Li Qingze understood clearly

"Isn't this the heroine who is known as the most beautiful woman in the magic city in the original work?"

In the original plot, he remembered that there was indeed a character like Yun Yanran.

Moreover, Yun Yanran was Yun Ling's sister.

But she was not the heroine.

She was a supporting female character.

And she had very few roles, so she As for him, he didn't pay much attention to her before.

After all, Yun Ling, the heroine, had very few scenes, and her sister Yun Yanran was even less good.

"Um? you know me?"

Yun Yanran frowned slightly when she saw Li Qingze's stunned expression.

She was the same as Yun Ling.

Because her parents died early, her inheritance was embezzled and deprived of her.

The two sisters were also ostracized by the Yun family and could only rely on themselves to survive..

It’s just that my sister Yun Ling has a very high talent for hacking technology.

But by chance, she was found to have a very high talent for martial arts.

Therefore, she was brought to the secular world to recruit children by the Kunlun martial arts sect. Entering the Kunlun world, he joined a man named"Yu""Sect" is a small sect.

This Jade Girl Sect is the top sect in Kunlun Realm.——"A subordinate sect of"Xuannv Palace".

Therefore, although the overall strength of the Jade Girl Sect is not strong, it has been developing well.

After joining the Jade Girl Sect, she has been obsessed with martial arts.

At a young age, only twenty-six years old, she already has The cultivation level of the middle stage of Huajin.

Because of her outstanding talent, she has always thought highly of herself and looked down on the secular world.

In addition, she was orphaned since she was a child and was shunned by others. Like Yun Ling, she thought she had become a The Yun family doesn't have many connections.

This is why she just stood aside and watched Li Qingze teach Yun Mogu and others.

As for why she appeared this time, it was also because she had been separated from her sister for many years and wanted to see her.

So she returned to the secular world and happened to catch up with her. Attended today's banquet

"Haha, I think we know each other."

Li Qingze said casually.

Although Yun Yanran is very beautiful, Li Qingze has no interest in her.

After all, he doesn't want to cause any more trouble now. When

Yun Yanran heard this, her eyebrows relaxed and she didn't care.

However, tightly Then she thought of something, narrowed her eyes, and said

"Young Master of the Li family, although you helped my sister today and became the head of the Yun family"

"But I still have to warn you, don't try to take advantage of my sister"

"Because, as my sister, she is definitely not worthy of an ordinary person like you, do you understand?"

Yun Yanran's face was cold and her eyes were full of scrutiny.

She looked at Li Qingze up and down and saw that although he looked extraordinary and handsome, with a jade tree facing the wind, he looked like a handsome young man from a troubled world.

But looking at his character, he was just ordinary. , just an ordinary dandy.

Compared with the peerless genius she has seen in the Kunlun world over the years, there is really a huge difference and there is no comparison at all.

Therefore, after taking a glance at Li Qingze, she completely lost sight of him. interested

"'re overthinking, I'm not interested in your sister."

Li Qingze's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

He supported Yun Ling to take the position, and he just said a casual word.

Doesn't this woman think that she does this because she likes Yun Ling?

Li Qingze shook his head, although he is He was a dandy in name.

But he was not a lustful ghost, but he would not fall in love with anyone he saw.

Then, Li Qingze turned around and left, not paying attention to Yun Yanran again.

"Huh, you better be like that."

Looking at Li Qingze's back, Yun Yanran thought to herself.

The wine and food were full, and the cups and plates were in a mess. Li Qingze stayed for a while, and seeing that the banquet was not interesting, he left with Yanzhi and Qiangwei.

At this time, Yun Ling also finished his social activities. , looking left and right, looking for Li Qingze.

At this moment, Yun Yanran came over

"Sister, what are you looking for?"

Yun Ling heard this and said casually

"I'm looking for Li Qingze."

Hearing the words Li Qingze, Yun Yanran's eyes suddenly changed slightly.

She looked at her sister who was so preoccupied with looking for the figure, and she felt a little unhappy.

"Stop looking for him, he's gone."

Yun Yanran said in a stiff tone, her impression of Li Qingze lowered a bit.

"ah? he's gone?"

Yun Ling was stunned and suddenly showed a look of disappointment. When

Yun Yanran saw this, her expression became serious and she said in a commanding tone.

"Yun Ling, stay away from that Li Qingze from now on, he is not a good person."

Yun Ling was stunned for a moment, and finally turned his attention to Yun Yanran.

"Sister, have you misunderstood Li Qingze? He is not a bad person!"

Yun Ling explained seriously.

Although she had not been in contact with Li Qingze for a long time and had only met twice.

However, a few months ago, after she heard Li Qingze's voice, she launched an investigation into him.

The result It was discovered that although Li Qingze behaved like a swinger, he was just pretending and had not actually done anything bad.

The conversation before today’s banquet made Yun Ling feel that Li Qingze was very interesting!

Moreover, Just now, Li Qingze helped her become the head of the Yun family.

Yun Ling kept this kind of kindness in his heart.

Therefore, regardless of public or private matters, Yun Ling did not think there was anything wrong with Li Qingze.

But when Yun Yanran saw Yun Ling, she actually did it for a person. Outsiders talked back to her and became even more angry.

She didn't like Li Qingze at all, so she was a little dismissive of Yun Ling's words.

"Yun Ling, you trust others so easily!"

"I look at you, I'm afraid you've been sold, but you're still helping others count their money!"

"In short, listen to your sister and stop interacting with him. This kind of person is not worthy of being my sister's friend!"

Speaking of this, Yun Yanran didn't know what she thought of, and she looked proud.

"Sister, after a while, I will find a way to bring you to the Kunlun Realm."

"When you get there, seeYou will find the real high-end world"

"How childish and ridiculous is a dandy in the secular world like Li Qingze?"

"At that time, I will introduce you to the real geniuses of the Kunlun world. They are all amazing and talented."

"Your friends should be these people!"

Hearing Yun Yanran's words, Yun Ling couldn't help but have a headache.

She couldn't understand, what is so good about the Kunlun world that deserves her sister's praise? Yun Ling is not interested in the Kunlun world at all, and he doesn't want to know any talented people.

At that time, she was only interested in one person, and that was Li Qingze!

Therefore, Yun Ling just hesitated a few words and refused Yun Yanran's arrangement.

When Yun Yanran saw this, she felt helpless.

However, she was not too anxious. , after all, now is not the best time to take Yun Ling to the Kunlun Realm.

Yun Yanran believes that when her sister really goes to the Kunlun Realm, she will definitely forget about this Li Qingze.

At the same time,

Li Qingze has returned. Arriving at the Magic City Hotel

"Qingze, my mother has arranged everything, and now we can go back."

Bai Yixue came and said to Li Qingze.

Li Qingze thought for a while and found that he had nothing to do in the magic city, so he didn't want to stay any longer.

Anyway, what happened at the Yun family's banquet today can be regarded as a shock to the Yun family. Bai Family and the Song family.

At least, they will not dare to take any chances with Bai Yixue and Song Rou in the future.

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