Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 773: unsold soap

Yu Dayou wants to lead his army to evacuate Quanzhou, which is naturally not something that Wang Chaohong can resist. After all, the troops led by Wang Chaohong are still some distance away from Quanzhou, so they can only watch Yu Dayou leave.

At this time, Wang Chaohong himself didn't know what happened. Due to the limited communication level, the troops led by Wang Chaohong and the troops led by Cai Erhu were actually fighting each other, and they just agreed to meet in Fuzhou at the end.

However, although Wang Chaohong did not know what happened, he saw that Yu Dayou was walking in such a hurry that even Quanzhou didn't have time to destroy it. He could vaguely guess that there must have been a major change in the Ming army. Yes, otherwise, Yu Dayou would not have been able to give up Quanzhou and evacuate directly, let alone leave in such a hurry.

It's just that although Wang Chaohong guessed what might have happened to the Ming army, he didn't expect that the accident was because Shaowu Mansion was beaten down by the Sixth Infantry Division.

Although Wang Chaohong had never been to Shaowu, but judging from the intelligence, he also concluded that Shaowu Mansion was a tough one. He believed that the 6th Infantry Division could conquer Shaowu Mansion.

But he never thought that the 6th Infantry Division could conquer Shaowu Mansion so easily and quickly!

War is always full of surprises.

At least for now, the development of the situation has actually been separated from the plan made in advance by Wang Chaohong, Cai Erhu and others, and separation from the plan represents uncertainty and risk.

And all this is because the Ming army was defeated too fast!

After taking the second city north without a fight, Wang Chaohong still led his troops to chase after him, and this time, he was going directly to Fuzhou.

When Wang Chaohong, Cai Erhu, Yu Dayou and other generals from the Tang and Ming sides in Fuzhou fought tit-for-tat, Zhaoqing did not see any sense of war.

At this time in Zhaoqing, the traces caused by the war in the past few years were completely invisible, and even the original Zhaoqing city could not be seen.

Over the past two years, Zhaoqing City has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although the city wall is still the same city wall, and the urban area is still the former urban area, many buildings have emerged on the outskirts of the city.

On the banks of the Xijiang River, there are large-scale buildings. Almost all of these buildings are factory buildings of various factories. There are Zhaoqing Arsenal, Zhaoqing Machinery Factory, which has just become independent from Zhaoqing Arsenal, and Zhaoqing Machinery Factory. The first textile mill under the Ministry of Industry to use mechanical water power, and the first large-scale shipyard of the Ministry of Industry, Zhaoqing Shipyard, etc.

Zhaoqing at this time was the real core of the Tang Dynasty. It was not only the capital of the Tang Dynasty, but also the political center and the industrial center.

Here, almost a quarter of the Tang Dynasty's output of various ordnance products was produced, and the output of large-caliber artillery with a weight of more than nine pounds accounted for as much as half of the total output.

However, although this is the most important industrial center of the Tang Dynasty, it will not be long before this status will be replaced by Guangzhou House.

After all, the current Guangzhou House is the real commercial and economic center of the Tang Dynasty. The transportation is far more convenient than that of Zhaoqing. Whether it is sea or river transportation, it is quite developed.

This is also the reason why the Datang Ministry of Industry, or Li Xuan, decided to suspend large-scale industrial construction in Zhaoqing and shift his energy to Guangzhou.

In Guangzhou Prefecture, there is the Foshan Iron and Steel Plant, a super-large-scale iron and steel plant that is under construction and is expected to be officially put into production in winter, as well as the Guangzhou Shipyard, the largest and most technologically advanced shipyard in the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, the scale of the Foshan Arsenal is also continuing to expand. Today's production of guns and iron artillery is about to catch up with the Zhaoqing Arsenal.

At the same time, Foshan Arsenal also owns the largest ammunition factory in scale and output in the entire Tang Dynasty. Relying on the convenience of the port city, Foshan Arsenal can easily obtain a large amount of saltpeter, sulfur and other raw materials, and it is very convenient to produce gunpowder, and its output of gunpowder is very convenient. , which has already accounted for half of the total output of the current Tang Dynasty.

The above are still a few typical factories directly under the Ministry of Industry. However, in fact, there are many factories in Guangzhou. Interestingly, quite a few of them are private factories or workshops.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce, in addition to the factories directly under the Ministry of Industry, there are many other private factories in Guangzhou, including the royal family industry, because the royal family industry is strictly a private industry.

Among them, there are three factories that employ more than 1,000 workers, two of which are textile factories, and the remaining one is the Shamian Shipyard, which employs less than 1,000 workers and more than 500 workers. As much as it is interesting, most of these factories are also concentrated in the labor-intensive textile industry.

As for more than 100 people, there are dozens of factories with less than 500 people, hundreds of small factories with less than 100 people, and there are countless family workshops with only a few or a dozen people. There are no accurate statistics.

These private factories alone pay more than one million taels of tax every year!

Although these factories and workshops exist in all walks of life, quite a few are concentrated in light industries such as textiles, wood furniture, and paper making, among which the textile industry is the largest.

Here, I have to talk about the situation of the mechanism cloth under the rule of the Tang Dynasty!

In terms of technology and quality, these machine-made cloths are not much different from native cloths, but their output and cost are unmatched by traditional hand-woven cloths!

These textile mills that use a lot of water power can use water power and mechanical equipment to spin and weave a lot of fabrics. Their output is large, the cost is low, and even if the quality does not exceed traditional hand-woven fabrics, the quality is very uniform.

After these cheap mechanism cloths entered the market, they were instantly welcomed by the general public. What's more interesting is that these mechanism cloths were not only popular in the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty, but also transported to Jiangnan and even Shandong by those maritime merchants. It is sold in Beijing and other places, because the quality is good and the price is low, the sales volume is very good.

However, it is worth noting that even if the price of these mechanism cloths is cheap, they still cannot open the rural market!

Because even if it is cheap, it still requires money, and in rural areas, people don’t have much money to buy cloth, and they wear cloth woven by rural women.

Because the output is getting bigger and bigger, and the sales are always limited to the cities, those textile mills also spare no effort to promote to those maritime merchants in order to open up sales.

These cheap cloths also attracted the attention of maritime merchants, and then they were purchased and shipped to various places, especially North Korea, Japan, and indigenous countries in Southeast Asia for sale, and even merchants shipped them to India for sale.

This also made the cloth of the Tang Dynasty quickly become the fourth largest export commodity after porcelain, silk and tea!

At the same time, daily necessities represented by soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste have also become the export tools of the Tang Dynasty.

However, the current export of tea and daily necessities is limited to East Asia and Southeast Asia, and the market has not yet opened in Europe.

Although some European merchants tried to bring back tea for sale, there was no response for a while. As for daily necessities such as soap, there was no more after attracting the attention of these merchants at first.

At first, officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce did not know why, but soaps, such a good thing, are now a necessity for the powerful and powerful of the Tang Dynasty, even the powerful and powerful of the Ming Dynasty, as well as those of North Korea and Japan. , more or less are touching and using such a great product as soap, why don't you Europeans.

As a result, when asked, they said that because of the spread of diseases such as the Black Death and syphilis, European doctors said that if you take a bath, you will be washed off by the protective film (that is, the layer of dirt), and thus will be invaded by diseases. Therefore, most Europeans these days do not love, or dare not take a bath.

But it is very interesting that some European merchants bought a small amount for their own use, and brought a small amount back to Europe for friends, etc. Why? Because they are all year round in Southeast Asia and other places, they have a lot of knowledge. When they come to these places, they find that everyone else is taking a bath, and some people will try to take a bath. Just continued to wash.

At the same time, not everyone in Europe does not take a bath. Some nobles still use the family's private bathroom for bathing, but the large public bathroom has completely declined.

But even if there are such a small number of people, it is basically impossible to expect soap to become a bulk commodity exported to In this regard, the manufacturer of soap, and the royal family industry with an exclusive patent for soap: Zhaoqing soap The company's people are a little disappointed, but it's only a small disappointment. After all, the only people in this world who don't take a bath are the weird ones in Europe. Most of the people in other places take a bath, so this soap is not worried about the market.

After all, there are so many people in the world, and there must be no Europeans who don’t like bathing. Their Zhaoqing Soap Company will not do business, right?

This money, or continue to make a lot of money!

But this money, of course, no matter how much you earn, it is not too much, so the Datang Dynasty has been working hard to create more export products, but those are the traditional products, and the only ones that are competitive are porcelain and silk. In order to expand exports, attract more maritime merchants to trade in the Datang Dynasty, and contribute to the industrial revolution of the Datang Dynasty, more products with unique competitiveness are needed.

And this task, ordinary folk businessmen can't do it, can only be at the forefront of the world, not involved in traditional industries, only to enter the royal family industry of various new industries.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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