Overlord color domineering brought to the leader of the Fuso samurai.

It’s not just physical and strength oppression.

Weakened his strength in part.

And oppression above the heart and will!

Face Rogue, who is standing in front.

He couldn’t raise the slightest idea of fighting.

Just want to escape from here, escape from Rogue.

So he made his decision quickly!

“We offended Your Excellency.”

“Since Your Excellency wants to save these ghost clansmen.”

“Then we will give Your Excellency a face.”

“Let these ghost clansmen go, leave this place.”

“Please don’t embarrass us.”

“Let’s leave safely!”

Finish speaking.

The leader of the Fuso samurai did not immediately turn around.

Along with the remaining Fuso samurai who were still standing.

Escape away from the ghost village!

As for those Fuso samurai and soldiers in a coma?

They don’t even have a little psychological burden.

They just gave up their lives.


“When did I say that.”

“Can you get out of here?”

Rogue once again stopped in front of the Fuso samurai.

That overlord-colored domineering aura that was released in all directions.

And it all came together.

Oppression in the leader of the Fuso samurai.

And those Fuso samurai behind him!





The overlord-colored domineering who all hit together.

The arrival of these Fuso samurai came an even stronger oppression.

Those last few Fuso warriors who had a domineering mid-level armed color.

They all rolled their eyes and fell to the ground!

Only the leader of the Fuso samurai remained.

He also continued to stand in front of Rogue.

But even the leader of the Fuso samurai.

The armed color domineering he possesses.

It has also been greatly reduced under the oppression of the overlord color domineering.

Even directly from the degree of domineering color of high-level armed color.

Decay to the point where the mid-level armed color domineering is close to the advanced level!

But that’s not the most serious.

The most serious thing is the fighting spirit in the heart of the leader of the Fuso samurai!

Face Rogue who stands in his way.

His hands were clearly holding the hilt.

But in any case, he did not dare to pull out his weapon.

I only dare to tremble while moving backwards.

“The overlord color domineering is really powerful.”

“In the face of weak enemies, you can directly let them all exit.”

“In the face of enemies of the same level, it will also suppress their strength backwards.”

“People who are not determined enough.”

“Don’t even dare to pull out your weapon and fight me!”

Looking at the trembling and majestic Fuso samurai leader in front of him.

Rogue has a deeper understanding of the overlord-colored domineering.

Before, he thought that this overlord-colored domineering was just a divine technique to clear out the miscellaneous fish.

But now it seems.

Even against opponents of the same level.

The effect of overlord color domineering is still powerful!

Between thoughts in the heart.

Rogue had also come to the head of the Fuso samurai.

“Thank you for giving me a deeper understanding of the overlord color domineering.”

“As a thank you.”

“Let you die a little faster!”

After saying such a word to the leader of the Fuso samurai.

Rogue in front of the leader of the Fuso samurai.

Use armed color domineering to cover your arms.

Then he punched out suddenly.


The fist hit the face of the leader of the Fuso samurai head-on.

The leader of the Fuso samurai was directly shot in the head.

Turn into a headless corpse and fall to the ground!

Until the last moment of his death.

He also did not get rid of the fear brought to him by the overlord-colored domineering.

Just stand in place obediently.

Burst his head by Rogue!

“No wonder anyone who can become an emperor of the sea.”

“You will definitely master the overlord color domineering.”

“Just this powerful suppression effect.”

“It’s simply invincible in its class!”

After once again sighing at the overlord-colored domineering effect.

Rogue looked into the ghost village.

That one except for Rogue and Arashi.

The only ghost girl still standing.

“Thank you for your help, human.”

“You are the benefactor of our entire ghost clan.”

“We will thank you!”

Rogue looked at the ghost girl at the same time.

The ghost girl also dragged her scarred body.

Came to Rogue’s face and thanked Rogue.

Look at the one in front of you who is a head taller than yourself.

The horns on her head are blood-red ghost girls.

A smile appeared on Rogue’s face.

A girl from the ghost clan who came to Fuso Country this time, one of the two targets.

Finally able to start negotiating!

“My name is Rogue, and she is my companion Arashi.”

“As you can see, we came with good intentions!”

Rogue and the ghost girl began to negotiate.

And out of trust in the benefactor.

The ghost girl also told Rogue her name:

“Liuli, my name is Liuli.”


Rogue nodded.

Pointing to the unconscious ghost clan and the Fuso army on the ground, he said

“We’ll talk about the rest later.”

“Now it’s better to get rid of these Fuso samurai and soldiers first.”

“Then wake up your people!”


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