"No, I need to go out for a while, you don't want to stay here, let's go out and buy some things first." "

Uncle said to the woman on the side, indeed, Chu Mochen looked at the things around here, it was indeed a little dilapidated, at this time, my cousin suddenly felt that it was definitely not safe for these two people to go out, and now thinking about the situation at this time, they were also a little helpless.

"What should I do now? Either you clean up here yourself, and we'll be back when we're done with the purchase, and you don't have to think about anything else, we'll just decide." "

After saying that, my cousin followed my uncle to the street to buy something, and Chu Mochen stayed in the yard alone, looking left and right, always feeling that something was wrong, but he didn't continue to say more.

"I don't know what these people are thinking in their heads, why do they want to come back? "

Chu Mochen is not short of money, and always wants to call someone, but his uncle has already explained before leaving, and he can't let other people come over to help clean up, Chu Mochen is a little overwhelmed, looking at this thief's big mouse hole.

There were still some reptiles crawling around, Chu Mochen felt uncomfortable in his heart, and they didn't know what to do at this moment.

"Tell me I'm making myself guilty, anyway, what should I do?"

Chu Mochen said to himself Looking at this huge locust tree, he didn't know how to explain that the locust tree in this big summer was bare, without any leaves, Chu Mochen just put his hand in the locust tree, but began to speak.

At this moment, Chu Mochen suddenly thought about something else, and didn't dare to put his hand in it again, for fear that if his family came back and saw that the locust tree had become leafy, it would scare them.

With so many things, how can he be busy alone, as for the cabinets outside, as well as the sofa, they are already dilapidated. Although it is made of wood, it does not fit the things used by those people today.

"Well, what do I do now? I can't just throw these things away. When the time comes, my uncle will not be angry. "

Chu Mochen was a little helpless, but at this moment, Chu Mochen didn't know how to explain it to these people, so he could only move this thing in the yard first, but after this move, Chu Mochen found that this thing had already been bitten by insects.

"If you put your luggage in this cabinet, there will always be some problems, although it is made of wood, but it will always break. "

Chu Mochen really didn't know what to do on the side, he was a little nervous sitting on the ground, the whole yard was lonely, there was no life at all, and the house was even more dilapidated.

"Tell me what to do now, what are we going to do, what are we going to do in the future? It's been a few days, and we can't mess around. "

"These things should have been thrown away a long time ago, why can't we throw them away? You look at these things, they don't have much use for us. "

"Then what do you say this should do? We can't just throw it away, otherwise my uncle will be scolded to death sooner or later when he comes back, and our aunt is also a simple personality. He doesn't like to waste these things, and he can't just put them in the yard, you wait. "

Chu Mochen complained while not knowing how to vent, the current situation is like this, Chu Mochen is standing in this house, and he doesn't know what he thought at the beginning, so he will leave these things here.

The people in the village were quite enthusiastic, but after hearing that their family members could not be treated, they scattered in a hurry, and they didn't give Chu Mochen any help at all. Chu Mochen here has long known that most of the people in this village are heartless people, so naturally they will not help these people.

As for the other side, the cousin had already expected something else.

"If we have a good idea after all, I will find Zhao Po to come and help you. "

The cousin hurriedly called Chu Mochen back, in order to prevent Chu Mochen from spending money directly to find someone. The cousin has already calculated this step, and Zhao Po'er has also grown up watching Chu Mochen since she was a child, so she can always give Chu Mochen some help at this time.

Zhao Po's temperament is relatively frank, no matter what, as long as she can be good to Chu Mochen, Zhao Po'er will spare no effort, and she is also an honest person in the village. It's also very helpful to everyone.

"I haven't seen anyone for so long, do you think I can't miss it? For so many years, Zhao Po has always treated me as her own son, and I still remember going to his house to steal the tofu he made before when I was a child. "

Here Chu Mochen began to be full of memories, he was taken care of by Zhao Po'er when he was a child, and he didn't know what Zhao Po'er would have today. The appearance appeared in front of him.

As soon as he sat at the door and waited for a while, someone came over, Chu Mochen took advantage of it to extinguish the cigarette in his hand, and then immediately greeted Zhao Po after taking a look.

"It's also because you're here, I'm not too embarrassed, I'm too busy before, I can't come back to see you, when I was a child, I was in this village, so you don't treat me as an outsider. It's up to you to be the best for me. "

"When you were a child, you only guessed my waist, but I didn't expect that you haven't seen you in the past few years, but you have changed. I've grown into a big kid, and I've grown so tall all of a sudden, I almost didn't recognize it. But you're still the same as you were when you were a child, and this mill is exactly like your father! "

"I'm so sorry for bothering you to come here today, but I really don't know how to deal with these things alone, and my uncle is an urgent man, so he won't let me hire someone to clean up. I can only get my cousin to call him over."

After saying this, Zhao Po looked at Chu Mochen with soft eyes, and did not continue to talk more, and their family has not come back for so many years.

I didn't expect that today's illness can still be cured, and it can be regarded as heaven, which can bless them, at this moment, Chu Mochen didn't know what to say, and took a look at this situation. I don't know what to think.

"I'm an old man, but there are still a lot of things going on at home, your uncle is not in good health, and you still need to take good care of your aunt, I'm also a very hard person, it's best not to be angry with them when the time comes." "

"Tell me what you don't understand, come and tell me, and I'll go and tidy up the room first. "

As soon as they entered the courtyard, they looked at the boxes and some cabinets full of the smell of the age, and they knew that something would go wrong, and Chu Mochen was embarrassed to ask for advice.

Zhao Po is also quite bold.

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