Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 2 2Don’t catch me uhhhhhh? !

Chapter 2 2. Don’t catch me, uhhhhh? !

Barbarus, night, in a medium-sized village.

Hades was holding a crossbow, leaning against the earth wall, and aimed the crossbow tightly at the door. His whole body was tense and motionless.

A rustling chuckle came from outside the door. The wooden door panel seemed to have been scratched with nails, and yellow-green poisonous gas could not stop seeping into the house from the cracks in the door.

Hades stared at the door.

A strangely slender pale finger stuck out from the top of the crack in the door, and it was still stained with black and purple mucus.

It slid down unhurriedly and reached the position of the door bolt. The moment the mucus touched the iron door bolt, rust instantly climbed onto the iron, and a half-new iron door bolt was suddenly stained with rust.

Hades predicted and raised his crossbow. He only had one chance.

The chuckle started again, caressing Hades' ears.

The finger reached down, and the door bolt was cut smoothly like tofu, and fell to the ground with a muffled sound, ending its working life.

A huge strange human face stuck to the top of the door and stuck its head in. The pale pupils that took up half of the face peered curiously into the room, looking for its toys.

In a flash of lightning, the moment the alien probe entered the room, Hades instantly pulled the crossbow, and the arrow shot straight through the air towards that ridiculously huge eye!

At the same time, without hesitation, Hades picked up the dagger, holding a crossbow in one hand and a dagger in the other, and rushed towards the door. This alien body called the Pale Smiler looked like a long-legged spider. Even if the door was blocked, Hades could You can run out from under its legs!

Hades thought about it and rushed out and ran into the cornfield. These aliens were not the slave-catching teams of the lords, but just groups of guys wandering in the poisonous fog. They had very low IQs. They attacked the villages just to Eat.

Ordinary Pale Laughers will not leave the group and move slowly, which means that as long as Hades runs out of their sight and out of the monsters' hunting circle, there is a chance of survival!

The weird smiling face seemed unaware of Hades's resistance, and the arrow penetrated straight into the monster's pupil.


Crimson blood spurted out from the eyes and got stuck at the door. The monster's legs were twitching wildly! The huge pain makes the smile on people's faces even weirder!

Hades ran out from under the monster's feet. He used his dagger to block the long legs that were dancing crazily, but his left arm still received a severe blow! Blood splatters!

Running out of the house, Hades saw that there were four or five Pale Laughers wandering around the village, and their tragically dead bodies were held high above their heads. He recognized Haidila, who had played with him, and her The entrails are sprinkled on the face of the pale smiler, and the limbs are still struggling——

Hades felt his teeth bite his lower lip, and a trace of blood flowed out. Anger and unwillingness gripped him tightly at the same time, and his brain was running rapidly——

——If the gap is too big, the only option is to run away.

Without a trace of hesitation, adrenaline amplified his senses to the extreme. He ran desperately towards the white cornfield outside the village, his heart beating fast, and the wind blew rapidly by his ears.

The pale Laughing Man chased him closely, its insect-like pointed feet making a squeaking sound on the soft earth.

Hades could feel its wrath, the monster screaming behind him.

——Almost there!

Hades jumped into the towering cornfield. The corn leaves scratched his face and hurt him. He ran desperately for his life, and the poisonous mist billowed around him - he was running towards a place where the poisonous gas was thicker. But he had no choice!

When you are weak, you can do nothing but run away!

Hades didn't know how long he had been running. He kept running, running, running. The sounds behind him gradually became smaller, and the hoarse roar was far behind. Gradually, only the sound of wind and corn were left in his ears. The crackling of leaves.

——The monster is back——

This kind of gregarious monster will not run very far on its own. In Barbarus's food chain, they are also at the middle and lower levels.

He made the right bet.

Hades stopped running when he reached the cornfield at the very edge of the village.

The effect of adrenaline wore off, and Hades' chest hurt. He didn't know whether it was the pain from the impact of his heart, or from inhaling too much poisonous gas - or both.

His legs were shaking, and his left arm was dripping with blood. Under the influence of the poisonous gas, the wound had begun to show signs of pus.

Hades looked around first to make sure there were no monsters around.

He tried to tear off his clothes and bandage himself. In Barbarus, bleeding is extremely dangerous, which means that you are more likely to be discovered by predators, and it also means that poisonous gas can kill you through your wounds.

This is why Hades decided to bandage him first and then find a place to stay overnight. Wandering around bleeding was not a good choice.

He tried it a few times, then found that his hands were almost frozen—they held the dagger and crossbow rigidly in place.

He had to wait for a while, trying hard to regain control of his hand. Finally, the feeling in his hand returned. He used a dagger to cut off a piece of the hem of the long-sleeved shirt underneath, and then made a tattoo on his left arm. A simple bandage.

No herbs, damn, he forgot them.

Finally, he shook his left arm, and blood stains appeared on the torn sleeve. There was still a smell of blood, but the bleeding had stopped.

There is no way to clean the wound or remove the smell of blood. The water that can be obtained directly on Barbarus is contaminated, and drinkable water needs to be filtered in advance.

Hades realized that he was still too careless. He could have brought a kettle and herbs, but when he was suddenly interrupted by the attack, he only took weapons and a gas mask.

Still careless.

This means that the time ahead will also be difficult.

Hades gritted his teeth. Now there was no part of his body that was not hurting. The little porridge he drank for dinner was not enough for the amount of activity he had just had. His limbs were weak and his mind was empty.

In other words, now whenever a poisonous toad attacks him, he will have to kneel down.

He reloaded the crossbow, put it back in his arms, held the knife, and walked staggeringly in the cornfield. He knew that there was a newly dug small grave in the nearby cornfield, and the carriage containing the corpse of the deceased was also there. There, he can find some cover there.

However, in fact, Barbarus never showed mercy to the weak.

A noisy sound rang out from a distance, and Hades hurriedly got into the depths of the cornfield. He was half-crouching, covering the wound with his hands to prevent the smell of blood from escaping.

As time went on, Hades could clearly distinguish those sounds.

The sound of footsteps, howls, the unique roar of steam vehicles, and the squeaking of tank tracks.

grass! ! ! Fuck fuck fuck! ! !

It's the fucking high-level alien lord's slave-catching team! ! !

Did Hades really want to send it here today? ? ! !

Although the puppets who had been witchcrafted by the lord had no sense, they could easily distinguish the smell of blood in the poisonous gas. Hades did not expect that he would not be discovered.

In an instant, a huge net soaked in poison accurately landed on Hades' head.

Hades didn't struggle. He couldn't open this kind of thing with his own struggle. He could only desperately make the desperate choice of not moving for the time being and maintaining his physical strength.

He was dragged out of the cornfield and roughly stuffed into an overcrowded truck bed.

He looked around numbly, men, women and children, all crying in despair.

There is no chance of winning, no chance of winning at all, a huge power gap, in this world full of absolute malice.

This is the world of Warhammer, where weakness has always been the original sin.

He can't save anyone, not even himself.

Despair and exhaustion seized hold of Hades at the same time, and he passed out.

Hades was crying like a bastard who had his toes stepped on today.

Well, torture, torture, torture, Xiaoshaoyiqing, the fate of the protagonist, a novice, still needs a few chapters, after all, he is still young at this time, and it is the world of grimdark.

The author tries to strike a balance between being abused and unparalleled.

Later, when he becomes the Death Guard Astartes, the male protagonist will have an unparalleled moment.

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