Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 146 The Last Era: Tomb of the Angel

Dazzling electric sparks spewed out along with the work of the cutting gun. Lancelot walked through the busy servants with a sword in his hand, and the burly black-armored giant walked from the boarding deck of the crashed battleship with big strides. However, this place has been emptied, and with the assistance of efficient machine servants and mechanical priests, this place has been cleaned up and disassembled first.

Today, this place exists as a transportation base. A large number of still usable parts of the ship are disassembled, grouped and transported here, and then transported by the heavy transport plane on the deck to the Infinity Frontier hovering in planetary orbit.

The self-loading vehicles are driving back and forth, almost all of which are controlled by the wetware of the Mechanicum, and those unmanned vehicles that are advanced by today's standards and completely incomprehensible to the locals are running in an orderly manner .

Lancelot watched those unmanned transport vehicles coming in and out in an orderly manner under the huge arch leading to the depths of the ship. They work with astonishing efficiency.

A whole group of machine servants walked up from the landing deck at the rear of the battleship. The soulless machine servants formed a square formation, walking into the ship in a square formation like a military parade.

A huge line of machine servants passed by Lancelot, and the Caliban knights stopped to watch them. The line of machine servants stopped neatly at the end of the deck hall, and a servo skull flew past from nowhere. The mechanical head passed by Lancelot's ear like a fired bullet.

The servo skull hovered in front of the army of servants, and a mechanical voice sounded from its speaker, "Disassemble team 1, go to the fire control deck to disassemble all available pipelines, panels and indicating components." "Receive orders."

A whole line of servitors separated, and they set off in a new team.

"Disassemble the 3 teams, go to the propulsion platform, dismantle the sub-propeller array, and wait for transportation." "Accept the order."

Another group of machine servants left, and following the instructions sent by the servo skull one after another, the entire huge army of machine servants was divided into several parts and began to move forward.

Lancelot watched the machine servants enter the interior of the ship, presumably it would not take long to check, and the disassembly and transportation work would be over.

Everything here is directly responsible by the Mechanicus. According to the oil guys, such a sacred ancient creation of the God of Mechanisms cannot be touched by idlers. Only those who have converted and received the blessings of the God of Mechanics and the original power can ascend here.

Therefore, it was taken over that the Mechanicus prohibited anyone from boarding the ship. They only brought a large number of servants on board and began to check, scan and organize the data. They only extracted the data of the Great Crusade era from the main control computer, the weapon blueprint and The sailing map took a whole day.

But fortunately, Cole then directly ordered these idiots not to do anything, hang up the censer first, and then kowtow to the machine and sing poems. Why don't he let Ragnar go in and exchange Fenris culture with them? Greatly improved.

But they still stubbornly refused anyone to board the ship. Of course, the space fighters were excluded. After all, no matter how crazy they were, they would not dare to be mad at the space fighters, so Lancelot and his brothers were also on board.

Just as the Mechanicum firmly believes that only they can dismantle this ancient battleship, the space marines also have a job that only they and they must complete.

Lancelot strode out of the battleship. He stepped off the landing deck, and beside him, a large number of mechanical servants, mechanical equipment and heavy equipment drove by.

He stepped off the deck, and then turned straight into the forest. Lancelot walked in the silent forest, and the burly giant walked through the forest like a huge beast.

Soon, the roar of machinery, the pungent smell of diesel and lubricating oil disappeared in the distance, replaced by the fresh smell of the forest, the fragrance of the soil, the birds singing on the branches, and the breeze blowing from the woods Pass, with the rustling of bushes and tree crowns.

The sun shines from the top of the tree canopy, and the tall trees grow together. The sun is cut into countless fine spots and shines on the ground, but the bright forest is also lit by the warm light.

Lancelot stood in the woodland, looking at the little sunshine above his head. The Caliban knight took off his helmet and looked up at the sky. The fragments of the sun shone on his face, and his slightly pale face was warmed. Illuminated by the sun, it suddenly became so friendly and bloody.

Lancelot opened his eyes, those azure eyes reflected the sunlight, and a little bit of light turned into stars on his pupils. Lancelot took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

This place really made him homesick. He still remembers how it was when he was a child, playing in the woods, swimming by the lake, skiing on the high mountains, and riding a horse across the endless grass.

Mountains, lakes, forests and charming small towns, all those memories resurfaced in this forest. He didn't know if he would have a chance to return to his hometown, but it must be something different.

Space Marines are doomed from the moment they join the battle group, board the starship and sail to the stars. They will not rest in peace in their hometown, but die fighting for the emperor among the stars.

They will never see their hometown again in their whole life. After they leave, the partners, friends and relatives they once knew will leave in just a hundred years. The life of mortals is short and fleeting, but the space fighters They would fight for the Emperor for centuries, until he summoned himself to the Golden Throne.

So Lancelot doesn't know if he wants to go home and have a look. Many space warriors are like this. They don't know that when they go back to their hometown, they find that everything is different, and they stand on that land like a stranger. how will it react.

So many soldiers, especially veterans, are like Lancelot. They put everything on the battle group. It is not for nothing that the space warriors have an indescribable sense of belonging to the battle group. Apart from the role of gene seeds, there are more The reason is because this is their only home, the only place they can call home.

It is painful for an Astartes to die far away from the warband, but if the place of death itself is beautiful, it may also make up for this regret to a certain extent.

Lancelot continued to move forward. He walked through the woods. The tall giant passed through the beautiful forest and came to a cemetery in the depths. At least the function of this place is a cemetery.

There are countless grave mounds in a forest glade. They are piled up one by one by bricks and stones. A weapon is inserted on the mound, and a battle helmet is buckled on the top.

The sun shines between the tombstones, long shadows extend in the cemetery, and the silent forest surrounds the surroundings. The clear and crisp songs of the birds are like an eternal lullaby, soothing these soldiers who will never sleep.

Ragnar brandished a shovel to dig this new grave, and the son of Fenris sweated profusely. He poured a large pile of dirt outside the excavated pit. He was digging the grave of the space warrior, and all the graves here were also dug by him. .

Tired, but Ragnar didn't complain, it was a great honor and honor to bury his brother.

Bell knelt beside a Raven Guard soldier. He cleaned the dusty armor. The high-pressure water gun washed the surface of the armor, washing away all the stains, allowing them to be clean and buried in a decent manner.

Olaf stood aside holding the censer, and he recited the high Gothic requiem. The melodious hymn seemed so sacred, melodious and melodious under the singing of the birds.

Lancelot walked up, and he threw his sword and weapon equipment on the edge of the cemetery, where the other three people were equipped with weapons and equipment. He strode forward, grabbed the shovel and jumped into the pit.

They dug the cemetery, piled up the soil little by little on the sides, the sun shone warmly above their heads, warming the collective cemetery of the Raven Guards.

Their banner was flying on the stone mound in the middle of the cemetery. Olaf and Ragnar specially built a shed to shelter it from the wind and rain, so that the banner could fly forever, among these warriors forever. , That is the silent statement of their life glory.

The sun gradually moved to the west, and they also dug the cemetery. Ragnar and Lancelot climbed out of the tomb, and they helped Bell solemnly put the Raven Guard warriors into the tomb. The movements of these tall giants were so slow and gentle. Majestic, bit by bit, placing their brother in his final resting place.

The Raven Guard warriors put their hands on their chests, stroking the imperial symbol on their chests with their hands, a shovelful of soil began to be sprinkled into the graveyard, and Ragnar and Lancelot raised their shovels to bury it bit by bit.

Bell and Olaf stood aside and looked down at their brother. Bell gestured the sky eagle on his chest, "Rest in peace, son of the raven."

"May the emperor guide your path. After ten thousand years, you will finally go to the hall of glory he prepared for you, where you will gather with all your brothers." Olaf said silently, looking at the Raven Guard A little bit of mud was covered, witnessing the final belonging of his brother.

Olaf turned around and inserted a prepared tombstone in the cemetery. Like all the tombstones here, that tombstone had no name, no military rank, and only a raven and a line of inscriptions.

"Son of the Raven, proud son of the Emperor and of Coraxz lies here."

Ragnar stuck a chainsword behind the tombstone, and Lancelot took a step forward after Ragnar stepped back. He solemnly buckled the helmet on the hilt, straightened the helmet, and let the It can proudly look straight ahead.

Several living giants bowed their heads around the cemetery. After a while, Lancelot looked up at the surrounding cemetery again. The whole land and dozens of brothers were buried. They will be here, in this beautiful forest. Rest in true peace with heaven.

Compared with this place, it will become a holy place, where local people will worship here for hundreds of generations. Priests will come here to sweep graves, bring their young monks to worship here, clean up fallen leaves, dust and care for the cemetery.

People will come here to pay homage to the angels and remember them forever, and the knights will take an oath here to become official knights. Under the witness of the angels, they will be more firmly loyal to the emperor.

Hundreds of generations will have been guarding this place, and perhaps a well-known and well-known family will guard this place. This must be the most glorious mission. Guarding the resting place of angels will be their eternal glory, and also Eternal responsibility.

"Have all the brothers rested in peace?" Lancelot asked softly, Bell nodded slightly and looked around the peaceful cemetery, "Yes, all the brothers have rested in peace, they will sleep here, not in the dark underground."

"This is a good place, I want to die here." Ragnar said with a smile, he raised his head to look up at the warm sun, and the canopy rustled with the breeze blowing over their faces.

Olaf nodded slightly, nodding to the tombstones one by one. The old wolf's eyes showed more mourning than the young warriors. He knew that he might rest somewhere before them.

He didn't really care where his resting place was, and he believed that these warriors did the same, they did what their hearts wanted, died honorably for the Emperor, for the Father of Genes, that's the greatest thing a warrior can do for sure.

However, it is not bad here, it is indeed good to sleep peacefully in a paradise of singing birds and flowers.

"Where's the judge? Where did he go?" Olaf asked, while Lancelot shook his head slightly, "I don't know, he was in a bad mood when he came out, so he left without saying anything."



Vito is indeed gone, but not very far.

On the mountain far from the cemetery, Vito sat there on the mountainside opposite the beautiful lake, looking at the cemetery and the resting soldiers.

He said a silent farewell, the letter in his hand.

That letter from the old man, a silent farewell letter.

He sat on the mountain, the breeze lifted the hair on his head, he sat alone, maybe even when he was resting.

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