Villains Template

Chapter 774: Uprooted

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Yan Chixia and Xiahou Swordsman drew their swords, looked around, and stared vigilantly around, guarding against the attack of the tree demon grandma.

With Taoism in hand, Yan Chixia is not afraid, and Xiahou Swordsman is also a first-class martial arts master. As long as you don't take the initiative to relax your vigilance and disarm, with a long sword in your hand and swaying sword energy, Grandma Dryad can't easily get him.

Yue Si untied the cage on his back, took out the iron nails he had bought before, and threw it towards the sky in his hands. Like fireworks, it exploded in the sky, tearing apart the dark clouds entrenched in the sky, allowing the sun to spread on the ground again. above.

Although it is not a ghost, the tree demon grandma is unable to perform many methods under the sunlight.

In a place that no one noticed, those iron nails were scattered and nailed to the surrounding area of ​​Lanruo Temple, sealing up the many changes of the tree demon grandma, making it impossible for her to survive by breaking her tail, so she could only be slaughtered.

"Ning Caichen!"

Yue Si shouted loudly, and Ning Caichen, who was holding a hoe, shuddered: "Brother, what do you want me to do?"

"Come with me and pull up the tree!"

Yue Si carried the modified long-handled blade, took the lead, walked towards the giant tree, the long handle swept across, the blade slashed a sword energy, the giant tree hung down like air roots, and the branches rooted in the ground were broken. , forging a path to the trunk of the giant tree.

The sap flowed from the broken branches, the sap was bright red, like blood, and the leaves were rustling, as if a giant tree was eating and mourning.

"Scholar, the body of this thousand-year-old tree demon is not in this big tree, but the roots that spread underground, criss-crossing, drilling through the entire mountain, and felling this big tree, there is nothing to do with this thousand-year-old tree demon!"

Yan Chixia shouted at Yue Si's back.

After using the spell, he opened his eyes and was able to see the demonic energy. Starting from the trunk of the big tree, he searched for the root system of the thousand-year-old tree demon, but was surprised to find that the demonic energy went deep into the ground and spread all over the mountain.

Because of the occlusion of the soil layer and the wide enough spread and wide distribution area, the Millennium Tree Demon's demonic energy is very weak. When I didn't pay attention to this before, Yan Chixia thought it was just an ordinary little monster, but now it seems, This thousand-year-old tree demon is very difficult to deal with, even if the grass and trees are naturally flawed and their abilities are not strong, they can only drive some female ghosts to seduce men as blood food for it, and even in the daytime, the demon power is much weaker.

However, the thousand-year-old tree demon has a strong vitality, and with their abilities, they cannot completely solve the thousand-year-old tree demon.

Cutting grass and eradicating the roots is also appropriate for the Millennium Tree Demon. They must remove the huge root system of the Millennium Tree Demon before they can seriously injure or even destroy the Millennium Tree Demon. Simply cutting down the branches on the ground is just skin for the Millennium Tree Demon. trauma, and doing so would irritate it.

"Unless there is a great supernatural power to move mountains and reclaim the sea, the entire mountain top can be razed to the ground; or the tree demon's body can be uprooted and its roots are completely broken, so that it can be completely subdued, otherwise we can only temporarily avoid it. ."

Yan Chixia warned Yue Si that it would be better for a few people to leave the place with the urn while it was still early.

"Haha, I haven't completely solved the ability of this thousand-year-old tree demon, how can I promise it! You are optimistic about those urns for the time being, don't let them break, so that those female ghosts will never have a chance to reincarnate."

Yue Si went all the way through thorns and thorns, and finally came to the ancient tree, followed step by step, carefully followed Yue Si here.

"Brother, what's the matter with you calling me here? Do we really have the ability to pull out this thousand-year-old tree demon by its roots?" Ning Caichen asked unconfidently. The two of them beat him.

And Yue Si swung the modified long sword, danced tightly, chopped off the branches one after another, and quickly accumulated a layer on the ground.

"Ning Caichen, you now have the power to pull the weeping willow upside down. Go, pull this tree out... Don't hesitate, you can definitely do it!" Yue Si shaved his head off the ancient tree with ease, while sighing at Ning Cai. Chen said.

At this critical time, Ning Caichen didn't ask any questions. He had known Yue Si for less than two days, but Yue Si gave him the feeling that he was in control of everything and that he would definitely be able to do what he said.

Yue Si said that he has the power to pull the weeping willow upside down, even if the five big trees in front of him cannot be hugged together, he will definitely be able to pull it out.

Walking forward, Ning Caichen suddenly saw the bark flowing on the surface of the ancient tree, and the scars and wrinkles condensed into the appearance of a human face. He opened his mouth to do something, but he heard the sound of something quickly passing through the air. Then a round stone hit the face of the tree trunk and pressed what it wanted to do.

Turning his head, he saw that Yue Si put the long weapon on the ground, unfastened the slingshot on his body, opened the bow to draw the bullet, and hit a stone with the slingshot, which solved the trouble for himself. Nothing else has changed.

And this slingshot is not made from the branches of trees in the shape of "Ya", but is bow-shaped. There is a pocket in the middle of the bowstring that can hold projectiles. Erlangshen's golden bow and silver bullet are slingshots.

With the help of Yue Si, Ning Caichen opened his hands, hugged the trunk of the ancient tree, and then roared, whether he could do it or not, in short, he wanted to uproot the big tree.

Just when Ning Caichen made the action of pulling the tree, he only felt a majestic force pouring out from his body, it seemed that he could really uproot this ancient tree. Biting tightly, the blue veins on his forehead burst out, and he exerted ten percent of his strength. The trunk of the ancient tree was shaken by him, and the branches and leaves began to shake.

As Ning Caichen continued to contribute, his body was under enormous pressure, his feet began to sink into the soil, and cracks began to spread from the trunk of the ancient tree to the surroundings, the roots of the ancient tree were dragging Displaced in the middle, it rose from the ground and tore the ground.


With a blasting roar, Ning Caichen knocked down the ancient tree by himself, dragged it out from the ground with the trunk and the root system in his arms, and stepped back again and again, just like Nezha's cramping the tendons, pulling the roots one after another. It was pulled out from the mountain.

The root system of the tree demon grandmother has become part of the mountain. Ning Caichen's rooting has destroyed the overall structure. The mountain began to tremble, and the rock and soil layers inside began to deform. It is even more felt that there is something flowing on the ground under the feet, which is the movement of the roots of the thousand-year-old tree demon being pulled away.

At this time, the tree demon grandmother could not maintain her previous state. She was furious, but full of resentment and fear. Its voice echoed in the mountains and forests, and its weakness could clearly be heard. Ning Caichen put its main root system from Pulled it out from the ground, it has broken its true body and lost most of its mana: "You scholar! I hate it!"

The original body of the tree endows the tree demon grandma with strong vitality. Even if the root system is torn out of the ground, it will only hurt the vitality. After that, it is enough to re-root and recuperate for dozens or hundreds of years, but it is obvious that this group of people will not give it the chance.

And this scholar is too scary, one just used some common iron nails to break his own spells and seal his mana changes, so that he has no ability to fight back, and can only be captured; The other has the power to subdue the dragon and the tiger, and the ability to move mountains and fill the sea, directly pulling his own body out of the mountains.

Anyone who has been rooted knows how difficult it is to root out an aged tree.

In the mountain forest, the trees that grew from the roots of Grandma Dryad broke off and fell to the ground. The lush hills were bald in an instant. Grandma Dryad's ground trunk was huge, but compared with its complex root system, it looked very negligible.

The roots of the trees with the smell of earth were coiled and piled up, and they were piled there like a hill, and the huge roots were taken away. The tree demon's grandmother's single tree forest was destroyed, and the vegetation coverage plummeted. If there is a heavy rain, it is estimated that mudslides or landslides will form.

Ning Caichen, who had done such things, slumped to the ground and pulled the tree demon grandma out by the roots. Even if he had a skill card near him, he almost exhausted all the strength in his body. With my own hands, I can't believe I did it myself.

Yan Chixia and Xiahou were both stunned. Yan Chixia claimed to have some Taoist cultivation, but he couldn't do this kind of thing in front of him anyway. It is the reincarnation of a crimson bead fairy grass on the bank of the Western Linghe River. Although it only has the skill of "pulling the weeping willow upside down", it is enough to play to the extreme.

Not to mention a thousand-year-old tree demon, even the divine tree on the planet Pandora can pull it out.

As for Nie Xiaoqian, her thinking was temporarily stagnant, and she could not imagine that the scene in front of her was actually happening.

Originally, she just wanted to invite two kind and talented scholars to help herself and her sisters get out of the sea of ​​misery, but she didn't expect that they would cure the disease and remove the root, and directly solve the tree demon and uproot the tree demon. The difficulty is equivalent to razing the surrounding mountains to the ground.

"Forgive...forgive your life!"

The main body was exposed to the sun, and the tree demon grandma begged for mercy very weakly, even if she knew it was impossible, but it wanted to live.

"How can I spare you, the grass will not be rooted out, and the spring breeze will blow again!" Yue Si took out a pot of lamp oil from the box and threw it on the roots of the tree demon's grandmother, cast a spell, ignited the lamp oil, and the flame was like a spirit Wisdom, although only a small piece of the lamp oil was spilled, the burning flame spread quickly, burning the entire cover of the dryad grandma.

Under the fire, the tree demon's grandmother screamed. It was powerless to change its current situation. All emotions subsided, leaving only despair and resentment. It used all its strength to yell: "I am doomed. If you're going to die, you don't even want to live! The old demon of Montenegro! The old demon of Montenegro!"

"You monster, you don't even know how to live when you're dying!"

Yan Chixia heard the words, her face was full of anger, and the last few shouts of the tree demon grandma were calling for the old black mountain demon, and she had to call this big monster to continue to cause trouble for them.

Don't look at Yan Chixia's rhetoric before, but for the old demon of Montenegro, the measure he took was to escape rather than fight head-on.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

Yan Chixia bit her fingertips and drew talismans in her palm with fresh blood. One after another, thunder struck the tree demon grandma who was burned by the fire.

"Evil, watch me smash you to pieces!"

Under the bombardment of the fire and the thunder in the palm, the tree demon grandma quickly turned into a pile of coke, the primordial spirit was completely wiped out, and there was no possibility of turning over again, unless new ones developed from the tiny roots that remained in the mountain. individual comes.

During the process of cremation of the tree demon grandma, Yan Chixia took out the almanac, pinched one or two with her fingers, and said to Yue Si and the others: "The tree demon is right, today is indeed an auspicious day for the devil, for the human world It's all inappropriate."

"At that time, the boundary between the underworld and the sun will be weakened, and it will be easier for the old monster of Montenegro to do what he wants to do, so we must leave here as soon as possible. If we are caught up by the old monster of Montenegro, we will be in big trouble!"

After finishing the first and last, Yue Si put all the armor in his cage on his body, vacated the cage, shared the urn with Ning Caichen, and let Nie Xiaoqian return to the urn temporarily, and then before the sun went down, The group of four hurried down the mountain and arrived in Guobei County.

Except for Ning Caichen, the four of them all have martial arts. Having martial arts means they are rich, and having money and martial arts means that many things are very convenient to do. Then the four of them managed to get four horses without any effort. , Before it gets too late, leave the area of ​​Guobei County quickly, and run as far away from here as possible.

Yan Chixia has a delicate mind and specially prepared an old horse for Ning Caichen. Although her physical fitness has declined a bit, she is experienced and docile. Even a person like Ning Caichen who is not good at horseback riding is more comfortable to ride.

It took a long time for them to be busy during the day, and there was not much time left for them. The group rushed along the official road.

It's a pity that the sky didn't go according to people's I didn't run very far, it was already sunset, even if it was an official road, in the absence of light, few people dared to gallop their horses, so they could only let the horses walk slowly .

Even if he was swaying while sitting on the horse, Ning Caichen was drowsy and could barely open his eyes.

He is just a weak scholar. He travels back and forth to Lanruo Temple on two legs during the day, carrying so many things on his back, digging a pit and digging an urn, uprooting the dryad grandma, and bumping on the road for a long time. His spirit was squeezed clean, and when he closed his eyes now, he didn't fall asleep, but fainted.

If Yue Si hadn't supported Ning Caichen with a long pole cut from the trunk of the tree demon's grandmother's body, he would have fallen to the ground.

Yan Chixia saw a cluster of lights on the road in front of her from a distance, thinking that it should be a place like an inn and post, and said, "The night is dark and windy, people are sleepy and horses are scarce, it is not suitable to travel, rest here for a night."

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