Villains Template

Chapter 430: "effort"

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After the clone Yue Si returned to the world of "Dragon Babu", he gave the card box and various cards to the main body: "I want to go on vacation, you came out to start your own business, no matter how hard you work overtime, you will do it for yourself. I’m just a wage earner. I don’t get any moon cakes that cost two yuan a piece during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Or Party A sent a box of pomegranates to share with a few people, and I work overtime for nothing without overtime pay. When it’s time to take a vacation, I should take a vacation. It's only 1,500 yuan a month, what am I fighting for?"

Yue Si looked behind him suspiciously, but he didn't see anyone there, but his avatar's words obviously meant something, and asked: "You have hidden words in your words... It shouldn't be telling me. Bar!"

"Of course not. Although we are two people, we are one. To complain about you is to complain about myself. What are you doing?" The clone patted Yue Si and said, "A certain street writer said Continue to use me as the protagonist in the next chapter, and use my mouth to complain about his mean boss."

"Okay, if you want to travel, which world do you want to go to?" Yue Si said, "I'll open the door for you after you choose."

"Happy world, Zhou Xingxing Universe!" The clone said: "I've long been tired of fighting and killing. In Zhou Xingxing Universe, as long as you don't encounter those worlds with higher power levels, basically Everything is safe and sound.”

"The core of comedy is tragedy." Yue Si said: "Although it looks like a comedy, those worlds are all about the ups and downs of small people - just like Mr. Lu Xun said, tragedy will make life a part of life. Valuable things are destroyed for others to see, and comedy tore up the worthless for others to see - the joys, sorrows and joys of small people are worthless, uncover it bit by bit and present it to others, it is funny Ridiculous."

The clone shrugged and said, "I don't care, my happiness is built on the misfortune of others. As long as my interests are not involved, the more unlucky others are, the happier I will be."

"Come on, choose a few cards and keep them next to you." Yue Si took out all the cards in his hand and let them float in the air, lined up neatly, facing the clone.

The clone took off a few cards and said, "That's all."

Then the clone looked at the transport spaceships that were busy transporting supplies, and the assembled Astral Army soldiers, and asked, "Why, are you preparing for a new move?"

"Yes, this world is an unexplored treasure for the Mechanicus. They made a drastic transformation on Mars and transformed it into a casting world, but because of the inability to perform warp jumps, it can only be within the solar system. activities.” Yue Si said: “Because of the different backgrounds of the world, some elements and minerals that they need do not exist in the solar system of this world, so there are problems in some production links, and they need to move towards the new world. , hoping to obtain new minerals to replace their existing alloy formulations.”

"Huo..." The clone asked, "What world are you going to go to?"

"The Marvel Cinematic Universe, "Star Trek", "The Fifth Element", "Blade Runner" and other worlds that have shown the ability of interstellar travel..." Yue Si said: "But you may not be able to encounter any world, go all the way. Let's go all the way!"

"The kind of world with a complete technology tree is even more meaningful. The world of Warhammer 40k is a post-apocalyptic world. It is the kind of civilization that has suffered a devastating blow. Dedicated to preserving the technology, but losing the advancement of technology itself, the existing technology will inevitably go backwards..."

"Like those books that were published in response to a possible nuclear war, according to the records above, even if you are thrown into the wild era, you can quickly enter the level of modern civilization, but the most core, systematic Knowledge has been lost."

"You can understand those books because you have received a complete education from childhood to adulthood, and you know why you do what the books say, but you can't fully pass on the knowledge you have to your descendants, your sons and daughters. The generation can be 70%. When it comes to the grandchildren, it may not even reach 50%. Knowledge is lost little by little, and technology is regressed from generation to generation. They know how to use the skills recorded in books, but they don’t know Why, instead, treat it as a myth."

"In that state, the significance of a complete set of textbooks from elementary school to university is quite important, which can help people establish a complete set of scientific concepts and values."

"In the world of Warhammer 40K, for Mechanics, the STC (Standard Construction Template) they have mastered is the kind of reference book from which a complete set of equipment manufacturing methods can be analyzed, and the pursuit of technology itself. It was only through worship and worship that they formed their current posture, but it is of great significance to give them a complete set of technology trees for reference."

After speaking, Yue Si smiled and said, "You may not believe it, but I am now the great sage of the Mechanic Sect, recognized by all (at least half) of the Mechanic Sect, the holy vest, the power axe that symbolizes identity, The scepters were all made for me - because I took them to new worlds and showed them some kind of brighter future."

"Yohoohoho..." The clone let out a strange laugh and said, "These oil guys are being used by you as wage earners, but instead they think you've brought them a bright future."

"We call this a win-win, WIN-WIN." Yue Stan said frankly.

"If you say that, I'm not in a hurry to go on vacation. I'll follow you in a world and see." The clone said, "You also take out your holy vestments, scepters, etc. to open my eyes."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Yue Stan responded: "But I don't guarantee that I can enter the right world just once."

"It's okay, if the first world is not the right world, I'll just go on vacation." The clone waved his hand and said.

Yue Si and the clone boarded a transport ship together, left the earth, flew into the spaceport that was under construction but some of them were already in use, and then boarded a moon-class cruiser.

Space battleships are basically parked in space ports and rarely enter the atmosphere of planets, because the gravitational environment and atmosphere of planets have a very large impact on space battleships. Astronauts work and live in the weightless environment of space for a long time. After getting to the ground, it takes a long time to recover and let the body re-adapt to the environment on the ground.

"This contrast is too dramatic. Europe is still in the dark Middle Ages, and we have already built a spaceport on our side - although it is borrowed from external forces."

"Anchor the World: "About My Reincarnation as a Slime""

"Start crossing."

The fleet entered another universe through the space channel opened by Yue Si.

"The fantasy world of Riman is not the sci-fi world we need. Next..." After the fleet stopped in space, Yue Si was about to start the system again and make the next crossing. Suddenly, he thought of something and stopped. With the movement in his hand, he turned to look at his clone: ​​"What is the name of the protagonist of this world?"

"Limuru A Turnpest."

Yue Si looked at the clone: ​​"Is that the name?"

"Yes, it's called this name." The clone vowed.

"Limuru A Tenpest." Yue Si repeated the name: "Hey, just listen to the name, the name is enough for the sentence."

The clone echoed like a slap in the face: "Yes, that's enough!"

"Okay, execute the extermination order on this world, pass my order, and drop the whirlwind torpedo." Yue Si said in the fleet communication channel.

Soon, a servo skull came with a parchment document, which was the relevant guarantee for this extinction. The empire does not care about this otherworld planet, but the torpedoes and missiles used to execute the extinction order Where to go to register, the weapons of that equivalent are expensive, and there are not many empires, so each one needs to be recorded.

Even Yoss is the same.

After signing his name, the Servo Skull flew away with the document, and a clerk would take care of the document.

The extermination order is the practice used by the Empire to dispose of certain planets that have lost their value. Those planets may be corroded by Chaos and occupied by greenskins. Even with the power of the Empire, even with all the power, it is impossible to drive the enemy and bathe them in the Emperor's power. Under the glory, or to wash away the contamination from above, it will do that.

Usually investigated by the Ministry of Justice, technical review provided by the Mechanicus, reviewed by the Inquisitor of the Inquisition, and destroyed by the Executor.

With Yue Si, all the intermediate links were omitted, and only one document was needed to go through the whole process.

On the cruiser, the complex data is processed by the wetware computer to calculate the weak points of the geological structure of the world below—because it is a different world, the environment of this world is a little more complicated, and the existence of magic and dragons, definitely Leave a certain amount in reserve for emergencies.

The two torpedo boats were separated from the fleet. The torpedoes mounted under the belly were larger than the entire torpedo boat. After flying outside the atmosphere of that world, the operator on the torpedo boat released the hook of the torpedo. After a moment of stagnation, The tail of the torpedo spewed bright flames, propelled by the reaction force, and flew towards the two poles of the planet.

Two super-giant mushroom clouds rose at the two poles of this world, the earth cracked, and magma flowed out.

Two clouds of nuclear flames spread rapidly. The monstrous flames burned everything in the atmosphere. The ocean evaporated at high temperature, and the plasma flowed in the flames. Everything will eventually die.

There are magicians who use magic to resist, but under the blow of the natural disaster level, everything they do is in vain, and they can only watch the people and things they know and know evaporate in the flames and plasma.

The Frostland Continent, the Holy Empire, the Fiendish Federation, the Barren Land, and the Golden Land, all the famous countries were destroyed by the flames, and none of them were spared.

The nuclear flames released by the two torpedoes converged at the equator of this world, and then the structure of the entire planet began to collapse, the ground cracked, magma spurted, and the planet was dying.

"I don't know why, but suddenly I feel better."

"It's a pole, it's a pole."

"How many times have I told you, come out and mix, you must be ruthless!"


"You oh what, make an appearance!"


"I'm asking you to act a little more ruthless, not to make you whine like a dog."

"The worst thing I've ever seen is a dog that's about to bite me, and that's how it 'woos'."

"I lost, I lost to you... We have to do a full set of dramas, and we have to be persistent in acting. All of our net worth rented two suits to support the scene, and we are going to help the eldest brother to extort money by pretending to be an axe to make money back. To be successful, you actually fell asleep!"

"Pretending to be ruthless is tiring!"

"Tired, to make ends meet, we have no money, we will be hungry for two nights!"

In the old-fashioned traffic light box, two guys, one fat and one thin, in ragged clothes like beggars chatted there.

Taking this traffic light as a boundary, here is a lot of traffic, feasting and feasting, and there are extravagant voices everywhere. Rich people in suits, leather shoes, oil-headed powder, and powder face come in and out. There are women wearing cheongsams and high heels, with enchanting faces and smiling faces. Attract guests.

A scene of drunken gold fans, singing and dancing, is a fascinating high society.

Over there, beggars gathered. They slumped on the ground casually, expressionless and sluggish. Compared with the dead, they just took a breath. The meaning of existence is only to find something to eat.

Occasionally move, it is also the smoker who picks up the **** of the cigarette on the ground and smokes it.

Although they are on the same land and separated by only one street, they are like two worlds.

This is the world of the movie "Kung Fu". The two people who communicated with each other were the protagonist of "Kung Fu", Ah Xing, and his partner Fei Zaicong.

The two of them are the kind of little gangsters they can't rob houses, kill people and set fires, they can't do thieves, they're good at slipping doors and picking locks, and they can't be abducted and deceived.

I can't get into gangs like the Axe Gang if I'm not good enough, and I think I'm better than a beggar, and I don't want to raise pigs in the countryside.

A Xing got two cheap suits, and let the fat and strong Fat Zaicong pretend to be an axe to help the eldest brother to extort money.

I didn't dare to go to places near the city, because it was very likely to hit the head of the Axe Gang, so I had to go to some poor communities that the gangs were unwilling to go to.

However, the two of them are really not that kind. They often lose their chains at critical times. During the day, they go to a place called Zhucongchengzhai to try their luck. As a result, Fat Boy Cong lost the chain halfway and fell asleep when he was aggressive. Not to mention, in that place Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a peasant farmer can beat A Xing to the point of vomiting blood, not to mention those masters who remain anonymous.

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