Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 553: Fengshen!

Among the heavens and myriad realms.

An intelligence agency called "Asuka Club".

The ear-piercing alarm bells continued to sound, getting more and more urgent, until everyone stopped what they were doing.

A fan of light screens unfolded.

The president appeared on the light screen and shouted loudly: "Everyone pay attention."

"Just received the news that more than twenty robbers have entered a certain galaxy, and the Lord of the Stars is ready."

"A great battle that has not been seen for a long time is about to start.

"The current war is confirmed as an "epic" level, and all kinds of battle information in it are enough to be sold at a high price in the heavens and worlds, and it will last for hundreds of years. "

"I order--" "All out!

"Cheer up, everyone, and do your best to collect information on this battle!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded one after another. Galaxy.

in a world.


The old blind man squatted in the corner, holding a plastic lunch box in his hand. In the lunch box is a whole braised fish.

The old blind man "tsk tsk" twice, shook his head and said, "There are so many thorns, why don't you eat something simple first."

The voice fell. The fish in the lunch box disappeared.

Instead, there is a rice bowl with shredded pork with green peppers. "This is good."

The old blind man took out a pair of metal chopsticks and immediately began to eat.

at the same time. The other side of the galaxy.

A Robber suddenly froze in mid-air, unable to move an inch.

"He's eating me!" the robber screamed.

All the other robbers around rushed towards the robber, but they didn't have time to help.

The robber disappeared directly from their sight.

——The old blind man ate so fast that he emptied the boxed lunch.

He wiped the corners of his mouth and grinned, revealing two rows of rotten teeth covered with crumbs of meat:


Suddenly, a mapo tofu rice bowl appeared in the empty lunch box.

The old blind man gobbled it up again. in the void.

Another Robber froze.

The Duke of Abyss discovered the situation immediately, flew over in a blink of an eye, and said loudly:

"Come here!" he snapped.

"With the immeasurable power of all of us, this emergence will be destroyed!"

The other robbers flew up one after another, and they all put their hands on the robber's body.

The robbery demon suddenly exuded a monstrous aura of destruction. --fierce

The lunch box in the old blind man's hand seemed to be hit by something, and all the food inside spilled out and fell to the ground.

As if being pardoned, the robber said loudly:

"I'm fine! The spell has been disintegrated by everyone's power." The Duke of Abyss immediately noticed it, and laughed wildly:

"The Lord of the Stars? But that's it, hahaha—" It waved its arms and made a motion.

Twenty or so robbers immediately understood, turned around together, and launched an attack on a star in the distance.

—Once this largest star is destroyed, dozens of worlds near it will fall into destruction without dispute!

The old blind man suddenly took off his sunglasses and said in a low voice:

"Don't be serious, you really think that you can represent the immeasurable catastrophe.

Among his eyes, the eyeball with "Shi" was not bright, but the other eyeball with "For" was emitting raging flames.

All the tribulation techniques rushed towards the stars, suddenly disappeared in the air, and turned to bombard a robber.

It let out a scream, and was beaten to death, and then, countless treasures flew out of it, and sprinkled the entire starry sky.

This robbing demon couldn't care about anything else anymore, and burrowed into the void in a blink of an eye.

"Where to go!"

The old blind man suddenly raised his hand and pinched it from the air!

In the vast starry sky, a black hole quietly appeared.

That robbery is

He wanted to turn into a portal in the void, but was sucked back by the black hole.

Its flesh and blood submerged into the black hole and disappeared instantly. The treasures all over the sky were also completely sucked away by the black hole.

The Duke of Abyss showed disgust and said in a low voice:

"Is this the technique of replacing death?...and the technique of trembling's really a tricky guy.

The battle is not far away.

Xuezhi hid on a barren asteroid, looking up at the battle in the sky.

"It turned out to be the legendary treasure-shocking will drop things on the body when hit, until there is nothing to drop, and even life will be lost."

A ray of hope suddenly flashed in Xuezhi's eyes. just one-

The Duke of Abyss was hit by this technique one by one

Maybe you can drop that "Brilliant Holy Light"!

I must stare at this battle without blinking my eyes, waiting for that moment to come.

- I must complete Xiao Wu's order!

Dragon dream world.

Wu Xiaode leaned on his staff and came to the campfire.

I saw four burly men standing here, all with vertical pupils, exuding a faint dragon breath.

The leading man buzzed:

"Master Kane, this is the little girl's hair. I remember that you have mastered a tracking spell of the highest level. You can use this hair to find the little girl."

"Of course I can do it, but I had a duel with someone before I came here, and it takes some time to recover my mana." Wu Xiaode said.

"How long do you need?" "Twenty minutes."

"No problem, the world has been completely sealed off by us, that little guy can't escape!"

"So much the better."

Wu Xiaode nodded, turned around and returned to the tent.

He sat down comfortably on the chair, picked up the cup of warm coffee, and took a sip.

Just got word from the Book of the Dead—

In ten minutes, the personal stylization of the old dragon king's blood curse will be completed.

It took all the mighty power of the corpse of the demon king in purgatory, plus the treasures that Shen Xiujun gained from killing all the sealed devils, in exchange for this personal style.

- what will happen?

Wu Xiaode closed his eyes and waited quietly. time flies.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Wu Xiaode suddenly felt something, and turned his head to look at a corner of the tent.

I saw that the soil on the ground moved a few times and collapsed, forming a small hole.

A one-horned black snake came out of the hole, slowly swam up in front of Wu Xiaode, stood up, nodded at him three times, and then put a rusty key in its mouth on the one next to Wu Xiaode. On the table.

Wu Xiaode glanced at the key. A line of small ice crystal characters appeared next to the key: "Secret key, the fifth treasure of the old dragon king."

"This key can open a treasure warehouse of the Dragon King buried underground."

"—it's been lost for so long that people have forgotten about the warehouse."

Wu Xiaode looked at the key and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The snake came with the key in its mouth, and saluted three times. It looked extremely spiritual.

Maybe it was raised by the Dragon King in the first place, and it was a monster that looked at keys.

It comes to find itself, and it is bound to ask for something. "what would you like?"

Wu Xiaode asked directly.

The one-horned black snake coiled up in front of him, and nodded a few more times, with a pleading expression on its face.

Wu Xiaode's heart skipped a beat, but he also discovered something unusual.

— It is said that the personal stylization of the old dragon king's blood curse has been completed.

But neither the Book of the Dead nor the wall of sighs popped up automatically to give myself some hints and explanations.

Wu Xiaode simply called out to himself: "The Book of the Dead."

The Book of the Undead was just opened, and lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the page


"Your awakened stylized skills used an excessive amount of unprecedented source power, causing the 'Wall of Sigh' to release a power beyond everything.

"the most important is--"

"You possess the incomparably precious power of "Heaven's Punishment", and its "Heaven" attribute has been integrated into this stylization process. "

"This skill has surpassed countless divine skills in one fell swoop, and it can be called a 'holy'."

"Such skills must not be disrespectful, and must not be memorized."

"You need to cast a skill once before this skill can be recorded in this book."

Cast a skill...

Wu Xiaode was startled, then turned his head to look at the one-horned black snake. The eyes of the one-horned black snake were full of longing, staring at him motionless, not even vomited the snake letter.

Suddenly, Wu Xiaode felt something, and said:

"You have been guarding here for many years, until you met me, who has the power of the Dragon King's blood, you came out and returned the key to me, which can be said to be loyal to your duty."

"In my opinion, you will be able to transform into a dragon sooner or later." The voice fell.

The one-horned black snake trembled all over, all the scales fell off, the whole body took off the layer of skin, soared in the void, and gradually grew a layer of golden scales.

Four more claws grew out of its belly, and it grabbed thunderclouds in the air, wandering around in mid-air with joy.

Wu Xiaode stared blankly.

——It directly changed from a snake to a dragon.

Although it's not a dragon But this kind of vision and form, sooner or later it will turn into a dragon!

Is your own skill taking effect?

Wu Xiaode slowly turned his head and looked at the Book of the Dead. I saw lines of small ice crystal characters quietly appearing:

"Your 'Blood Curse of the Old Dragon King' has completed its personal style and manifested itself as a new skill:


"'Holy' level skills, unique in the world, unprecedented skills."

"Consume the target or your merit/sin, seal a "position" for it, and make it have a bright path to reach that "position"."

"—This is the emergent power of transcendence and holiness!"

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