Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 764: Loyal readers of Datang Chaobao: Zhengde

The newspaper department of the Tang Dynasty has always done things very quickly. Just after getting the news of Li Xuan, it used a large number of officials with great writing skills to concoct several articles.

Although the content of these articles is different, there are those with gorgeous words and those with clear words, but the essence revealed is the same, that is, the Tang Dynasty is just, everything is good, Li Xuan, the sage of all ages Even more saints, great men... always say how good it is, and how good it is to say the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, they demeaned and slandered the pseudo-Ming Dynasty in various ways.

Although the core essence of the content of these articles is very explicit, people can spit out the overnight meal, but the official articles of the Ministry of Rites and newspapers of the Tang Dynasty are really good at writing. It is such a disgusting thing, but it can still be written. It's majestic and pleasing to the eye.

After all, in the Tang Dynasty now, the officials with the highest level of writing are none other than officials affiliated with the Ministry of Rites and newspapers.

In addition to the chief Lang Zhong, there are also editors, editors and other officials in the newspaper department, and almost all of these officials are officials from the former Ming Juren, and many of them are former Ming scholars who were demoted.

Although scholars all over the world scoffed at the Tang Dynasty two years ago, since Hunan and Jiangxi were completely occupied by the Tang Dynasty at the beginning of the year, the minds of scholars in the world have quietly changed.

Especially in the areas under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, a large number of scholars began to take part in the imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty or simply went to work directly, and many former Ming officials who surrendered and were captured for various reasons were also willing to take the initiative to do it. became an official of the Tang Dynasty.

And among these people, quite a few are arranged into the relatively noble department of the Ministry of Rites, and the Chaobao Division and the Education Department have become the two core departments of the Ministry of Rites.

The reason is very simple. I work in the newspaper department to write an article. This article is to be praised all over the world, and it still discusses major national affairs. It satisfies the evil taste of these scholars to point out the country.

With the participation of such a group of people, the quality of articles in the Datang Chaobao hosted by the Chaobao Division has skyrocketed. What level has it risen to?

It is enough to make the officials and gentry in the Ming Dynasty ruled areas will try their best to get a copy of the Tang Dynasty newspaper to read, of course, whether they will vomit blood after reading it is another matter.

Even Emperor Zhengde has now developed the habit of watching the Tang Dynasty newspapers. Jinyiwei will regularly send each issue of the Tang Dynasty newspapers collected to Emperor Zhengde's desk.

The Datang Chaobao has become an important channel for Emperor Zhengde and even quite a few important officials of the Ming Dynasty to understand the situation in the world, especially the front-line wars.

With the Tang Dynasty newspaper in hand, the generals and officials in front wanted to lie, but it was not so easy.

Therefore, Emperor Zhengde and even the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty were actually loyal readers of the Tang Dynasty. Of course, whenever you read the Tang Dynasty newspaper, if your mentality is not good enough, you will easily get angry with yourself.

Last year, when Emperor Zhengde saw the Tang Dynasty newspaper for the first time, he saw several conspicuous words such as fake emperor and fake Ming, and he overturned the table in anger.

However, the table was overturned, but he continued to read the next issue of Datang Chaobao!

The latest issue of the Datang Chaobao soon ordered a sample issue, and then sent the sample issue to more than ten printing points through the post station. After urgent mass printing, it was widely distributed throughout the world.

As soon as the newspaper came out, the first thing they saw was the people of Zhaoqing at the foot of the emperor, and when they saw the content of this issue of the newspaper, their interest increased greatly!

That's when the puppet Ming generals are in battle. Anyway, they surrender to the Tang Dynasty. This is very rare. It is even rarer than the victory of the front-line army!

If it's just an ordinary fake official anyway, it's not really a big deal, but when the two words are combined with the general soldier and anyway, the impact will be great.

This is the general soldier. The Tang Dynasty and the Puppet Ming have fought for several years. Although there are high-level generals and officials captured, most of them are forced to be captured, but none of them are like Qin Zhifu. It is directly in front of the formation anyway!

Not to mention, the people of the newspaper department have not created anything out of nothing. Through hearsay and a few accounts of the front-line generals, they concocted an article about Qin Zhifu accusing falsehood with blood and tears.

And Qin Zhifu, who just arrived in Guangzhou, saw this article, his face was very strange!

Heaven and earth conscience, when has he ever scolded hypocrisy and accused the officialdom of being shady!

Is this still going to be said? Everyone knows it, it's very normal for officialdom to be shady, everyone is used to it, and Qin Zhifu doesn't bother to talk about it.

However, although he is a little dissatisfied with the nonsense of his blood and tears accusing him of hypocrisy in the Tang Dynasty newspaper, he doesn't care anymore. Ever since he decided to go anyway, he knew that he had no way out. The path of throwing thieves has gone down, no, it should be to help the sage of the ancients to unify the Kyushu, and to do everything for the Tang Dynasty to create the foundation of the eternal life and then die!

So he just glanced at it a little, and turned over the part of the report about him in the Tang Dynasty Newspaper, and then read other content.

Reading Datang Chaobao has been his habit for the past year. Well, not only him, in fact, quite a few officials of the Ming Dynasty will read Datang Chaobao.

On the one hand, the content published in the Tang Dynasty newspaper is an extremely important national event. Although the wording is biased towards the Tang Dynasty and belittles the Ming Dynasty, but if you look closely, you can still see some of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty. big move.

For example, the pseudo-Tang Dynasty published reports on industrial and commercial affairs in the Chaobao every three days. This caused a certain discussion in the Ming Dynasty. Of course, they were not talking about the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, but about our Daming Dynasty. Is it possible to open the sea ban and do business with those foreigners?

Since I care, I naturally want to see it.

Another very important point is that the Datang Chaobao is published publicly. Anyone who can afford a small amount of money can buy one.

Anyway, the above will not publish secrets, or things that are detrimental to the interests of the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, the Datang Chaobao will not require the newspaper department to write every issue of the newspaper, and let Li Xuan review it. Only later can it be determined that the sample manuscript is published, just to control and guide public opinion.

Since it is something that controls and guides public opinion, the people under the Tang Dynasty can see it, and the people under the Ming Dynasty can also watch it!

I have seen this a lot, and it will inevitably be affected by some concepts inside. For example, many people now have to admit that although the pseudo-Tang Dynasty is not good in all aspects, especially the tax payment of the gentry and the fact that people enter the mu. The two systems are simply outrageous, and the gentry can't wait to eat Li Xuan's meat and drink Li Xuan's blood.

However, some of the policies of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty are still good.

At the same time, the Tang Dynasty newspaper will also publish some common knowledge of popular science. For example, geography is a basic introduction to the French machine, tomorrow will introduce Spain, and another day will introduce the customs of Western countries such as England or the Netherlands.

At the same time, some basic scientific knowledge will be popularized, such as the earth is round, the higher the water, the easier it is to boil, but the harder it is to cook things, etc.

And these contents have also greatly attracted readers, including officials from the Ming Dynasty. Of course, many people will say that this is a fallacy and heresy after reading it, but Li Xuan doesn't care about it.

I just want to brainwash you, don't accept it, wash it, accept it!

Qin Zhifu is also a loyal reader of the Tang Dynasty newspaper. After reading the latest issue of the newspaper, he put it down with a sigh of relief. The geography chapter in this issue of the newspaper introduced Lu Song, and it was published in the newspaper. The above advertises that the land in Luzon is extremely fertile, and the rice can be ripened three times a year. The local indigenous people just need to find an open space and throw their seeds at will, and they can harvest it after a few months.

Also known as this place is rich in products, even if you don’t need to farm, you can sleep every day, and when you wake up, you can reach out and pick all kinds of sweet fruits to eat.

Is this Luzon really so good? Qin Zhifu didn't know, but judging from the description in the newspaper, this is indeed a more fertile place than Jiangnan, and it is a pity that only a group of uncivilized natives occupy it!

And the introduction to Lu Song in this issue naturally attracted the attention of many people. Many people secretly swallowed their saliva at the land of Luzon mentioned in the newspaper. Such a large and fertile land, if all Reclamation How much fertile land is there!

After putting down the newspaper, Qin Zhifu walked out of the cabin. At this time, the motor fleet had already returned to Guangzhou. Some of the ships went to the two military ports in Hong Kong and Macau, and some of them returned to Guangzhou City.

Qin Zhifu also returned to Guangzhou City with the officers and soldiers of the Datang Navy, but someone told him that although the fleet will stay here, Qin Zhifu and others still have to continue to go north, but then they will transfer to the inland river of the Pearl River Fleet. battleship.

However, before leaving Guangzhou, Qin Zhifu was allowed to disembark for a half-day tour. Naturally, Qin Zhifu had no interest in Guangzhou City. He had been to Guangzhou several times and had no interest at all, but he was very interested in the business districts on the outskirts of Guangzhou. Because he has seen it in the Korean newspaper many times, the business district gathers business travelers from all over the world, and brings together various specialties from all over the world, not to mention that there is gold everywhere, and you can make a fortune wherever you go. Opportunity!

Although he knew that it was exaggerated, Qin Zhifu still wanted to see with his own eyes how prosperous this business district was!

However, when he arrived at the dock of the business district on a small boat, accompanied by several officials and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, he realized that the prosperous place described in the newspaper was not exaggerated in the slightest.

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