Villains Template

Chapter 173: old days and evil spirits

This is a planet in a sector of the Imperium's Hazy Sector.

This was originally an ordinary hive world, inconspicuous among the more than 30,000 recorded hive worlds in the empire, until it was destroyed in a sudden war of aggression by alien races.

At that time, a certain star area in the star field was invaded by the forces of chaos, and the imperial fleet that rushed to help could not return in time. The emperor's loyal subjects resisted desperately in this situation, and finally repelled the alien race at the cost of The planet is in ruins, only one hive remains, and the population is drastically reduced to a hive that can accommodate all the population.

Also in this battle, a fragment of an STC (Standardized Construction Template) was found. After analyzing it, the sages of the Mechanic Order found that it recorded the technology of "Planet Terraforming" in the Dark Ages.

After confirming that there are no traces of chaotic corrosion, this technology was applied to the former hive world where this STC template was found. After a long period of transformation, the hive world that had been in ruins became a garden world—at least half of it. The scope is like this, and the other part has been in the process of renovation work.

Later, this technology was put aside, because the cost of transforming a world was too great, and the loss outweighed the gain. The cost of bringing a dead world back to life was not as good as abandoning that world directly.

Of course, as the hero who discovered this STC template, the Astral Army soldier who discovered it won the post of Governor of this world.

The governor did not generously share the world with others, but monopolized the good part, the sun, lakes, beaches, forests, meadows, and fresh air... These are only open to some powerful people as part of the sanatorium. .

There is also the continuous, retro, and extremely primitive food planted, and the countless vegetable and fruit gardens are all supporting facilities for sanatoriums. Picking those fruits that grow naturally without hormones to ripen is one of the most powerful people. quite a popular pastime.

With the technology and huge demand of the empire, the land in the agricultural world will be squeezed out of value as much as possible, how can such an inefficient production method be left, but this is in the hands of the powerful, small and delicate is what they are after. .

As a comparison, the vast majority of people on this planet still live in the only remaining hives, working hard all day, just to survive.

These people's cognition of the world is limited to the hive where they live.

This kind of stable and deformed social structure has lasted for nearly a hundred years. In the past hundred years, stability and peace have been the mainstream of the world. The problems that have always plagued the empire, such as heresy, aliens, and chaos, have never been here. It has appeared on one planet - although this is the tone of the empire's millions of worlds, those tragic wars worthy of being recorded and spread occurred in a small part of the star field, and the vast majority of people are ignorant and ignorant.

Of course, there are very few situations that are as smooth as this planet.

But this tranquility will be a thing of the past.

A certain time and space traveler brought the breath of the old days from another world, and the tentacles of the old days stretched into this "pure" world, and quickly expanded their influence and improved their personality.

This world is a world with a complete system of energy interaction, one with two sides.

The physical universe with matter as the main body and the subspace in the realm of pure energy.

The warp is a peaceful world without the concept of time and space, which is filled with pure energy, but in the process of the development of the physical universe, intelligent life has appeared, and their souls have a reflection in the warp, and the emotions are faithfully reflected to In the warp, insignificant waves are set off in a peaceful world, just like rain falling on a calm sea, and the changes caused by it will soon be smoothed out.

The energy that intelligent life draws from the warp through soul reflections is called psionic energy, and it is the only way to manifest supernatural abilities in the physical world.

At the same time, because there is no concept of time and space, jumping through subspace is the best way to break through the barrier of the speed of light to achieve cosmic navigation.

At least at the time, everything seemed so peaceful.

Until an existence that is powerful enough to be a **** appeared, these outsiders who were recorded as the ancient saints created a powerful psionic race in this world. In a war named "Battle of Heaven", the ancient saints fought with When their enemies fell and fled when they were fighting, the despair, anger and their own wisdom when they were about to die formed a huge wave in the warp, resonating with the emotions of countless psionic creatures left in the warp, and finally distorted and formed Three warp gods, Khorne, Nurgle and Tzeentch.

In addition, the fourth warp evil **** Slaanesh, who was born because of the ancient sage's creation, the Ada Spirit Race, is the four gods of chaos that threaten the most terrifying existence in the material world.

Of course, the above description is not necessarily true, because what is recorded can be modified, what is understood will be distorted, and those who experience it will understand things by themselves, and the author's setting can eat books at any time.

But one thing is certain, a certain time traveler brought those forbidden knowledge to this universe, and in the process of writing and recording it, it had an impact on this world.

Certain humans have been distorted under the influence of the and their twisted wills faithfully reflect in the warp. That blasphemous, depraved knowledge caught the eye of Tzeentch, the symbol of twisted wisdom, and its gaze descended on the planet, casting a gleam of attention on the time traveler.

That man would, unsurprisingly, become a Tzeentch follower, his chosen man.

But what is unexpected is that the other party is the master of a big world, and the height of his personality cannot be shaken by Tzeentch. took him.

Just taking a look, causing the other party to be alert, this is what Tzeentch did.

But at the same time, the carrier carrying the old consciousness finally successfully entered the subspace.

After the female judges read the original text of the evil gods, they fell into depravity. Their belief in the old days was not as good as their worship of the evil gods of chaos, so no one could detect the distortion of their will.

The books carrying the old thoughts were taken away from the planet by her, and she returned to the battle barge that belonged to her in a small aircraft. After leaving the orbit of the planet, she escaped into the warp and headed for the holy Terra.

The judge informed the presiding judge of the value of this book, and how to deal with it needs to be read and judged by the presiding judge before making a decision.

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