Gu Changqing traverses the epochs and years along the ancient road of time.

He actually saw himself in this intricate timeline.

It's my childhood self.

He felt the power of cause and effect, from the ties between ~ and fate.

"The line to find cause and effect, the river that crosses time, fate has arranged everything, do you mean these...-..."

Gu Changqing seemed to have realized something, felt the real existence of cause and effect, he stopped, and his eyes stayed in this era.

He wanted to meet the person in his dream, his relatives who were sleeping deep in his memory.

A quiet mountain village surrounded by a vast river.

Green mountains and green waters, a few boats, a few farmlands...

There is only one path in the village, which runs through the entire village, and houses are scattered on both sides of the path.

The bustling crowd, the strong men returning from hunting, the old farmers who went to the fields to bring their cattle, the running children...

Gu Changqing walked on the trail, looking at everything that was unfamiliar yet familiar.

"Hammer in hand, I have the world!"

The young children were frolic, shouting brazenly, and laughing.

"I'm really back!"

Gu Changqing stopped in his tracks and looked at the boy who was holding a hammer and made a bold statement.

It was himself.

His eyes were filled with sadness, he was very excited, and the joy of returning home poured into his heart.

This used to be the deepest image in his mind, but he never thought that one day he would be able to see this scene again.

The haunting scene actually appeared.


The teenagers ran, as if they didn't see Gu Changqing, and passed through his body directly.

This made Gu Changqing stunned.

He just realized that he who does not belong to this era cannot be noticed by others.

After all, passing away is passing away, he is just a passer-by and does not belong to this era.

Gu Changqing continued along the main road, following the group of children.

Da Zhuang, Er Meng, Tie Zhu...

Gu Changqing actually remembered their names, he chanted softly, but no one could hear them.

Gu Changqing saw the old patriarch and the long-dead uncles and aunts in the village.

Everything seems to have come back, in this era, he alone will be forgotten...

Gu Changqing finally came to a house in the deepest part of the main road. He stood there for a long time, but he didn't have the courage to step out.

This is his home, the only home in his memory.

Gu Changqing was uneasy in his heart. He came across time, afraid that he would not be able to see the second old man again.


But now the door is open.

Pushing the door out is a woman, she is very beautiful, she does not belong to the handsomeness of this world.

She is not tall, but her skin is very white, like suet condensed jade, her body is a little slender, and she has a very gentle face.


Gu Changqing couldn't help screaming, and at this moment, too many emotions poured into his heart.

Everything was so familiar, and she still looked like she remembered.

Gu Changqing is far from what the Heavenly Emperor should look like at the moment, he is trembling and his emotions are complicated.

How much he wanted to see his mother, but when he came across time, his mother couldn't see him.


However, at this moment, the woman called out his nickname and waved to him.

Gu Changqing was stunned and looked at the woman in disbelief.

But what was hoped for was destined to be a disappointment.

As a child, he passed through his own body and plunged into his mother's arms at once.

"Grandma, I'm hungry and want to eat meat!" The young child threw himself into the woman's arms and acted like a spoiled child.

"Dead child, you know how to eat besides playing. If you eat your mother, you can't really hold you." The woman was coquettish, but she still hugged the child in her arms.

into the night.

The village was dimly lit, and in the quiet moonlight, under the candlelight, a family of three quietly ate dinner.

The handsome woman brought the hot meal.

The impatient child devoured it, babbling from time to time, talking about where he went to play during the day.

The middle-aged man smiled and quietly listened to the child's chatter.

The woman warmed him a pot of old wine, and he listened to the child's nagging and tasted the poor old wine.

The night was quiet, and under the candlelight, there was harmony in the hut.

In the courtyard, Gu Changqing watched this scene quietly, his mood was very complicated.

He has been away from the countryside for many years, and he has encountered too many in his life, and the pictures in his deep memory have long been blurred.

·0 Seeking Flowers··

But now, he actually experienced the warmth that his parents gave him when he was a child.

"But why break it all?"

"They are simple, they are kind, why is fate so unfair.""

Gu Changqing looked up at the gorgeous starry sky and was angry in his heart.

After a while, he left.

to the ruined temple.

He has been thinking, if he hadn't saved that old man and let him starve to death, would his life be different?

This is Gu Changqing's obsession.

In that ruined temple, Gu Changqing met his enemy again.

He was angry in his heart, and wanted to kill this man at all costs, to change everything, and not to care about the consequences.

In the temple, the old Taoist sat cross-legged and did not notice the arrival of Gu Changqing.

He sighed softly, his eyes twinkling with emotion and sadness.

"Since ancient times, the Tao and the devil have been incompatible, and the Tao and the devil are natural enemies.

"Between the two, there is no hatred, but the visible face is life and death. 35

"You kill him, he kills you, when will it end? When will the grievances end? When will Dao and demons coexist?"

"The two are just different, but why can't they coexist peacefully?"

The old Taoist sighed and whispered to himself: "I came here to ask for the Taoist book, too many people have died, and this dispute has been going on for too long. I want to show the world that Taoism and demons can coexist, not necessarily immortality. endlessly.

Gu Changqing's desperate will was shaken at this moment.

He once thought that the old Taoist Tu Cun practiced the scriptures for his own sake.


Gu Changqing stayed in place for a long time, but after all, he did not make a move regardless of the cost.

He left the ruined temple and looked at the sky, his eyes twinkling and complicated.

Although he would love to stay in this era.

But, he doesn't belong here.

He can stay, but he can't really become a person in this era.

Gu Changqing finally went to see Er Lao.

The two old people's appearance deeply penetrated into my heart.

Then he continued to embark on the torrent of time, he wanted to find the other side, and he was burdened with the sustenance of too many people.

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