Villains Template

Chapter 772: Bad guys don't need reason

What you can't do yourself, but use various reasons to kidnap others, let those who have the ability do it according to their own ideas, and disregard the safety of others, just to satisfy their "goodwill", that is not a good person at all, and is a villain.

On the way from Lanruo Temple to Guobei County, Ning Caichen did not talk to Yue Si again, but because of Yue Si's previous remarks about the "Blessed Mother Bitch" entered into the inner questioning, he repeatedly questioned himself, what did he do? Is the thought just now correct?

It was only after Guobei County that Ning Caichen restrained his mind. After all, it was more practical to think about something realistic, such as money. The fundamental purpose of his coming to Guobei County was money. In order to ask the innkeeper for an account, it was dozens of taels of silver.

However, after entering Guobei County, some people on the road looked at Ning Caichen wrongly, especially the coffin seller. After seeing Ning Caichen, his face turned pale and he stepped back, as if he saw something incredible and terrifying.

Yesterday, Ning Caichen was deceived to go to the ghost place of Lanruo Temple to stay overnight. The people around thought that Ning Caichen was dead, and he did the same. Caichen is rich.

But today, Ning Caichen appeared alive in front of him. Although he looked haggard and lost his soul, God knows what happened to him last night, so it would be better to hide away.

Arriving at the inn, Ning Caichen put the box on the ground next to him, took out the account book and placed it on the counter, one by one, he broke up with the shopkeeper one by one, and asked the shopkeeper to take out the account book and reconcile the accounts together. .

The shopkeeper who can open the inn in this Guobei County is definitely not that kind of serious businessman. When Ning Caichen took out the account book and reluctantly reconciled the account, his first thought was not something else. Yes, but to keep this account down, compare it one by one with the account books, dial the abacus and make a careful calculation, hoping to find out the mistakes in Ning Caichen's account books, then hold on to this one, and directly say that he His ledger is fake and is to blackmail him, just like yesterday.

Ning Caichen had already been here yesterday, but because the account book was soaked by the rain and could not read the writing, he directly asked the shop assistant to throw Ning Caichen out. Now the ledger Ning Caichen took out is still the one from yesterday. Although it has been baked and dried, the water stains left by soaking it in water cannot be faked. Obviously, the ledger was Ning Caichen himself last night. written.

But after comparing before and after, the shopkeeper found that there was no difference in the accounts at all, and the account book the other party took was real.

"It's really evil."

After muttering a few words, the shopkeeper still gave Ning Caichen the arrears—not that he was following the rules, but the one who followed Ning Caichen stared at him fiercely, and still had money in his hand. Holding a sword, he has the aura of "I'll chop you if you don't give me money".

These Jianghu people are the most difficult to provoke.

Although he is just a shopkeeper who opened a store, the tonality of capital is the same. If you make less money, you will lose money. If you can rely on it, you will have to settle the account, which is to cut his flesh, which is an unnecessary loss.

Holding the silver tael, Ning Caichen happily said to Yue Si: "Brother, I have the money now, I can treat you to dinner, whatever you want..."

But Yue Si didn't find a place to sit down and order food, but dragged Ning Caichen directly and pulled him out of the inn.

"Brother, what are you pulling me for? I said I must invite you to a meal." Ning Caichen said puzzledly about Yue Si's behavior.

"Could it be that you want to invite me to dinner at that inn?" Yue Si stopped, let go of Ning Caichen, and asked.

Nodding his head, Ning Caichen said seriously: "Of course, the business in the inn is booming, and the taste of the food should be good, and you don't need to travel far, just eat there."

"Heh, you just took a few dozen taels of silver from the shopkeeper, and you still spent the money in the shop. Do you think the shopkeeper will give you a good look?" Yue Si said, "You Don't you think that you will eat other people's saliva or snot in the dishes?"

Ning Caichen covered his mouth and retched a few times: "Brother, don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore, let's find another store."

Invite Yue Si to have a frank meal, and Ning Caichen was going to invite Yue Si to stay for another night, but Yue Si left immediately, saying that he had something to do, so he would not stay around this Guobei County, Ning Caichen Hearing this, he asked the shop assistant to pack some steamed buns, steamed buns, and cooked beef, wrapped them in oil paper or lotus leaves, and gave them to Yue Si to eat them as dry food on the road.

Watching Yue Si, who was carrying the cage on his back, leave, Ning Caichen was very reluctant. Yue Si was the most capable person he had ever met. It would be best if Yue Si could help Nie Xiaoqian. Ning Caichen's remarks had already made Ning Caichen hesitate a lot. Seeing that Yue Si had made up his mind to leave, he was no longer holding back. He could only apologize to Nie Xiaoqian and her group of sisters who were controlled by the tree demon grandma.

After securing a room in the inn, Ning Caichen, who had the silver base, also straightened his back a lot, so he wandered around this Guobei County. Yesterday, he was hunted by wild wolves, and was frightened by Yue Si's words. Tong, and the matter of the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian, made him want to walk around the market, feel the lively atmosphere, and feel the taste of the world.

After walking around, I came to a calligraphy and painting stall.

Ning Caichen came to this calligraphy and painting booth yesterday. The portrait of Nie Xiaoqian was seen at this booth. He was a little moved by the artist's skills and the woman in the painting, and then Yue Si made a joke on him about it. , Said he was tempted by the portrait, that is, he was close to a woman, and he would have bad luck.

Yesterday, he took a fancy to this painting at a glance, but he had no money at all. Now that he has money, if the price is right, he will buy this painting.

"Boss, how much is this painting?" Ning Caichen asked, pointing to Nie Xiaoqian's portrait.

"Twenty taels... No, forty taels." The owner of the calligraphy and painting booth said in a very stiff voice, sitting upright.

"Forty taels is too little, one hundred taels is fine."

Ning Caichen turned his head to look in surprise when he heard the words, because the words of the reverse bargaining did not come from him, but from someone else. This voice he was very familiar with was Yue Si's voice.

The owner of the calligraphy and painting stall looked bitter, and said, "This young man, the price of one hundred taels is too high. Go down a little bit, down a little bit, okay?"

Pulling aside some paintings and calligraphy hanging like a screen, Ning Caichen saw Yue Si again on the other side that was obscured by them, he was laughing and making a price deal with the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall: "The price of one hundred taels is too much. High? Going down a little bit?"

Hearing Yue Si let go, the owner of the calligraphy and painting booth nodded again and again and said hurriedly: "Yes, drop a little, drop a little."

"Okay, how about ninety-nine taels?" Yue Si said with a smile, "As you said, I lowered the price."

"Young master, aren't you kidding me?" said the calligraphy and painting stall owner, "Forty-five taels."

"One hundred and twelve taels." Yue Si said in an unquestionable tone.

"Master, why do you also increase when I go up?"

"It's like this when I negotiate prices with people outside."

The owner of the calligraphy and painting stall said helplessly: "Fifty taels, son, I really have so many in my hands. No matter how much I have, it's just a few copper plates. If you think about it, you won't like it."

"Okay, fifty taels, take the money." Seeing that the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall had already said all the words, Yue Si said simply.

Hearing this, the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then his face became worse again - although his life was saved, but the money was gone.

He took out the key from his body, opened the locked money box, and used his fingers to measure the position of the mechanism on the box. After pulling the key and calling out, he opened the box and found a few ingots and some scattered silver. , handed it over to Yue Si together, and the rest, as he said, were just some copper plates.

Ning Caichen didn't know why, so he pushed aside the calligraphy and painting, only to find that the long sword in Yue Si's hand was unsheathed, and the tip of the sword was touching the belly of the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall. Just a slight push forward could pierce the calligraphy and painting. stall owner.

"Brother... What are you?" When Ning Caichen saw Yue Si's appearance, the first thing he thought of was that Yue Si was robbing this calligraphy and painting booth, but Yue Si's unfathomable and unpredictable, with a bit of the taste of the game world , and let him dispel this wrong idea. After thinking about it, he couldn't guess the reason, so he just asked Yue Si directly.

Yue Si weighed the silver taels, fifty taels, just a little too much. After accepting them with satisfaction, he turned his head and said to Ning Caichen, "As you can see, robbery, there is no place to spend money when you are alive. , I went around this Guobei County a few times, and saw a lot of people in the rivers and lakes, but none of them dared to rob me, a weak scholar, so that I could get some money in a short and easy way."

"Then I went to this calligraphy and painting booth. I remember what you said to me last night. I saw a painting in this painting and calligraphy booth. The woman in the portrait looks exactly like that Nie Xiaoqian, or the painting is Nie Xiaoqian herself, I tried to ask the price, this guy opened his mouth wide and asked me for twenty-nine taels of silver. I was angry from the bottom of my heart. Buy peace from me."

"Look, in such a remote place in Guobei County, you can earn fifty taels selling calligraphy and painting. It can be seen that this guy is a profiteer and extorts countless others. I should borrow some troubles from him - of course, I know What I'm doing is evil and bullying, but I'm happy."

Seeing the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall trembling, Ning Caichen said to Yue Si, "Brother, you've already got the money, so put away the sword. You're scaring the owner, don't hurt him."

Who knew that at this time, the calligraphy and painting stall owner excused Yue Si: "This scholar, I'm not shaking because of this gentleman's sword. How long have I set up a stall in this Guobei County? I don’t know how many swords there are, although I was hit by the sword, I didn’t have much fear in my heart, what I was afraid of was what you said.”

"When I received this painting, I also inquired about its origin. It was painted by a certain official who hired a painter for his only daughter, but because of the downfall of the family, the whole family died cleanly. Because Ann didn't get involved, Wan Guan's family fortune was all gone, and this painting was spread like this - Young Master, I want you 30 taels for this painting, it's not a loss at all, the artist's brushstrokes are worth so much money. "

After explaining a sentence for himself, the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall added: "And the two of them said that they saw a girl last night who looked exactly like the girl in this painting. Could it be that the person in this painting is the incarnation of Lone Soul Wild? ghost."

Ning Caichen heard the words and said, "Boss, how much is this painting, I bought it."

When the boss heard Ning Caichen's words, his body stopped shaking. His dull face was filled with blood again because he lost fifty taels of silver: "Seventy taels of silver is enough."

Hearing this offer, Ning Caichen suddenly felt that Yue Si's behavior of robbing the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall was right, and then he turned around and was about to leave.

When the boss saw it, he kept shouting, "Young master, don't go, sixty taels, fifty taels, forty taels... Okay, thirty taels are all right, I'm bleeding a lot today, take you thirty taels, and let me return to the blood. All right!"

Hearing this, Ning Caichen stopped, turned around, took out thirty taels of silver from his body and handed it to the owner of the calligraphy and painting stall, then carefully took off Nie Xiaoqian's portrait, carefully rolled it into a roll, and held it in his arms in his arms.

The owner of the calligraphy and painting stall weighed the silver taels, thirty taels was enough to count, but before he could laugh, he felt a slight pain in his stomach. Looking down, it was actually Yue Si who handed the sword forward, and the point of the sword pierced through. His clothes, slightly touching his stomach, made his skin feel like needles.

Looking up, Yue Si extended his hand to him, what does it mean, no need to say more.

"This is the money I sold the painting to him. The transaction between us was willing, and didn't we already give you fifty taels to buy my safety?" That's what the calligraphy and painting stall owner said. But not slow, and reluctantly put the silver in Yue Si's hands.

Yue Si put away the money and said, "Although we know each other, we are not the same people. He is a kind person who pays attention to your love and my will, and a fair deal. Even if I am robbing you, he can rely on me. He directly took the painting away because of his relationship, but he still chose to pay; unfortunately, I am not, I am a downright bad person, I am looking for you just for the 30 taels of silver will be placed on me In front of me, can I not?"

"Besides, you have eaten for free for so many years. Do you think it is necessary for a bad person to keep his promises and reason?"

He learned a lesson from Yue Si, the calligraphy and painting stall owner was crying at his desk, while Yue Si and Ning Caichen left together.

"You made this trip, how much money did you earn before you died, and you gave 30 taels of silver for a painting, you are really willing!" Holding the 30 taels of silver that belonged to Ning Caichen not long ago, Yue Si With a smile, he said to Ning Caichen, "I told you a long time ago that it's all about being a teenager, look at it, just a few words of friendship with that Nie Xiaoqian, just for the sake of one of her portraits, I lost thirty taels. It's a disaster of bankruptcy."

However, Yue Si did not intend to give the thirty taels of silver to Ning Caichen. The money was spent by Ning Caichen.

"Brother, don't talk about it." Ning Caichen hugged the portrait tightly and sighed: "I want to go back to Lanruo Temple again and give this portrait to Xiaoqian, I have accepted her request. I can’t do it when I come down, this painting is my insignificant apology.” Remember the website address of this site, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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