Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 101 The Last Era: The Law of Darkness

The tail of the propulsion dragged and stretched behind, and the Endless Frontier was driving on a background of a "brilliant" galaxy. The whole battleship seemed to be sliding through a sea of ​​stars, and the huge scarlet background shone around the battleship. A disturbing light, the light of the Eye of Terror itself.

Cole stood nervously on the bridge. He looked at the gorgeous but dead starry sky outside the window. The dead silence was not because there was no sound, and there would definitely be no sound in a vacuum. What was really dead was the communication channel and the radar scanner. .

The battleship's aurora array continuously scanned the surrounding space, but the response was suffocating silence and cold, nothing, nothing at all.

There is no beacon, no identification response from the hull or any man-made objects, no communication and no feedback frequency bands, there are only sound waves shot from the bird into the void, and then hit those lifeless icy asteroids.

The surrounding asteroid belt floated and gathered along the gravitational point of the star, and those icy galactic creations wandered aimlessly around the battleship, and this was what made Cole uneasy.

Yes, he is very restless and creepy, no guns and no enemies appear, the Emperor! The battle of Cadia has already started, and the battle of the apocalypse has been fought on the main star. All kinds of guns are fired and the earth is broken and churned, but here, since there is no enemy near the area closest to the Eye of Terror.

Yes, that's what makes Cole uneasy, because there are only two possibilities, first, they're in the wrong place, and second, they're walking into an ambush ring.

It was very quiet on the bridge, and everyone maintained a dead silence, as if they were afraid of missing any accidents, especially even Ragnar kept absolute silence.

The young, energetic wolf cub now stood silently between his brothers and looked at the display screen together. The monitor operated by Omega reflected the surrounding situation, the radar reflection coordinates of the asteroid belt and the unresponsive communication channel.

The four fighters all looked at the screen quietly, falling into absolute silence like all the dead environment around them. It would be fine in normal times, but this is Cadia, and they are almost sailing on the edge of the Eye of Terror. There is no information about the enemy or us, as if the place has been deliberately emptied.

Vito also looked at the screen with his chin resting on his shoulders, and he also looked at the display screen with a little confusion. He glanced at Lilith, who shrugged slightly to express a negative attitude.

There are no chaos ships nearby, at least within the range of Lilith's senses, but it is not ruled out that the eye of fear's chaotic position reaction superimposed on the surrounding asteroid belt will make her sense wrong.

Vito raised his eyes and looked at the astronomical unit that tore apart the galaxy. The chaotic entrance of the Eye of Terror was churning with power not far away, and the destructive force from the subspace was seeping out of it, turning the surrounding stars into incomparable Dead silence.

According to the scan results, there are no normal signs of life on it, yes, the normal ones are gone, replaced by those distorted life forms in the subspace, some life that you will never see.

"Omega, strengthen the radiation scanning, maybe you can find traces of ships passing by from the background of the galaxy." Vito said, Omega nodded slightly, and the mechanical arm quickly switched to move on the control platform, and soon switched to the radiation scanning method channel.

The four giants all leaned forward. They clustered behind Vito and Omega and looked at the green display screen. The faces of Vito and Omega were also illuminated by the green light, which became very weird and peculiar.

A short scanning sound suddenly sounded, and Cole turned his head abruptly and strode to the side of the screen. Two men, four supermen and a cyborg looked at the screen together, but in general it was seven men. .

A trace appeared on the scanning screen, a trace that seemed to be left by someone walking through the snow. It was the tail flame trace left by a giant warship sailing past the surface of the galaxy, and the traces of radiation left by its plasma propulsion had not dissipated , outlining the range where a battleship once existed.

"Check its whereabouts." Before Vito gave this order, Omega had already completed the task efficiently. He switched the map of the radiation traces to the screen, and the rainbow-colored traces were heading towards the back of the battleship, and at the After a certain distance, it gradually weakens until it disappears.

"Passing in front of us? That's from the subspace." Lancelot said, he obviously believed that the ship was a traitor ship under the banner of Chaos, but Olaf had a different opinion.

The old wolf pointed at the map and said seriously, "No, it may be a trick. If we can also think of scanning radiation traces, then the traitors will too. I know Sven Bloodhowl. He is a seasoned hunter. Hunting and tracking on the ice sheet of Reese, he knows the importance of camouflaging his own activity traces and luring prey to underestimate the enemy and ignore his own existence."

"You mean, Sven Bloodhowl Wolf Lord might be disguising? The radiation traces were disguised by him? But how did he do it? We didn't find any traces of driving behind us." Bell asked suspiciously, indeed This is a problem, no matter how Gorehowl intends, but he needs to come here first, and the scan did not find any traces that should appear when he arrives here.

Olaf shook his head obviously unable to answer this question. The giants looked at each other in confusion, but it was Captain Cole who had rich sailing experience who finally answered.

Cole pointed to the edge of the map and the location where the radiation appeared, "If it were me, I would sail with high power outside this area, then turn off the propulsion engine when approaching, rely on inertial sliding to get here and start the engine to turn, thus forging a I'm an illusion that popped up here."

Cole is indeed an experienced captain. Although he is not sure if he has done such a thing, it is obviously very logical. Both Vito and Omega nodded in agreement.

"But the question is, where is the wolf lord?" Ragnar said, looking at the people around him, "We must find the wolf lord before we can perform our duties."

Vito looked at the screen and was silent for a moment, then turned his head to look at Cole silently, and the latter immediately understood that this guy came up with a bad idea.

"Omega, turn on the communication. Let's send out a broadcast from the public channel to ask people around." Vito said that Bell objected immediately, and he walked to Vito's side and looked at Vito sideways.

Bell looked serious and stared at Vito threateningly, "Judge, if we send out communications on the public frequency, we will be exposed immediately, and all ships around will find us, including possible chaos ships!"

"We will be under siege! Once we die here, we will not be able to complete our mission! We must go to the target location to find a way to wake Lord Luo Baote! We cannot lose sight of the other!"

Vito turned his head and looked at Bell coldly. He could understand Bell's mood, but he must also wake up this Ultramarine who was blinded by the possibility of awakening his father.

"This is what the Emperor himself requested, remember? Celestine told us directly. Bell remembered that we first need to obey the will of the Emperor."

Bell swallowed it just as he was about to open his mouth. He had nothing to say and then backed away. Olaf held his shoulders and encouraged his brother with his eyes, and Bell nodded silently.

"Olaf, come broadcast and say in Fenrisian, if Sven Gorehowl can hear, maybe he will believe us." Vito said, pulled out the radio microphone and handed it to Olaf, the tall giant clamped it with his fingers the microphone.

The old wolf put it to his mouth and looked at the starry sky outside. He was silent for a moment and then said in a thick, majestic voice like the Fenris Icefield.

"I am Olaf Great Axe. I am from the sea wolf Dalian and obeyed the wolf lord Engil Siren. I am now dispatched to serve in the Deathwatch battle group. My brothers, can you hear my words?"

Olaf's words were over, replaced by a dead silence in the channel, everyone looked at each other, just when they were about to give up, suddenly the alarm sounded loudly, and the warning red light illuminated the entire deck.

All the artillery and weapon arrays are turning to aim at the rear of the battleship, and the void shield also starts to charge automatically.

"Report!" Cole yelled, and the first officer looked nervously at the scanning screen and then raised his head and shouted, "A strange battleship appears behind! It is speeding up! Armed!"

"We're targeting it! Ready to fire!" "Wait!"

Vito shouted and raised his hand to signal, and Cole immediately raised his hand to signal that no fire was allowed. The captain turned to look at Vito, and the judge was also looking at the approaching red dot.

Vito sighed and pulled out the phone, and suddenly Vito spoke in Fenrisian.

"I'm Vito Constantine, who are you?"

The silence lasted for a while, and then the channel suddenly flashed an echo, the voice was like a roaring giant wolf.

"I'm Sven Bloodhowl, Space Wolves Bloodhowl Dalian Wolf Lord, glad to see you again, Judge."

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