Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 116 End Yan Era: Mysterious Army

Vito was riding on the coastal road, and the wheels of the motorcycle were galloping on the road. He sat on the back of the car and looked towards the coastline beside him.

The fine dust and particles flying in the air kept hitting the motorcycle, but Vito was used to the feeling of riding in the wasteland and desert. He liked to feel the surging power of the crimson motorcycle under his crotch, and felt its powerful force. An infusion of strength and an exuberant drive to be awakened.

Vito's eyes turned to one side, he looked at the ocean.

The sea level of the Caspian Sea has dropped a lot. It used to be a well-known coastal road in Kazakhstan. Vito has been here several times in the past.

It used to be a national park scenic spot. According to the legend of the Kazakhs, the Kazakhs looked at the hot desert and the barren grasslands sadly, so they prayed to the gods for mountains, forests, rivers and oceans. Give it to the Kazakh people together.

This is Astrau, the "Pearl of Kazakhs"

The first time Vito came here was around 1938. At that time, he had just returned to the Soviet Union from the East, brought the news of Yan'an back to Moscow, and passed through this beautiful land on the way.

This is not the first time he has come here. In fact, Vito has been here a long time ago. It was probably during the Mongolian Western Expedition, but he really felt the beauty of this land in 1938. Later, he Been here a few times too.

But now, this beautiful land is a thing of the past.

In just a few centuries after the Earth fell into an age of strife

, wars between technological barbarians, and warlords and warlords have caused this place to lose its former beauty.

After the doomsday nuclear exchange of the "Great Judgment", Astrau was reduced to dust, and now there are only barren Gobi and dry riverbeds left here, and even the water level of the Caspian Sea has dropped significantly.

What was once a sea is littered with stranded ships and lonely Caspian oil rigs, some of which have been repaired and restarted to power the bases ahead.

Vito propped himself up on the motorcycle and looked towards the base. The man-made base was in front of him, and it was also his destination.

The motorcycle drove off the expressway, crossed the deserted Gobi road and entered a narrow river valley, which used to be a tributary of a big river, but now the rushing river has long since disappeared, leaving only a dry riverbed.

Vito stopped in the river valley, turned over and got out of the car with the sniper rifle on his back.

He climbed up one side of the high bank, which now looked more like a hill, and climbed up to hide himself among the exposed rocks at the top.

He lay down on a loess slope, the scope of the sniper rifle followed his eyes to look at the target ahead.

At the entrance of the base, a truck drove into the base. The vehicle was obviously very wasteland punk style. The truck was put into the base after being briefly inspected and questioned by the guards at the gate.

Vito looked at the punk guards. Although they tried their best to dress like a regular army, the characteristics of their clothes were still not much different from those of the technological barbarians.

Vito put down the scope and looked at a truck coming on the road in the distance. The truck was driving on the road unhurriedly, and that was Vito's target.

Vito slid down the hillside with his sniper rifle on his back. He quickly caught up with the moving truck and jumped into the truck.

The truck arrived at the entrance of the base. The barbarian guards with guns on their backs communicated with the driver outside the driver's seat. Another guard lifted the curtain of the truck and looked inward. Vito among a bunch of boxes, or if he's paying close attention, the boxes are out of place.

But obviously the guard on duty deserved the word careless. He patted the driver's door and shouted something in Ushgan, and soon the truck was moving again.

Vito let out a sigh of relief and put down the dagger in his hand. He hid behind the box and peeked out through the gap between the car panels.

This is a qualified base. It seems that its owner rebuilt it from a dam on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Although the river bed here has long since dried up, it no longer has any meaning as a dam, but its new owner It was carefully transformed into a fortress on the ground.

The truck was parked in the garage, and Vito quickly got out of the truck before the unloading workers started working. He took a stride and hid in the shadow on the side to peep out.

The workers who had been waiting for a long time began to move the goods, and they began to move the goods under the command of the commander's foreman.

The commander kept yelling and urging them in a violent tone. He was obviously not a local, and his workers were almost a mixture of all races from the entire original Eurasian continent.

Among them are people from East Asia, the Middle East, the South Pacific Islands, Europe, and even people from the Arabian Peninsula who were turned into a desert of death in the nuclear explosion.

Ethnic groups and tribal people, various languages ​​and accents are mixed together to make this place look like a national brigade.

Vito was going to grab the foreman and ask him where his boss was, but he stopped before Vito could do it. If the African secret society gods wanted to kill someone, and they made such a big fuss, maybe that person was also with the gods. The stick shaman wants him dead, so it is very likely that this person also has the same "magic power" as the secret society

Peers are enemies, right? Although Vito was also surprised at the significance of them coming all the way to kill a wizard across half of Central Asia, maybe this could provide Vito with some help.

Vito put away the dagger, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He spread out his spiritual energy, trying to find the "powerful wizard"

To his surprise, it didn't take much effort. In fact, it was very easy. The man's psychic power was so strong that it took only a moment for Vito to find his position and direction.

Vito turned his head and entered the base from the working corridor on the side of the unloading area. He walked through the corridors of the base, between the stairs and the open dam structure like a ghost.

There is an army gathered here, and many barbarian warriors with various weapons and equipment gather here. They look more formal and disciplined than ordinary technological barbarians, and you can get a glimpse of it from their clothes.

Unlike the guards outside the dam, these secret troops hidden in the huge base are neatly dressed, and most of them wear armor and uniforms that are very classically aesthetic in ancient Terra.

Wearing crowned helmets, muscular breastplates, Roman straps, and battle shields, etc., Vito also vaguely saw a group of soldiers holding modified spears. They formed a large group and passed through the open central road. Purple banner.

They were dressed in a distinctly Byzantine style, and some of the other cohorts looked like ancient Persian legions of the undead. Vito had fought real undead legions and he could recognize their costumes.

Vito watched the troops from the cloister above, was the wizard nostalgic? All weapons and armor shapes can be described as "a tribute to the classics"

The officer dressed very similar to the centurion of the Roman Legion stood on the box. He waved the dagger in his hand and commanded the team. The legionnaires with the large shield walked in front of him neatly, as if the Roman Legion had traveled to the present. Same.

This is a real army, well-disciplined and orderly, very different from the technological barbarians in the desert outside, and their existence is obviously not as a guard of honor.

Vito looked down at the huge army, "Is this old shaman ready to go to war? With Wushgan?"

But Vito still walked through them like a ghost that didn't exist. If anyone in this world is the most suitable assassin, then it is definitely Vito.

He was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand and used his psychic energy to open the ventilation fan on the opposite side of the corridor. Vito stepped on the handrail of the corridor and jumped out, flying over the heads of the marching brigade.

He volleyed in the air and stepped on the summoned psychic pedal. Vito flew across the air like a chivalrous knight in a martial arts novel. He landed on the narrow working corridor opposite and got into the ventilation fan.

Vito walked in the ventilation duct with the gun on his back, the huge fan blades were turning slightly behind him, and the sound of his footsteps echoed endlessly in the empty duct.

He walked through the ventilation ducts, and burrowed through the maze-like passages like a mouse, but he was not blind. He followed the source of the psychic signal and soon arrived at the destination.

Vito bent down in the narrow duct and sat behind a grid panel. He looked at the tall figure in the laboratory under the grid, and a powerful telepathy signal emanated from him.

Vito watched as he took out a small folding crossbow arrow, and he took out an arrow coated with nerve poison from his pocket, which he learned from the aborigines of the Indonesian archipelago in Oceania.

They know how to make a highly toxic nerve venom, which can cause brain overload and necrosis in the moment of being hit, resulting in rapid brain nerve death. It is often used by locals to deal with wizards or psychics, depending on what you want to call it up.

After putting the arrow on the bowstring, Vito gently lifted the grid, and then lightly landed on the ground. There was almost no sound when he landed. He stood up and aimed the arrow at the back of the burly shaman's head.

"If you don't want your head to bloom, you'd better not move around." A thick voice said, and Vito almost immediately pulled out his revolver and pointed it at the man's head.

Beside him was an equally massive, tall man in gold armor, coiffed in a distinctive mohawk, and armed with a halberd mounted on a gun of a monstrous caliber, which The astonishing weapon was pointed at his own head.

"Hello, Vito." The tall "old shaman" put down his work and turned to look at Vito, who also showed a surprised expression.

"Old bastard?"

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