Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 461 Councilor Xu must have a reason for doing this

"Finally home."

After flying all the way back to Jinlin City from England, these dragon beasts actually only rested twice. In terms of endurance and physical strength, they could hold the Sky Eagle up with a hammer.

Looking down at the Dongting Lake plain from a high altitude, one can only feel that the vast plain is vast.

Dongting Lake is like a bright pearl inlaid on the plain--but this pearl is a little too dangerous.

Beneath the sparkling beauty lies a terrifying murderous intent.

"Get ready to land!" Xu Fang said.

Following his order, the dragon beasts roared and began to dive downwards.

At the same time, Jinlin City.

"I'm coming!"

"What the hell are there so many dragons? This is so handsome!"

"Quick, quick, quick, my phone is here, record it and send it to Moments!"

In order to prevent his dragon beast brigade from being mistaken for city-attacking monsters and being turned away by the Earth's Core Barrier, Xu Fang's return was notified in advance.

Many citizens stopped even watching short videos and ran out of their resettlement houses happily, looking up to see what big work their young Councilor Xu had done today.

The army of dragon beasts stayed away from residential areas, industrial production lines and business districts, and landed in the largest open space in Jinlin City - Beijiao Park.

When he landed, the ground shook violently, like an earthquake.

"It's better to have your own home!"

Xu Fang and Jiang Shaoxu jumped off the back of Ying Kailong. Before they could sort out the formation of the dragon beast army, they saw a figure rushing out of the park angrily.

"Xu Fang!!!"

Lu Yi roared angrily.

"Hey, isn't this Senior Lu?" Xu Fang looked surprised: "I didn't expect that the first one to welcome me would be you..."


Lu Yizhen envied Xu Fang's maintenance level. How did he maintain such a thick skin?

"My park! My trees! My flowers!" Lu Yi felt distressed: "You can't find a good place to park, but you have to park at my house?"

Xu Fang said: "Why do you think the park is called 'Gong' Park?"

"I won't waste my time with you!" Lu Yi walked up to a male dragon and saw something insignificant at a glance. Surprise appeared on his face: "Male dragon?"

Xu Fang: "It's so big. If it's not a male dragon, can it be a female dragon?"

Lu Yi ignored Xu Fang's words, with a look of disbelief on his face: "There are so many dragons, only the Victoria family can tame them... They have changed their nature, are they willing to sell male dragons?"

"Senior, have you come into contact with dragons before?" Jiang Shaoxu asked curiously.

"Oh, I want to get in touch with people, but they don't want to get in touch with me!"

Lu Yi said sourly that she still can't forget the scene of crazy price increases at the auction.

At that time, the export control of Gonglong was not so strict, and you could still buy it as long as the price was high enough.

But even though she was the presiding judge at the time, it was a pity that she had limited money. Not to mention buying a male dragon, she didn't even have enough money to increase the auction price!

"With so many male dragons, do you want to raise your own dragon on Dongting Lake?" Lu Yi asked.

"Well, the initial plan is to crossbreed with the Sky Eagle and Pink Pufferfish." Xu Fang said.

As for the difference in body shape, this is not an issue that Xu Fang should consider.

The male dragon is not only strong in this aspect, but also extremely weird and not afraid of meat and vegetables.

Even the mirage mother can do it, but there is no reason why the sky eagle and pink puffer fish can't do it. He just needs to be brought here, and it’s up to Gong Long to think of a solution!

"What about taming dragons? Without control over dragons, they are more terrifying than ordinary demon tribes." Lu Yi said.

"I have my own way of doing this." Xu Fang said, "Stand aside and I will compensate you for destroying the flowers and plants."


The plant magic energy surged, and the plants that were crawling on the ground just now became active again, scrambling to grow like crazy.

It quickly returned to its original lush appearance, so vigorous that people suspected it was a weed.


While the male dragon was being settled, the Victoria family in England far away.

"Zhang Juntong, this is the first time we meet. I am Aileen." Aileen showed a decent smile: "I have heard your name from Mr. Xu for a long time. You are younger than I thought."

Opposite her, Zhang Xiaohou smiled warmly: "Brother Fang and I are of the same age."

Looking at Zhang Xiaohou's gentle and almost honest smile, Irene always felt unreal.

Xu Fang's smiling face always seemed to be shaking in front of his eyes, and he tried to put it on the face of Zhang Xiaohou in front of him.

"Grand Duke Eileen?" Zhang Xiaohou asked curiously.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought of something." Irene came back to her senses and said sincerely: "You and Mr. Xu really have two different styles... This way, please."

A group of people walked inside.

Following the two of them were researchers from Jinlin City and Victoria Family, who were here to set up the production line.

Xu Fang is stingy, but he will never cheat his partners.

As soon as Aileen's male dragon entered China's airspace, he notified Zhang Xiaohou remotely and asked him to set up the production line.

"Master Wu, I'm sorry," Irene said.

The leading research engineer in blue clothes nodded reservedly and took out several worker bees from the storage bracelet.

Victoria Maison attaches great importance to this production line and has acquired a large area of ​​land specifically for this purpose, which is no less than a dragon training farm in terms of scale.

The protective shield outside is strong enough to withstand super-level magic.

As long as it's not Xu Fang's full-power Holy Technique, Demon Judgment Sword, this protective shield will be absolutely immovable and safe.

Eileen greeted Master Wu warmly and said with a smile on her face: "Master Wu, do you need me to help you find some helpers?"

"No, just clean up the rest." Master Wu shook his head coldly.

Victoria's Dragon Taming?

No matter how awesome the dragon is, can it still be awesome with bombs? Is there a swarm of bees awesome? Are there any dolphins awesome?

It was said that just three large production lines had to be replaced with dozens of dragons, and Master Wu felt that he was losing money. Although Councilor Xu did this, he must have a reason.

Seeing his most outstanding look in the world, the research staff of the Victoria Family felt extremely aggrieved.

What the hell, there are dozens of dragons, and they are male dragons, so just change these production lines?

It is said that the cost of producing one of the things called "bombs" is only one or two thousand pounds, which is not even enough for the dragon's snacks.

These days even the price of a shirt is only nine pounds and fifteen pence. How can you get good stuff at such a low price?


The worker bees are hovering in the sky, light and dexterous, and the probe below is constantly moving to collect the required information for Master Wu.

Seeing this scene, Irene inexplicably thought of the Treasure Hunt Competition in the Battle of the Kingdom.

At that time, he chose to join the "Fanxue Pirates" and became famous.

But it wasn't until they came out that they realized that there was one person who did a bigger job than them, and that was Xu Fang - he actually took advantage of the heat of the civil war to live broadcast in a grand manner!

During the live broadcast, Xu Fang recommended worker bees.

This seemingly funny and nonsensical behavior took everyone by surprise.

As far as Eileen knew, the stock of the European clan famous for training eagles plummeted that day.

No matter how hard you try to save it, it's in vain. Every day is a new low, as uncontrollable as a crazy wild donkey.

This is the truth. The cost of eagles is high, training is difficult, and the supply is often in short supply. As soon as a batch is trained, they are snatched away by various forces.

Well now, the swarm has appeared.

It’s cheap, sturdy, easy to use, and after so many generations, it’s no less than the Eagle in terms of image quality and transmission speed.

How to play this?

Irene felt a little panic for no reason. Will one day Victoria's dragon taming also suffer unexplained disasters?


No way?

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