Villains Template

Chapter 444: Hockey Mask・Reform

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"Isn't it that great!"

Hearing He Jinyin's boast, Ali's female companion said suspiciously.

"You'll find out after you try it. It's agreed in advance that I won't hit women." He Jinyin was confident with a bit of self-confidence. Although he had only learned kung fu for a few days and had not even a single combat experience, he still believed that he was actually is very strong.


Before he finished speaking, the female classmate punched He Jinyin in the face, knocking him back two steps and knocking him down.

It's hard to die. Behind He Jinyin is a staircase that is not too high, and he just rolled down all the way.

"Mr. He, are you alright!" Ali hurried to the stairs, looking at He Jinyin below and asked.

"You actually made a sneak attack."

He Jinyin, who was lying on the ground, complained. He originally wanted to lie down for a while, but when he heard Ali's question, he reluctantly stood up. He only felt pain everywhere, but he still gritted his teeth. He insisted and said: "I'm fine, martial arts practitioner, this little injury is nothing at all, the main thing is that I can't practice at home because of the unity of waist and horse."

After saying that, he limped towards the grocery store of Ghost Wangda. Although the fall did not hurt his muscles or bones, it was also a bruise. Ghost Wangda had medicine for bruises, so he took some smear. That's what matters.

When he came to Ghost Wangda's grocery store, He Jinyin found that Yue Si, who had not seen him for a long time, was also here.

"Long time no see, Mr. Tang."

"Master, get me a bottle of slumping oil." He Jinyin gave a banknote to Ghost Wangda, took a bottle of slumping oil from him, and rubbed it on himself skillfully.

"You are still alive. It seems that the matter between you and Ali has not continued. Otherwise, you are not fighting here, but you are beaten by a black bear and have a dangling injection in the hospital to continue your life." Yue Si pretended to be I don't know what happened in the past few days, jokingly said.

Repeating the old story, He Jinyin's face darkened obviously, and said, "Yes, I'm still alive now, but I think it would be better to be killed by a black bear directly, what happened that day is equivalent to my personal insignificant. Dignity, being trampled on the ground and crushed by the soles of shoes with shit, and in front of the beloved Ali."

"Wow, is it that serious?" Yue Si said while looking at He Jinyin.

"Yes, but thanks to your guidance, Mr. Tang, I was able to meet my master in this small grocery store, the devil's muscle man and ghost Wangda, who became the second-generation disciple of ancient Chinese boxing, and learned a lot of kung fu. Having said that, He Jinyin's face was radiant, and he said to Ghost Wangda, "Master, I accidentally rolled down the steps just now, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in my mind. Find a stair and roll down with the enemy. In the process, I use the enemy's body to protect myself, and use gravity to add to the weight of the enemy and me to inflict damage on them. ."

"Wow, you can already create your own tricks. In that case, Ah Yin, there is nothing I can teach you as a teacher." Ghost Wangda made an exaggerated expression, and then gave a costume to He Jinyin: " This set is the uniform of our ancient Chinese martial arts, and each apprentice will be given to him by the master when he leaves the apprenticeship, as a certificate of apprenticeship."

That set is really a costume. In the old version of the TV series "Tathagata's Palm", the Huoyun Evil God gave to Long Jianfei, who had learned the Tathagata's Palm, and represented the name of the Huoyun Evil God.

"Master, in fact, I feel like I haven't mastered my kung fu at home, and I want to practice with your old man for a while." He Jinyin took the clothes, first burst into tears, and then thought that he was beaten down by a woman not long ago The matter - that person is Ali's classmate, he must have learned judo under the hands of Hei Xiong, he can't even beat a student, let alone Hei Xiong, the main general of the judo club.

His ultimate goal of learning kung fu was to defeat the black bear and regain the dignity he had lost.

Not to prove how great he is, but to prove that what he lost, he will definitely get it back.

However, the chance to prove himself is too early, and he should practice for a while.

"What are you talking about? You are the one-of-a-kind martial arts prodigy. You have already learned all the martial arts that I know. Even if you want to learn, I have nothing to teach you. "Gui Wangda was holding the donation box of 'everyone has merit training'. He Jinyin was used to being extorted by Ghost Wangda, so he subconsciously took out his money and stuffed it into the donation box.

"There is a saying, Master leads the door, cultivation is up to you, I will teach you everything I can teach you, and the rest is all up to you to comprehend."

"I originally wanted to teach you personally, but I was away for a few days. Since you worshiped Ghost King Da as your teacher, I wouldn't take anyone's favor." As he spoke, Yue Si took out his suitcase and entered the password. Open it and show He Jinyin the contents: "Since I have witnessed your apprenticeship, then I will give you a gift."

Inside the suitcase is a pair of hockey masks. Judging from the traces on it, it is obviously second-hand, and more likely N-handed. In comparison, the suitcase containing it is more valuable than it looks.

"Item Card: Hockey Mask · Kai (from "Friday the 13th"

"Description: The same style as Jason Voorhees, the boy who killed a hundred people."

"Instruction 2: The revised version of Godzilla Buddha of the Great Sun has sealed most of its functions with divine spells, leaving only the two abilities of immortality and immortality."

"This thing is too expensive, I can't take it." He Jinyin pouted after seeing the hockey mask, and then pretended to be overjoyed.

"Stinky boy, people give you a gift, but you don't accept it directly." Ghost King Da approached He Jinyin and whispered with his lips still.

"This mask is actually no big deal. It's just an ordinary hockey mask. Its function is to protect people's faces." Yue Si said: "For those who practice martial arts, fighting and killing is inevitable. It is inevitable that there will be times when their faces are broken. Why do those heroes always like to cover their faces, just to protect their faces and keep their secret identity hidden? It’s all secondary—you won’t be dissatisfied with your face, right? !"

He Jinyin took the suitcase neatly and said, "To be honest, apart from a handsome face, I have nothing else to offer. This gift is perfect for me."

"Ayin, since you have accepted the uniform of this sect and the mask that protects your face to hide your identity, now I will teach you the practice method of the second stage of ancient Chinese boxing, which is only after the disciples of each generation can be trained. The martial arts granted, or the martial arts mind method." Ghost King Da regained the mystery of the masters of the world.

Holding the exercise suit in one hand and the suitcase in the other, He Jinyin thumped and knelt in front of Ghost Wangda, saying, "Master, please teach me!"

Ghost Wangda said: "Okay, the second stage of ancient Chinese martial arts is to fight, put on this uniform, put on a mask, find the person you think is the most powerful, find your enemy, and find what you are most afraid of. That person, let go of everything in the past, forget who he is, go to a fight with him, stand up and fight him if he loses, and if he wins, he will be able to practice the second stage of ancient Chinese boxing—called: courage.”

"As long as you have the courage, no matter how powerful the enemy is, you will dare to punch him - Ah Yin, you are very talented, but you have no self-confidence and lack of courage. It's a practice method tailored for you, don't let down the painstaking efforts of me as a teacher."

"Understood, Master!" After speaking, He Jinyin punched Ghost King Da with a black eye.

Covering his eyes and taking two steps back, Ghost King Da yelled, "Stinky boy, you just taught martial arts and passed on your mantle to you, so you will attack me, do you want to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors! You deceive your teachers and destroy your ancestors! "

In fact, Ghost Wangda was in a panic, lest it was He Jinyin who figured out that he had lied to him from beginning to end, and the fact that he was beguiling him to find someone to fight was actually asking him to die.

"I'm sorry, Master, you said that you wanted me to fight the person who I thought was the most powerful. The person who is the strongest in my mind is you, Master. I'm sorry to suddenly attack you." He Jinyin didn't know if he was really stupid. Still a fool, he said very seriously: "I thought you could escape this fist master?"

The ghost king changed his mind and immediately compiled the reason: "Stinky boy, I am your master and the person closest to you, how can I really do something with you, you can find someone else for this kind of thing!"

"Remember, it's the kind of person you hate the most and is very strong, and the other party will never show mercy."

"Got it, Master." He Jinyin said solemnly, he already knew who that candidate was.

That is to stomp his dignity on the soles of his feet and humiliate his judo leader, Black Bear.

Because the black bear is the strongest person he has ever seen, and the person he is most afraid of.

He learned kung fu just to defeat judo, just to defeat black bears.

"Ali, wait for me, I must prove to you that I am no longer a coward!"

When He Jinyin limped away, the ghost king Da said to Yue Si: "Hero, I did as you told me to fool that idiot into a fight with the black bear, and I was punched for no reason. The promised three thousand yuan should be paid to me, and I don't mind if I give five hundred more."

Yue Si took out a stack of newly printed banknotes. The Ghost King Da happily counted them and found that there were fifty coins in the stack, but there was no unexpected expression on his face. People know that, otherwise, if you don’t take advantage of it, you will suffer a loss.

"If you asked me to say those words, it was like sending that stinky boy to death. Don't you still want him to compete?" Ghost Wangda packed the banknotes, opened the donation box, and stuffed He Jinyingang into it not long ago. The money was also taken out, and after counting it, it was put into his pocket.

"There is no one in ten thousand martial arts geniuses, but it is not that simple. As long as he can discover his own talents, he can soar to the sky. By defeating an enemy that was impossible to defeat before, it is the first for him to develop his own abilities. Step." Yue Si ignored Ghost King Da's small movements.

Just now, he implanted the substance carrying the Axing gene sample into He Jinyin's body, and he kept getting injured and healed himself, so that he could speed up the speed at which He Jinyin's body was replaced by Axing's cells.

As for being beaten to death, it was impossible for He Jinyin before the hockey mask was taken off. No matter how many times he was knocked down, as long as He Jinyin didn't feel afraid and didn't want to fight again, he would still be beaten to death. Xiaoqiang stood up again.

Early the next morning, Ali rode a bicycle to the elite center for class.

As soon as the bicycle was parked, Ali saw the black bear dressed in sportswear put on a suit and gold glasses. Although she was still the same as a bear, she tried her best to be gentle.

And the black bear was holding a bunch of flowers in his hand. After seeing Ali, the black bear offered the flowers, and said in a delicate tone: "I gave it to you, I used to be too rude, I was wrong, I want to give it to you. You apologize!"

Out of courtesy, Ali took the flower and said, "Let's just let it go."

But the black bear doesn't want to let it go. The current posture is just a means to get Ali into his hands. It's just a dormancy before the beast hunts, but his black bear-like character can't be camouflaged for too long. , before he was serious for a few minutes, he revealed his true form, and grabbed Ali's hand when he came up: "Why don't you do this! Come to my house, I have a lot to tell you, my house is big and comfortable!"

It is said to be chatting, but his appearance is obviously seeking to fit in. If Ali really goes to his house, there must be no good.

"Crazy, do you know that you are disgusting, tell you, I would rather choose that delivery boy than find someone like you!" Ali pulled her hand out of the black bear's paw, turned around and wanted to leave.

But how can the bear-like thinking of the black bear know how to catch the girl's favor, so he grabbed Ali's hand when he came up.

It's a pity that this is not the world of Domineering President Wen, the black bear is a bear with a human and the words "Domineering President" are not at all related, so the female character turns around and wants to leave, but the male protagonist grabs it, The scene of taking her into his arms and then bowing his head and pouting did not appear. Ali came up and raised his hand to slap the black bear and slap the glasses he used to dress up.

"One or two, they're all going crazy!"

Ali got out of the black bear's control, put the flower back into his hand, turned around and left.

Yesterday He Jinyin said that he was practicing kung fu recently, and he even ran to show off in front of him, and his classmate's punch made him reveal his true shape.

What kind of affection is the black bear playing today, and he is even more unbearable. No one has done anything, and he can't bear to reveal his nature.

"Give me a chance, okay?"

The black bear kept Ali, but in fact a pony who followed him had blocked Ali's path.

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