Chapter 630 78. Oil Man Forum

【Athens Academy-Forum】

[Topic: Why Pluto is God]

[Poster: Call for Hades (Lv2)]

[1st Floor: Call for Pluto (LV2):

First of all, why do we call Hades a god? Because he is a god, so we call him a god.

Secondly, since Pluto took office, the production volume in my area has increased by a fucking 3.54 times. The design and improvement of the assembly line are all the content of the first and second sections. You can say that the information provided by the academy is not in your possession. Efficient - but it provides us fringe explorers with an opportunity to easily obtain resources.

Once again, the conservative faction is telling me about doctrine. Which old bastard in the forging world doesn't do some "archaeology" of his own? Now Mars and the major forging worlds are taking the lead in the innovation process - I don't want to miss this opportunity, so we have to believe in Pluto, Pray deeply and pray hard to kill all those opposition parties.

This is why Hades is a god.

[2nd floor: aaa collects No. 3 engine oil (LV1):

Don't open another post. There is a post specifically for you to praise Pluto. The first three pinned to the top are all.

+3. 】

[3rd floor: 87356hdsu (LV2):

Explorers care about the production efficiency of the region, don't they generally follow the ship? 】

[Reply: (Owner: Call for Pluto (LV2)): 3.54 times. As long as the thinking engine is not an antique from 4076 years ago, everyone knows what this means. By the way. Our ship has begun to discuss finding a planetary governor who is stupid and rich in money for long-term cooperation. 】

【4th floor:. (LV1): +3]

[Reply: Not wearing red robe (LV1): +3]

[5th ​​Floor: Gears are stimulants (LV1):

Random inspection, so did the poster pray for Hades today? 】

[Reply: (Owner: Call for Pluto (LV2)): Pray big and special, pray well.

Reply to reply: Gear is a stimulant (LV1): I also pray, don’t squeeze. 】

[6th Floor: Standard Academy (LV2) *Banned for violations*:

+1, I agree with the original poster. For thousands of years, the Mechanicus has been a vassal of various military legions, and technicians in the eyes of the planetary governors - I think we all know that only Pluto can lead the Mechanicus to glory. Don't be fooled by the outside world. Confused by the foolish words, only Pluto can save the Mechanicus.

I reiterate my point, only Pluto can save the Mechanicus, not Om Messiah. Pluto does not become noble because of Om Messiah, but Om Messiah is Pluto, so we believe in Om Messiah. Ya.

Think about that person ten thousand years ago, how did he treat us? I don’t want to say more, I understand everything I know, and I don’t understand even if I don’t understand. 】

[7th Floor: Making money is the first motivation (LV2):

I looked at the original poster’s homepage and it’s in the Herrera sector. Are you interested in going to Terra Mars to make a pilgrimage to Pluto? Let's get a boat together. 】

[Reply: (Original: Call for Pluto (LV2)): Pilgrimage has been written into my underlying logic code, but I am in the most remote Nebula area of ​​the Herrera sector, and the ship cannot leave currently. I have to wait. At least five years.

Reply to the reply: Making money is the first motivation (LV2): As expected of an explorer, he is just busy.

Reply to the reply: The original poster: Call for Pluto (LV2)): Oh, I was exiled by the Great Master in the first place. As long as my performance is not as good as he expected, the source of knowledge will be cut off and sent to explore far away. .

Reply to the reply: Making money is the first motivation (LV2): I still have ideals, dig hard, explorers are betting on turning around, and I heard that Pluto is also recruiting explorers recently.

Reply to the reply: The original poster: Call for Hades (LV2)): This is the true God - he knows who is useful and who is a worm of the Mechanicus.

Reply to the reply: The original poster: Call for Hades (LV2)): When and how do you plan to go to Terra? The location is too remote and I can't see the distance. The journey will take at least three years.

Reply to Reply: Making money is the first motivation (LV2): I don’t know that Roderich, who is three star districts away from the Herrera star district, has started to build a slingshot? It was the empty frame that was completely unusable before, but this time Pluto personally ordered Roderich's Forge World and work has started again.

Reply to the reply: The original poster: Call for Pluto (LV2)):? ! 】

[8th Floor: Call for Pluto (LV2):

Thanks for the good news Brother Qian, I will pray deeply first, you don’t have to wait for me. 】

Pictured: A small black stone statue of Pluto surrounded by incense and candles, as well as an incense burner for the ashes of the soulless man and the holy words of Hades.

[Reply: Making money is the first motivation (LV2): You got my gender wrong.

Reply: Hahaha (LV3): There are also the ashes of the soulless ones... Professional, I am afraid that the author may have fainted from praying. Praying deeply, can his soul bear it? 】

[9th Floor: Hello Tomorrow (LV4):

The poster doesn’t want you to be unable to pray to Hades. 】

[Reply: Hahaha (LV3): The boss of LV4, taking a group photo.

Reply: 73446 (LV1): Group photo.

Reply: Making money is the first motivation (LV2): Great Sage, can you tell me something? 】

[10th Floor: Hello Tomorrow (LV4):

I can say that now is the best era for the development of the Mechanicus. The great sages who have contacted me have begun to make moves. New projects are being established one by one every day, just waiting for Pluto to make a move. I suggest you follow up as soon as possible.

Now as long as you don't touch the direction of psychic energy and develop towards people's livelihood, military industry, and environment, some "small innovations" are welcome.

As for the traffic talked about in the forum, I will only say one thing: this area has long been monopolized, and we cannot shake the status of Fa*s - unless you feel that you are extremely talented and want to challenge their 10,000 years of accumulation.

In addition, there are forces within us that oppose Pluto, but they are few and stubborn, but I would say, they are completely vulnerable.

There is nothing to say. Pluto is the trend now. He can be called a saint just by relying on a knowledge sharing and reconstruction sharing network, not to mention solving the pollution of chaos.

They are all sages, and there is nothing to say. They get on the bus early in the morning, and serve on the table if they can’t get on the bus. They serve as dishes by themselves. 】

[Reply: Socks tied with wires (LV1): What do you think of the anti-Pluto forces outside the Mechanicus?

Reply to Reply: Hello Tomorrow (LV4): It’s hard to say, this part is very complicated and too confusing, but I will only say one thing, if you are from the Mechanicus, and the forging world you belong to is neutral, or is close to the Hades sect. , then it’s a good thing to take the initiative to stumble these guys who don’t have thinking engines.

Reply to reply: 765438 (LV5): The analysis is correct, Pluto has now tied himself to the chariot of the Mechanicus - compared with other forces, the Mechanicus is a force directly under his command. , the large foundry world has already voted, individuals should not go against the trend.

And, if you have nothing to do, pray to Hades more often.

Reply to reply: Hello tomorrow (LV4): Nice to meet you, can we chat privately?

Reply to reply: 765438 (LV5): Yes. 】

[11th Floor: a111aa added me privately (LV1) *banned for violation of regulations*:

Pluto photos, videos, Macragge apparition videos, armor fragments, signatures, a hand of soulless ashes, soulless embryos, add me privately. 】

[Reply to the original poster: Call for Pluto (LV2)): 1. 】

*The system automatically searched for prohibited words and prohibited transactions, and this post was banned*

*Danger level: low, automatically shut down, not inspected by Pluto. *

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