Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 50 48. Confidence Can Shake

Endurance, 7th Company single training room.



Hades was holding a war scythe and was quickly dodging the sword from the opposite battle server.

The giant six-blade combat servo slashed towards Hades mercilessly with the wind of the sword and the roar of the chain saw!

I saw Hades quickly holding the scythe to repel the incoming chain saw. The scythe wind struck through the air like lightning. Countless tiny sparks broke through the air from where the scythe and the chain saw connected, and disappeared in the wind of the sword instantly. middle.

For a moment, one person and one machine fell into a stalemate, and there were afterimages on the field.

One moment, the battle server had the upper hand, forcing Hades to retreat continuously. Another moment, Hades saw through the next few steps of the battle server, slashed with his scythe, and regained control of the situation.

At this moment, there was no sound in the entire room except for the sword wind piercing the air and the hand-to-hand combat.

Hades's pupils were dilated, with no distracting thoughts in his mind. There was nothing else in his mind except the six roaring chain saw knives opposite him.

A few days ago, the scene I saw in the duel cage seemed to reappear before my eyes.

In slow motion, Hades saw the series of moves of the battle server!

That's it!

Hades slightly adjusted his center of gravity, took a small step to the right, and a sharp blade passed by him instantly.

A confident smile quietly bloomed on Hades' face——

At this moment, in his eyes, the opponent's originally extremely fast attack frequency was unfolding in front of his eyes as if in slow motion.

Easily evasive, full of flaws!

Following the example of the veteran's cool move with a big sword on the duel cage, Hades turned sideways to dodge an attack, changed hands with the heavy scythe, and pulled out a beautiful scythe!

Then, he leaned forward and hooked, interrupting the opponent's attack rhythm. After the transformation, his huge body was completely exposed to the opponent's attack range, but Hades was not afraid at all.

Because the next blow will be your death!

As if aware of Hades's thoughts, the six-wall chain saw knife roared down, as if to hug Hades in his arms——

The silent war scythe roared.


The roar of the chain saw blade faded feebly, and the chain saw that had been rotating rapidly was gradually losing power and stopping.

The red light on the top of the battle server flashed eagerly, like a silent cry for help, but within a few seconds, the flashing frequency began to slow down.

Eventually, it goes out.

Hades stood in the middle of the training cage, his scythe blade drooping.

Opposite him, the battle server less than three steps away from him stopped.

Then the top of the battle server shook a few times,


From the waist of the battle servo, a split incision completely cut off this behemoth!

When Hades saw that the battle server that had beaten him for more than a week had finally been sent, he couldn't help but let out a bad breath from his chest.


From being helpless at the beginning, being chased by a full training cage, to being able to withstand a few moves, to being able to completely see through the attack trajectory of this battle server, and even being able to pull off a handsome scythe, like Hades It took a whole week!

Among them, he was chased and beaten for four days!

Looking at the body of the battle server lying on the ground, the mission of bullying that veteran Blanca deliberately set for him had been completed. Hades felt that he could go to Blanca and start the next step of training.

Hades shook the scythe casually, subconsciously trying to shake off the flesh and blood on it, but then he realized that he was hitting the battle server and there was no need to shake it off.

However, as Hades swung the scythe, a crack appeared on this weighted version of the training scythe, like ice that was about to break, with cracks layer by layer.

What Hades didn't know was that a normal-strength training scythe couldn't cut the Type 3 combat server at all. Just now Hades relied on his subconscious intuition to find the weakness in the combat server, and then relied on brute force and The opponent was split open with great speed.

The door to the single training room was suddenly opened, and Blanca strode in, followed by a technical sergeant carrying a multi-functional backpack.

As they entered, the door shook violently, and the scythe blade in Hades' hand ended his life gloriously, falling into pieces.


Ah, this.

Hades suddenly felt that he should not just split open the machine that had beaten him for a week.

The technical sergeant saw the combat server cut in half in the training cage, and the red light on the helmet flashed rapidly.

He stretched out his hand and put it on Blanca's shoulder in front of him.

[explain? ]

Hades saw Blanca freeze for the first time.

So.that's the situation now.

Hades sat carefully and cautiously next to Blanca, and the two big men sat on a row of chairs under the training cage, looking a little cramped.

The tech sergeant, with the red light on his helmet flashing wildly, stood in front of them, pacing back and forth.

Low Gothic words that Hades didn't understand came quickly from the Techmarine's helmet.

At first, Blanca was still arguing with the technical sergeant, but then all she could say was a feeble "Yeah, yeah, yeah".

[You just assign tasks to new recruits like this? Go straight to Type 3 and let the new recruits break it? ? ? ]

[Blanca, I know you are stubborn, but it shouldn’t be difficult to evaluate the combat power of each recruit, right? ]

[You only lead two soldiers, how can you handle this? ? ? ]

[I know you think recruits can't match Type 3. To be honest, I think it's outrageous too, but that's not the reason why you haven't paid attention to the recruits' training progress for a week. ]

[No way? No way? Blanca, have you really not paid attention to the progress of the new recruits? ]

[Legion expansion, equipment manufacturing is already busy enough, but you tell me that now I have to step down from the production line to repair the battle server for you? ]

Blanca didn't have the toughness he had before. Originally, he wanted to say a few words, but he looked at the battle server that fell to the ground and split into two halves.

Moreover, the technical sergeant opposite - Alberto, is a veteran who joined the army with Blanca. Because he took the path of technical sergeant, he delayed his military promotion. Otherwise, Alberto would be about the same as Blanca now. Where to go.

What's more, the other party had twice dug himself out of the dead during the battlefield maintenance mission.

Hmm. He really didn’t expect the new recruits to be so good at fighting.

Blanca mentally fired a bolter at the Hades villain.

Then he sat down obediently and listened to Alberto's scolding.

Just when Hades felt that dinner time was about to come, the door to the training room opened again, saving Blanca and Hades.

Enrique, the casting master, was walking in. When he saw his teacher coming, Alberto immediately stopped complaining and stood at attention to salute.

[Sorry, teacher, Alberto will return to work soon. ]

Enrique glanced at the training cage and instantly knew what had just happened.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, being able to cut Type 3 down to this level is terrifying.

Previously, Alberto was irritated by the sudden new maintenance task, and Blanca was busy dealing with Alberto. Both of them subconsciously downplayed how difficult it was to do what Hades did.

But Enrique thought that it would be a pity for a Type 3 to break down during this period, but now

Praise the God of all opportunities!

Enrique looked at Hades,

"Hades, you need to make amends for your destructive behavior."

"But given the negligence on your part, this was through no fault of your own."

"Therefore, I have decided to give you a lighter punishment. You need to come to the foundry hall to help during your free time during every Terran day for two months."

Hades looked at Enrique opposite, why did he feel so wrong?

Happy reading (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ

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