Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Chen Lifu's entry into the city

The carriage of Chen Lifu and his party swayed in the cold wind. After walking for more than an hour, they arrived outside Jinling City. When they arrived outside Jinling City, Chen Lifu looked out from the window on the carriage and saw A group of young men are building a road in the cold wind. Looking into the distance, there are probably no less than a thousand young men who are building the road. It extends from here to the vicinity of the city wall, and there are also a large number of young men in the ditch in the distance. A trench is being dug.

Beside these young men, there is also a pseudo-Tang thief army holding swords and spears to supervise them.

Seeing this scene, Chen Lifu immediately frowned, and then murmured, "A tyrannical government, just seized Jiangnan, and wanted to build a lot of construction!"

After sighing, he simply asked the groom to pull up the curtains in front of the carriage, and then continued to look.

This place is not far from the city gate. Looking from a distance, there is a large group of people waiting to enter the city at the city gate. On the top of the city, you can vaguely see many pseudo-Tang sergeants patrolling the city. There are many heavy artillery pieces.

The carriage continued to move forward. The closer it was to the city gate, the more people and carriages were on the official road. When it was dozens of meters away from the city gate, it turned out to be crowded, and a large group of people in front turned out to be queuing slowly. Entering the city, there are many patrol officers wearing black public uniforms on both sides to maintain order.

In addition, someone at the gate of the city can be heard occasionally shouting loudly: "After entering the city, you must be in good order, you must not litter, you must not defecate, and you must not cross the road. Violators will be severely punished!"

However, the convoy of Chen Lifu and his party also stopped in the crowd. At this time, without Chen Lifu's instructions, the butler had already brought a servant forward, ready to ask the patrolman guarding the city gate to say a few words and let them enter the city first.

Their master is a jinshi, how can he wait in line with those mud-legged people, it's disgraceful!

After the housekeeper stepped forward to explain his intention, the patrolman on the side did not stop him, nor did he ask for bribes, but pointed to the small door next to him: "There is the expressway, you can enter from where you don't want to line up. !"

After hearing this, the butler turned his head to look. Sure enough, the city gate was separated by several wooden fences. The other two were ordinary passages. The crowd had to be searched and lined up to enter the city. There is no one.

But when he walked in and took a look, there was a sign on it, with a line of characters on it: "Fast lane, exempt from queuing, one person for one or two!"

Seeing this, the butler's face was a little weird, but naturally he didn't dare to say anything in front of the patrol officer, so he walked back quickly and reported it to Chen Lifu.

When Chen Lifu heard it, he wanted one tael per person to enter the city, but wouldn't it cost fifteen taels of silver for their group of fifteen people?

Although their Chen family is a family of gentry, they couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this number. This pseudo-Tang thief is crazy about money.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to be a worthy scholar and go to line up with those mud-legged people to enter the city, not to mention that he also brings his wife and little sister.

Immediately, he said, "Take the expressway to enter the city!"

After the butler listened, this was the nod, and then he was going to pay the fee to enter the city. At this time, a carriage next to him was also heading for the expressway, but when he got there, he was stopped. The people muttered: "Why can't we, the Wang family and even the Liyang family, go through this fast road!"

As expected, the patrolman sneered: "I can't get a few taels of money, and I'm still a famous family. If you don't want to pay, just go to the side and wait in line!"

It didn't take long for the carriage to go to the side of the queue to line up. It was not cheap to enter the city for one or two silver per person. Besides, the queuing was an extra quarter of an hour.

It's not worth it to spend a few taels more for waiting for a mere quarter of an hour!

Chen Lifu looked at it and shook his head slightly. Although he sounded obedient, he felt that what the patrolman said was quite reasonable, but it was only a few taels of silver.

After the housekeeper came forward and paid a full fifteen taels of silver, the Chen family and his party went directly through the expressway to enter the city amid the envy and admiration of many people, and others exclaimed: "This is that big family, darling. , that's fifteen taels of silver, and it's given away in the blink of an eye!"

"I heard from the butler just now that this is the Jinling Dongchen family. Otherwise, how can ordinary people have such a style!"

"The Dongchen family is the Chen family who is a three-class scholar?" Someone exclaimed: "No wonder, no wonder..."

Hearing these words, Chen Lifu was a little depressed because he gave 15 taels of silver, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After entering the city, Chen Lifu simply sat on the side in front of the carriage and looked around at the streets and shops of Jinling City, because as soon as he entered the city, he realized that Jinling City was not the same as before.

The street is still the original street, and the shops on both sides of the street have not changed much, but it is very strange and gives him a big change.

Because the street is actually extremely clean, there is no littering and debris, and the shops on both sides of the street, the streets that were originally illegally occupied, also disappeared.

The whole street seems to bring a refreshing feeling to people!

In addition, it is quite strange that he did not see beggars and refugees on the streets.

You must know that even though Jinling City is one of the most prosperous cities in the south of the Yangtze River, beggars are still indispensable. Especially in winter, there are refugees and beggars with no means of clothing and food everywhere in the streets. Freeze to death.

But now, he didn't see a single one!

With doubts, Chen Lifu continued to look at the scene of Jinling City.

When the convoy passed an intersection with many people and carriages, they found that there was a patrolman in the middle of the intersection to maintain order. When pedestrians and carriages at one intersection were advancing, people at the other three intersections were stopped.

After passing through this one after another, the Chen family's team only spent a little time waiting to pass, which was unimaginable in the past.

Well, in the past, the Chen team of the Chen family was able to rampage without waiting, because they were the team of the Chen family, but if it was an ordinary carriage, I am afraid it would take a long time to pass, and there were also many carriages and horses. , pedestrian accidents.

Jinling City is a bit big, and his old friend's house is a little far from the city gate where he entered the city, so he first sent his wife and little sister to his wife's mother's house, and then continued to the old friend's house with a few entourage .

This is after a long journey, and this is the arrival at the old friend's mansion.

This old friend of his, named Zhong Cai, is his classmate and friend, and he is also a senior in the field. He is a sergeant before him, but like him, he was also dismissed for impeaching a high-ranking minister, but Chen Li Fu impeached Yan Song, while Zhong Cai impeached Wang Yiqi.

As a result, the two were dismissed within a month of each other!

Speaking of which, they are all unlucky children. They tried to impeach important officials and made a name for themselves.

Soon, the group of troubled brothers and sisters were all seated together. At this time, Chen Lifu couldn't help but ask about the situation in the city.

Although Chen Lifu also subscribed to the Datang Chaobao, and was a loyal reader of the Datang Chaobao, the things that were said in the Tang Chaobao were generally big events, and of course, the trivial details would not be said.

Therefore, he still can only hear hearsay about many things about the Tang Dynasty, not to mention, he is also very confused about the many things that he will encounter when entering the city.

"This fast-track issue, although it is convenient for me to wait for the gentlemen, but it is indeed unfair. I have never heard of this, Li Tang, there is such a thing!" After the two talked about it, Chen Lifu asked. road.

After listening to Zhong Cai, he chuckled: "As far as my brother knows, this fee for entering the city did not exist before. It was only implemented in our Jinling City in the past few days. Ordinary people entering the city and walking through the ordinary city gates are naturally free of money. , and if you don't want to queue, you can pay a small fee to take the fast lane into the city.

As for why this fast track was set up, it was naturally for the sake of making money! "

"Gaining money?" Chen Lifu suddenly looked puzzled: "This Li Tang tax is so heavy that the past dynasties have never had It is said that this Li Tang tax can reach more than ten million taels a year. The tax is so heavy that people's livelihood is difficult, so why is there no money after such a heavy tax, and why do such trivial things make money?"

After listening to Zhong Cai, he smiled slightly: "This Li Tang receives a lot of money, but they also spend a lot of money. It is said that the army's military expenses alone will cost more than 10 million taels a year, and the navy has to pay a few hundred more. 10,000, and they also have a guard. This year, the more than 10 million taels collected are enough for them. I don’t know about the rest. The yamen often owes money, and in order to collect office funds, they all get a Royal Publishing House to compile and print books for sale, and they also say that if there is no Royal Publishing House, most of their officials in the Ministry of Rites will have to drink the northwest wind!"

"It's so serious?" Chen Lifu said, "It doesn't look like that. Some time ago, my younger brother heard that Li Tang set up the capital patrol police station, recruiting 500 patrol officers at one time, and these are all paid! "

Zhong Cai said: "It's true at this time, I have a family and a child and also went to apply for the entrance examination. Although this patrol officer is suspected of being a yamen in the previous dynasty, the official system of Li Tang is a bit special. This patrol officer also has an official status, the lowest level. As for why the capital patrol police station recruited so many patrol officers, it is naturally because there are not so many people. In such a huge Jinling city, hundreds of patrol officers in this district are probably not enough. As for the money to support They, I think, Brother Chen should be able to guess it too!"

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