Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 186 The Storm of Destruction: The Book of Vito

"Have you discovered anything new? Omega." Bell walked in the long space of the Infinite Frontier, the porthole that could have looked at the starry sky was completely covered by the armored window, and the pale lighting in the corridor was reflected on the laminate. cold light.

The wriggling snake-like mechanical arm beside Bell also reflected the same light. The countless mechanical arms under the Omega red robe were slowly swinging, and half of his mechanical face was also bloodless under the incandescent light. It had already been completely completed. The steel bulkhead around the mechanized face is as cold and unforgiving.

"You and I conducted the last round of experiments together, Bell. According to the final calculation results, we have not made any new progress." Omega said in a cold mechanical voice, and that voice was just like what Vito had commented on many times. ecstasy.

"I know, but I think you may have conducted other experiments after I left to patrol." Bell said as he walked, he was still fully armed, wearing a full set of weapons and equipment on his power armor, grenades and tactical short knives. On the belt, the precise bolter is carried at a position ready to be drawn and fired at any time.

Although he was inside the ship, Bell still stubbornly kept fully armed. One of the reasons is that the scripture stipulated that when sailing in the subspace, the monks of Astartes must maintain a state of combat readiness at all times, and keep their weapons with them at all times to deal with possible incidents. Warp trouble, like a demonic invasion or something.

The second reason is similar, they are now in the Eye of Terror, and Bell wants to keep his weapons and equipment with him at all times, God knows when he will use them.

"I did try, but there is still no new progress in the research results of the old enemy blade, maybe we should change the research idea." Omega said, his mechanical eye turned counterclockwise, and the data information was read from the surface of the prosthetic eye. Swiping across, he is calculating all the time like all followers of the Mechanicus.

Even now that Omega is conducting experiments, Bell knew that he was too anxious. He stopped and looked sideways at Omega who was much shorter than him.

"Sorry, Omega, I'm too anxious, but please do your research in the way you think is correct. If you can study even a little bit of the Penetrating Enemy Blade, it will be of great significance to me and my battle group."

"Of course, Bell, I will continue to conduct research, and I will notify you immediately if there is any new progress." "Thank you, old man."

Omega's machine watched Bell stop calculating, "I will return to the laboratory, where there is still a lot of work waiting for me, how about you? Pharmacist."

Bell patted the bolter on his back, "I'm going to patrol the bottom deck again, the Chaos Beasts there haven't been cleaned up yet, I don't like those creatures wandering around the ship."

"See you next time, Omega, I wish you good luck." Bell nodded and said, Omega also nodded mechanically, "Although good luck does not conform to any calculation logic, I wish you good luck, Bell. "

Omega walked into the corner of the corridor, Bell watched Omega leave and then walked towards the elevator.

The entire corridor was silent, and there was no one there. After all, it was lunch time, and most of the sailors were eating and chatting in the mess hall. They also had work in the afternoon, and they would not return to the rest area.

Bell walked along the empty corridor alone, his heavy footsteps rumbled on the ground, Bell was very happy that the roof here was effectively raised, so that he didn't have to always bend over like on other battleships up.

Bell raised his arm and looked at the terminal plane on his arm. The green fluorescent light shone on his face. His eyes scanned the data and information on it. They were all real-time dynamic data about the Infinity Frontier, and every transaction on the ship Progress, readiness and accidents are all displayed on it.

Just like every qualified Ultramarine, Bell has faithfully complied with the requirements of the scriptures, and must grasp the latest situation in real time no matter when and where, so as to make the most rational and efficient on-the-spot judgment at any time.

Some people say that they follow the holy scriptures too much to the point of blindness and fanaticism, but Bell thinks that is nonsense. The holy scriptures are the most complete and reliable tactics and strategy guide written by Lord Guilliman. Anyone who does not follow the holy scriptures Classical people are foolish.

Just when Bell updated the information he had in accordance with the requirements of the scriptures, he heard footsteps. It stands to reason that there should be no one here now.

Bell raised his head to look at the source of the voice, a black figure suddenly flashed from the corner at the end of the corridor, Bell frowned and lowered his arms in which direction to go.

He approached the shadow, but the shadow suddenly walked quickly into another corridor. This action made Bell immediately alert, and he immediately pulled out the bolter on the side of the tactical backpack and held it in his hand.

"Soldier, report your name, military rank, and serial number." Bell warned, but the figure didn't respond. He continued to walk quickly in the corridor, as if he was trying to escape.

"Stop the soldiers! I order you to stop immediately!" Bell shouted and aimed at the front sight of the bolt gun, but the man suddenly turned into another corridor and avoided Bell's gun in time. The Ultramarines immediately noticed the situation Something was wrong, and he approached the corner corridor step by step with a bolt gun in his hand vigilantly.

When Bell approached the end of the corridor, he suddenly accelerated, and with an extremely precise tactical movement, he raised his gun and pointed it out. He strode into the corridor and raised his gun to aim at it, but there was no target in the sight of Bell's tactical helmet, and the man disappeared. up.

There was also a door open in the corridor, which seemed to be the door into a rest cabin. Bell leaned forward slowly with his gun in hand. After he approached, he realized that this was Vito's room. His private cabin on the ship has always been a He is the only one who can go in and out, and recently Judge Lilith has been added.

Bell walked outside the gate and looked at the opened biological lock. He held his gun in his hand and peeped in vigilantly. After some thought, Bell slipped into the dormitory with an apology to Vito.

Here, as Bell expected, Vito has always focused on the enjoyment of life while traveling, whether it is his private shuttle Aquila or his bedroom.

Bell's tall frame seemed cramped here, and he was forced to bend slightly so he wouldn't be knocked against the ceiling, but he still scanned the bedroom with respectable vigilance, except for Vito and Lilith's bed. There is no one here outside the messy bed and clothes that have not been tidied up after exercise.

Strange, isn't that person here? Bell walked to the innermost part of the room. He walked to the big mahogany desk and looked towards the corner blocked by the gauze curtain. There was no one there either. It seemed that he had found the wrong place.

But just when Bell was about to leave, his eyes were attracted by the things on the table. Bell looked down curiously at the stacks of books, scrolls, etc. on the desk, and there were more on the bookshelf on one side.

Bell looked at the book placed on the desk, his thick steel fingers flipped over the cover and looked at the golden title on it, "The Chronicles of the Beast Wars Volume One" With a name, a name that I am all too familiar with.

By Vito Constantine.

Bell frowned and took down several other books and scrolls with the power palm of the armor. He opened them and looked at the contents one by one. The Truth About Death" "Double Emperors - Nova Terra Wars"

Bell was surprised to see these books with explosive content, which would 100% be shot down by the trial court as heresy. The information recorded in it was very shocking, and many of the contents far exceeded Bell's understanding and greatest expectations. .

Not only that, there are other books here, even older records and even books are equally old, "Chronicle of the Unified War of Terra", "Early War of the Great Crusade", "Roster of the Twenty Legions-Exclusive to the Marshal", "Horus A Complete History of the Rebellion—The Death of Hope, etc.

These books are extremely old, even re-bound many times, but each book or some should be called notes, and their authors all have Vito's name written on them impressively.

Even those unsigned scrolls, casually recorded work minutes, record sheets, and diaries are all written in Vito's handwriting, exactly the same and completely written by the same person.

Bell looked at the content in astonishment. Vito recorded a lot of things in detail. He wrote down everything from the Terra Unification War to the present. Many of the contents were unheard of and could almost completely subvert the entire empire history concept.

"How does he know these things, no, he is a witness to these things." Bell immediately came to this sensational conclusion, and almost immediately his communication channel rang, it was the voice of the boarding deck.

"Judge Vito boarded the ship. They came back. The ground crew and the state church team came over immediately, ready to maintain and pray to purify the chaos pollution."

Bell closed the book called "Second Reich" and got out of Vito's room with a gun in his hand. He walked towards the tarmac, and he decided to ask everything clearly.

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