Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 776: The cordial condolences of the sage of all ages

Speaking of a certain day, alas, to be specific, it should be the end of August in the fourth year of Xuanping. The Intelligence Department of the Privy Council of the Tang Dynasty is still unclear about the specific day, but in short, it is a certain day.

After Yu Dayou led his army back to Fuzhou, he received another report from Nanping, saying that the puppet army of Tang thieves was less than ten miles away from Nanping City, and Nanping was in danger!

After receiving this report, Yu Dayou's face instantly became extremely gloomy, and finally he went to a military order to let the soldiers and civilians of Nanping City stick to Nanping, and never let a bandit army cross Nanping. Plus repair Fuzhou city defense!

Although the situation is critical, he still hopes that Nanping can hold on to it!

At the same time, I hope I can keep it here.

As for not being able to hold it, he had no choice but at this time, he still did not choose the choice Wang Yiqi gave him: lead the army to retreat to Zhejiang.

He is not giving up, he is not reconciled!

The terrain in Fujian is inconvenient. If you can't stop the pseudo-Tang thief army by taking advantage of such terrain, even if you withdraw to Zhejiang, you will not be able to stop the attack of the pseudo-Tang thief army.

If you retreat from the southern part of Zhejiang, it will be the central and northern part of Zhejiang, and this place is already considered to be Jiangnan in a broad sense. If Jiangnan is a flat river, don't expect to be able to stop the menacing pseudo-Tang bandit army.

And even if he can't stop the pseudo-Tang thief army in the end, and finally has to withdraw to Zhejiang, he still needs to buy time for the rear defense.

He had already traveled five hundred miles to Wang Yiqi to make an urgent report. Although he said he wanted Wang Yiqi to reinforce Fujian, to be honest, he did not expect Wang Yiqi to actually send troops to reinforce Fujian, because when Wang Yiqi's reinforcements arrived, the cucumbers and vegetables would be cold. .

He believes that Wang Yiqi can also see his true intentions. He wants Wang Yiqi to get ready and re-arm in southern Zhejiang. In this case, even if he loses and retreats at that time, he can at least retreat to southern Zhejiang. There is a line of defense to block.

Yu Dayou, who thought so, actually had no hope of defending Fuzhou, so when he was preparing for Fuzhou city defense, he was quietly preparing to retreat.

Originally, he was going to retreat directly from the sea, but the navy reported that a large number of battleships of the pseudo-Tang pirate army appeared in the open sea, and the navy on the Fujian side suffered a disastrous defeat in the battle of Nan'ao Island, and now the remaining Although there are a lot of ships, there are not many large ships. Of course, a large number of small boats can be used to block the battleships of the pseudo-Tang pirates from the Minjiang River and prevent them from advancing along the Minjiang River to Fuzhou, but they want to go to the north of the sea. Escape, that's basically don't count on it.

Although the battleships of the pseudo-Tang thief army can't get in, they don't expect to be able to get out!

If retreating by sea does not work, then he will take the land route. For this reason, he has already begun to arrange a large number of officials and gentry families who are willing to go north, carrying a large amount of soft goods and so on to go north.

In addition to arranging the evacuation of his family, he also quietly prepared for the retreat of the army, preparing a large number of horses, carriages, animals, etc. At the same time, when setting up the defense, there was no stupid Ming army in Changsha, all of them were fast inside the city wall. , so that if you are besieged by others, you can't escape even if you want to escape.

In addition to arranging a large number of guards in the city to defend the city, he also built fortifications in several small mountains outside the city, but he himself, with 7,000 broken thieves troops stationed here, and the guards in the city The soldiers formed an angle.

In this way, the pseudo-Tang thieves can be contained, so that they can not rest assured to attack the city, and they can also retreat directly when the situation is not good.

When Yu Dayou was painstakingly deploying defenses on the Fuzhou side, Wang Chaohong led his army to the north in a leisurely manner. His northward speed was not even fast. In order to ensure that the artillery and baggage units could keep up, he deliberately slowed down. The marching speed of the troops.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, he is not afraid that Fuzhou will grow his own feet and fly away. As for Yu Dayou's escape, he is more than happy to capture Fuzhou without bloodshed, which is also a good thing.

Being able to get the enemy to give up their turtle shells and go out of the city to fight or escape is something that the Datang Army has been pursuing in the past two years. They are hiding in the city, and the Datang Army may be more troublesome, but if they give up the city, they will What else can I do but run away? Could it be that he dared to have a decent fight with the Tang Army in the wild?

Wang Chaohong is not in a hurry, nor is Cai Erhu, who has entered Nanping.

This time I came to Nanping City, but there was no good thing about the Ming army coming into battle anyway, it could only be a storm.

As for a storm attack, it takes time to prepare. It is impossible to say that if you give an order casually, tens of thousands of people rushing forward in a rush is a storm. Even if it is a storm, there are also storm tactics!

Although the war on the Fujian side is still going on, the battle report sent by Wang Chaohong to Zhaoqing is very optimistic. It is possible to occupy Fujian before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then advance the front to Zhejiang, thereby creating favorable opportunities for the autumn and winter offensive of the Second Army.

After Li Xuan received the battle report, he nodded slightly and didn't say much!

In terms of specific tactics, he has always only interfered with the front-line generals, and even in the general direction of the strategy, he has not interfered much with the plans of the Privy Council War Department.

After all, when it comes to fighting such things, they are the professionals, and Li Xuan himself is a little short of asking himself.

However, he did not understand the matter of commanding operations, and he did not intervene, but he himself was still busy for the war, and the battle on the front line was just an important part of the war.

In the war machine of the Tang Dynasty, the army is the fangs in front, and there are control centers, power systems, and marching systems at the back.

Countless parts make up the war machine of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Xuan's job is to ensure that the war machine runs smoothly and exerts greater power.

The most important components are still finance and military production!

On August 28, Li Xuan met with the supervisors of various important factories under the Ministry of Industry and listened to their respective factories' R&D and production plan reports.

When I heard Zhaoqing Arsenal say that they have improved their craftsmanship and started to produce small quantities of 24-pound naval guns by hand, Wangu Shengjun said that large-caliber naval guns are an extension of the Tang Dynasty’s sea frontier. All within the range of the Tang Dynasty!

I hope all engineers can work hard to overcome difficulties and create more and better cannons.

Later, Wangu Shengjun also listened to the report of the Foshan Iron and Steel Plant. In order to start production as soon as possible, the construction workers worked overtime day and night, died of exhaustion and were disabled. Finally, the construction period was advanced by one day, and it is expected to be able to be carried out in early September. The first batch of equipment has been installed and debugged, and it is said that small-scale production can be smoothly carried out by November, and large-scale production can be started by December.

Wangu Shengjun kindly said that the efforts and contributions of the construction workers will not be forgotten, and the tens of millions of subjects in the empire will not forget their contributions, and then ordered the secretary of the Hanlin Academy's secretary section recorded on the side: Go back to the injured Disabled construction workers and their families sent pennants to recognize their hard work and contributions.

Dear and great, Li Xuan, who is greater than the sun, highly praised the efforts of the staff of Foshan Iron and Steel Plant and asked the supervisor of the plant to convey his greetings to the staff of the factory. The supervisor of Foshan Iron and Steel Plant was holding a small book. While writing with the charcoal pen, he left deep tears and said that he would definitely convey His Majesty's greetings to every construction worker.

Immediately, when the Wuzhou Arsenal was making a work report, when the loving Wangu Sage Li Xuan learned that the production expansion plan of the five-jin field guns of the Guangzhou Arsenal was not going well, Wangu Sage Li Xuan said that it does not matter, the difficulty is sure Yes, it is enough to overcome difficulties as soon as possible and reach the scheduled output as soon as possible.

In the end, he kindly instructed the secretary of the secretarial department on the side to record, to remove the duties of the supervisor of the Wuzhou Arsenal and other main persons in charge of the production expansion plan, and transfer it to the judiciary for the crime of dereliction of duty. The trial must be fair and impartial, and a good person must not be wronged. I can't bear it.

The supervisor of the Wuzhou Arsenal, who was dismissed from his post, shouted in excitement, and was finally taken away by the guards next to him happily.

After a military production meeting, the great and loving Sage of Eternals dragged his weary body, left the conference room with the love and care of his courtiers, and returned to the But our Sages of Eternal Ages Jun is still not free, he still has a lot of work to do.

He first went to condolences to the Datang Palace Dance Troupe, admired the dance they recently choreographed, and gave them high praise. Then he had dinner with the dance troupe members.

During the banquet, they did not hesitate to massage the dance troupe members to relieve their tiredness of choreographing and choreographing the dance for many days. The moved dance troupe members were so excited that they also gave massages to the King of the Ages. During the massage, some dance troupe members were very excited. Also moved to tears!

Afterwards, I had a friendly dance discussion with the members of the dance troupe, one-on-one or one-on-two or even one-on-three or even more. During this process, Wangu Shengjun spared no effort and insisted on discussing with each dance troupe member.

So busy until midnight, this is the end of the condolences, and I was very considerate that the dance troupe members would not be able to walk on the way back, so they stayed in the palace.

I was afraid that they would catch cold at night, so I warmed them with body temperature many times!

In this way, the busy day of the sage of the ancients is over, but as the sage of the ancients who cares about the people, Li Xuan said the next day, you have a good rest today, and I will come back to give you a massage in the evening!

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