
Step into the treasure house of the imperial palace of Fuso Kingdom.

The first to enter Rogue’s eyes.

It’s a mountain of gold made of gold bars!

There are fifteen piles of these gold mountains.

Each pile is stacked up to a full five or six meters high!

“Shhh! There is so much gold here? ”

“If only it were all converted into federal coins.”

“How many federal coins can I exchange it for?”

Look at the pile of gold in front of you.

Rogue’s heart was full of amazement!


After the initial amazement.

Rogue reacted quickly!

“There’s a lot of gold here, but in my current situation.”

“But it’s not enough to take all this gold away.”

“And compared to gold, these treasures.”

“Or Fuso Shenmu has a greater effect on me!”

“So, find Fuso Shenmu first.”

“Wait until there is enough space.”

“Let’s think about taking some gold with me again!”

Take your gaze off the pile of mountains of gold.

Rogue’s gaze.

Continue looking in other directions to the palace treasury.

And the treasures in this palace treasury.

And it didn’t disappoint Rogue either!

Famous knives, treasures, cheats, treasures…

Countless treasures are categorized.

Placed in various locations in the palace treasury!

The treasures that Rogue had seen in his previous time all added up.

Not as much as he saw in this palace treasury today!

“Earn a lot! This wave is definitely making a lot of money! ”

Look at this piece of treasure that you can take at your disposal.

Rogue couldn’t stop smiling.

“Neither Arashi nor I have suitable weapons.”

“But after today.”

“As long as we get out of here, our weapons can be dropped!”

“There are also cultivation cheats.”

“The cultivation secret I got from the Navy in my previous life.”

“It’s just to the armed color domineering entanglement.”

“And the same level of domineering cheats.”

“It is unlikely that there are higher-level domineering secrets in this Fusang Palace.”

“But there are higher-level armed color domineering cheats, that’s for sure!”

After pressing down the joy in your heart.

Rogue came to the area where he visited the cheats——

“Universal Stream Armed Color Domineering!”

“Rizhao Stream is armed and domineering!”

“A knife stream is armed with color domineering!”

“God is domineering!”


Look at this domineering cheatbook for all genres.

Rogue was amazed again.

“When I was in the Navy in my previous life, I remember the instructor who taught domineering said.”

“The domineering cultivation method mastered by the Navy is universal flow domineering.”

“In addition to the general flow, there are many improvements under the strong.”

“Out of a new direction, a domineering path slightly different from the general flow.”

“But these are generally in the hands of the great powers in the eastern seas such as Tianxing, Fuso, and Dongyue!”

“Today, I finally saw it.”

“The domineering cultivation is not the same as the general flow domineering qi, it is dense!”

Between thoughts in the heart.

Rogue picked up the domineering cheatbook and began to flip through it.

Take a look at the difference between generic genre domineering and these other genre domineering.

“Rizhao flow is domineering, inclined to defend and speed, but attack worse than general flow.”

“One knife flow, extremely good at attacking, but the defense is much worse!”

“God Yinliu is domineering and good at concealment, but he is a little worse at probing!”


After flipping through the cheats of different genres.

Rogue found that these cheats compared to the general flow.

are highlighted in some places, inferior in some places, and not much better than the general flow!

“The advantage of generic streams is comprehensiveness.”

“The way these other schools practice.”

“It’s about weakening one direction to strengthen another.”

“In general, the genres are similar.”

“There is no saying who is strong or weak!”

After understanding this.

Rogue also canceled the idea of changing the domineering cultivation method.

Directly put away the general flow domineering cultivation method he needed.

“This Fuso’s universal flow weapon color domineering cultivation method.”

“The highest can reach the level of armed color domineering release.”

“As for the highest level of armed color, domineering supreme armament.”

“There are no cheats at this level, you can only break through by talent!”

“So, let’s go see the weapons next!”

“My own weapons, plus Arashi’s weapons.”

“Well, there is also Liuli, Liuli must not be allowed away.”

“So take advantage of this opportunity to prepare Liuli’s weapons as well!”

With the domineering cultivation secret code he got.

Rogue came to the area where weapons and armor were placed.

“A weapon in this palace treasury.”

“All of them are valuable weapons that have reached the level of famous weapons.”

“Armor is also a treasure made by top craftsmen.”

“I hope I can find what I want!”

Look at the handle of the weapon and the armor.

Rogue looked for the same.

A few minutes later.

Rogue stopped looking at the weapons and armor.


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