Villains Template

Chapter 204: 1000 minus 7

The ground in the forest is not flat, and there are things like stones and weeds. Every bump caused by the ups and downs will aggravate the pain of the wound at the ankle of the bear child. The back is rubbed against the ground, and the clothes are worn out. , the skin also began to appear one after another scars.

The pain in the body and the fear of the fate that will be encountered next made the bear child's cry echoed in the forest, and startled countless birds resting in the trees.

But his screams didn't last long. The bear boy knocked his head on a stone on the ground, and passed out like this - of course, there is also a human self-protection mechanism. The bear boy's brain was forced to go offline to avoid He died of pain in Yue Si's hands.

When the bear boy woke up, he found himself placed on a chair.

That is the chair outside the ranger's hut. It is made of logs with thick arms. Although the appearance is not beautiful, and it is not comfortable to sit on, it is better than a firm, which is not afraid of wind and rain. As a supporting facility The same goes for the tree root table.

The bear child found that his injury had been simply treated. Although it was the simplest bandage, the wound was no longer bleeding, and the injury on his body did not feel much pain. It was almost the same as falling and bumping.

His brain was dizzy, and he couldn't understand why. He wanted to get up, but found that his hands and feet were pierced by wooden sticks as thick as pencils, which were nailed to the chair.

As a bear child, he lacks moral values ​​and has the urge to do evil, but he does not have the courage to break his arm to survive.

Enduring the pain, he could pull himself out of the chair and run away, but he didn't do that. He just tried and said to himself that he couldn't do it. Even if Yue Si deliberately gave him the time to escape, he still chose Sitting here waiting for someone to come down from the sky to save him.

After all, what nailed him to the chair was really a pencil.

The pencil with system notes can play the role of writing and drawing on its own, and the effect when used to penetrate the human body is also very good.

"Hey BOY, let's play a game!"

Putting a box and a camping lamp on a table made of tree roots, Yue Si, still wearing a mask, said to the bear boy: "I ask, you answer, if your answer does not satisfy me, or If you typed something wrong, the content here will apply to you."

After he finished speaking, Yue Si opened the suitcase, and there were neatly bright metal instruments in it. Although the bear boy couldn't recognize what those things were for, Yue Si explained it to him.

"Part of these things are forensic anatomy instruments, but they are used by the CIA in torture and interrogation, because they are used on humans, which is actually not bad; in addition, they also specially designed some instruments to use Torture the target." Yue Si picked up an arm-length brass-colored pliers, opened and closed, and the bear child immediately understood what it was for - the simple structure and the use of the lever principle, allowing the user to effortlessly Human human fingers and toes are crushed to the bone.

"During the Cold War, the Security Council and the CIA competed on the battlefield. In order to obtain intelligence from the strictly trained hostile elements, they researched and concluded a set of methods that would allow the opponent to feel severe pain, but would not let the target appear life. Dangerous methods—for example, some female college students who were caught by them on the street and developed by the safety committee were almost torn apart under this torture, and the whole person went crazy, but after being treated in the hospital for several months, it was another life. Crazy jumping madman."

"This technology was quickly promoted internally, and it was organized into a manual, which was used as a teaching material for the training of newcomers. Coincidentally, I also have a copy here."

Fear shrouded the bear child, and his stomach spasmed due to emotional fluctuations, and he kept retching.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person. As long as you cooperate with me obediently, it's not impossible for you to leave alive in the end." Yue Si played with the pliers in his hand and said, "If you agree If so, then nod your head."

The bear boy immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Yue Si let out a deep laugh and said, "The first question is, how much is one thousand minus seven."

This is a very simple math problem, and students in the third grade of elementary school can get the result by mental arithmetic, but this kid who is obviously at the age of graduating high school blinks his eyes and calculates for a minute to get the result: "Equal to nine hundred and ninety-three ."

"Very well, you see, the game between us is not difficult. I hope this tacit cooperation can continue." Yue Si said in an exaggerated tone.

The bear child was obviously relieved, seeing the hope of his own survival.

"Very good, the second question, what is the name of the owner of the Rottweiler named Bonnie?" Yue Si continued to ask the second question in a soft voice.

"Brett! His name is Bright!" The bear boy hurriedly said the name of his, who was the leader of the group.

For the accomplice who betrayed him, this bear boy has no psychological burden at all, and he has fallen to such a point that he is playing the game of asking and answering with a perverted murderer, all of which are caused by Bright.

It was because of the blow he smashed himself that he fell and was caught up by this monster.

Yue Si wrote down the name Bright, and then asked a third question: "The third question, what is nine hundred and ninety-three minus seven?"

The question suddenly switched to a math question, and the bear boy was obviously taken aback, but he answered honestly: "Nine hundred and eighty-six."

Yue Si further asked, "Where is Bright's house?"

The bear boy reported the house number of Bright's house one by one.

Yue Si continued to ask, "How much is nine hundred and eighty-six minus seven?"

The bear child had to start calculating in his mind, and it took a long time before he came to the answer: "It's equal to nine hundred and seventy-nine."

"So, who is in Bright's family?" Yue Si said, "You don't have to answer this question in too much detail, because I will ask another question about this later."

The bear boy nodded.

Then there was another math question, "What is nine hundred and seventy-nine minus seven?"

Questions like this are tricky.

Numbers are a very wonderful existence that can help people adjust their mood. For example, a priest wants to calm down when his emotions are running rampant, so he chooses prime numbers.

Let the person being interrogated calculate the numbers, and his nerves will involuntarily enter an active state, keeping that trace of rationality and not going crazy, preventing the physiological protection mechanism of the brain from causing the person being interrogated to fall into a coma.

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