"Do you still have such a foul personality? I thought my creation was already great, but it turned out to be very restrictive."

The first person to express his opinion was the recommended student Eight Million Hundred, who has a personality of creation of all things. He can use his own fat to create inanimate objects at will, but the premise is that he understands the specific structure and has sufficient fat reserves.

Hearing the self-deprecating words of Eight Million Hundreds, Nangong Yue also turned his head and comforted:

"It's okay, your personality is also at a foul level, it's just that I have grown up, but you haven't grown up yet.

You know, we were gangsters before and have always been, so we have been in the underground world since we were young. It is a hell where without power or means, you will die easily!

As for our personality, before we develop the use of mental power, it can only act on objects that I touch with my own hands, and objects that are touched by objects affected by my personality.

In other words, during that period, most of my combat methods relied on close combat. The only long-range attack was a pistol that was almost no different from a toy.

Therefore, my childhood was all about developing my personality, killing people, and running away.

Until five years ago, the mental power that had been continuously squeezed for many years achieved a breakthrough in a desperate siege, and he gained the ability to remotely activate his personality.

Only after I activated the taboo move of "air above, human body below" to the limit and wiped out all those who surrounded and suppressed me did my life settle down. "

By the way, Nangong Yue also randomly made up a reasonable past experience.

After hearing about Nangong Yue's past, everyone fell silent.

"Okay, okay, we have to hold a memorial meeting, wait until the test is over, and then continue."

The mature Shota Aizawa directly chose to interrupt the silence of everyone and directly announced the start of the next test.


Chapter 40

The test continued, and because the process was so tight, no one had time to think about Nangong Yue.

In this way, the four events of grip strength, long jump, and repeated horizontal jump were successfully carried out. Finally, when it was time to paddle, the softball throw that Nangong Yue had demonstrated before was achieved.

At this time, Izuku Midoriya was very anxious. Although he was in the middle and lower reaches before, his current overall results have fallen behind just because of mediocrity. In other words, in this aspect, he must use his personality.

Before the softball pitching event was about to begin, Nangong Yue, who was already free from anything, found Shota Aizawa first, used his mental power to connect, and directly sent a message:

"Aizawa-sensei~ When Izuku Midoriya throws, sensei, please don't use your personality on him. We want to see his growth."


Really, you got into the role so quickly, but it’s also true that for a monster like you, being a student would be a waste of talent.

However, I don’t need a personality, maybe you can?

You've got it, my personality! "

"Well, Mr. Aizawa, it wasn't Night Eyes' unreliable future vision who told you again, right?"

"Hmph! We don't have such luxury as you!

We, who can only rely on a single personality, cannot understand the development and control of our personality by monsters like you. "


So, how many people know my true personality? "

“It’s just me, Nighteye, the principal, and All Might.

Your level of ability cannot be exposed, as it will cause panic.

After all, that person's influence has not been eliminated yet, and your ability will touch some people's sensitive nerves. "

"Ah~ That's good, we don't want to be called a country destroyer~"

He calmly said words that made Aizawa Shota's hair stand on end, and then immediately disconnected mentally.


"Another infinity?!"

As expected by Nangong Yue, this gravityless girl was indeed beyond the measurement range of the instrument.

"Next, Izuku Midoriya."

"It's my turn." The silent Izuku Midoriya moved to the throwing circle with difficulty.

"Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate all your strength on one point."

At this time, Izuku Midoriya's body was covered with bloody lines from when oneforall was activated. Looking at these faintly bloody lines, everyone was afraid that the next moment, Izuku Midoriya's body would completely collapse.

Then, the lines on Izuku Midoriya's body began to shrink. First, the lines on his legs began to climb up. At the same time, the lines on his left hand also began to move up. From the skin exposed at the collar, it can be seen that those lines are concentrating on the right side of the body. past.

After a few seconds, the lines on Midoriya Izuku's right hand became more and more dense, and these lines were still rapidly shrinking toward the right hand.

Finally, all the lines were concentrated on the index finger of his right hand.

"Successful!" Izuku Midoriya was excited as he raised his right hand and looked at his index finger, which was shining with blood. Then he pulled back his right hand and threw the softball with all his strength.

The moment the softball left his hand, Midoriya Izuku's index finger glowed red, and then, accompanied by a tooth-ache-inducing cracking sound,

"All Might, Nangong-san, I did it!"

boom! ! ! ! !

The softball shot out with a bang like a cannonball.

"Midoriya Izuku, Mi."

Shota Aizawa changed his dejected look and announced with a look of emotion and relief.

At the same time, Uncle Yagi, who was hiding by the wall, was also very emotional and gritted his teeth to prevent himself from roaring.

"Exchange the smallest injury for the greatest power. Aren't you super handsome!!!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

At this time, a series of explosions came,

"What the hell is going on?! Feijiu, you bastard! Explain it clearly to me!"

Bakugo Katsuki, who had an explosive mentality, activated his personality and rushed towards Midoriya Izuku. It seemed that he was not prepared to show mercy.

Seeing this, Nangong Yue and Aizawa Shota looked at each other and communicated quickly with their mental power.

"You coming or me?"

"Come on, you are the real teacher after all~"

( # `Pan)

Just when Bakugou Katsuki was about to arrive in front of Midoriya Izuku and was about to stretch out his hand to cause a big explosion, Shota Aizawa stared at Bakugou Katsuki with red light flashing in his eyes. At the same time, he used his mental power to control the wind around his neck. The special scarf he wore was wrapped around Bakugou Katsuki.

Suddenly, Bakugo Katsuki, who was flying in the air, found that his personality had failed. He was stunned and was wrapped and controlled by Shota Aizawa's special cloth.

Bakugo Katsuki, who was controlled, also took this opportunity to calm down, but he was still prepared to ask Midoriya Izuku privately, otherwise he would not be able to accept this tone!


Next, sit-ups, long-distance running, and seated forward bends also ended one after another. In the end, Izuku Midoriya, who had a short-lived appearance in the softball throwing event, came to the end.

At this time, Midoriya Izuku was lying on his back on the playground, his whole body turned into a plaster statue.

However, there was no way to avoid the results announcement part. Soon after, everyone gathered on the playground, and Shota Aizawa reported so casually.

“In short, it’s the sum of the scores and then ranking.

The last one will be expelled..."

Looking at the ranking list projected by the hologram, Izuku Midoriya saw his name directly at the last place and was petrified again...

“By the way, the expulsion was a lie.

This is reasonable hypocrisy to stimulate your potential. "



"I'm just telling you, how could something so outrageous happen?"

"Phew~ Survived."

Just when Izuku Midoriya breathed a sigh of relief, Shota Aizawa handed him a note and asked him to find the Recovery Girl to repair his finger.

After seeing everyone leave, Nangong Yue found the place where Shota Aizawa and Toshinori Yagi were talking, opened the space door and moved to the side of the two.

"You two are so harmonious~"

"Young Nangong, you have worked hard to play with these students for a whole day~"

"Uncle Yagi, you overdosed again today, but forget it, don't hold on, go find the old lady quickly.


So, Mr. Aizawa, have you ever considered improving your eyes?

In other words, improve the way you use your personality? "

? ? ?

"Oh?! You have an idea~ It won't be some weird personality, right?"

"Ah~ Not long ago, I tried to activate a personality that I didn't know the effect of. It turned out to be a permanently activated personality. The effect was that the eyes could not be closed. However, as compensation, it improved the surface of the eyeballs and tear ducts, keeping the eyeballs always moist.

But it didn't do anything for me, so I just peeled it off and stored it in the storage space.

How about it? Do you want me to make a copy and engrave it for you?

It’s okay, just cover your eyes when sleeping~”


Nangong Yue, I don’t sleep well to begin with, are you looking for trouble for me?

I'm sorry, I don't want this thing. Is there any other way? "

"Well~ the next way is, you have good mental power, right? Have you tried using mental power as your vision to activate your personality?"

"I've tried it, but I haven't succeeded. I think I'm still not mentally strong enough.

I have studied that my personality requires me to gather my mental power to form a mental thorn and pierce it into the target's body. The fluctuations in my personality will use the mental power pierced into the target as a medium to seal the target's personality.

Ever since I could use my mental power to control the restraint cloth, I have been trying, but my control of my mental power has never reached the level of being compressed into mental thorns.

So, until now, I have relied on my eyes as the medium through which my personality is launched. "

"So, what about one-eye activation?

Then alternate eyes to achieve continuous control? "

"...No, you have to keep both eyes on the target at the same time to activate it successfully."

"Hmm... How about we consider our previous personality?

It's better to sleep less than to have a big problem directly due to personality problems during the battle.

At most, I can find a way to extract the part that improves the tear glands of the eyeballs, but please don't count on it yet. "


I will think about it. "

After saying that, Shota Aizawa turned around and left.

“If we judge that others cannot achieve their ideals, we force them to give up...

A unique gentle way, but I really can’t get along with him~"

After All Might finished talking to Shota Aizawa and listened to his conversation with Nangong Yue, he also sighed.

"Don't talk about him, you are not someone who makes people worry. Although you have promoted oneforall, to a certain extent, you have ruined this incredible personality!

It is equivalent to saying that you only used the first seven generations, plus your own, and the physical strength of the eighth generation holder is superimposed.

But that’s not right. I know clearly that there are still six personalities in your body that you have never activated!

Think about it carefully, how many times in your own heroic career were you unable to avoid sacrifice because you had few means? "

"Ah?! Why didn't I know?!"

"Haha~ Uncle, you have to know that the essence of OneForAll is storage and transmission. What is stored is not just physical strength, but also the personality of each inheritor.

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