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Chapter 745: Meat and egg milk can keep up to grow taller

"Come on, this is a gift from me, the teacher, to you."

After another night, it was the same training ground as before, Yue Si patted the three piles of boxes next to him, and said to the three students in the third class: "This box belongs to you, Li Luo, this box , it belongs to Neji Hyuga, and this is yours to Tian Tian."

The three Genin boxes were quite heavy to start with, but when I opened it, it turned out to be a suit of armor.

Unlike any armor that has ever appeared in the ninja world, this armor is a brand-new design. The inner layer is a set of three-dimensional flexible fabrics, and the surface is covered with dense metal armor pieces, forming a large piece of armor, which is light but Sturdy and also provides some protection in places like joints.

Things of this level of armor are still relatively rare for ninjas, but the most excited among the three is Tian Tian, ​​she stroked the armor with great joy: "Teacher, this gift is a little too expensive! "new

This is knowledgeable.

"It's okay, it's okay, I have money." Yue Si said, "I haven't been idle in the past ten years. I have also designed a lot of ninja tools, such as this chakra armor. There are also chakra injections for physique adjustments, and I've designed them to be as light and comfortable as possible."

Looking at Li Luo who couldn't wait to put the chakra armor on his body, Yue Si said: "As long as you keep it properly, you can wear this armor for 20 years or even longer, but I recommend that you wear this armor when you are wearing it. At that time, put on a long coat outside, so that people can't see that you are wearing armor, and the ordinary kunai and shuriken can't help you."

Hyuga Neji and Li Luo wore the chakra armor, which was loose and loose, like a child wearing an adult's clothes, and after they put the chakra into the chakra armor, the chakra armor began to shrink and adjust according to their body shape, Every part of the chakra armor fits snugly and snugly against them.

Trying to run and jump, punching, kicking, punching a set of punches, and slapping a set of palms, the two of them are adapting to this set of chakra armor.

"It's really suitable. Although it was a little heavy when I held it before, it doesn't feel like that when I put it on. It's like wearing a thicker set of clothes." Li Luo showed that Yue Si was very familiar with The Konoha Whirlwind, said excitedly: "Not only did it not slow down the speed and slow down the response, but it increased my strength and speed."

And Neji Hyuga took out a kunai from the ninja bag, scratched it on the chakra armor, the sharp blade did not even leave a trace, and then gradually deepened the strength, and even used chakra, Finally, the evaluation was given: "This armor...a priceless treasure."

Wearing this set of chakra armor, it is possible to block the technique of wood-dun and cutting.

"Even if it's just a design, it's already very expensive, letting the wearer's whole body bear the weight, rather than letting certain parts of the body reduce physical consumption. Moreover, this material has extremely high chakra conductivity. , climbing trees, treading water, etc., there is no obstacle." Tiantian gave a more professional evaluation.

Yue Si took out a box and handed it to Tiantian: "Mitekay said that you are good at using ninja tools, so this thing will be given to you, it's useless for me to keep it."

Tian Tian put the chakra armor aside first, and took the box that Yue Si handed over. Inside were two guns, a competitor pistol, and a double-barreled shotgun, and fiddled with it a few times without a teacher. , Tian Tian summed up: "I have never seen this kind of ninja tool before, but it gives me the same feeling as the mortar and grenade in the village."

"Well, of course, because I also designed those two things." Yue Si said regretfully, "I was deceived by the high-level officials of the village with righteousness, under the guise of 'everything is for Konoha'. , cheated the design of these two ninja tools from me, and only gave me some negligible compensation, but they took control of the production of mortars and grenade launchers, allowing their family to make a lot of money. "

Hearing Yue Si's full mouth of complaints, Tian Tian didn't react at all. After all, this is a matter involving the senior management of Konoha, so it would be better for her to know less.

He took out two boxes of bullets corresponding to the two pistols and handed them over to Tiantian: "These two guns, you have to use them properly, after all, I used these two guns to kill the three generations of water shadows, although the performance is the same. , after all, it is an old product ten years ago, but it is particularly memorable."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Tiantian suddenly felt that the two very handy and novel ninja tools had become very falling. It was not the two guns that became heavier, but the historical significance they assumed. There were less than twenty of them, and these two guns took the life of one of them. The historical significance is particularly significant. In another world, it is the level of Noble Phantasm and Holy Relic.

"Gift to you, now we will start our three-month intensive training, because the intensity is too high, I can now give you a chance to quit, you can apply for quitting, but if you do not choose to quit, you are strengthening When training, even if you cry, you have to complete the training plan I gave you."

Before the soldiers, Yue Si gave each of them a set of chakra armor as a gift, and then he was about to show his brutal side.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, none of the three Genin members of the third shift had any idea of ​​quitting.

Yue Si took out a chart, unfolded it and nailed it to the tree, and said, "This is the training schedule I made. Take a look at it and have a plan in your heart. Next, your days will be dire."

Hyuga Ningji rolled his eyes, and has carefully read the contents of the chart listed by Yue Si, and finally concluded: "Ensure ten hours of adequate sleep every day... eat seven meals a day, training, eating , The rest time is accurate to within minutes.”

"How about it, do you want to try it out and familiarize yourself with your next training process?"

Yue Si said in the tone of a demon promoting his contract: "For you, I have specially invited a chef to come here. She cooks delicious food. I forgot to mention that during training, your meals will be served by me. It's all contracted."

In the evening, Hyuga Neji returned home, collapsed directly on the tatami, and fell asleep as soon as her eyes were closed.

Hyuga Ripa had already made tea, and was waiting to communicate with Hyuga Neji about how she got along with Yue Si during the day and how Yue Si's teaching level was, but she didn't expect that Hyuga Neji went straight to sleep. Obviously, the daytime training made Neji Hyuga feel tired, so tired that he didn't even take a shower, have dinner, or even say hello to his father.

After drinking a sip of tea, Hyuga Ripa smiled softly. It seemed that Guan Shanyue's teaching was still useful, and even the always-strong Neji Hyuga was exhausted by his hands.

However, in the face of his son who was lying on the tatami and sleeping on his back, Hyuga Risari did not act rashly, did not carry him to his own room, or cover him with a sheet or anything.

For his own children, Hyuga Risari knows very well. He has never put on the attitude of a feudal patriarch in front of Hyuga Neji, but communicated equally. Ask with an inquiring attitude, not like yourself, make tea with your own hands, and communicate with your children.

So Hyuga Nichi didn't move, and waited until Hyuga Neji woke up suddenly.

"Father, I'm rude." After waking up, Hyuga Neji took a second to understand where she was, and then saw the cold tea in front of her father and realized something.

"It's okay, come and sit, what Guan Shanyue taught you, since you've been sensible, you've never acted like you just now." Hyuga Risai said, to be honest, he was also very curious: "You just said I’m talking in my sleep, I can’t eat anything, it’s killing me, etc.”

Hinata Neji changed his expression. He had never felt that eating was so painful as he did during the day. After high-intensity training, it was a high-intensity diet, large pieces of meat, and a few vegetables. And fruit, baked potatoes, half a piece of bread.

The chef named Yunai, who was invited by Yue Si, was very skilled. At least the food he cooked was the best Ningci had ever eaten in his life. At the first meal, Li Luo did not mention it, even Tian Tian. eat too much.

Before, they had been mobilized by Yue Si for some training. They were physically exhausted, and it was normal to eat a little more. Yue Si opened up the supply of food, took a baked potato and sat aside, smiling and watching them eat the sea. plug.

After taking a rest after eating, they then started training again. When their physical strength was almost exhausted, the next meal was ready, and this time their appetite was not as strong as before.

But this time, Yue Si gave them a food quota, and everyone had to eat up the meal that was allotted to them.

After eating, rest for a while, then continue training, and then eat again after training.

By the end, the faces of all three were green, and the delicious food was torture for them, even the chewing muscles of the cheeks protested, even if the taste of the food still delighted their taste buds, but the brain and stomach were protest.

Seeing that one of the three men is more beautiful than the other one, that is called chewing and swallowing slowly. Yue Si directly smashed a stone into powder with one punch, and there was not even a single broken piece. Don't send it, just look at the three people like that.

Although Yue Si didn't say anything, he seemed to have said everything.

After forcing themselves to eat cleanly with unprecedented willpower, the three of them took the initiative to train themselves, and used more intense physical exertion to consume the food they had eaten more quickly.

Because the three genin came to training after breakfast, Yue Si generously cut out one of the seven meals.

As for whether the three people will hurt the stomach or stomach, Yue Si is not worried. According to the tone of Wang Dao’s hot-blooded young man, the size of the meal is basically equal to the strength, and these people have 130 trillion cells. The physique of human beings is fundamentally different.

So, after returning home, Hyuga Neji couldn't take it anymore, and fell asleep almost fainting.

"Excuse me, father, I need to ensure ten hours of sufficient sleep time, so that I can have sufficient physical strength for training the next day." After saying something, Hyuga Neji said with a little panic.

When he let his few people leave, Yue Si said that because it was the first day of training, he was not too harsh on them. Today's training level was just a warm-up, which made Nixiang Ningji feel scared. The physical training that can practice lying down is just a warm-up according to Yue Si's standards. It is conceivable how terrifying the serious training will be.

Time flew by, and three months later, Matekai finally recovered and was discharged from the hospital, taking back his third shift from Yue Si.

"Yue Sang, what have you done to my Kawaii students?" Seeing his three students, Matekai was stunned, raised the back of his hand and wiped his eyes, thinking that he had read it wrong, or that he might illusion.

Yue Si patted Li Locke on the shoulder and said to the opposite Matekai: "What's the matter, didn't I train your students well? In terms of physical skills, everyone is strong, one or two. , is a man of iron."

"No, no, I mean." Metkay stretched out his hand and gestured on himself, and gestured to a height of about one meter six: "I remember three months ago, my students were only this tall, but they Now…"

Three months ago, Li Locke was less than 1.6 meters tall, but now standing in front of Matekai is a man with broad shoulders, a straight waist, and a height of more than 1.8 meters. Standing there like a man. A pine tree, a tower, and Hyuga Neji are similar.

Even Tiantian is more than 1.7 meters tall, standing there tall and beautiful.

Three months ago, the three people in the third shift had their own dressing styles, but now they are all wearing the same style of Yue Si's trench coats, but the colors and details are different.

And among these three people the biggest change is Li Luo, not only the green tights that he gave him has been replaced, but also the watermelon hair style that imitates his own. The eyebrows have also changed, and the brows and brows have become sharper, just like a reborn person.

Although Li Locke is still imitating as a whole, the object of imitation is replaced by Guan Shanyue from Matt Kay himself.

"Oh, young people, they grow very fast. As long as nutrition and exercise can keep up, it is normal to grow tall and strong." Yue Si received: "Youth, you should eat more meat, meat and eggs. Milk can keep up. It is normal for a teenager to grow up to 1.8 meters. Drinking milk to grow taller does not depend on the so-called calcium, but actually the fat in milk.”

"In the past three months, I have tried my best to cultivate your students as strong as possible. I did it, and they will be handed over to you."

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