Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 736: Your Majesty, great victory!

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Li Xuan stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, watching the cold rain outside the window constantly beating on the branches and leaves, but now he is not in the slightest sad mood, and now he is still thinking about the war in the north.

Because recently, the war in the north is in full swing. Seventy or eighty thousand soldiers in Huguang and Jiangxi are fighting with the Ming army. Although Li Xuan is in the rear, he is always watching.

Not only Li Xuan is paying attention, but the ministers in the court and even the gentry businessmen who have close ties with the Tang Dynasty are also paying attention, even the ordinary people are paying attention.

The outbreak of such a large-scale war in the north can be predicted by anyone. This will be a battle with important strategic influence. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a decisive battle between the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty!

And this battle will not only affect Li Xuan, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but also many people. The officials of the Tang Dynasty, the gentry families who invested in the Tang Dynasty, the farmers who divided their fields and exempted taxes, They are all part of the carriage of the Tang Dynasty, and they are all grasshoppers on a rope. Once the front line is defeated, no one can escape.

In the same way, if the front line wins, it will benefit them!

Li Xuan is expected to truly lead the Tang Dynasty to unify China. No matter how bad it is, he will be able to rule the river with the Ming Dynasty. Those officials of the Tang Dynasty will become the real heroes of the founding of the country, enjoy the glory and wealth, and benefit their descendants for a hundred years. Ordinary people They can also keep their allocated land and continue to enjoy Datang's preferential agricultural tax policy.

The front line is breaking out with such a major war, so even in the Spring Festival, although the officials of the entire Tang Dynasty have also carried out certain activities, Li Xuan presided over the ancestor worship, and held a great court meeting to accept the New Year's greetings from the courtiers.

But no matter it is Li Xuan or the courtiers, few people put their minds on these activities during the Spring Festival!

However, many people are very concerned about the latest issue of the Datang Chaobao during the New Year period, because this issue of the Datang Chaobao published the news that the Tang Dynasty recovered the Hengyang Mansion City without blood.

Of course, as the propaganda tool of the Tang Dynasty, Datang Chaobao will definitely not be fair and just. When Master Wang of the Tang Dynasty accepted Hengyang City, he launched an efficient fire-fighting and disaster-relief operation on Hengyang City, and even emphasized that in order to put out the fire, countless heroic soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, regardless of their own safety, worked hard to put out the fire and save people. To die for this and so on.

On the other hand, they criticized the Ming Dynasty's behavior of setting fire to the city, and raised the matter from a purely military issue to a system issue, and came to the conclusion that the pseudo-Ming regime did not care about the life and death of the people.

In short, he scolded the Ming Dynasty as a **** leader!

Some uninformed people, after reading such an article, naturally think that our Tang Dynasty is good, and Daming is bad!

And some people with independent knowledge, they brushed past the words of praise or criticism, they only care about the truth of the matter and the chain reaction behind it.

The pseudo-ming bandit army voluntarily gave up Hengyang. What does this mean? It means that the Datang King Division has achieved a strategic advantage in this autumn and winter offensive that has lasted for several months.

Of course, the Datang Chaobao also used a page smaller than a block of tofu to report on the Nanchang war. It was said in non-painful terms. My Master Wang was fighting with the enemy in Nanchang, and one day he defeated the pseudonymous army. An attack of the Ming thief army, how many thieves were killed, and so-and-so heroic deeds emerged.

However, Nanchang was already under siege by the enemy, and the 6th Infantry Division could only support the plight of it alone, but there was no mention of it!

Regarding bad news, Datang Chaobao has always avoided the important, or simply released it together with other good news.

In a word, the task of the Datang Chaobao is to make people see and feel: the Tang Dynasty is good everywhere, the hypocrisy is bad and the pus is weak and vulnerable!

However, there is no shortage of smart people in this world, and a very small number of people can find clues from the newspapers, and then infer that the situation in Nanchang is not very good.

However, pure concern is also useless, because they at the rear cannot decide the battle on the front line, and they can only be anxious.

Not to mention them, even Li Xuan himself can only be anxious, passively waiting for news from the front.

In the rear, the only thing he can do is to provide various resources to the frontline troops as much as possible!

Military salaries, not less than a penny, are paid on time every month, and the promotion and rewards of meritorious soldiers are approved at the first time.

All kinds of supplies are also satisfied as much as possible. Often, the major arsenals have just produced the ammunition, and they are directly shipped and shipped, and then transported through inland rivers, land transport, and sent to the front line thousands of miles away.

Even for strategic decisions, Li Xuan did not interfere with Hao Bainian and Li Chunjing's choices at all!

Li Chunjing said to fight Wuchang!

He said yes!

Li Chunjing went to Yuezhou instead of Wuchang, and then went to Changsha after Yuezhou!

Li Xuan not only said yes, but also gave an oral order, encouraging Li Chunjing not to be burdened, to let go of the fight, even if he loses, it doesn't matter, I will support you in person later.

Later, there was news that Hao Bainian did not go to Changsha, but diverted to intercept and pursue the Hengyang Ming army, and abandoned the artillery and simply pursued with infantry and cavalry. After receiving the news, Li Xuan was a little worried about whether Hao Bainian would be in the gutter. The ship capsized in Li, thus affecting the battle of Changsha, but he still did not say a word.

Regarding the military newspaper memorials submitted by the military recently, Li Xuan's comments are only simple words such as "understood" and "read".

He gave these generals full power!

As long as these generals can bring him satisfactory results, he doesn't mind supporting them!

However, if they lose, if they really lose, then don't expect Li Xuan to trust them anymore.

Although there are no permanent victorious generals in the world, in such a large-scale decisive battle, the Tang Dynasty cannot afford to lose, and he cannot afford to lose Li Xuan!

In the future, I am afraid that he, Li Xuan, will personally lead the army to expedition!

Li Xuan, who was contemplating in front of the window, watched the rain outside the window from small to heavy, then from heavy to small, and then stopped. At this time, there was also a knock on the door: "Your Majesty, Minister Zeng of the Privy Council asked for an audience!"

Li Xuan didn't look back, just said: "Let him come in!"

After a while, the door of the office was pushed open. After a lecturer brought Zeng Ziwen in, he bowed out. However, Zeng Ziwen was not the same as usual. Although he pretended to be calm, his face The joy on the face could not be concealed.

At this time, he only listened to him: "Your Majesty, the victory, the first army victory!"

Hearing this, Li Xuanai turned around, and when he heard the word "Great Victory", he smiled and went back to his dragon chair to sit down and said, "What a great victory, to make Aiqing happy. so!"

Zeng Ziwen stepped forward at this time, and then took out a memorial: "General Hao led the first army to completely wipe out the Ming army in Hengyang, and the former commander of the thief army, Cheng Hongan, was defeated and died of poisoning!"

"This is the battle report written by General Hao, please read it!"

When Li Xuan heard the words, his heart jumped twice, and his breathing was inevitably a little short, but his expression remained calm, just took the battle report with a smile on his face, and then unfolded it to read.

At a glance, this letter knew that it was in Hao Bainian's handwriting, and even Li Xuan could feel Hao Bainian's joy and excitement when he wrote this war report from Hao Bainian's handwriting and words!

This time, Hao Bainian used the 14,000-strong main force of the First Army and nearly 4,000 men from the vanguard, with a total force of 18,000 to pursue nearly 23,000 men from Cheng Hong'an's men in the Hengyang Ming Army.

Without the support of heavy artillery such as field artillery on both sides, the two sides came to a field battle between cavalry versus cavalry, and infantry versus infantry!

It took more than half a day before and after, but the actual battle process only lasted about half an is to annihilate Cheng Hongan's troops in one fell swoop!

In the end, Hao Bainian said that the First Army killed and wounded at least 5,000 enemy troops in the decisive stage of the frontal battle. In the follow-up phase of the pursuit, they annihilated more than 2,000 enemy troops one after another, captured nearly 10,000 people, and thousands of other soldiers. The army fled without a trace.

Although his own casualties are not too small, reaching nearly 2,000 people, compared with the total number of casualties of the Ming army of more than 8,000 people, the ratio is still one to four!

And more importantly, these casualties brought about not only the 8,000 enemy casualties, but the annihilation of a whole Hengyang Ming army!

If you add the more than 5,000 people killed and wounded by the First Army's forward at Shenjiadukou, then the 30,000 soldiers and horses that Cheng Hongan brought out from Hengyang were completely wiped out after the two battles.

Even if thousands of remnants escaped, they lost their organization and could no longer pose a threat to the Great Tang Emperor!

In the two battles of the First Army, the total number of casualties was less than 3,000, but in exchange for the destruction of the Ming army of 30,000 people, and these 30,000 people were not the former guards, but the Ming army. The elite supervises the new army and the local training army.

These 30,000 victories are more strategically significant than the previous 100,000 victories!

After watching, Li Xuan finally changed from smiling to laughing, and then said: "Okay, the first army played well, and the second army played well!"

The collapse of the Ming army in Hengyang will have a huge impact. If the Ming army in Hengyang is collapsed, can Changsha be able to hold on to it? Li Xuan doesn't think so. Even if the Ming army can rely on city defense for a month or two, it will eventually be conquered by the main forces of the first and second army.

After winning Changsha, it is time to enter Wuchang and return to Nanchang!

Li Xuan read the battle report again, and then said: "The victory of this battle is due to the hard work of the soldiers on the front line. We must reward the soldiers with merit!"

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