Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 342 The third round of the battle between states!

# Shock! Chinese national player Xu Fang was assassinated! #

# The fall of the imperial ace! #

# The organizer of the National Government Competition promises that it will actively follow up and deal with it seriously! #

# Ahmed held a press conference and denied instigating the assassination! #

Hot lists, entries, and websites are all occupied by the same news at the same time.

China's reaction was more intense than many people expected. It refused any private communication and exchanges, and backhandedly leaked the news.

The organizer can't even control the reviews - Huaxia Network has a wall and uses its own website.

Public opinion was instantly ignited, and netizens from all over the country were immediately angry. As long as the entry with the word "Xu Fang" was in it, hundreds of comments could be seen.

"Have a good trip Xu Fang. (candle) (candle)"

"I am willing to trade my brother's single life in exchange for Xu Fang's resurrection."

"Enough of the jokes upstairs, Xu Fang is not dead, okay?"

"Fuck! It must have been that Ahmed from Egypt who did it. During the press conference, I saw that he was a sly person!"

"That's right, I must be afraid that my team members won't be able to defeat him, so I came up with such a dirty idea!"

Not only netizens, but also mainstream media took action.

In any case, assassination is a very low-level method because it breaks the bottom line of a civilized country.

————Especially for a star mage with a bright future.

————Especially during this extremely sensitive period of the national finals.

The first person to speak out was Yang Mayi, who named Ahmed in a rare tough stance, saying that he was a scum of mages and a cancer on mankind.

Other platforms and media have followed suit.

Now, even the old man who bought soy milk and fried dough sticks downstairs knew that Ahmed was nothing. He had become a fool by eating sand in the desert!


"I didn't want to kill him!"

In the room, Ahmed’s eyes were bloodshot and he argued to the other end of the phone:

"I just asked them to stop Xu Fang... You also agreed to the plan at that time, hello, hello? Asshole!"

The poor phone was thrown against the wall and declared useless in the acrid smoke.

"I-I have to leave."

Ahmed staggered to his feet and walked outside in a panic.

Interception and assassination are two completely different concepts, and Ahmed cannot afford the latter!

As soon as he reached the door, he stopped in his tracks.

"Ahmed, come with us." The ruling mage, who was wearing a white robe with gold patterns, said coldly.

"Holy Inquisition..."

A trace of despair flashed in Ahmed's eyes, but he did not dare to make the slightest move.

The Holy Inquisition, one of the eight major organizations in the world, is aloof and represents the law of this magical world.

It can be said that even if you are innocent, you are still guilty of resisting the arrest and sanctions of the Holy Inquisition!

the other side.

Xu Fang is video chatting with Ling Lingtong.

"Don't worry, I'm feeling very well now. Nothing's wrong with me." Xu Fang raised his biceps and made a strong gesture towards the camera.

"You can still laugh out loud. I don't know whether to praise you for your good attitude or your heartlessness." Lingling complained.

"Oh my, could it be that my little Lingling is feeling sorry for me?" Xu Fang tutted: "You are too young, we will not be suitable within five years..."

Lingling rolled her eyes in disgust: "Pervert!"

Just when Xu Fang was about to continue communicating and exchanging feelings, another face appeared on the screen.

"Fuck... Good morning, noon and evening, Mr. Bao." Xu Fang's weird expression froze on his face and he smiled.

The skin at the corner of Old Man Bao's mouth twitched, and he couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling:

"It looks like you're not fully recovered yet. Why don't you wait for me to go over and check you out."

"Ah, what, the finals are the day after tomorrow, and the instructor called me to come on, bye!" Xu Fang quickly hung up.

It's exciting to tease someone's granddaughter in front of the Forbidden Curse Mage!

Old Man Bao was invited by Han Ji. The purpose of this old priest of the Holy Inquisition Tribunal was to let the Holy Inquisition Tribunal make a fair decision.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Xu Fang.

Two days later, the third round of the Battle of the National Palace finally began on the Venetian Battle Island.

This is a small island completely surrounded by sea water. From a distance, it looks like a platform suspended in the blue water.

The deep blue water is connected with the transparent light wall, firmly protecting the entire island.

"CCTV! CCTV! I am the host Xiaochuan, and I am currently at the scene of the third round of the National Government Battle!"

"As you can see, under my feet is a luxury cruise ship. This is our auditorium. Through the barrier, you can clearly see the situation on the island!"

"On the west side of the island, Egyptian players have landed on the island!"

There was a burst of boos on the cruise ship, and people kept raising their middle fingers at them.

The foreign spectators on the boat were extremely embarrassed. They wanted to refute but were wrong. They wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

As the most controversial team in this competition, from a certain perspective, they have attracted a lot of attention.

On the one hand, just yesterday, the Holy Inquisition found Ahmed guilty and sentenced Shuang Shouge to ten years in prison.

Han Ji also tried to take this opportunity to call for the disqualification of the opponent's national team, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful.

After all, the battle for the government is not a simple game. It involves many things and undercurrents.

Of course, they also paid a painful price. The faces of several leaders on the viewing platform were dark from beginning to end.

On the battlefield.

"Players prepare!"

The referee's voice fell from above.

Entering the countdown, every player could not help but show nervousness.


The referee gave the order loudly, and while the voice was still echoing above the island arena, he saw the five members of the Egyptian team reciting the same spell almost at the same time.

The blurry gray star trails around them quickly weaved into a gray and blood-red pattern embedded in the ground beneath their feet.

The pattern doesn't look like a star map, it exudes the dangerous light of a strange and strange technique!

"Wake up, warriors!"

Mios bit his finger and spilled the blood on the dark brown hard soil.

A small drop of blood suddenly dyed the land red and spread hundreds of meters, making the hard soil seem to be cursed...

The trees, flowers, and grass above were all withered, as if their life had been sucked out.

Gradually, the soil began to loosen, and gradually became like boiling water!

"Ah uh~~~!!!"


Terrifying screams came from under the soil, and undead creatures whose whole bodies were wrapped in long black cloth with bright red hair emerged from the soil.

Their whole bodies are full of blood, their eyes are flashing with green light, and they are staring at the things with the breath of life on this island battlefield with extremely vicious eyes!

Twenty or thirty undead souls wrapped in red cloth suddenly poured out. There were five people in Egypt, and each of them performed this undead technique. The number of undead souls summoned suddenly reached a hundred!

The evil spirit and deathly aura suddenly filled this originally fresh and pleasant island, which was disgusting.

Yin Hong Mummy!

This is the most numerous and most difficult of all mummies.

Their number is almost endless. It only takes one drop of blood to breed twenty or thirty of them, which is equivalent to the black carrion in the evil abyss.

There was obviously hatred in the eyes of the Egyptians, and the number of Yin Hong mummies instantly surged to hundreds!

"This is far worse than the undead tide in the ancient capital." Mo Fan showed no fear in his eyes and glanced at Xu Fang: "Huang Mao, I didn't beat you in ancient times last time. Do you want to compete again?"

"Okay, whoever loses will hold up their ID card and admit in front of the camera that he is a younger brother." Xu Fang said with a smile.

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