government land to rent and buy.

Because in the eyes of people, even the rulers, land is one of the most precious treasures, otherwise, what would the Zhu family do with so much land.

Even within the Tang Dynasty, many people opposed this policy, believing that it would damage the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. After all, the annual income of these official fields was also a large part of the grain income of the Tang Dynasty.

But for those objections, Li Xuan always pretended not to hear!

What are you kidding me, I divided my own fields, and I don't care about your shit, I just like to do this, you can bite me if you have the ability.

Of course, Li Xuan still won the support of senior officials of Datang to successfully launch this policy. Li Xuan's reason for persuading them is very simple. He only used six words: hegemony has not yet succeeded!

But these senior officials were able to figure out the deep meaning of Li Xuan's promotion of this policy from these six words!

Hegemony has not yet succeeded, what does this mean? It means that there is a possibility of failure at any time, and after failure, the Datang Dynasty will definitely be finished. Li Xuan and a group of high-level civil and military officials in Datang will all die without a place to be buried.

If you fail to compete with the Ming Dynasty for hegemony in the world, and are eventually exterminated by the Ming Dynasty, everything will turn into nothingness!

At that time, does it still make sense to keep these official fields?


It is better to distribute these official fields now, and then use it to collect the hearts and minds of the people all over the world, especially the people at the bottom!

The high-level people of the Datang Dynasty are very clear that the foundation of the Datang Dynasty is not in those gentry landlords, nor in those businessmen, but in the lowest level of ordinary people.

The core pillars of the Datang Dynasty are not officials, gentry or the like. At present, the core pillars of the Datang Dynasty are always the masters of the Tang Dynasty.

The army is the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, and it is also where Li Xuan's confidence lies!

The King of the Tang Dynasty, the soldiers were all born from poor children. In order to keep the land allocated after joining the army, the training was harsh, even if they were facing death, these soldiers still gritted their teeth and persevered, because these ordinary soldiers were equally It is very clear that once the Tang Dynasty is over, the land they have allotted will be turned into nothingness.

Countless peasant children willingly went to the battlefield to fight for a piece of land!

A considerable part of Datang's taxes are agricultural taxes, but who pays these agricultural taxes? Farmer!

Those are the agricultural taxes paid by the landlords, and are actually the fruits of the labor of the tenants!

From this, it can be inferred that the farmers with the largest population base, especially the middle and lower class farmers, are the core pillars of the Tang Dynasty!

Therefore, in the process of expansion, Li Xuan will also ease the relationship with the gentry, but Li Xuan has never cared about them. Otherwise, Li Xuan would not have forced tax reforms such as agricultural tax and business tax. At that time and now, the gentry were strongly opposed, but does Li Xuan care?

He doesn't care!

Opposition will be collected, tax resistance will be suppressed, rebellion will be annihilated!

The slaughter of the family and the annihilation of the family was something that could be seen everywhere during the rise of the Tang Dynasty.

In order to further strengthen the ruling core of the Tang Dynasty and tie the peasants firmly to the chariot of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuan will do things like open up wasteland and tax exemptions, and rent and buy instead.

What's more interesting is that this kind of thing will not cause much damage to the existing Datang finance in a short period of time, because the current government land rent is the same as before.

For at least ten years, the benefits brought by these official fields to the Tang Dynasty will not be reduced in the slightest.

As for ten years from now?

Ten years later, either the Tang Dynasty has already eliminated the hypocrisy, or it will be eliminated by the hypocrisy, or it will divide the world with the hypocrisy, but no matter what the result is, it is not important anymore.

And ten years later, after these official fields become private fields, the government can still collect agricultural taxes. Although the amount will be less than the land rent, it will be within the controllable range.

Li Xuan and a group of senior officials of the Tang Dynasty were not heartbroken about the division of land, but a group of middle and lower-level officials and even the gentry outside were heartbroken.

Don't think that they are really thinking about the future of the Tang Dynasty, there is only one reason for them to be distressed: "That is 15% of the land under the entire Tang Dynasty, why should you give it to those muddy legs? Give us more OK!"

But now, many people have not seen another impact brought by renting and purchasing, and it is a considerable impact!

That is to say, after seeing the good thing about renting instead of purchasing, the tenants who originally owned the land, do you think they will continue to rent the land of the landlords or will they rent the official land?

It is also rented for ten years, and the land is rented from the landlord. After ten years, the land will still be owned by the landlord, but if the official land is rented, the rented land will become his own after ten years.

How would you say ordinary people would choose?

If you think about it with your toes, they will definitely be scrambling to rent official farmland!

Once a large number of tenants went to rent official land, it would be difficult for the landowners to find tenants, but the land could not be abandoned, so not only would there be no production, but the agricultural tax would still have to be paid.

The taxation system of the Tang Dynasty was quite strict. Since you have land, you have to pay taxes, and the tax officials don’t care whether your land is abandoned or leased to others, or whether you plant it yourself.

Unless there is a natural disaster, there is a special decree to reduce or exempt taxes. Otherwise, as long as there is land, you have to pay taxes. Of course, if you don’t want to pay taxes, the land will be confiscated by the government and become official land.

But when a large number of tenants went to rent official land, there was only one way for these landlords to successfully find tenants: to lower the rent, at least lower than that of the official land owners.

Of course, they can also employ workers to directly hire people to farm the land.

And these methods, no matter which one they are, will greatly improve the contemporary situation of excessively high land rents, and will help to improve the living standards of ordinary people, especially landless peasants.

Therefore, renting instead of purchasing, it is not only as simple as dividing land, but also has more profound meanings.

But in the final analysis, these policies are still for the benefit of ordinary people, especially the poor!

And after the people get the benefits, in order to keep these benefits, they will fight in the most direct way!

After these policies were promulgated, and the Recruitment Department of the Ministry of the Army carried out extensive publicity in various recruiting places, joining the army as a soldier, being loyal to Li Xuan, and fighting for the Tang Dynasty were directly linked to the division of fields and tax exemption, and to The peasants preached that once the puppet army came back, the fields in the hands of the big guys could not be kept.

If the pseudo-mind fights back, this land will be gone?

This can't be done. The land acquired by renting and purchasing will be theirs after ten years.

The hypocrites want to fight back and **** our land?

What else is there to say, join the army and fight against puppets!

As the saying goes, the head can be cut off and the blood can flow, and this land cannot be lost!

The Recruitment Division of the Ministry of the Army reported that the number of recruits in early August was three times more than before!

This is not 30%, but three times. It can be seen that the policies aimed at the poor people, such as renting and purchasing, land reclamation and tax exemption, have attracted the most widespread and further consolidated The ruling foundation of the Tang Dynasty.

After seeing the report, Li Xuan smiled and passed the report to Liu Bagou and other senior cabinet officials, and said at the same time, "What do you think, Aiqing?"

Liu Bagou was the first to read it, and then, with a face full of joy, he said, "I have completed the foundation of the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years!"

Then Qian Mengjiu also said: "The people of the three provinces are my soldiers of the Tang Dynasty!"

Although Wang Wenhua, who was deprived of the title of Minister on Duty in the Imperial Study Room, was still a scholar of Wenhuadian University and the Minister of Agriculture, Wang Wenhua disregarded his dignity, his face was full of ecstasy, and he knelt down with a plop: "Congratulations, Bixia , Your Majesty Hexi, with this kind of good governance, the foundation of my Tang Dynasty has been completed, and the great success of the hegemony is just around the corner!"

His words were not finished yet, I just listened to him continue: "From ancient times to the present, the emperors have no idea how many people can award this kind of good governance, only Your Majesty, for thousands of years, can have such a heart of love for the people, and can win such people. There is no one who can be loved by His Majesty, my emperor's achievements, Qin Huang Han Wu, Tang Zong Song Zu are far inferior, even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are slightly inferior."

Then I saw him kowtow violently again, and then raised his head and said loudly: "Chen, I respectfully ask Your Majesty to take the title of 'Great Emperor', so as to comfort the hearts of the people of the world and the hearts of officials!"

Hearing this, Liu Bagou and the others on the side scolded secretly in their hearts: I Chao, how can this person be so thick-skinned!

What is Wang Wenhua doing recently, taking gun medicine every day? How come the firepower of each flattery is so fierce? I flattered a while ago, saying that Li Xuan's achievements have been great, please honor the ancestors of the Li family, and it is not the four generations of the traditional feudal dynasty, but the eighteenth Generation, yes, it is the eighteenth generation, the entire eighteenth generation!

The barbarian Jin Dynasty is so shameless, and he only dares to pursue the tenth generation, and this Wang Wenhua is even more shameless. He even asked Li Xuan to pursue the eighteenth generation of his ancestors!

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