The villas at night, standing by the lake, without the hustle and bustle of the city, without all kinds of sounds disturbing the people.

There are no car horns, and no arrogant square dance aunts.

It's quiet like a paradise.

After Lu Feng came to the villa, a dog house lay quietly there under a street lamp.

The people inside were also unusually quiet, I don't know if they were asleep or what.

Lu Feng walked over, squatted in front of the dog house, and knocked on the fence door.

I vaguely saw a pair of eyes stretched out in front of the fence door, and when these eyes saw Lu Feng, they immediately scolded.

"Lu Feng, you bastard, let me out.

But when this voice swears, it doesn't seem intense, just a nice, gentle voice, with a little anger.

Lu Feng smiled, with a kind and loving face: "It's okay to let you out, but your attitude is wrong."

"What the hell do you want? My whole body is numb, I can't stand it anymore, let me out."

"You beg me, you beg me, maybe I can let you out with kindness." "

Don't think about it!" Lu Yuji said stubbornly.

"Okay, then you will wait to be locked up here for the rest of your life, without clothes to change, and you will eat, drink, and Lazar here.

Then I couldn't take a bath, I smelled terrible, and I attracted flies and mosquitoes.

You can't cut your hair, you can't cut your nails, you can't brush your teeth, and you have bad breath.

If you can't move for a long time, your body will become deformed, so you can only maintain this position. After a long time, I won't even be able to speak.

Relatives came, and there was nothing to use. The whole person becomes dirtier than the dirtiest beggar.

It's cold, and there's no clothes for you, so you're cold and hungry. After waiting for thirty-nine days, I could only freeze and shiver all the time.

When I'm sick, I can't go to the doctor, so I can only endure ......

" Lu Yuji cried: "Don't say it, I don't want to be like that, you can kill me." "

The situation that Lu Feng said is simply worse than death.

She's been through a day with aches all over her body, and even more so in her joints.

Even the small solution is directly in it.

This kind of shame is only a day, she doesn't want to endure it anymore, she would rather die than go on like this.

Lu Feng's description made her even more frightened.

Living like that is not as good as a dog, what is the meaning of living?

She is really afraid, afraid that Lu Feng will really keep her locked up like this.

"It's easy to die, but how could I let you die so easily. I'll make your life worse than death.

"Why are you tortured like this? Why don't you kill me?"

"I said, as long as you beg me, I'll consider letting you out."

Lu Yuji shed tears of humiliation, even if she was not convinced, she didn't have enough capital to fight against Lu Feng.

In order not to become what Lu Feng described, she chose to give in for the first time.

She choked up and said, "Lu Feng, please, let me out!" Lu Feng

said jokingly: "The attitude is not sincere enough." "

Then how can you be sincere?"

"Call Daddy."

Lu Yuji said angrily: "Don't think about it, even if it is death, I won't call it."

"Okay, Lu Yuji, you just stay in it, if you miss this opportunity, you will never think of it."

Lu Feng got up and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard an awkward girl's voice whispering, "Dad, is this okay?"

Lu Feng smiled and turned around and squatted down.

"It's not enough to just call Dad, you haven't begged me yet.

Lu Yuji only felt endless shame, filling her heart.

But in order to be free, he had to choose to give in.

"Dad, I was wrong, please let me out.

"Still not sincere enough. "

Dad, please, I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again, please let me out." "

What did you say was wrong?"

"I ......"

Lu Yuji scolded in her heart, Lu Feng, you bastard, endlessly.

But since they have all shouted "Daddy" in humiliation, what could be more humiliating than this? "

I shouldn't have talked back to you, I won't dare to do it again." "

Well, a little sincerely, continued.

Lu Feng couldn't see how angry Lu Yuji's expression was, but so what, he could only choose to continue to say humiliating words.

"I promise to be obedient in the future and not to scold you again.

"Who am I?" Is it rude to say the word 'you' directly? What will

you call me when you see me in the future?" Lu Yuji said sadly: "I will call you 'Dad' when I see you in the future, this will always work, right?" "

Very good, good daughter, remember, you have to listen to your father in the future." "

Well, can you let

me out?" "The attitude is very sincere, let you out, but you have to remember that this hut is for you, and if you dare to contradict me in the future, continue to close it, you know?"

"I know. "

There are only the first and countless times to give in, and since Lu Yuji has chosen to give in, it is destined that there will be countless submissions in the future.

Lu Feng took out the key and opened the fence gate.

"Open the door, come out. Lu

Yuji's whole body was sore, her muscles were spasming, and her whole body was numb.

She crawled out of the kennel and tried to get up, but before she could stand halfway, her feet cramped and she fell to the ground.

She looked at the chain tied around her neck and said, "Is it okay to untie the chain

?" Lu Feng frowned, and said sternly: "Did you forget the name again?"

Lu Yuji lowered her head, trying to hold back the anger in her heart.

She didn't want to go back to the kennel.

"Dad, can you please untie the chains for me?"

Lu Feng chuckled, and the more he shouted, the more he spoke, the more he spoke, and he didn't have to worry about it for a long time.

He helped Lu Yuji open the big lock on the chain, and Lu Yuji finally regained her freedom, although she didn't have the strength to walk, but it wouldn't take long to recover.

But she didn't even have a piece of clothing at the moment, and she still only had close-fitting clothes on her.

The pink skirt was torn by Lu Feng in the morning and thrown aside.

But in order to avoid embarrassment in front of Lu Cover, she still picked up the torn skirt and put it on her body.

A large piece of the shoulder was torn, revealing a snow-white fragrant shoulder.

The hem of the skirt was also torn, revealing a slender beautiful leg.

Although this image may seem a bit shameful, it is much better than having only intimate clothing all over the body.

Lu Feng squatted down, stared at Lu Yuji, who was sitting on the ground with a weak image, and asked, "Do you hate me in your heart?"

Lu Yuji quickly shook her head.

"Do you still want revenge?" Lu

Yuji shook her head again.

But in my heart, I was thinking: How can I not hate you, I can't wait to eat you alive. When I have the chance, I will kill you for revenge.

Seeing Lu Yuji pretending to be obedient, Lu Feng smiled and said, "I know what you think in your heart, don't deny it."

But I advise you, just endure the thoughts in your heart. If you do make a move of revenge, then I will make you a hundred times more miserable than locked up in the dog house.

Lu Yuji lowered her head, didn't dare to look at Lu Feng, and said softly: "I don't dare."

"That's good, your mother must be worried about you, go say hello to her." "


Lu Yuji stood up obediently, walked back to the villa with bare feet, and trembled step by step.

Lu Feng stood up, stretched, and said to himself, "Yue Wenbo, it's time to visit you." (

Asking for a change).

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