Villains Template

Chapter 426: That's what the stand-in does

The rest of the Ultraman tactics are to fight meleely first, in the process to test out the enemy's weaknesses, and to weaken the enemy with normal attacks, and finally wait for the color timer to light up red and the rage gauge to fill up before sending out the attack. The big move takes the enemy's life.

But the Ultraman Reincarnation did the opposite, coming up with a slaying face, the alien beast let out a terrifying roar, sparks burst out from the face, and the huge body suddenly fell back, from the high-rise building. It fell to the ground, causing the ground to tremble. The cars parked on the side of the street and the trash cans placed on the street corner bounced into the air, the asphalt road was broken, and the soil under the cushion rose into the sky.

This blow does not have a process of accumulating power. Although it is a sure kill, its power is not very strong. The reason for his success is his suddenness, and it does not cause much damage to the alien beast.

The alien beast showed a dexterity that was not in line with the huge body. A carp stood up straight, let out a roar, and rushed towards the Ultraman.

According to physical rules, a huge body should move slowly, which is inevitable. The signal sent by the brain is responded to by the body, and there is a certain period of time. That is the process of signal transmission through nerves. The longer it takes to transmit the impulse, the scene of the giant battle in a certain Ultraman TV seems to slow down, because the director wants to reflect the huge sense of Ultraman and monsters.

However, the speed of the alien beast is extremely fast, the speed of running exceeds the speed of sound, and a strong wind is set off when the body moves, blowing the building and making a sharp whistle, the glass of the outer wall vibrates rapidly in the wind, and then it explodes after reaching a critical value. The shattered, shattered pieces of glass are like shrapnel, destroying the surrounding things.

The Ultraman Reincarnation stood on the street. Although he didn't let out any laughter, everyone could feel his sneer. Then he turned around and swung his legs, kicking the alien beast's chest with a roundabout kick. With rich experience, with the speed and momentum of the alien beast, this kick will just hit the opponent's chest, but his kick has failed.

The alien beast hooked the building beside him with his long tail, and stopped himself abruptly. Because of the huge kinetic energy obtained by multiplying the speed by the mass, the alien beast's tail slammed into the floor of the building. , and then the alien beast opened its mouth and spit out fireballs one after another towards the unstable Ultraman, knocking him upside down.

The Ultraman Reincarnation corrected his posture in the air and regained his balance. After landing, he quickly lowered his center of gravity, almost kneeling on the ground, and the soles of his feet rubbed against the ground, dragging long traces.

But before he could get up, the alien beast had already galloped over. The Ultraman Samsara gathered his abilities in his arms, condensed a blade of light at his elbow, and then crossed his arms in front of him. The alien beast attacked him. The injured will be the alien beast itself.

However, after the alien beast charged a certain distance, it turned sharply, and its long tail swung over, hitting the waist of the Ultraman Reincarnator directly. He stumbled to the side and crashed directly through a building, his head came out from the other side of the building, his body was stuck inside the building, but his feet were outside.

Because of geological problems, the city under their feet is not as prone to earthquakes as the foot basin, so the number of buildings is basically not high. Ultraman's height of about 50 meters can basically be a section higher than the building; and there are many high-rise buildings here. Building heights are generally within the range of 500 meters, so this is the case.

A side flip, the alien beast jumped high, the long tail exerted force, along the inertia of the body, it pulled on the reincarnator stuck in the building, and the tip of the tail threw a sword-like energy, knocking the floor down. Cut off.

After standing still, the alien beast opened its mouth and spit out several fireballs one after another like a barrage of cannons, bombing the building and the reincarnator together.

In an instant, the fire was soaring into the sky, the smoke and dust were everywhere, and a building collapsed, pressing down on the Ultraman Reincarnator layer by layer.

The alien beast did not pursue the victory, but left that position far away, and then looked at the captain vigilantly.

As we all know, there is no smoke and no injuries. Although the game is very cool, it is still two to say whether it causes fatal damage to the Ultraman reincarnation. According to the general practice, at most, he will only light up the red light, and the color timer will flash once. Dodge, tell Ultraman that the rage gauge is full, and it's time to expand his moves.

It seems that a combination of alien beasts is pressing the Ultraman reincarnator to fight, but that was Yue Si's reconnaissance of the battlefield before. Terman's reincarnation has some understanding of the attack methods and moves and routines, and has achieved a good tactical response.

Moreover, there is a reincarnation here who can also transform into Ultraman. Those who are staring at him can transform into Ultraman at any time and stage a righteous gang fight, so be careful.

Sure enough, when the smoke cleared, a palm suddenly protruded from the ruins of the building. The Ultraman Reincarnator pulled himself out. Before he could do anything, the frequency of the red light of the color timer on his chest was already beating very fast. In a hurry, he stretched out his hand to do something, but in the end he fell weakly, the huge body collapsed into particles of light and disappeared, only the reincarnator himself lay on the wreckage of the building.

Although he was not fatally injured, he was unable to transform into battle in the short term, and the whole person passed out due to physical exhaustion and injuries.

Not to mention three minutes, if not even one minute is enough, this Ultraman reincarnation will stop.

Ultraman is an existence that goes against his will. As long as he has love in his heart, a heart of justice, and a yearning for the light, no matter how many times he is knocked down, he can stand up again.

However, it is a pity that this reincarnator only strengthened the ability of the giant of light, not the Ultraman of love and peace, and with the character of the reincarnator, what a righteous heart, go to the side!

"As expected of an alien beast!" The captain said lightly, his voice was not loud, but with the night wind, it was sent into the ears of the alien beast: "But your strength and ability, I have already It's measured."

After all, the captain took out the transforming device, pressed the switch, and placed it on his chest.

Centered on the color timer transformed by the transforming device, veins like blood vessels stretched out, forming patterns on the giant of light. In the dazzling light, the captain's body turned into the posture of Ultraman, and then kept changing. Big, flew into the sky, and instantly came to the front of the alien beast, a flying kick kicked the alien beast in the face, kicking him out.

Previously, the alien beast could use its own ability to hang the Ultraman reincarnator, but in the face of the captain's attack, he couldn't react at all, and he was hit before he could see the opponent's movements.

The alien beast that was kicked into the air slammed into a building, and the powerful impact shattered all the glass of the entire building. With a flick of the long tail, the force was removed and the balance was restored.

At this time, the captain has already killed, a flip to avoid the long tail drawn by the alien beast, a hand knife slashed on the top of the alien beast, and at that moment, the energy of light was released from the palm blade, and the hit was strange. Raw beasts are sparks flying everywhere.

Before the alien beast launched a counterattack, the captain fled far away with Ultraman's flying ability, letting the alien beast's panic attack land in the empty space, and one after another light energy knives slashed over, hitting the ground. On the body of the alien beast, sparks exploded, the power is not large, but the speed is fast, no need to charge, and the alien beast roars again and again.

However, as an existence with extremely terrifying vitality, the alien beast is not so easy to defeat. Not to mention the amazing defense, its vitality is also extremely powerful, and the captain Ultraman quickly recovered.

Aiming in the direction of the captain, the alien beast supported the building with its long tail, forming a tripod structure with its legs, and then opened its mouth to spew out groups of fireballs, like a barrage, covering a large space and preventing the captain from approaching.

Then a terrifying smile appeared on his hideous face, he turned his head in the direction of the Ultraman Reincarnator, and spat out a fireball.

The alien beast can't fly, so the captain Ultraman restrained him with a high degree of maneuvering in the flying state, and hung him by flying a kite, making the alien beast hard to guard against.

It is better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt his ten fingers.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Ultraman's human body will also be strengthened to a superhuman level by the energy of light, but it is not that King Kong is not bad.

Just like the Haipa wooden iron machine never shriveled, the only way to defeat him is to attack the transforming person before he transforms. No matter how strong the game field is, it is only a mortal body.

But the captain Ultraman seems to be able to teleport and other skills. Originally, he was blocked by the alien beast with a fireball barrage. The next moment he came to the ruins of the building and punched the Ultraman reincarnation with one punch. smashed the fireball.

Then in the next instant, the captain Ultraman came to the alien beast, his arm was wrapped with energy that was as thick as a burning flame, and he turned around and smashed his fist on the alien beast and smashed him out. The arms crossed into a cross, the colored timer on the chest released energy through the arms and gathered on the palm, and the palm blade emitted a golden beam outwards, hitting the chest of the alien beast.

There is no scene where the monster in the Ultraman TV series is hit by the Ultraman light big move, and then the holster switches to the statue and explodes. The captain chooses to strengthen the ability of the giant of light, and he has something to do with monsters. understand.

To deal with alien beasts, ordinary Ultraman methods are useless. As long as one cell remains, the alien beast can be resurrected by preying on humans, sucking fear, etc.

Captain Ultraman uses beam rays to inject his own light energy into the body of the alien beast, infiltrating every cell of the alien beast, erasing it from the cellular level, and destroying it into harmless light particles.

The light energy ray entered the body, and the alien beast whose body cells were destroyed one after another could no longer move. It could only struggle slightly, but it was useless. Under the impact of the beam, it kept retreating and hit a building. It was pressed into the floor abruptly, like a relief.

After a roar, all the body cells of the alien beast were destroyed, and the tall and ferocious figure directly turned into a translucent form like a virtual projection, and then completely dissipated.

After dealing with the alien beast, the captain returned to his human stance, came to his teammate's side, asked him to lie face up, took out the transforming device from him, let him hold it, and then took out his own transforming device, Using two transforming devices as a bridge, the energy of light is transmitted into the body of the injured team member, so as to heal his injury and replenish the consumed stamina.

"Captain, there are monsters!"

"Captain! There are monsters - no, they should be alien beasts!"

At this time, the teammate's voice came from the captain's communicator, but before he could ask the situation clearly, there was a scream from the communicator, and then there was no sound.

No matter how anxiously he shouted in the team channel, there was no response. He called several people one after another, but no one could answer them. There were only bursts of busy sounds in the communicator.

You don't need to think about it, you can understand that the teammate is more fortunate than good. The few of them acted together, and this encounter with their communication was unexpected. Don't think about the results of the rest of the people, they must have encountered poisonous hands.

"Damn, the plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

The captain squeezed the communicator and said angrily: "To push such a strong teammate out to death is to attract my attention and sneak attack on my teammates, such a domineering behavior!"

Saying that, the opponent's eyes were red, and he raised his head and shouted:

"Damn, get out of here! You ****"

A series of foul language came out of the captain's mouth, trying to provoke the man with it.

A little while ago Yue Si distributed some of his energy to Wei Guanglin, forcibly catalyzed him to a certain extent, and released it to divert the two reincarnations who could become Ultraman, otherwise why would he spend so much What is the purpose of turning Wei Kuanglin into an alien beast? This is what the stand-in does.

On the other hand, Yue Si himself quietly sneaked into each surviving reincarnation team and hunted them for the last time.

With the fear and vitality of hundreds of thousands of people as resources, the "THEONE" character card has been raised to a very terrifying level, and against those two reincarnations who have strengthened Ultraman's ability, they can fight against two without being defeated.

But his task is to clean up the reincarnators as much as possible, and all the reincarnators are within his goal, not just limited to the two giants of light.

"Special Card: Crime Syndicate"

"Character Status: Speedmaster - Carl Eyre"

"Explanation: Superman in the main world is located in the same body of Earth 3. His abilities are the same as Superman, but his physique is opposite. The yellow sun that can bring strength to Superman will make Superman weak and Kryptonite will become weak and painful Kryptonite On the contrary, it will enhance the power of Supermaster."

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