Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 87 81. Don’t go, I’m afraid

The machinery roared in the casting hall, casting was done day and night. Fine gold, ceramic steel, plastic steel, a large number of materials were swallowed up, and were decomposed and reshaped into representatives of strength in this behemoth.

The foundry hall, which was originally bustling with people, now only had a few technical sergeants walking around.

Most of the sages from Mars have returned to the transport ship at this moment. Some biological sages and food sages stayed behind. They took their large and cumbersome academic troops to station on the star ring of Barbarus. In the name of the Emperor, or in pursuit of knowledge, he chose to stay and transform the strange planet of Barbarus.

Hades stood silently next to the workbench of the casting master Enrique, watching Enrique write a letter of recommendation.

On the thick parchment, the black cipher text was densely packed. After a preliminary peek, Hades believed that this was a binary cipher language using at least three keys.

Enrique was concentrating on writing a letter, and the wool pen in his hand was shaking constantly. This is a type of writing that requires extremely high precision. Moreover, in the light field invisible to others, on Enrique's arm, there was a Hidden laser dots are also engraved with cipher text at the same time.

This is a caution unique to the Mechanicus.

Each technical sergeant recommended by the Legion to go to Mars will hold a unique recommendation letter. This letter will be completely engraved with the genetic code of the technical sergeant and the Martian secret pattern of the forging master who recommended him.

The Mechanicus Church grants them different keys and writing skills according to different legions. At the same time, the unique way of writing letters also ensures that only the forging masters of the legions can write.

This is just to ensure that no one will pretend to be someone else.

Enrique thought while writing, even if there are so many twists and turns in the end, he, Hades, is not from our casting hall!

What about Gallo, what about Barasin, in the end it was Enrique who picked it up!

Although some unpleasant things have happened recently, as rational technical sergeants, everyone in the foundry hall is very calm.

The technical sergeants who have long been educated by the Martian God Cult are quite tolerant of similar concepts of "gods".

Moreover, they had been negotiating with the Mechanical Sage, and they recovered quickly afterwards.

However, the demand for promethium fuel and deflagration weapons has greatly increased.

After this incident, the other company commanders completely forgot about the casting hall recruitment. As a result, when the Mars transport ship was about to leave at the end, only Hades came over to sign up.

Did you see it? This is the appearance of Ohm’s Messiah. The person they want most in the foundry hall is here!

As if to prevent Hades from regretting running away, Enrique's pen wrote faster and faster, faster and faster - even in the enhanced vision of the Space Marines, afterimages were quickly rubbed out.

Hades watched Enrique write, silently classifying them, putting all his important memories into his left brain and locking them.

Then - he saw the strange mechanical sage walking silently in the corridor.

"That. Master of Forging?"


As Enrique wrote, he happily asked Hades what was wrong.

"I once met a mechanical magus on a path on the left side of the fourth floor of Endurance."

"He was walking alone on the path, and there were no servants around him."

Enrique was still immersed in the encrypted message at the moment, so he said casually,

"You are wrong. There will be many people around the sage, at least one technical sergeant from the legion will follow him."

Hades blinked, then emphasized his tone and said seriously,

"I'm sure I saw it correctly. It was a lone mechanical sage who met me opposite me on the corridor and then left."

Enrique's hand that was writing frantically trembled suddenly, and he stopped writing instantly.

Damn it, the laser hit it wrong and I have to rewrite it.

But now is not the time to write a letter.

Enrique raised his head and stared at Hades seriously,

"Is what you said true?"

"I swear what I said is what I saw."


Forging master Enrique began to make crazy deductions in his mind.

A lone Mechanicus? !

Impossible, impossible.

The technology on the Death Guard is all provided by Mars, and Enrique and the others have not developed other technologies themselves. Moreover, even if the original Twilight Raiders captured alien technology in previous battles, they would report it to Mars.

The technology of the Barbarus system was surveyed and evaluated by the legion's technical sergeants and the Mechanicus.

For these mechanical sages who possess the latest technology, there is no need for the Death Guard to be inspected by them!

Moreover, a sage who has escaped the surveillance of the Foundry Hall will be exposed in front of a new recruit? !

High probability. It won't be.

Enrique's eyes moved to the left side of Hades' head.

It is said that the left brain of this recruit is a technology given by the Emperor.

Those crazy mechanical sages don’t think so!

no! Absolutely not!

If you can’t send people to Mars, they will never come back!

Mars is far from being just one of the two-headed eagles of the Empire. Mars itself has a complex sect, and the sages are involved with each other.

Enrique was studying on Mars at the time, which was actually a semi-closed study provided for them by the pro-Emperor faction on Mars.

But there is a high probability that a sage is eyeing Hades.

Mars has its own sphere of influence. Compared with the relationship between superiors and subordinates, Mars and the Empire are more like cooperation, with a lot of independent rights. The Empire's power is difficult to touch its management, let alone a single legion! Enrique stared at Hades for a long time before he slowly spoke, "Hades, did someone recommend you to go to Mars, or did you go there voluntarily?" Hades was shocked when he heard this question, but he pretended to be studious and ignorant with good acting skills and answered naturally, "Voluntary." "What's wrong, Master Caster?" Hades looked at Enrique curiously, and Enrique seemed to have a stuck trachea. He froze for a moment before saying, "Hades, this time you are the only one applying to go to Mars. There are too few people and it is not convenient to operate." "Or, you can wait until the next time the legion sends soldiers to Mars on a large scale." ? ! Hades was stuck. Brother, I went through five levels and killed six generals before, and persuaded a group of people to let me leave, but I didn't expect to be stuck here? No, Hades should leave quickly while Sister Silent is on the fleet. Otherwise, he will miss this opportunity.

Moreover, this is the mission given to him by Malcador. He has to go!

So, Hades launched an offensive, looking at Enrique with disbelief and eagerness to learn.

"I'm very sorry, but I really want to leave this time. Otherwise, I guess I won't have a chance in the future."

Enrique gritted his teeth secretly. He hadn't met such a suitable seedling for learning mechanics for a long time, and he also knew that Barasi didn't want to let Hades go.


No, so far, there has been no case of Space Marines going to Mars to learn death. The worst case is to join the Dreadnought. Hades shouldn't

Moreover, the Legion Commander also went to Terra. Will... will there be any problem?

Enrique thought intensely for a long time in his heart. Finally, he slowly took out a new piece of letter paper from the table. The dark green background spread on it. Enrique took a deep breath and started writing again.

"Hades." Enrique shouted, "Hmm?" You can't say it directly, some sages have the technology to check people's memories. "When you get there, although the factory is half-open, try not to go to the wasteland." "Hmm." Hades nodded and watched Enrique rewrite, "Also. The Death Guard only sent you this time, so try to get in touch with the technical sergeants of other legions." "I recommend you to find the technical sergeants of the Imperial Fists or the Iron Hands. They usually receive some training in the legion in advance, and the Mechanicus has a good relationship with them." "Of course, there are also Iron Warriors, but I don't recommend you to find them. They are sometimes very irritable." "The Salamanders are also very good warriors. You can get in touch with them more." Salamanders. If Hades really gets into trouble, these kind and somewhat stubborn warriors may come out to do something. "The rest, the technical sergeants of the Dark Angels are just here to go through the motions. Don't provoke them, just respect them." The Dark Angels have the technology to break away from the Martian Mechanicus. "And the Space Wolves, stay away from them."

Space Executioners, the legions are reluctant to contact them.

"The rest, the Blood Angels, Warhounds, and Ultramarines are all disciplined and honorable warriors. You can contact them. Although they are not too special in technology, their legion culture is awe-inspiring."

The last noun was written down, a binary name encrypted five times-


Pick up the letter, Enrique read it slowly again, and then he sighed unconsciously again.

"Hades, learn things well, although Mars is mysterious, but don't hang around."

"Take care of yourself, stay with the soldiers of other legions often, don't be alone."

"If learning technology is too boring, you can go to learn from the soldiers of other legions, but don't make it unpleasant."

Enrique took out a dark green and beige envelope, folded the letter and put it in.

The pale fire wax composed of nanomachines dripped slowly, Enrique picked up the seal and printed the badge of the Death Guard.

He stared at the letter.

The last letter was still in dark red and grayish white.

But none of this mattered. Enrique looked at Hades, his eyes full of thoughts,

"Study hard and protect yourself."

"If there is an accident, apply for early return."

Hades blinked. Why was this scene so déjà vu?

He even felt kindness in this burly master of casting.

Enrique looked at Hades deeply again,

"Protect yourself."


Mortarion stood on the deck, the tall and thin figure of the Primarch was like a still dead tree.

Somewhere in his soul, his children were calling him.

They were reluctant.

But separation was necessary, they needed to grow up.

He also needed to grow up.

Mortarion took a deep breath, the respirator was buzzing, and then he stepped onto the black ship.


Uh. Um. Ah?

Being watched!

Due to the reorganization, many Barbaros moved into the area of ​​the 7th Company where Hades was located.

When he went back to get his personal belongings, many people opened their doors and stood to welcome him!

In the long corridor, the doors of all the recruits opened. With a shout, everyone stood at attention and silently performed an eagle salute for Hades who passed by.

Respect the strong.


Hades was calm on the surface and walked forward unchanged, but in fact he was in chaos inside.

Before on Barbarus, he had never been so warmly welcomed and paid tribute due to his physical condition.

However, the sound of heavy footsteps interrupted Barbarus' tacit understanding.

"Go back and have a rest!!!"

"Tomorrow the new soldier company will undergo high-intensity physical training!"

Blanca's roar echoed in the hallway.

In the long corridor, the door that had just been opened closed instantly, and there was silence for a moment.

Well. Hades looked across and Blanca walked towards him angrily.


However, Blanca rushed over, gave Hades a strong hug, and then let go,

"Good boy, you still want to run."

With a hearty smile on Blanca's face, she continued on her way with Hades.

"You don't know what you've done."

Although Blanca could not be told the whole story, he knew that the integration of the legions, which originally seemed quite difficult, has now become much easier.

Most of the credit for all this must go to Hades.

Unexpectedly, the recruit who looked timid at first turned out to be much stronger than he expected!

Despite that fantasy, Blanca didn't care at all.

Before that fantasy came, he probably would have died in that corner without knowing it.

In fact, the original Blanca died in the massacre of Istvan V. He did not experience the corruption of the Legion, and the illusion had a slightly smaller impact on him.

Compared with the unreasonable worries of the recruits, Blanca knows that the present is the most necessary.

After all, at least a quarter of the recruits would not survive the Legion's first campaign.

But he will try his best to take this one with him.

There are so many old guys who want to die, but it’s not the turn of the new recruits yet.

But for now, send Hades away first.

Even if Blanca doesn't understand why Hades is still obsessed with going to Mars under such circumstances, wouldn't it be good for him to work here and break into the management?

Hades' room arrived, and Blanca stood at the door, waiting for Hades to clean up.

Hades looked at his empty room and actually had nothing to take.

A few changes of clothing, a scythe, a detonator, a melta gun, a flamethrower, a melee combat dagger with a wide health bar, and a Barbarus heavy machete.

In a sense, except for the scythe obituary, everything else about Hades is standard Death Guard equipment.

Hades blinked and let the servitor come in and take away these items.

In the deep universe, the emblem of the forged world of Mars is heavily imprinted on the huge ship, and the skeleton surrounded by gears is forever thirsting for all the truth in the world.

The engine roared, and the plasma tail flame slowly dragged across, creating gorgeous water waves in the void.

Next to the huge transport ship, countless escorts and cruisers turned around nimbly like small fishes, igniting small flames to follow their mother.

However, even the huge Mars transport ship is only a drop in the bucket compared to the Glory Queen-class Endurance next to it.

The cruisers and battleships of the Death Guard dispersed according to predetermined trajectories, making way for the Mechanicus fleet surrounded by them.

Hades pressed himself against the glass of his room and looked out——

The bow of the ship is extremely pointed, and the whole ship is smooth and streamlined. That is the Fourth Knight.

The one that looks heavy and slow overall, with a distinctive bifurcated bow, is the Terminus.

There are also the Horns of My Dead Lady, the Horns of Death, and the Horns of Depression.

The flagships of these Death Guards passed by the window one after another, turning into small bright dots.

The Mars transport ship slowly accelerated, its engines advanced step by step, and soon the fleet sailed away from the arms of the Death Guard and rowed into Mandeville Point on the edge of the Barbarus galaxy.

Here, the fleet will tear down the barrier between reality and subspace, and enter the pre-planned subspace channel without affecting other ladders in the galaxy.

Geller's position was opened, and the subspace waves of magnificent disillusionment were lapping at the boundaries of reality.

Next stop, the solar system, Mars.

Goodbye, Barbarus.

Goodbye, Death Guard.

The 14th Legion chapter is over! (≧▽≦)

Next article, Mars!

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (_)

By the way, My Lady of Death is my own translation. In other translations, she is translated as "My Lady of Death"

Its original English text is "My Death Lady"

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