Yukino under the snow...

As expected, Ms. Anno mentioned this matter as soon as she came.

Anno Hitomi smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you that she went to study in a foreign country and is no longer in our school." "

Anno Chie stared at him without saying a word, his eyes exuding suffocating pressure.

When faced with Yukino Yukino's eyes, Anno Hitomi can still resist.

But when facing Ms. Anno, Anno Hitomi couldn't hold it for even a second, who let his innate bloodline be suppressed?

Pulling his head, Anno said dejectedly: "She is in the school, and tomorrow I will take you to the club to meet her." "

"That's pretty much it. Anno patted his head in satisfaction.

"Sure enough, you already knew I was lying to you, didn't you?"

"How could I not guess your thoughts?" Anno Chie had a light smile at the corner of his mouth, and pulled his arm forward: "Let's go, let's go to eat first." "

Anno Chie is not very familiar with Chiba, so Hitomi Anno is leading the way.

Since she was going to eat, Hitomi Anno combined her taste in a restaurant based on what he had tasted himself.

Finally, he decided to take her to the Chinese restaurant where he often ate.

Tomoe Anno is the kind of person who can eat spicy.

After entering the store, she skillfully ordered several particularly spicy dishes, and Hitomi Anno was shocked.

Eat like this, really won't you eat dead people?

But why do you order your own favorite, your son's?

Anno tilted his head and blinked his eyes in confusion.

Ms. Anno, have you forgotten that you have a son?

Finally, his confused eyes made Tomoe Anno successfully remember his existence.

So she helped him order a green vegetable and white rice.

I ordered three or four things myself, and my son is the same greens?

Hitomi Anno was so moved that she was about to cry.

You are such a good mother!

After ordering, the two chatted on the table.

Hitomi Anno told her about what happened at school recently, as well as some trivial things in life.

Ten minutes later, the dishes are served.

"Guest, would you like to call an ambulance for you this time?"

The waiter and Hitomi Anno are old acquaintances.

Hitomi Anno has been here several times, and what impressed her the most was that last time he confidently ordered several dishes with extra spicy flavors.

As a result, after taking a bite, he shouted for water and an ambulance.

The ugly matter was mentioned in front of his family, and even a person with a strong will like Hitomi Anno couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"What inexplicable words are you talking about, ambulance?

Annoyed and chasing away the smiling waiter, Anno Hitomi looked back at his mother and drank nonchalantly:

"After eating, you must reflect with the owner of this store, casually come to disturb the guests' meals, and the service level obviously needs to be improved!"

"Yes, yes, eat..."

Anno Chie shook his head funny and helplessly.

His son is really stupid and cute when he justifies.

Picking up the chopsticks, Tomoe Anno looked at this table of bright spicy dishes and had a great appetite.

After eating a piece of fish fillet, she made a satisfied voice: "Well, this taste is authentic, and your vision is very good." "

"It seems that I didn't inherit your spicy eating gene..."

Seeing that she was very happy to eat, Anno Hitomi picked up the green vegetables and rice, and his eyes expressed envy.

If he can also eat spicy, this shop will definitely be a place he frequents.

"You can inherit my appearance, people can't want everything, you have one that is perfect, then other places have to have some shortcomings." Tomoe Anno said.

"You're right, but what you don't know is that your son is perfecting himself through cultivation!"

Hitomi Anno pulled aside a little chili pepper in the greens, confident and swollen: "If there is a person in the world who is perfect in every way in the future, it must be me!"

"Oh yes? "

Tomoe Anno smiled and placed a piece of fish stained with red oil chili pepper in his bowl.

Looking at the fillet stained with red oil, the past of being spicy to an ambulance came to mind.

Anno's confidence was thrown away for nine days at once, and he silently clipped the fish fillet back.

Ms. Anno, you will lose your son like this, you know?

Biting the greens, Anno Pupil accused in his heart.

"Look if you dare to say those arrogant things in front of me in the future!"

Anno Chie glared at him, then waved his hand for the waiter to bring him a bottle of milk and ice water, and ordered a little light cooking for him.

Congratulations, Ms. Anno.

You have your son again.

Biting a lion's head, Hitomi Anno thought contentedly.

After eating, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

The temperature has dropped completely, and there are obviously more people on the street who come out to shop.

Hitomi Anno proposes to go home, but Ms. Anno is adamantly opposed.

"It's not easy to come to Qianye once, how can I buy you clothes well?"

"The clothes you bought me last time are still not finished." Hitomi Anno reminded her.

Ms. Anno came to him half a year ago and bought him a lot of clothes, but as a result, he still has a few sets left that he has not worn.

"Are you sorry to say, the last time I came to Chiba was half a year ago!"

Anno Chie pinched his arm angrily: "You are not required to dress up like those stars, but at least change your clothes more, a set of clean and decent clothes will bring people a good impression, I hope you will be clear about this!"

"No, I think that even if I wear ordinary clothes, others will feel good about me. "

Hitomi Anno strongly disagreed, his mother questioned his appearance!

"Okay, even if you're right, if you go out on a date with a girl, you will be disliked if you always wear a few things." "

Anno Chie raised his forehead with a headache: "It's true, when you have a girlfriend, then your thinking will change." "

"Mother, what are you talking about?" retorted Anno, "High school students should study hard and fall in love all day, are they still high school students?"

"Do you know that there was a couple in our school last class, named Cake Zo and Tamago, who fell in love in high school, had no intention of studying, and finally graduated and had no choice but to inherit the family business.

But our family has no mines for me to inherit, if I don't study hard, how can I give my mother a pension if I become a capitalist in the future and squeeze those social animals?"


Anno Chie converged his emotions and was expressionless.

She only heard these two words, and she ignored them all.

“...... Let's go shopping for clothes. Hitomi Anno pulled her arm.

Didn't move at all.

Apparently angry.

"Okay, since you're angry, then I'll go find the steel rod and make you angry." "

"Why steel? Sticks don't work?"

"Mu, I'm afraid you can't hurt it with all your strength!" Anno said confidently, "Don't underestimate your son's flesh at the limit of human peak!"

What limit, what peak, will say something strange!

Anno Chie smiled, gave him a blank look, and took his arm again.

"I'll forgive you this time. "

"Yes, yes, yes. "

"Find a girlfriend as soon as possible, that snow under the snow is okay, if you like it, you can chase her." "

"No, no, no, her temper is strange to death, and there is no way to compare with the gentle you. "

"How is the temper, I'll take a look for myself tomorrow." "

"You will regret it then, she will face you, but she will not show mercy to your subordinates because you are an elder." "

"Then I'm more interested, and only people who are not afraid of anyone can control you." "


The place to buy clothes is a large shopping mall in Chiba.

The things sold here are more affordable to the people.

And there are many styles, and the quality is also very good.

Last time, Hitomi Anno and Tomoe Anno came here to buy their clothes.

Walking into the mall, Tomoe Anno let go of his arm, as if he had returned home, and skillfully found the clothing store.

"This, this set, and this, that kind of one is also a set..."

Standing in front of the clothing display shelf, Anno Tomoe just glanced at it, and quickly selected more than a dozen pieces suitable for Anno Hitomi from the many clothes and pants.

It was exactly the same as when Yono Yukinoshita helped him buy a suit before.

"Go change it, I'll wait and see." "

Stuffing his pants into his arms, Tomoe Anno urged.

Hitomi Anno changed clothes quickly.

Dozens of seconds later, the school uniform he was wearing was replaced by a shirt and black trousers.

"How?" he spun around.

The white shirt made his handsome face look even more handsome.

The black straight pants set off his slender figure well.

Anno Chie's eyes showed appreciation and nodded in satisfaction.

In the dark, other customers in the mall, including which shopping guides, frequently looked sideways and secretly looked at them.

A beautiful woman with a gentle temperament, a tall figure and a teenager with a handsome appearance and a warm smile.

The two with such outstanding characteristics are destined to be the focus of the crowd wherever they go.

Feeling the gazes of the people around him, Anno Chie's heart was full of pride.

No matter what, her son must be the most dazzling one!

At the checkout, Tomoe Anno went to pay, and Hitomi Anno did not rob her, despite the huge fortune he had on him.

As a parent, helping your child pay the bills seems a matter of course, and Tomoe Anno enjoys the process.

When Anno Hitomi is independent one day, he no longer needs her help, and she is relieved and regretful.

"Welcome to your next visit. "

Before leaving, the girl who checked out said to the handsome boy behind Tomoe Anno.

She also threw a look at the one very covertly.

Anno Tomoe saw it and pursed her lips silently.

Coming outside, Anno Hitomi carried a large and small bag.

Passers-by nearby watched him holding so many things, while the beautiful woman beside him was empty-handed, all sympathetic and understanding.

"Little Hitomi, you look so good, there will definitely be many women who will take a fancy to you and approach you. There are those with a purpose, and some without a purpose. So you have to keep your heart and don't be fooled, and boys must protect themselves when they're outside, you know?"

When she was at the mall, the look in the eyes of the girl who checked out made Anno Tomoe very concerned, so she instructed uneasily.

In this world, temptation is everywhere.

Even adults can't resist the temptation, Hitomi Anno is just a teenager, and if he wants to resist, it is even more difficult.

"Don't worry, I hate women. Hitomi Anno replied.

"Do you like men?"

"Don't like it. "

"Isn't that just liking women?" (read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"I say this to reassure you. "

"Well, if you really like men, you son, I don't want it." "

“....... Then again, can you help me lift something, it's not heavy, but it's too big to move. "

"Okay, my mother is already very tired from doing the tram to come to Chiba today, if you want to exhaust me, you let me mention it." Anno Chie said lightly.

"Haha, don't worry, just mention such a little thing, you won't be tired to death. Anno Hitomi laughed, her mother obviously didn't understand!

Anno Chie looked at him coldly: "... Why don't you have a conscience at all?"

"You don't hurt your son at all," Hitomi Anno retorted.

"Still dare to talk back?"

Ms. Anno went straight to the action.

Hitomi Anno nimbly dodged her attack.

When people passing by saw this scene, they couldn't help but be moved.

What a picture of mother's filial piety!


Suddenly, a sound of surprise sounded in the street.

Hitomi Anno and Tomoe Anno looked up at a housewife carrying a shopping basket.

"It's Asami, you..."

Anno Tomoe recognized the other party, and his tone was very nostalgic.

"Yes, that's me, we haven't seen each other in years!"

Mrs. Asami came over in surprise.

When she walked in, she found Tomoe Anno pulling at the ears of a young man, and after hesitating, she asked, "You guys are?"

"Nothing, help him fight mosquitoes?" withdrew his hand nonchalantly.

Have you ever seen anyone who beats mosquitoes and makes their ears red?

Hitomi Anno opened her mouth to accuse Ms. Anno of her atrocities, but she felt the fierce light in Anno Tomoe's eyes.

Speaking of which, his son is not ready to ask for it.

That's what she meant.

Hitomi Anno understood, so he closed his mouth with tears in his eyes.

Over there, Mrs. Asami took Tomoe Anno's hand and talked affectionately.

"How's it going?"

"Generally, I stayed in the country all the time and rarely went anywhere else. "

How could you go somewhere like that?"

"Don't underestimate the countryside, the pace of life in the city is fast, and the air is quite poor, except for the traffic and entertainment, the countryside is much more than the city." "

"Since this is your choice, then I won't say anything more... But seeing you, I really miss the beautiful and much-anticipated Princess Zhihui..."

Princess Chihui?

Hitomi Anno, who had been listening to their conversation, heard these words, and his eyes suddenly fluctuated violently as he watched his mother.


Princess Zhihui...

As if sensing Anatomi's strangeness, Mrs. Asami asked curiously about Hitomi Anno.

"Is this your husband?"

"How is it possible?" Anno Chie gave her a blank look, took Anno Hitomi's hand and introduced, "This is my son, called Hitomi Anno, say hello to Aunt Asami........"

Hitomi Anno sorted out the complicated emotions in his heart and lowered his head with a smile:

"Hello Auntie, my name is Hitomi Anno, the son of this gentle and beautiful Ms. Anno next to me, currently studying at Senzakura High School and being a high school student. "

"This is your son... Well, it's fun to talk, Chizakura High School? that place has to be admitted, but only if you have to get really good grades!" Mrs. Asami smiled.

Not only that, his grades have always ranked first in the school, and there is no problem in maintaining it until high school, and he can choose the nine imperial universities in the future. "Tomoe Anno is proud.

It is in the nature of every parent to show off their children, and Tomoe Anno is an exception.

"First place in the school? That's awesome!"

Mrs. Asami was really surprised.

Senzakura High School is ranked seventh in the whole island country, and the students there have monster-level academic performance.

Being able to get the first place in that kind of school is not something you can do just by studying hard!

"This is thanks to Ms. Anno's excellent genes, because she is excellent, so I will be equally excellent when I was born." "

Without Ms. Anno by her side, Hitomi Anno would be very arrogant, but with her, Hitomi Anno can only be a modest child.

"I'll say weird things. Anno Chie glanced at him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

"Am I wrong, it's because you're good, mother!"

"That's right..."

Seeing the communication between the two of them, Mrs. Asami covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes full of joy.

Handsome, polite, and funny teenagers are the most likely to be loved by these housewives.

"By the way, that child in my family is quite beautiful, do you want you to meet him?"

Mrs. Asami had a whim.

Hitomi Anno is excellent in all aspects, the key is his friend's son, who knows the roots.

The girls in her family are also very beautiful.

Let the two of them meet, if the two little guys take a fancy, it is a good choice to get married in the future.

"Sorry, I only have learning in my mind. Hitomi Anno apologized.

"It's okay, this kind of thing depends on fate, and it can't be forced." "

Mrs. Asami waved her hand, signaling that he didn't care.

Then asked Tomoe Anno for contact information, and finally left.

"We will meet often in the future, Princess Zhihui!"

"Really, they all said don't call me by that title..."

Anno complained, and when she disappeared around the corner of the street, she reluctantly withdrew her gaze.

"Ms. Anno, you are hiding from me so miserably. "


The inexplicable words made Anno Tomoe very puzzled.

Looking at her son, she found that Anno Hitomi was staring at her, with an expression of "I knew that my previous guess was indeed correct!"

"Let's just have a showdown. Anno Hitomi said calmly: "Your father, that is, my grandfather, is the head of which big family now?"


Anno Tomoe's head was more puzzled.

She recognized every word, but when she said it together, she couldn't understand it.

"Say, I won't resent why you deceived me, and I won't run away from home like everyone else, because I can't accept the facts, I will only be satisfied and happy to accept that I became a young master." "

Anye Hitomi's mood was still stable, and he was not excited at all because he was about to become a young master.

"Speak human language!" Tomoe Anno slapped his head in annoyance.

"Princess Chie, that person just called you Princess Chie!" Seeing that Ms. Anno still refused to admit it, Anno Hitomi decided to expose her cover-up.

"Princess, the daughter of the head of the big family is called by the name of the princess!"

"If you were an ordinary person, how could Aunt Asami call you that?"

"I asked you before, is our family very big, did you flee to the countryside to become anonymous?

"I'm sad now, sad. Ms. Anno, I order you, quickly let me see my grandfather, let me recognize him!"

"I haven't seen each other in so many years, Grandpa he will definitely miss me very much. At that time, I will say a few good words, I believe that he will raise me as the next generation of family masters. "

The explanation is long.

But Tomoe Anno understood.

Also angry.

"You're always thinking about some messy things!" Anno Chie tugged at his ears angrily, "Do you want to be a young master so much?"

The pain spread from the ear to the nerve, making Anno Hitomi wake up at once, but he was still very suspicious.

"Then please explain what happened to Princess Chihui?"

"That guy was my college friend, we acted in a drama together, I played the princess, because my performance was so beautiful and dazzling, so after that, they all called me princess!"

Reasonable, no loopholes.

But confirmation is needed.

Is it really that simple, could it be that there are enemies in the family, so that you dare not admit it, for fear that your life is in danger?"

"You're talking nonsense, I'm going to be angry. Anno Chie looked at him coldly.

I'm going to be angry.....

Hearing these words, Anno Hitomi shrank in fear as if remembering something.

Don't mess with Ms. Anno, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

"Actually, you are not much different from the princess, you are so beautiful, gentle and careful, and you never hit anyone, those princesses are definitely not as good as you." "

Hitomi Anno praised.

"You'll be poor. With a smile in her eyes, she gently slapped him.

Half past six in the evening.

It was an hour and a half after Yukinoshita Yukino returned home from club activities.

Since returning from school, she has been a little panicked.

Anno-san... Went to pick up his mother

Where are they?

Are they back?

Yukino sits on the sofa with her knees hugged, and her slender and beautiful figure is very attractive.

When the paper needle steps into seven o'clock.

Under the snow, Yukino heard movement in the corridor.

"This is my home. "

"When did you change to this place?"

"Just these days"

"Not bad. "

She heard men and women.

It was Hitomi Anno and his mother.

Myself....... Do you want to go out and say hello to them now?

Yukinoshita Yukino stood in front of the door, holding the doorknob in her hand, hesitating.

The light shone on her delicate face.

It seems light and dark.

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