Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 738: The expedition to destroy the Buddha machine

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In Wang Wenhua's mouth, Li Xuan's title has been upgraded again, from the eternal sage to the eternal sage!

For Wang Wenhua's touts, Li Xuan's face turned pale, and then he said solemnly: "You don't need to say these touted words!"

But I was very satisfied in my heart, thinking that after I beat Wang Wenhua last time, this Wang Wenhua is obviously a lot more well-behaved, and without Wang Wenhua by his side, it is only on this slightly special day to see him. , To be honest, Li Xuan, who was accustomed to Wang Wenhua's various touts, was not used to it.

Otherwise, he would not have put Wang Wenhua back into the imperial study to be on duty. Although he was not the minister on duty in the past, he was just a walker, but it was actually a political statement. In the early Huangzhushan era, the old courtiers who followed the world together.

Even Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren, who were stripped of real power by Li Xuan, are still serving in the Privy Council.

After all, the world has not been completely conquered yet. It is still more cautious to deal with the early heroes of the founding of the country. It is impossible to make dogs into dog meat before the rabbits are killed, and the bows and arrows are thrown before the birds are killed. Into the warehouse!

Even if you want the rabbit to die and the dog to cook, and the bird to hide its bow, it will be the next thing!

Now, it's still too early!

Wang Wenhua, who returned to the imperial study, did not complain at all, but as before, he devoted himself to studying how to photograph Li Xuan's horses. In the past six months, he felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to photograph Li Xuan's horses just by words. So I started to do some practical actions, such as trying my best to select beautiful women for Li Xuan to send to the palace to enrich the palace dance troupe.

Sometimes Li Xuan felt that it didn't take long for Wang Wenhua to find a beautiful woman to send him in, which was really embarrassing for him.

After all, there is no PS these days, beauties are all original, and to be honest, beauties in real society are actually a very scarce resource, especially in ancient times!

It's not easy to find a young woman with beautiful skin and fair skin!

In ancient times, most of the beauties appeared in wealthy homes. Basically, don’t expect many peerless beauties from farmers. Occasionally a few small jaspers are good, because beauty and fair skin have high requirements on the environment. When you are doing farm work in the sun, the probability of appearing beautiful women is naturally smaller, and at the same time, there are actually requirements for genes!

Therefore, in general, the chances of beautiful women appearing in wealthy homes are higher.

But how much is the wealthy family in this year's total population, less than 1%!

Therefore, Wang Wenhua wants to find a woman for Li Xuan, um, the dancer of the palace dance troupe, it is actually not an easy task!

For Wang Wenhua's hard work and loyalty to the monarch, Li Xuan is very pleased to see it, this is not a good minister, what is a good minister?

Therefore, not long after Li Xuan kicked Wang Wenhua out of the imperial study, he transferred him back to the imperial study for a walk.

At this time, Wang Wenhua opened the tout, and other people naturally followed quickly. Don't care if you like it or not, this flattery must be slapped!

The emperor's flattery is not sent. Although the emperor is not unhappy in his heart, he will definitely not be happier!

In the face of the praise of the ministers, Li Xuan always kept his face straight, as if you don't want to do this, don't, don't want it, but that is to say, it's just two words, and then, there is no more...

He accepted the congratulations from the ministers with peace of mind, um, touts!

And then it is also reciprocating, saying that this great victory is not all due to me, but also to the credit of all your beloved ministers!

At this time, Wang Wenhua ran out again, and then praised Li Xuan as a sage of all ages. This credit can be distributed to the courtiers, but even if it is, it should be your wise majesty. 10,000, all my ministers and everyone else add up to at most one point!

Therefore, this time, the early court has entered the time when the ruler and ministers tout each other!

Li Xuanchuan is loyal to the military and works effectively. The ministers are more wise and martial, and he is the most powerful emperor from ancient times to the present!

Of course, touts are touted, and things still have to be done!

After some monarchs and ministers touted the time, Zeng Ziwen, the representative of the army, simply formulated a list and amount of awards for meritorious soldiers based on Hao Bainian's battle report.

Of course, this time the reward only involves middle and lower-level generals and ordinary soldiers, and personnel above the brigadier general level. Such a reward is Li Xuan's power, and they don't have this power.

It is also impossible for Li Xuan to let these generals above the brigadier level win a battle and then give them a promotion. This Datang Army is so big, every turnip is a pit, if a victory is won, the officers will be promoted by one. Level, Li Xuan does not have so many places for them.

Therefore, the credits of the officers above the brigadier general should be remembered first. Don't count on the rank, and don't count on the position. It must be the same as before, but some other honorary rewards are still required.

They are all bits and pieces, such as jade pendants, antiques, swords, horses and the like.

With their status, if they want to be promoted, at least they have to take down Changsha first, and it is only possible after they have completely established the victory in the south of Huguang and Yangtze River.

However, the 6th Infantry Division is an exception!

In order to encourage the 6th Infantry Division to continue to persevere, Cai Erhu was made a marquis, and two colonels were awarded brigadier generals.

Regarding the exception of the 6th Infantry Division, the ministers on duty and the walkers in the imperial study are very clear, even Liu Bagou and Qian Mengjiu, who are civil officials, know that the 6th Infantry Division cannot use common sense to deal with it. .

Even if Wang Wenhua, who does not deal with government affairs on weekdays, spends all his time trying to please Li Xuan, and is secretly degraded as a jester by many Tang officials, Wang Wenhua expressed his support in this matter, and even said that the award was not strong enough. , especially for the awards of ordinary soldiers, it is not enough to rely on the name honor alone, and there must be real materials.

And Li Xuan also obeyed Wang Wenhua's suggestion and made a direct decision. During the defense of the city, the soldiers of the 6th Infantry Division will all be paid double salaries. Because the gold and silver cannot be transported to Nanchang, they will be paid directly to the soldiers' homes. Then collect the letters written by the family members of the soldiers and send them to Nanchang!

On the one hand, it is to send the wartime family members who are hard to buy for those defending the city.

You have to let those soldiers know that the fields and tax incentives in your family are all because of the loyal monarch fighting hard. Once the Ming army is defeated and killed, then everything will be gone.

If you turn into a thief, not to mention, the power of the Tang Dynasty is directly down to the village level. The soldiers are all registered. If they desert or surrender, they will immediately take back their fields, and the tax benefits are even more immediate. Cancellation, and it will also affect the family.

Well, this is actually a threat!

Just like the civil and military officials in Huguang, Jiangxi and other provinces now, many of them have been replaced by the Ming Dynasty with all out-of-town officials, and then if the officials turn into thieves, they will immediately raid their families and exterminate the same reason!

After dealing with the affairs related to the army, Zeng Ziwen, Bao Yifen and several other generals who entered the imperial study on behalf of the army consciously shut their mouths.

Because the next thing is the affairs of the cabinet, these generals are basically unable to intervene. At most, they only intervene when it is related to the military!


Because the last time the most internal civil affairs affairs of the cabinet interjected indiscriminately was the former minister of the logistics department of the Privy Council, one of the walkers in the imperial study. After a few days of interfering, he was kicked out of the imperial study, and then a few days later, he was kicked. When it was mentioned that he was the commander of the Guangxi militia, his rank was changed to a reserve army major general!

In other words, this guy was kicked out of service!

The reason was simply because of his involvement in the internal affairs of the cabinet, um, although the attitude at that time was a little more intense!

The separation of military and government has always been a firm principle of Li Xuan!

The army only cares about fighting, not even the production of ordnance!

Civilians, on the other hand, can only be in charge of internal affairs and material supply, and how the military wants to fight, they have no right to control it!

When Zeng Ziwen and the others closed their eyes and rested, Deng Chongqing, the minister of foreign affairs, also spoke up: "Report to Your Majesty, a few days ago, there was a fleet of Flang robots in said yes We need to send envoys to Zhaoqing to meet with him, and we need to fix the trade!"

As he said that, he took out a document and said: "This is the document presented by the envoy of the Folang machine, the original text is the text of the machine of the Buddha, and the attachment is the Latin text of Thai and Western. The interpreter, the Chinese text of the joint translation!"

Li Xuan took it, then glanced slightly, the first sentence at the beginning made him quite, quite, quite unhappy.

Nima, this Folang machine man actually calls himself the full envoy of the emperor of the Folang machine country!

Rely on, on!

Flang machine country is right!

Plenipotentiary envoy is also right!

But the word "emperor" in it made him very upset!

The land of the world is not the land of the king. In this world, there can only be one emperor, and that is Li Xuan. Even the old man of Zhengde is just a fake emperor. This mere barbarian dares to call himself an emperor!

He didn't bother to read the content that followed, so he just asked Deng Chongqing, Minister of Foreign Affairs, "Is this title a mistranslation?"

At this time, Deng Chongqing, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said with a look of panic: "Your Majesty, Mingcha, the title of the document is definitely not a mistranslation. At the beginning, our translation and the translation of the Buddha Langjiren were translated as the word king. However, the envoys of Fulangji are proficient in Chinese characters, and after seeing that they are firmly opposed, they must use the word emperor!"

Before Li Xuan spoke, Liu Bagou on the side said, "It's unreasonable, this is simply outrageous. Your Majesty is respected as the Son of Heaven, and that barbarian even dares to use the same title as His Majesty, this is simply unbearable!"

Then he came out of the column and said, "I invite you to send troops to Buddha Langji, and use the Thunder King to destroy his country and go to his name!"

After listening to Liu Bagou's words, Li Xuan was also a little speechless. Although this name is inappropriate and absolutely unacceptable, but for this reason, an army was sent to expedition to Portugal, which is thousands of miles away?

This brain hole is a bit big, and Li Xuanyi can't accept it at all!

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