Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 435 The hanging heart is completely dead

Salah Bay Port means "peace" and "blessing" in Egyptian, representing that the port can bring peace and prosperity to people.

The transport ship slowly sailed into the harbor and docked steadily at the dock.

Several transport ships were covered with traces of battle, their hulls were mottled, and their originally smooth surfaces were covered with charred marks.

The hull has even been deformed in some places, telling the horror of the battle.

"Finally we're here."

On the deck, Xu Fang finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the transport fleet sailing into the Anjie area and successfully docking.

It’s not easy!

After destroying Sahel, they took these Magic Association transport ships and headed north along the Red Sea.

During this period, they were chased and intercepted by the demon clan countless times. On one occasion, the bottom of the boat was corroded by the venom of the sea demon, and the people on the boat almost became the demon's buffet.

Fortunately, with the Dragon Flagon, the military mages were in a state of full mana energy from the beginning to the end, and the monsters were stunned with a barrage of bombardment.

Finally, they arrived victoriously!

At the port, compatriots with yellow faces have already come to greet them:

"I am Liu Jian, Ambassador of the Potala Palace Magic Association. I have received a call from Jiang Dajunsi. Thank you for your continued efforts. Our people will take care of the rest!"

Ambassador Liu shook hands with Xu Fang warmly.

"Thank you for your hard work," Xu Fang said.

After the two checked the information and confirmed it was correct, the military department's mission was officially completed.

People from the embassy were busy trying to divert the crowd. The plane had already been parked at the airport and was waiting to take off as soon as the people arrived!

The military plane flew at an astonishing speed, and a few hours later Xu Fang received a call from Jiang Dajun.

"Everyone has got off the plane. There are no casualties. This mission has been completed very well." Jiang Chong said happily.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Xu Fang smiled.

"You have a week of free time. Cairo is a very interesting city. Relax and enjoy yourself, and then come back to receive your military medal." Jiang Chong said in a pleasant voice.

Xu Fang's task was completed better than he imagined, and he overfulfilled the task.

And according to reports from other traveling mages, Xu Fang successfully formed the Star Palace and used the super-level magic holy technique, the Demon Trial Sword!

He is a good young man who is strong, capable and has faith. It is not too much to mention him as a general instead of a young general!

It’s not too much for a general before the age of twenty-five to serve as a military commander before the age of thirty!

The current world is not peaceful, Shao Zheng's side is getting bad news one after another, and the intelligence from Linhai City proves that his guess is not groundless.

What does the country need?


Protect the talents of one side!


The celebration banquet was hosted by Ambassador Liu. It was held in a very Egyptian-style tavern, and the air was filled with the faint smell of spices and the sweet aroma of wine.

But what is even more eye-catching are the ancient Egyptian murals on the surrounding walls, with a strange and terrifying giant beast on them.

It is clearly the body of a lion, but it has a human face. It is huge and muscular. Looking down at the city below, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"This is the Sphinx, the guardian animal of ancient Egypt. The Pyramids of Khufu are still a complete mystery. It is precisely because they are guarded by the Sphinx. I heard that when the Sphinx roars, even the sky will collapse. Come down!"

Ambassador Liu said.

Surrounding the Sphinx are countless undead warriors, trampling on the human city.

"This mural is not very auspicious." Zhang Xiaohou, who had just recovered from a coma and was still a little weak, said.

"It's unlucky, but it's normal. There are monster-themed restaurants everywhere on the streets of Magic City, and eight out of ten trendy brands on the Internet are related to monsters." Xu Fang said with a smile.

The more terrifying and unknown something is, the more people tend to yearn for it.

Everyone is afraid of ghosts, and everyone is also afraid of corpses, but I don’t know how many people praise death and regard skull decorations as fashionable.

Woo~~~woo~~~! ! !

At this moment, a shrill alarm sounded, and there was a sudden noise outside the door.

"This is the third time in this month and a half...the mirage has appeared again." Ambassador Liu sighed.

"Mirage? What is that?" Gao Xin, a healing girl, couldn't help but look at Xu Fang: "Is it the skill you used?"

She remembered that during the battle at sea, Xu Fang once used light, shadow and water mist to create a clone illusion, tricking a commander-level demon into a trap and killing it.

"Classmate Gao Xin, I have reason to question that you never attend class eight in the morning." Xu Fang said speechlessly: "What I did was just playing tricks with water at best, and it is completely different from the Egyptian mirage!"

The undead in the ancient capital gather in places filled with death energy, such as the evil abyss.

Back then, Heiting used Jiuyou's camping site to create the aura of death, so that the undead could come and go during the day.

The undead in Egypt have always surrounded the pyramids. They were enslaved by the pharaohs during their lives, and they still have to guard the pharaohs' tombs after death.

Under normal circumstances, the Egyptian people and the pyramids live in peace, with both parties operating within their own territories.

But there are always exceptions to everything - the pyramid is this exception.

"The pyramids are a city-state for the dead, and the city is a habitat for the living. As long as they are not deliberately disturbed, they will not cause any harm.

But nature cannot make pyramids and cities calm forever. A mirage can make things that are originally in one place appear in another place!

The undead cannot tell the difference. In their perception, within a hundred miles of the pyramid is their territory! "

Xu Fang said.

Projected by the pyramid into human cities, these undead will never consider that they have broken into other people's homes. They will only think that humans are invading their territory and cannot tolerate it!

To be honest, Xu Fang is very greedy for this skill.

Although he can use the silver vortex to open the gate of the evil abyss, the distance limit is too serious.

Unlike a mirage, you can use various treasures to project across continents and let the underworld descend on other countries!

But the Egyptian undead system was born out of the curse magic of the Pharaoh, and it has no professional counterpart to Xu Fang... It would be great if he could master it. The undead in the evil abyss are also naive, and they are really empty-headed.

"In recent times, riots have occurred in many pyramids one after another, and several towns have been wiped off the map by them."

Ambassador Liu sighed with a little sadness on his face:

"The most terrifying thing is that the levels of the pyramid are getting higher and higher, and the undead are getting stronger and stronger. Egypt has applied for international assistance to barely support it."

The most powerful pyramid, even the Forbidden Curse Mage would change his expression after hearing it!

"In that case, why don't you evacuate the people?" Zhang Xiaohou asked.

"The evacuation is already underway, and I am the last batch." Ambassador Liu said: "This time, the Central Military Region is mainly responsible for the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Africa, while the Northern Military Region is responsible for the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Egypt."

There are many Chinese people in Egypt. Whether it is transporting or resettling them, it is a big problem.

"The Northern Military Region is preparing to resettle the people in Beiyuan City, which is open and safe," Ambassador Liu said.

Xu Fang nodded and ate the food.

While eating, the chopsticks suddenly stopped.


Kitahara City?

Beiyuan City in northern Xinjiang?

"What the hell..." Xu Fang cursed.

Pyramid plus mirage plus Northern Territory, what a nightmare combination this is!

"What's the matter, don't put your chopsticks down?" Ambassador Liu greeted warmly.

"Did you just say that everyone has withdrawn?" Xu Fang repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, there is a direct airport in Egypt, and the evacuation of overseas Chinese had already started before you arrived." Ambassador Liu was a little proud.

"all gone?"

"They're all gone!"

Yes, my hanging heart is completely dead.

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